Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series)

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Until Next Time (The Shooting Stars Series) Page 9

by Michelle Maness

  “We were starting to worry,” Julia informed them as they gathered their things and entered the house.

  “Adam was worried about his mom and we stopped by there first. She wasn’t home but she left a note that she wouldn’t be home until tomorrow night,” Katherine shared. “I figured rather than sitting alone, Adam could join us for lunch.”

  “One more certainly won’t make a difference,” Julia smiled at him. “Your aunt and their entire gang, as well as Mama, and your dad’s aunt are all coming here,” she added to Katherine.

  “You’ll get to meet some of the ones you haven’t met and see Grandma again,” Katherine smiled at Adam.

  “I prepared the spare room in the basement; I started repapering the two extra upstairs rooms and had to stop to get ready for the holidays,” her mother shared.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Mayfield; I appreciate you letting me stay,” Adam offered sincerely.

  “Call me, Julia, and you’re welcome here any time,” she assured him.

  “Thank you, Julia,” Adam nodded and swallowed hard.

  “I’ll show Adam to his room,” Katherine volunteered.

  She led him to the basement and turned on the lights before turning to him.

  “Are you okay?” she asked him as she slid her arms around him; he slid his arms around her as well.

  “I didn’t expect your mom to be so accepting of me, Kaitlyn; I’m pretty sure I’m not the kind of guy she prefers for you to date.”

  “My mom likes you, Adam, she always has,” she assured him.

  “I’m going to bid your parents good night and then I am going to get some sleep,” Adam informed her and gave her a quick kiss before releasing her.

  “Sounds like a good plan; I’m exhausted,” Katherine admitted. “You know where the bathroom is, but if you need anything don’t hesitate to ask,” she told him.

  “I will,” he assured her.

  Katherine bid everyone good night and carried her bag to her room and closed the door behind her as she yawned. She was ready for some sleep. She had just finished getting ready for bed when a knock sounded on her door and her mother entered.

  “Hey, Mom,” Katherine turned back her blankets and climbed into her bed.

  “Hi,” her mom smiled. “I’ve missed peeking in on you before bed,” her mother admitted. She didn’t tell her that sometimes she still moved to the open doorway to look at the empty bed and remember those days when her daughter had been there.

  “I’ve missed you guys too,” Katherine smiled in return.

  “Is Adam okay? He seemed a little down,” Julia propped herself on the edge of her daughter’s bed.

  “I think his mom not being there hurt. I just don’t get that woman, Mom. When she calls she chastises him for leaving the factory for college! She’s not there when he comes home for Thanksgiving…she makes me angry,” Katherine admitted.

  “That’s because you care for Adam,” her mother gave her a knowing smile.

  “I do care for him,” she admitted. She smiled and shook her head a moment later.

  “Why are you shaking your head?” her mother demanded.

  “I’m not sleeping with him, Mom.”

  “I didn’t ask,” she reminded her.

  “Not verbally,” Katherine smiled at her mom.

  “Okay, so I’ve wondered,” her mom admitted. “I like, Adam, Kattie, but he isn’t like…” her mom stopped short.

  “Like who? Nathan? You’re right, he isn’t; he hasn’t even tried to get me to sleep with him, Mom.”

  “I’m sorry, Kattie; I’m still flabbergasted every time I think about Nathan putting you in that position. I thought he was such a nice young man.”

  “We all thought a lot of things about Nathan and we were all wrong. The funny things is after the initial sting wore off I didn’t mind that we’d broken up so much. I don’t think I was ever really in love with him, Mom. I just liked him more than most.”

  “I can see that now,” her mother admitted.

  “Why now?” Katherine asked.

  “Because you are in love with Adam and I can draw a comparison,” Julia informed her daughter.

  “I do love him,” Katherine nodded.

  “I guess that’s what scares me, Kattie. But you are an adult and I can’t call the shots any more. Just keep your head about you, sweetheart,” her mother encouraged her.

  “I’m trying to,” Katherine assured her.

  “Your honesty is at times not so encouraging,” her mother joked.

  “I love you, Mom.”

  “I love you too. Good night.”

  “Good night,” Katherine returned. She waited until her mother had shut the door and turned out her lamp. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep.

  Katherine bounded down the stairs the next morning to find her mom already hard at work on dinner.

  “Good morning, Mom,” Katherine greeted.

  “Good morning,” Julia returned.

  “It already smells heavenly in here,” Katherine peered into a crock pot of beans.

  “That’s what your dad said too,” Julia smiled.

  “Where is Daddy?”

  “At the store for the last minute items I realized I’d forgotten,” her mother admitted.

  “There’s always something,” Katherine laughed.

  “You want to go get your boyfriend up?” her mother asked her.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” Katherine teased.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “He isn’t a morning person,” Katherine mused. At her mom’s questioning look she rolled her eyes. “One time, Mom, I fell asleep at his place one time; and you already know about it,” she added with a cheeky grin.

  “Go on,” her mother swatted at her with a towel.

  Katherine moved down the stairs, knocked on the door, and waited for a response. When none was forthcoming she entered the room. Adam was still sound asleep.

  “Wake up sleepy head,” she leaned over and kissed him lightly.

  Adam muttered something unintelligible but never stirred.

  Katherine leaned over and kissed him again, first on the lips and then his jaw before brushing a kiss against his neck just below his ear. She let out a small yelp when she found herself tugged into the bed.

  “What do you think you are doing?” Adam demanded of her.

  “Getting you up for the day,” she watched him smile.

  “You’re certainly doing that,” he informed her.

  Katherine felt heat flood her face, especially when she could feel the evidence of his play on words.

  “Let me up,” she demanded.

  Keeping her firmly trapped, Adam kissed her.

  “My mother is upstairs,” she whispered furiously.

  “You started this,” he reminded her before releasing her.

  “I’m going,” Katherine scrambled up, turned, and hurried up stairs; she could hear Adam chuckling behind her.

  “You okay?” her mother asked when she entered the room.

  Katherine realized belatedly that her face was likely still scarlet. She opened the fridge and started digging for the juice that was sitting right on the top shelf.

  “I’m fine; Adam will be up in a minute,” she assured her mother, “upstairs,” she added.

  “What are you looking for, sweetie?”

  “The orange juice.”

  “It’s right in front of you,” her mother shared as she tilted her head to look at her daughter.

  “Right; I looked right over it.”

  “I don’t want to know,” her mother shook her head.

  Katherine grabbed the juice and shut the fridge; her mother had already seen right through her.

  “Why do men take everything you say out of context?” Katherine demanded.

  “To get a reaction out of us,” her mother was still shaking her head.

  “So all I have to do is not react; sure.” Katherine poured two glasses of juice.

e muffins are in the Tupperware container on the table,” her mother shared. It was a tradition for her mother to make muffins for breakfast on Thanksgiving and Christmas when dinner was going to be so large.

  “What can I do to help?” Katherine asked as she took down two plates and carried them to the table.

  “Eat first and then ask again,” her mother instructed.

  “Good morning,” Adam greeted.

  “Good morning, Adam,” Julia greeted.

  “Good morning,” Katherine said primly.

  His eyes were twinkling when he accepted the glass of juice she offered. Katherine was sure she was blushing again.

  “We keep breakfast light on Thanksgiving,” Katherine shared as she opened the container of muffins.

  “They smell good,” he surveyed the options and selected one.

  “How did you sleep, Adam?” Julia asked as she prepped a pan of dressing for the oven.

  “I slept great. Yesterday was a long day and I was tired,” he admitted.

  “Good. I was relieved to learn that you and Kattie were riding down together. I have to admit I worry about her making the drive by herself.”

  “It is a long drive to make by yourself; that’s why we decided to ride down together.”

  “I certainly wasn’t relishing the trip,” Katherine admitted.

  The back door opened and Walter spilled inside with several bags.

  “Let me get some of those,” Adam jumped up to help.

  “Thank you, Adam.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “You would not believe how many people were at the store,” Walter told them.

  “I would; no matter how hard I plan for Thanksgiving I always seem to forget something. I’m sure I’m not the only one,” Julia was smiling. “Thank you, dear,” she kissed her husband’s cheek.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “So how can I help?” Katherine placed her dirty dishes in the dishwasher.

  “Let me see…I still need to make the pies. You can peel the apples.”

  “I can certainly handle that,” Katherine agreed.

  “Anything I can do to help?” Adam offered.

  “Help her with the apples. I always make two or three or we run out.”

  “Mom’s apple pie is amazing,” Katherine shared.

  “On second thought; you make them this year.”

  “Mom! That’s your special dish.”

  “My mom passed it to me; it’s your turn,” Julia shared.

  “Okay. I’ll probably have to ask you a million questions,” Katherine predicted.

  “No, you won’t,” Julia assured her.

  An hour later, Katherine slid the pies into the oven to bake. She was thrilled when they came out of the oven perfectly brown; the smell of apples and cinnamon wafted into the air.

  “Set the table for me, Kattie,” Julia requested.

  “Give me something to carry,” Adam waited.

  Katherine grabbed the good dishes from the dining room sideboard and handed Adam the silverware.

  “Your family really does things up all traditional, don’t they?” Adam asked her as she started preparing each place setting.

  “Absolutely,” she grinned at him.

  “Thanksgiving before last my mother fixed turkey and dressing TV dinners,” he shared.

  “You are henceforth invited to spend every holiday with us, Adam; those things aren’t fit to feed a dog,” Julia spoke as she entered the room with a covered bowl.

  “Thank you, Julia,” he smiled at her.

  “Welcome,” she turned and disappeared back into the hallway.

  “Does your mom cook at all?” Katherine asked him.

  “She used to,” he shrugged.

  “You break my heart sometimes,” she informed him.

  “That’s the last thing I want to do,” he assured her.

  By eleven thirty the house smelled so good that Katherine was sure she could eat the turkey all by herself. When she heard a car in the driveway, she jumped up to answer the door.

  “Grandma!” Katherine hugged her grandmother as soon as she had entered the house. Adam hung back and watched.

  “I’ve missed you,” her grandmother kissed her cheek.

  “I’ve missed you too,” Katherine smiled. “Grandma, do you remember Adam? Let me properly introduce you. Grandma: Adam Ellington. Adam: my grandmother Katherine Grace Ross, but everybody calls her Gracie,” Katherine made the introductions.

  “It’s good to see you again, Adam,” Gracie extended her hand to him.

  “It’s real nice to see you again, Mrs. Ross; I didn’t realize that Kaitlyn was named for anyone,” he shared.

  “Kaitlyn? Well, that’s a pretty nickname. I guess if you’re going around assigning my granddaughter her own special nick name I better be getting to know you better. Come talk with me,” Gracie ordered.

  “Grandpa dubbed her Gracie,” Katherine explained.

  Adam smiled at her before following her grandmother into the living room. Her Aunt, Uncle, and cousin had entered by this time, the adults carrying dishes of food to the dining room while Angie and Katherine moved into the living room.

  “Who is that?” Angie demanded when she spotted Adam.

  “Adam,” Katherine replied.

  “Boyfriend?” Angie was fanning herself.

  “Yes,” Katherine smiled.

  “Go, Kattie; he’s hot.”

  By the time they were all seated at the table, Katherine had managed to introduce everyone to Adam. Katherine noted that he remained rather quiet as he took it all in as they chatted and laughed around him. When he was asked a direct question he answered politely but otherwise seemed content to observe. After eating, Katherine stood to help clear the table; Adam immediately did the same.

  “Aren’t you going to go watch the game?” Katherine teased.

  “In case you haven’t noticed I am not much for sports,” he informed her.

  “You aren’t, are you?”

  “Nope, I would rather help you ladies,” he assured her.

  “Oh you are going to endear yourself to my family aren’t you? My grandmother informed me she expected to see you here for Christmas too,” she shared.

  “Your grandmother is really nice. You’re a lot like her aren’t you?” he asked.

  “I am,” she nodded.

  “Thank you, Adam. You don’t have to help us; go watch the game,” Julia offered as they entered the kitchen.

  “I am not into sports; I’d prefer to help in here,” he repeated his earlier opinion.

  “You don’t like sports? Kattie, where did you find him?” her Aunt Clara teased.

  “Mrs. White’s first period Advanced Math class; he was a little lost,” Katherine joked.

  “Lost?” Angie frowned.

  “It was my first day and I couldn’t make sense of my schedule,” Adam clarified.

  “Mrs. White had me give him a tour,” Katherine added.

  “So how long have you two been dating?” Clara asked as she scraped plates clean for the dishwasher.

  “We dated in high school and then he left for Detroit and I didn’t see him again until the start of this school year when he transferred to UT.”

  They continued to work, Katherine finally excusing herself and Adam when things were almost tidied up; she explained that she had to take him to his house.

  His mother still wasn’t home. Katherine sighed and shook her head. Her mother had insisted on sending several leftovers with them and Katherine watched as Adam set them in the fridge; it contained a lot of beer but otherwise looked mostly empty.

  “You should get back to your family,” Adam encouraged her.

  “I gave Mom the number here and told her I might be a while,” she shared.

  “Kaitlyn, you should visit with your family while you can,” he argued.

  “I visited with them all afternoon,” she countered.

  “Kaitlyn, go home and enjoy your evening,” he slid his ar
ms around her and pulled her close. “I’m just going to be cleaning and working around here.”

  “So I’ll help,” she insisted.

  “You are the most mule headed, stubborn, beautiful woman I have ever met,” he informed her.

  “Was that an insult or compliment?” she laughed.

  “Both,” he smiled before kissing her.

  “I want to stay, Adam,” she told him.

  “Okay, but I can’t promise Mom will be great company when she arrives.”

  “I don’t care,” she assured him.

  She helped him clean and wash and dry laundry well into the evening with no sign or word from his mother. Once they had finally finished cleaning, Adam suggested they reheat the leftovers her mother had sent and managed to find a couple of sodas buried behind the beer.

  “Thanks, Kaitlyn, I have to admit that it would have been rather depressing to sit here alone on Thanksgiving.”

  “You’re welcome,” she assured him.

  They tidied behind themselves and Adam grabbed his bag from by the door to take to his room. Katherine followed him; his room was the only one that had been neat. Katherine propped herself against the doorframe and watched him drop his bag on the bed.


  “What?” he turned back to her.

  “I’m curious about something,” she told him.

  “What’s that, Kaitlyn?”

  “When was the last time you dated someone as long as we’ve been dating and not slept with them?”

  He shook his head and smiled at her question.

  “A while,” he acknowledged.

  “Why don’t you make an issue of it?” she queried.

  “Kaitlyn,” he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, “I would make love to you in a heartbeat if, first of all you were willing, and second of all, I didn’t think you would hate me the next morning. Considering how much I love you it would be rather inconvenient to have you hating me,” he shared.

  “I just wondered,” she admitted as she snuggled closer.

  “What were you trying to accomplish this morning?” he demanded of her.

  “I was simply trying to wake you up for the day,” she chose her words more carefully, “I figured as out of it as you were, you couldn’t cause too much trouble.”

  “You don’t know men very well do you,” he teased.


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