Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2

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Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2 Page 2

by Hart, Rebel

  John’s recliner.

  “She wanted to sleep last night with you propped up against her. I told her that wasn’t possible.”

  I nodded slowly. “So you gave her your recliner?”

  He snickered. “No. She helped herself to it and refused to leave. It’s being held hostage. I expect you to fix that.”

  I buried my smile. “Yep. Will do.”

  He chuckled. “I’m sure you will, loverboy.”

  I rolled my eyes as I braced myself against the couch. John hovered around me, holding his arms out just in case I fell or some shit. But I knew I wouldn't. The more I stood, the more stable on my feet I felt. Despite the fact that the pain was excruciating.

  At least my heart doesn’t hurt.

  I shuffled myself into the kitchen. I needed a cup of coffee and some bacon. Some grease. Something to knock this cloud away from my mind. I leaned against the counter and used my shaking hands to pour myself a mug. I drew in the scent by the noseful, feeling my muscles already relaxing and the pain already slipping away.

  “Pain meds look good on you. Just don’t make them a lifetime thing.”

  John limped up beside me with his own mug clenched in his hand.

  “I’m lucky she was there to peel me off the fucking pavement,” I murmured.

  My brother nodded. “Lucky indeed. She says there were four of them.”

  I shook my head. “No. Three.”

  “Not what she said.”

  “Well, she’s not the one that got her ass handed to her by them.”

  “From her point of view, she says there were three who jumped you, then hopped into a black SUV. And that none of them got into the driver’s seat.”

  My eyes found his. “Fuck.”

  He nodded. “‘Fuck’ is right. There were four men there. One manning the car.”

  I sighed. “It was a hit.”

  “Who the hell have you pissed off?”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. “You mean other than Dad? I can’t think of anyone we’ve pissed off lately.”

  John nodded. “I was hoping you could shed light on that, since I’m not much use in that department any longer. There’s no crews you’ve come into contact with? No turf wars happening? No shit like that?”

  I shook my head. “No. Nothing like that.”

  Then it dawned on me.

  “You don’t think…?”

  John interrupted me. “Dad’s a fucker, but he’s not that stupid. If he wants something done, he’d want to come watch it for himself.”

  “He could’ve been that fourth person. The one in the car.”

  “You know that’s not how he rolls. I mean, the garage incident tells us that.”

  I paused. “How the hell do you know about that?”

  He chuckled. “The real question is how you thought you could keep it from me. Yes. I know Dad sicced his men on you in the garage. But if he was there, you would’ve known he was there. This isn’t Dad. He’s a sick man, but he’s not mental.”

  “Says you.”

  I chugged back the rest of my coffee and poured myself another mug. I hated this feeling of not knowing. It felt like my head was being held underwater. And when I felt like this, that put the entire crew at risk. My men, who depended on me, were now in danger.

  And I didn’t have the slightest clue as to who the fuck was doing all this.

  “You need to warn the guys,” John said.

  I nodded. “I’ll get to that, yeah. Once I’ve got something to fucking tell them.”

  “If someone is after you, you can’t just--”

  I held my hand up. “Your reign as president is over. I know what I’m doing. Let me do it.”

  He huffed. “Suit your fucking self. But if any of them get hurt or killed because you’re too chickenshit to go to them with stuff like this before you figure it out? That’s on you.”

  “What did you just call me?”

  “Like you’ve got the energy to do anything about it. Pour yourself another mug while I cook us up some bacon. And eggs. I’m sure your girl’s gonna be hungry when she wakes up.”

  “She’s not my girl.”

  He snickered. “Could’ve fooled me.”

  He did have a point, though. As John rummaged around in the fridge for shit to cook for breakfast, my mind wandered. If these bastards had the bold balls to jump me like that in the middle of a damn college campus, then no one was safe. I was the president of the crew that owned these streets. I called the shots. I made the rules. And if they weren’t afraid to jump me, they sure as hell wouldn't be afraid to jump anyone else.

  Did they see Dani at all?

  Worry pooled in my gut. If these assholes had seen Dani, she was a target. I shook my head. I should have resisted the urge. I should’ve buried the pull she had on me. Now, not only was Dani a target in my father’s crosshairs, but she was possibly a target to some unnamed entity I had no information on yet.



  I set my mug down. “Tell the others to meet me at the pub. Whoever gets there first can shut it down.”

  He snickered. “I thought you were the president.”

  I shot him a look. “Just do it.”

  He nodded. “Glad you finally came to your senses. But you need to eat.”

  “No time.”

  “You need something in your stomach other than pain medication and booze from last night. You won’t be able to function with a clear head otherwise. I’m telling you. Eat.”

  I blinked. “Something quick. I have to inform the crew as soon as possible.”

  “And it’ll do you no good to do that with a swimming head. Trust me on this, Max. I’ve been living with pain meds and booze for years now. I know what works and what doesn’t. Give yourself two scrambled eggs, bacon, and another mug of coffee. You’ll feel better.”

  “We need to make sure everyone knows someone is gunning for us. They have to be able to protect--”

  He pointed at me with a spatula. “Sit. You look like shit, and you need food.”

  “I don’t have time, John. I need to handle my crew.”

  “And you will. After food. Go wake Dani. The more you bug me, the slower your food’s going to come up.”

  Normally, I didn’t take orders from anyone. Not even my damn brother. But he was right. My head kept sinking deeper under water and my vision was starting to blur again. Plus, my stomach was angry with me. Very, very angry.

  “Fine. Maybe just a bit of food,” I murmured.

  John snickered. “Let Dani know I’m going to make her a small something, too.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  I lumbered down the hallway and slipped into the bathroom. I had to piss. But I also wanted to take a look at myself. Really do a damage inspection on my body. I stuffed myself back into my boxers and slowly turned around, preparing myself for what I was about to see.

  Nothing could have prepared me, though.

  “Holy fuck.”

  I had a makeshift stint over my nose. The area underneath both of my eyes was black and yellow and a bit purple. My eyes were puffy and red. The deep black bruises against my ribs explained why my footsteps hurt like hell. And when I craned my neck, I saw the soft round marks those gold-ass rings had left behind on the back of my neck.

  I’m going to slaughter you all.

  I straightened my back and dipped underneath the sink faucet. I chugged mouthfuls of water until my stomach settled down. Then I headed out to where Dani was. Her soft snores made me grin. Her beautiful body curled up against the leather arm of the recliner made my heart slam against my chest. She looked so peaceful. So calm. So settled.

  I almost didn’t have the heart to wake her.

  “Hey there, gorgeous. Wake up for me.”

  I reached down and softly shook her, watching as her eyes fluttered open.

  “Hmm? Max?”

  I chuckled. “Morning, Daddy’s girl. Time to get up.”

  She frown
ed up at me. “Don’t call me that.”

  I paused. “Call you what?”

  “Daddy’s girl. Or Bambi. I have a name. Use it, please.”

  I nodded slowly. “Oh… kay. Morning, Dani.”

  She smiled up at me. “Morning, Max. It’s nice to see you up on your feet.”

  “You need to get back to campus for class.”

  She stood up. “I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

  “You’ll be late for class.”

  “Well, then it’s a good thing I’m not going to school today.”

  I blinked. “And why not?”

  John poked his head around the corner. “Breakfast is up.”

  Dani pointed. “See? Breakfast. Can’t leave until I eat, can I?”

  I nodded. “Then you’ll after you’re done eating.”

  “No, I won’t.”

  She said the words so coolly. So plainly. And when John started chuckling to himself, I wanted to chip his tooth to match my own.

  “Getting bolder, I see, Daddy’s girl.”

  Her eyes flashed. “Don’t you call me that anymore. I’m not some weak-willed little porcelain doll who bats her eyes only for her father. I’m more than that.”

  I paused. “Is that why you think I call you that?”

  She snickered. “Is there any other reason?”

  John poked his head back around. “Hate to break up this little lovefest, but breakfast is going to get cold if you guys don’t come eat. Now.”

  I threw my hands up. “Why the fuck won’t people just listen to me?”

  Dani made her way into the kitchen. “Because you're talking nonsense right now. That’s why.”

  John let out a roar of a laughter that made me clench my fists. Where the hell was my sweet, innocent little college girl?

  You’re killing her. She’s almost in the ground. That’s where she is. Because of you.

  I started for the kitchen. “Dani, you need to get back to campus.”

  She sat down at the table. “Care to tell me why?”

  I licked my lips. “Because what’s happening is dangerous, and I don’t want you anywhere near it.”

  “And what if I want to stay with you?”

  “What if you fail your classes if you start missing them?”

  She waved her hand in the air. “Missing one day won’t hurt. I’m two weeks ahead in my homework and my reading, anyway. No tests. No quizzes. I’ll be good.”

  “Dani, this isn’t what you--”

  “I’m staying with you, and that’s final.”

  I looked over at John and he held up his hands.

  “Don’t look at me. I’m just serving up food.”

  Dani sipped her coffee. “Besides, someone’s going to have to help you around today. You can barely stand up straight.”

  I glowered. “I don’t need help standing.”

  John cleared his throat. “I mean, you are standing a bit crooked right now.”

  Dani held her arm out. “See? Even your own brother sees it.”

  I held back a sigh. “I have business to attend to today. Red Thorn business. Business you can’t be part of.”

  John butted in. “Have you called a formal meeting? Or an informal one?”

  “Will you shut the hell up?”

  Dani set her cup down. “Please take me with you.”

  That innocent little twang of hers strummed at my gut. Tugged at my heartstrings. I looked over at her and saw her eyes growing wider. Begging me. Urging me to take her along.

  “Dani, I can’t.”


  I shook my head. “I’m serious. I can’t risk you getting hurt.”

  John snickered. “I’m pretty sure the guys like her more than you at this point. They certainly won’t let her get hurt.”

  “You’re not helping, brother.”

  “I am helping. Just not you.”

  Dani nodded. “Thank you, John.”

  He grinned. “Any time, girl.”

  I shook my head. “What the hell is going on?”

  Dani stood. “Please, Max. Take me with you. I’m worried about you. And if I go back to campus, the only thing I’m going to do is bombard you with text messages until I know you’re okay again. I won’t be able to focus on my studies, so I’ll miss the lectures anyway. Me being on campus doesn’t mean I’m going to be productive. Max, listen to me.”

  She took my hands and I already felt myself succumbing to her warmth.

  “Take me with you. Let me help. I’m not as weak as you think I am.”

  And for the life of me, I couldn’t figure out when the hell she ever thought I considered her weak.



  I gazed around the pub, but the atmosphere was completely different. There weren’t any playful waitresses squealing at having their butts smacked. There weren’t men coming up to tables and asking for double dates with me and Max. There wasn’t even food or drinks coming to any of the tables.

  It seemed like a completely different place.

  All of the men were standing around, huddled off on the other side of the room. And there I sat, in the booth Max and I had occupied for one of our first dates, alone. The only woman in this place. It felt awkward. Like I wasn’t actually supposed to be here. But it seemed as if I was the only one that felt that my presence was off. None of the men clad in leather jackets and grungy jeans paid me any mind. Not like they had that night, anyway.

  Then again, Max did look pretty beat up.

  And they were all tossing questions his way.

  “Who the fuck did this to you?”

  “When did this happen?”

  “Is this why you called the meeting?”

  “They’re going to die. Every last one of them.”

  The gruff voices made me shiver. Not with fear. I didn’t feel fearful of my place in this establishment. Nor did I feel as if my safety was compromised. But the intensity and sincerity these guys used to speak of death. And revenge. And killing.

  I’d never heard people so completely okay with those topics before.

  “We wait until everyone’s here,” Max said.

  The entire room fell silent.

  One could almost hear a pin drop in the place. I heard my heart thundering in my ears. Max held a command over this place--over these guys--that I didn’t understand. I mean, I knew they were all part of a crew. Their leather jackets were all the same. They had designs on the back in crimson red and gold. They all acted as if they had known one another for years. The best of friends, or even brothers.

  I felt like I was missing something, though.

  The door to the pub flew open and I craned my neck above the booth to see a massive man with a pot belly shuffling through the door. He let out a bombastic belch before scratching at the back of his head. The man looked like a cross between a pig and a moose. Towering over everyone else, but with a blank stare and an upturned nose on his face.

  His expression changed the moment he saw Max.

  “I’ve been waiting to get my hands bloodied recently.”

  “Grog. Nice to see you again.”

  Max walked up to him and the two clapped hands, welcoming one another into the night. Was the man’s name really ‘Grog’? Whether it was a nickname or not, it suited him. His eyes panned over to mine and he harrumphed through his nose. I could’ve sworn I saw a shadow of a grin playing upon his stubbled cheeks. His eyes returned to Max and I slid back down into the booth, wondering if everyone was finally here.

  “All right. Time to round up.”

  Max’s voice boomed through the pub and the men scattered. Chairs scraped across the floor and tables were moved out of the way. I saw each of the guys grab a chair and slide it up to the front, creating a circle as I was sure they’d done many times before. I watched Max sit down with a grunt. The men gathered around in their own chairs. There had to be twenty of them. Possibly even thirty. However, my eyes landed on the empty chair beside Max.

d I quickly scurried to take it before someone else did.

  If my parents knew what I was doing…

  I shook my head at the thought. What they didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. And even though the rough-and-tumble men were studying me, I didn’t feel the least bit threatened by them. If anything, I felt safer than I had in a while. If any threat of any kind came down onto us, I knew I was the first person they’d protect.

  I don’t know how I knew that. I just… did.

  Grog clicked his tongue. “You gonna answer our questions now?”

  Max stared at him. “Last night, I was the target of a hit.”

  The men started murmuring amongst one another before Max snapped his fingers, silencing them all with the smallest flick of his wrist.

  Who are you?

  “It wasn’t a concealed hit, either. I was lucky that Bambi here was in close enough proximity to scrape me off the damn pavement.”

  One of the guys nodded at me. “That her name?”

  I shook my head. “No.”

  Max put his hand on my knee. “It’s her nickname, because you won’t call her by her name. Only I do that. You all can call her Bambi.”

  I leaned toward Max. “Do they really have to call me that?”

  He lowered his voice. “Just because you don’t understand the nickname yet doesn’t mean it doesn’t suit you.”

  I had no idea what he could’ve possibly meant by that. But we weren’t in a position to be able to discuss it. I let it slide as my hand draped over his on my knee.

  “I was at her campus. Dropping her off. They jumped me, three of them. The fourth was in a black SUV that sped off into the night. They were wearing gold rings that dug into the back of my neck. John got pictures of the bruised insignias on my skin.”

  I saw some of the guys clenching their fists while others clenched their jaws.

  “Whoever took this hit out made it clear to me that this is only the beginning. An appetizer, they called it.”

  Grog spoke up. “So you heard their voices.”

  Max nodded. “Yes.”

  My voice lowered to a whisper. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”

  He squeezed my knee, attempting to keep me silent, I guessed. It wouldn't work. He didn’t get to control when I spoke with him and when I didn’t.


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