Deadly Obsession (Deadly Series Book 2)

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Deadly Obsession (Deadly Series Book 2) Page 13

by K. L. Humphreys

  “Okay I know this is going to be hard, but can you walk me through what happened that night please Winter.” I curse silently and take a deep breath. I know I can do this. I go over every single detail again it doesn’t get easier. Soph’s expression is stoic. Detective Yates face has softened a bit, and Detective Jones is looking at the ceiling again. Nobody says a word, and I’m thankful for the reprieve after telling them what happened.

  “Okay Winter, why didn’t you tell the Detectives that it was Mr. Masters when they came to your house the next day to take a formal statement? Why are you only coming forward now?” Detective Yates’ fierce expression is back in full force. My leg starts jumping and I see Soph hesitantly move her hand towards me. I grab hold of it and hang on for dear life. I send a grateful smile her way.

  “Detective Yates, I went to bed as soon as I walked into my house. I collapsed onto my bed and woke up three times that night with nightmares. The third time I woke up and vomited after my nightmare, my phone rang. It was David telling me if I told anyone he would hurt my friend Maddie.” I start crying, and Soph grips my hand tighter.

  “Maddie, this would be the friend that left you in the bar, correct?” I nod. I know she’s only doing her job, but she is making me feel as if I’m a criminal. “Okay Winter can you please continue.” She looks directly at me; she has an intense look on her face.

  “I slept in the bath that night, I was too scared to go back to bed. I went to sleep for an hour or two and was woken by the doorbell. When Officer Jones and his partner spoke to me, I honestly couldn’t remember him at all. I later found out it was my body’s way of protecting me. If I didn’t see who it was, I couldn’t tell.” I don’t say anything else, there isn’t anything else I can say, they will either believe me or they won’t.

  “Okay, Winter, when did you remember who it was?” Detective Jones finally speaks.

  “About two years ago. My friend Sophia was discharged from the army and came home, she realized something happened and when I told her, the first person since I was raped, she took me to the rape crisis center. There the counselor made me look back, and I remembered everything. Every single detail. I had to leave, and it turned out there was a rape survivor retreat in Maui that weekend, I was on the first plane out of New York. I didn’t come home until a few weeks ago.” I tell them, but I don’t look at them, I stare at the table I don’t want to see the disapproving looks or the judgment for not coming forward sooner.

  “Winter why have you waited this long to come forward?” Detective Jones asks, and my head shoots up to look at him, his voice is full of concern. It doesn’t hold judgment or disapproval.

  “Honestly? I was scared out of my mind. He had threatened not only Maddie but Sophia. My best friends, I did the only thing I thought would help. I ran.” I sound fucking pathetic and selfish.

  “I get that Winter, so tell me about the phone calls. How frequent are they and when was the last one?” Detective Jones asks me, and I reach into my purse and pull out the recording, thankful that Nathan is old fashioned and had an answering machine in the apartment.

  “The first call was the night he raped me, threatening Maddie and me if I were to ever tell anyone about him. Then I heard nothing until Soph came home, again a threat that he would hurt Soph and me. It’s almost as if has been watching me as he knew that Maddie wasn’t a big part of my life anymore, and knowing that Soph is and threatening her instead, I had to move. I had to leave! When I moved to Maui, there was nothing for two years, I had finally found a sense of peace. Then I started getting prank calls, they’d call, and I’d answer, and they would hang up. A month it went on for, just a call a week at first, it progressed until I had finally had enough when they called I told them I was going to call the police.” Both Detectives Jones and Yates are waiting for me to continue. I still have a tight grip on Soph’s hand who hasn’t said a word since we came into the interview room.

  “He answered me, telling me that I wouldn’t call the police just like I hadn’t told anyone about him, how he would see me soon. I hung up and rang my friend in Maui, she said it was time to go home and confront him. After hanging up with her, my phone rang again. It was him he knew what we were talking about on the phone.” I’m getting agitated now just thinking about the game he’s fucking playing.

  “What do you mean he knew what you were talking about.” Detective Yates asks sounding confused.

  “He knew our entire conversation. He said that my friend was right, that it was time to come home, and was I ready to face my past? Was I ready to face him? He always calls me babe. I hate it. I called Soph and told her he called me, and she told me to come home so I did, then he called last night. The phone rang when everyone was in my apartment and I let the call go to the machine.” This time, Soph does make a sound, she makes like a whimpering sound. I take a deep breath and squeeze Soph’s hand hoping to calm her. “It was disgusting, and you have it, please listen to it and don’t make me repeat it,” I whisper, and Soph places her arm around me and pulls me towards her. My chair scrapes across the floor as I do I turn my head into her chest and I do something I’ve wanted to do since I was in the car. I cry.

  “Okay Winter, we’re going to listen to the recording, why don’t you and Mr. Dallas go get a coffee and something to eat and then we will get back to the interview,” Detective Yates says. I stand happy of the reprieve and walk towards the door.

  “There is something else you should know. Last night there were cameras and mics found in Winter’s apartment.” Soph says, and I shudder as I remember the one in my bathroom. I turn around and see the shock register on Detective Yates’ face as she realizes what it means.

  “Have you discovered how he was able to enter Ms. Cortez’ apartment, Ms. Dallas?” She asks and Soph’s face shows her answer, she looks angry. “Also when he entered it?” she continues.

  “No Detective Yates we haven’t. That is what my team is doing today along with the men at P.I.G.S. Ryder Marshall says to contact him as he and Oscar Lyle were the ones who found the devices, they have both stated that they would be happy to answer any questions you have.” With that, she walks towards me and opens the door. I look back and see that Detective Yates following us. We walk out into the main lobby and find Luke waiting for us, he looks up at the door as it opens, he has probably done that every time someone has walked out of this door just in case, it was me that needed him. He’s out of his seat and over to me as soon as I clear the doorway.

  “Um, Luke. Can I have a word please?” I swing my head towards the voice of Detective Yates.

  “Yeah Morgan, give me a second okay?” He says it in such a gentle tone, yet there is an edge to it. He then turns to me with worry in his eyes.

  “I’m okay Luke, they’re listening to the recording at the moment, go see what the detective wants,” I tell him and see relief in his eyes

  “We’re going to get a cup of coffee, and maybe something to eat, then the Detectives will be back, and we’ll see what happens. Call us when you’re finished and meet us.” Soph tells Luke, and he nods and then follows the detective. I take this time to text Sammy.

  Me: Hey Sammy.

  He responds immediately, and it warms my heart.

  Sammy: Hey Sweets, do you need me to come? Are you okay? What’s happening?

  I love how he is so concerned. I know that I’m falling in love with him. I have never felt this way about anyone. I feel as though I’m getting better, that I’m moving on, and hopefully that can continue.

  Me: I’m okay Sammy, the Detectives are listening to the recording, and we’re about to get some coffee until the Detectives are ready.

  Sammy: Okay. I’m so fucking happy that you are okay. I’ve been worried about you.

  Me: I know, that is why I texted you as soon as I could. What are you doing?

  Sammy: Sitting in a meeting not listening to a word anyone has been saying since it started. Ryder keeps staring at me, I think he knows I’m not paying attention
to him.

  Me: LOL, is it an important meeting or one of those useless ones where they’re just called to annoy everyone?

  Sammy: It’s an important one, I’ve told them I’m not going to London. Now they’re deciding what the best thing to do is.

  Me: London? When were you supposed to be going?

  “Hey Wints, you want to grab that coffee?” I look up at Soph’s question and see that she’s waiting for me. I put my phone away and walk out of the station and onto the sidewalk.

  “Everything okay hon?” Soph asks as we’re walking towards the coffee shop on the corner.

  “Yeah, Sammy’s just said that he’s in a meeting discussing who’s going to London. Was it important that he went?” I see her give me a side glance. I stop walking and so does she while sighing.

  “Going to London was to gather Intel. Sammy knows the person, it’s an informant of his.” I feel like they need to babysit me. Sammy is putting his job on hold because of me.

  “Don’t over think it, Sammy does what he wants. No one can tell him otherwise.” It still doesn’t help. I’ll talk to Sammy about it later.

  “It’s fine, so what are we going to do tomorrow?” I ask her hoping she will drop it. She does.

  “I have the whole day planned, we will get Sammy to drop you off at our house first thing, Nathan has the kids tomorrow, and we are having a girls’ day, shopping and a spa.” I haven’t had a girl’s day in years.

  “I’m in. I’m looking forward to it.” I finally have something to look forward to. We walk into the coffee shop, and we grab a coffee and a donut each.

  “Hopefully by the time we get back they will be ready for us Wints,” Soph tells me, and I know that she’s worried about me and what they are going to say. We sit in silence while we drink and eat. Soph phone beeps and she reads her message, then sighs. I watch as she types a message back.

  “Everything okay?” I ask her as she picks up her donut and takes a bite. I watch as she quickly swallows it.

  “Yeah, Nathan has to go into work, and he’s bringing the boys to Kat’s.” She’s not a big fan of Nathan’s sister. I met her at both of the boy's christenings, and although she has always been a complete bitch to Soph, she’s been nothing but nice to me.

  “She still being a bitch?” I ask her, I’m genuinely curious as to why she took an instant dislike to Soph.

  “Not really, she’s trying her hardest to be pleasant. I just don’t know why. How can she go from hating me to being pleasantly nice?” Soph says, and although Soph has a heart of gold and would do anything for you, her experiences have her distrusting people's motives.

  “So what are you going to do?” I hope she just accepts that maybe Kat wants to make amends.

  “I’m going to go with it. Let bygones be bygones and all that. It would be great if she apologized, but I doubt that will happen.” Her phone starts ringing, and it’s Luke on the phone. She tells him we’ll meet him outside. Just as she goes to put her phone away it rings again and it’s Nathan, I see Luke outside.

  “Soph, I’m going to go talk to Luke.” Her eyes go to the window, and I see her eyes scan for Luke.

  “Come on, we’ll both leave.” I understand why she’s doing it. She doesn’t want to leave me alone. Once outside, I walk up to Luke and ask him what’s been on my mind, since I heard him call Detective Yates, Morgan.

  “So what’s going on between you and Detective Yates?” I say as soon I make it to him, you can tell I’ve surprised him by the way his head spins in my direction.

  “What? Why do you say that?” He’s shocked, I don’t know why.

  “Do I look stupid? What’s going on? It’s not like you Luke.” He scrubs his hands up and down his face.

  “Fuck! Okay so we’ve been sleeping together for a few months, she wants to make it official.” Oh damn. Luke has lady troubles.

  “And what you don’t?” He gives me a look that tells me to shut up.

  “I don’t know, after the shit with Alex, I'm not sure if I want to get into a relationship at all.” Oh that fucking bitch, I’d bitch slap her back to 1990.

  “Luke, you can’t let that fucking whore ruin your life. What she did, I wish I could kill her. It was wrong, and it had to have hurt, but not everyone is like her Luke. Obviously, you must like Detective Yates. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have continued to sleep with her. So are you going to man up and make it official or are you going to string a woman along who obviously cares about you? That is the choice you have to make. Does she know about Alex?” He sighs.

  “No she doesn’t know about Alex. You’re right I need to decide, it’s not fair to lead her on if I have no intention of changing.” That doesn’t give me any clue to as what he is going to do.

  “What are you leaning towards?” Yep. I’m nosey as fuck.

  “Fuck I don’t know Wints, I really like her, but I don’t know if I can go through that again.” I want to cry for him, I also want to hunt that fucking bitch down.

  “Listen to your heart. That is what I’m doing. It’s really hard to trust men, but Sammy, he makes me realize that I can love, I can trust. He makes me hopeful for a better future.” Fuck I’m rambling, and I’m pretty sure I just admitted that I love Sammy.

  “You’re right. Thanks, Wints.” He pulls me into an embrace and kisses the top of my head.

  “What did she call you back for?” His eyes narrow at my question, and I want to laugh.

  “She wanted me to give her back her key.” He says so sadly that my heart breaks for him.

  “Umm, you had her key? Like as in a key to her house?” I’m stunned. It sounds as though Detective Yates wanted things to be really serious. Luke just nods and looks away.

  “So what are you going to do?” I ask him again. He laughs, and I know that he isn’t mad at me for the interrogation.

  “I’m going to tell Morgan about Alex and see where that leads, I’m hoping she will stay.” I squeal and jump up and down on the spot.

  “That’s awesome Luke.” He stares at me. He looks as though he regrets saying anything to me.

  “Don’t say a word to anyone, fuck. Why the hell did I say anything to you in the first place?” He’s talking to himself now. I get that he wants to keep it quiet for now.

  “I won’t say a word to anyone,” I promise him, and I mean it. I look over to Soph who is still on the phone, “Come on, let's start walking back to the station.” I say to Luke, who is currently on his phone, but hears me as he starts walking.

  We make it back to the police station, Soph has caught up to us. We don’t even sit down when we get into the station, the lady behind the desk tells us that Detective Jones will be here in a second. A few minutes later and Detective Jones is escorting Soph and me back to the interview room.

  “We heard the tape, and we have spoken to Mr. Marshall. We currently have an APB out on David Masters. As there was a rape kit taken we can test his samples against those taken that night.” My body sags with relief. I have tears in my eyes. They’re looking for him. I nod my head at them but don’t say anything.

  “We advise you to change the locks on your apartment and change your number. Don’t go out by yourself and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Also, if you are interested, there are ladies’ self-defense classes at Fit gym every Wednesday.” Detective Yates tells me, and it’s something I have thought about.

  “Thank you.” Is all I say, I don’t really think there is much else I can say right at this moment.

  “Thank you both, if there isn’t anything else, I’ll get Winter home,” Soph says, I know she’s worried about me, she doesn’t want to have me upset.

  “No that is all for now, if we have anything else we will be in contact.” Detective Jones says, and we stand and walk out of the room, my whole body is much more relaxed than it has been in years. Soph has her arm linked through mine, giving me the strength I need to walk, we make it to the waiting room, and Luke walks back through the doors we just came out off, no w
ord nothing. He’s probably going to talk to the Detectives. I take my phone out of my purse and see two texts both from Sammy.

  Sammy: Sweets, I was going to tell you, but London isn’t important.

  Sammy: Let me know how everything goes. Don’t be mad. Going to London isn’t important.

  I reply as I’m waiting on Luke to catch up. Soph is also texting. Probably, Nathan, those two can’t go a few hours without some sort of communication.

  Me: I’m not mad, we’ve just finished, and we will be leaving soon, I’ll come to your office.

  Sammy: Okay, I’ll see you soon Sweets.

  Luke and Soph are standing beside me when I put my phone away.

  “Everything okay,” I ask him as we all leave the station. The fucker has a shit eating grin on his face.

  “Yeah, we’re having dinner tonight. You okay? It was intense today.” He still has that fucking grin. I’m glad to see him so happy.

  “I’m so glad it’s over, I just want to go to Sam. Thank you for being there for me today Luke, I really appreciate it.” I kiss his cheek as we reach his car.

  “You never have to thank me Wints. It's what family does.” He kisses the top of my head and gets into the car.

  Chapter Ten


  She’s on her way, and I’m so fucking relieved. I’ve been stressed thinking about how she is dealing with everything. She is so fucking strong, and I’m so proud of her. It’s such a relief that she isn’t mad about London, we haven’t known each other that long so not telling her wasn’t a priority, but some women could find a problem with it. This is one of the reasons I was single for so long, it’s fucking hard trying to guess what a woman is thinking. Most of the time I’m wrong anyway.

  So the trip to London has been postponed for a few months, we will revisit it again a few weeks beforehand. It would have been sooner, but with Sophia’s wedding coming up, we’d be castrated if we missed it. Winter, Skye, and Hailey are bridesmaids. Soph was hoping that Maddie would have apologized by now, but it looks as though she won’t be given an invitation.


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