Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2

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Red Rose: Red Thorns Crew Book 2 Page 17

by Hart, Rebel

  “What’s on your mind, gorgeous?”

  She was still trying to recover from her laughter.

  “I mean, when you’re done laughing at my expense.”

  She held her hand up. “Sorry! I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Hoooo, holy hell. I haven’t laughed that much in ages.”

  John sat back. “You and the rest of the table.”

  We all fell silent for a moment before Dani cleared her throat.

  “I was actually wanting to talk with you about your plans for today. Got anything special going on?”

  I shrugged. “Other than drowning myself in water, no. Why?”

  She grinned. “I wanted to see if you could take me to get that tattoo.”

  Rupert and John stared at Dani as my heart stopped in my chest. The tattoo. The tattoo. Was she serious? I felt my insides warming. I felt my heart coming back to life as fireworks went off inside my brain.

  “Are you serious?” I asked.

  And when she smiled brightly, I knew the answer before she said it.

  “Dead serious, handsome.”



  I looked down at the stencil on my outer thigh and I sighed. I wrung my hands together as I sat in the one chair all of the other Red Thorns had gotten their tattoos done in. It was intricate. Even though I was told not to touch it, I wanted to run my fingers across it. The small emblem. The rose, with its thorns. The cute little sunset background. Mine was much smaller than Max’s, but they were identical in all of their ways.

  And that made me feel special.

  “It’s not that bad. I promise, gorgeous.”

  I looked over at Max as he took my sweating hand.

  “Sorry,” I said softly.

  He grinned. “No need. Rupert’s hands sweat, too, when he’s nervous.”

  I snickered. “Should I ask as to how you know that?”

  “Let’s just say Rupert isn’t as tough with some things as he is with others.”

  “Please tell me he hates balloons. Or clowns. Or cotton balls.”

  “Actually, he’s not a fan of needles.”

  I blinked. “I bet his tattoos were rough, then.”

  He snickered. “I can attest personally to that, yeah.”

  My jaw dropped open. “Oh, he’s so going to kill you when he finds out I know that.”

  “And how’s he going to find out?”

  Max leaned in close and I felt his breath against my lips. I eased myself back into the chair, gazing into his eyes as he smiled at me. I loved it when he smiled. His eyes wrinkled at the edges and his entire face lit up. My heart skipped a beat when he softly pressed his lips against the tip of my nose. Our fingers threaded together. I squeezed his hand tight. And as I drew in a deep breath, I felt a chill work its way up my spine.

  “There’s something I want to tell you, gorgeous. You know, before you make this commitment.”

  I blinked. “Is something wrong?”

  He shook his head. “No, no. Nothing’s wrong. I mean, unless what I have to say is bad news.”

  “What is it?”

  He licked his lips. “Dani, I--”

  His eyes caved first. The softness of their gaze warmed my heart. Then his mouth caved. His smile grew wider, and I felt my neck flushing with anticipation. He pulled his chair closer to me, his nose nuzzling softly against my own. And when my eyes fell closed, I felt what he was trying to tell me.

  “What is it?” I whispered.

  I felt my heart hammering against my chest as I prepared myself for the admission.

  “Open your eyes.”

  They flew open. “Sorry.”

  He chuckled. “No need to be. I just want to look at you when I say it.”


  His smile faded into a grin. “I love you, Dani.”

  My mouth went dry. “You--you do?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I do. I’ve known it for a long time, actually. Ever since the first time I kissed you. But the other night, when you attacked that guy with the wine bottle? I knew without a shadow of a doubt that you were the only woman on the face of this earth for me.”

  I let out a shuddering breath. “Oh, Max. I love you, too. I love you so, so much.”

  His hand slipped against my cheek as he turned my lips into his. And when I felt his tongue fall against my own, my heart soared with delight. I cocked my body toward him as I felt his hand sliding down my side. I moaned down the back of his throat, wanting nothing more than to experience the whole of him. My nipples puckered. My thighs clenched together. I wanted to straddle his lap and show him exactly how much I adored him.

  But the footsteps coming down the hallway ripped us away from one another.

  “All right, I’ve got the specific colors suggested,” the artist said as he came in. “Ready for the outline? We can see how you’re feeling after I get done with it.”

  I wiped at my lip softly. “Um, yeah. That sounds--that sounds great. Max?”

  He nodded. “We’ll see how it goes after the outline.”

  The tattoo artist sat down. “Perfect. Now, the important part is to hold still. If you want to do a test feel on the back of your hand or your arm, we can do that. Otherwise, it might be best if Max here holds your leg down. Not hard. But just so we make sure you don’t jump when I touch your skin for the first time.”

  I nodded. “Max, are you okay with that?”

  He turned my leg softly before pressing his hands against it, pinning it to the tattoo chair.

  “Ready when you are,” he said.

  I was scared at first. But when the tattoo needle came down against my skin, I realized why the artist wanted to do that. The initial contact was a jolt to my system. Electricity buzzed throughout my muscles. I felt my thigh contract and Max started massaging me with his hands. The artist took his time, slowly tracing over the outline in a barely-there black line. I watched with wide eyes. I was curious, more than anything. And after the outline was done, he picked the needle up.

  “All right. How are you feeling?”

  I drew in a deep breath. “Surprisingly okay. What comes next?”

  Max took my hand. “The shading. The coloring. This part is a little more intense, so squeeze my hand if you need to.”

  The tattoo artist started gathering colors. “You think you can hold still for the initial contact?”

  I nodded. “Now that I know what it feels like? Yes.”

  Max kissed my temple. “Good girl.”

  His words made me melt as the tattoo artist continued his work of art.

  There were moments where the pain was a bit much. Where I felt my face flushing and my heart beating harder than it should. I needed two breaks with the shading as it grew closer to my hip bone. But it still wasn’t that bad. The anticipation of the new experience was worse than the experience itself. And when the tattoo artist wiped at my finished design, tears sprang to my eyes.

  “So what do you think?” Max asked.

  My eyes fluttered up to his as the tattoo artist slid something along my irritated skin.

  “I think everything I thought I knew about myself was a lie. This is me, Max. I’m yours.”

  And the smile that lit up his face was one I knew I’d never forget.



  I tightened my grip around her waist as I slowly came to. The sun just barely streamed through the windows as my eyes cracked open. The smell of her hair filled my nostrils. The feel of her body permeated my muscles. Dani was in bed with me. Her ass against my pelvis. Her leg threaded between my own. I’d never felt so alive and fulfilled in all my life.

  So this is what love feels like.

  I pressed a tired kiss against her bare shoulder, cherishing every second I had with her. Dani skipped classes just for me yesterday. And, according to her, she wasn’t going today, either. I knew I needed to make her go to classes. I worried that she was giving up too much of her life that she enjoyed just to be with me. I didn't want to be the negative
force in her life that led her away from a life that might have been better for her. But, hearing her tell me I was the only thing she wanted while looking up at me with those doe eyes of hers?

  It was too much to resist.

  My hand slid down her leg until I hit the gauze wrap around her thigh. I traced my fingertips along the smooth surface, knowing exactly the pattern her tattoo took. Her shoulder rose and fell with her even breaths. She slept so soundly next to me, and that swelled my chest with pride. Sleep was the most vulnerable state anyone could be in around anyone else. And Dani trusted me with her body while she was asleep.

  I took that trust to heart.

  “I’ll protect you from anything,” I whispered.

  I still don’t know how it happened. How the fuck she chose me out of the numerous other men out there that I knew were much better for her. But I sure as hell wasn’t squandering it. I felt her shift against me and I moved, watching as she rolled over onto her back. Her soft breasts bounced against my body and her hair splayed out over my pillows.

  I sighed. “You’re perfect, Dani.”

  How lucky I am that you’ve chosen me.

  I couldn't contain myself. I had to kiss her. I knew it might wake her up, but I couldn't wait a second longer. I pressed my lips softly against hers, feeling her stir beneath me. A soft giggle rose from her lips as her arms threaded around my neck. Her mouth opened up for me. Her sleepy tongue fell against my own. Fucking hell, even her morning kisses tasted like heaven.

  Usually, morning kisses tasted like shit.

  “Mmmm, hi, handsome.”

  I chuckled. “Morning, gorgeous.”

  She yawned. “Oh, sorry. Sorry. The breath, oh.”

  I smiled. “Your breath is fine.”

  “Mmm, no. Not even kind of. Ugh. I need some water. Can I brush my teeth first?”

  I quickly slid on top of her body. “You're going nowhere.”

  Her sleepy eyes fell open as she grinned up at me. Her fingertips ran along my shoulders. Rumbled down my arms. Tracing my muscles, like she always enjoyed doing. I’d build them ten times bigger for her, if that’s what she wanted. I’d tattoo the whole of my body, if that’s what would make her happy. And as my lips fell to the crook of her neck, her body arched against me.

  Her moans fueling me onward.

  “Oh, Max.”

  I kissed down the valley of her breasts.

  “Shit, Max.”

  I nibbled at her hip bones as my hand covered the whole of her gauze-wrapped tattoo.

  “Max, I need--”

  “Mmm, I know exactly what you need.”

  Her legs parted further. “I just--please? Can I--can I, please?”

  My eyes whipped up to hers. “Always, if you ask that nicely.”

  I buried myself between her legs. I filled my bedroom with her sounds. I found my breakfast between her thighs as I lapped her up and swallowed her down. I couldn't contain my growls. Every time her pussy pulsed for me, I bucked my cock against the sheets of my bed. She overwhelmed me. Every part of her. The sounds. The scents. The way her body moved.

  All of it worked together to build this incredible woman I had fallen in love with.

  “Max, please! I’m so close. I’m so close. I love you. I love you. I love you. Max!”

  “Holy fuck, I love you, too.”

  I let her use my face however she pleased. And as her juices dripped down my chin, I felt her explode against me. I wrapped my arms around her thighs. I held her close to me, taking great care not to hurt her tattoo. I sucked her clit between my lips and flicked my tongue across it, holding her in place as she bucked like a bronco. I wanted my fill of her. And I certainly wasn’t done yet.

  It wasn’t until those beautiful words fell from her mouth that my head popped up.

  “I need you inside me. Please!”

  Her words were so desperate. So wanton. So needy. And damn it, if it wasn’t fucking perfect. I rushed up her body and crashed our lips together. I fell between her legs as the heat of her pussy called to me. I lined myself up as I hovered over her glorious form, her soft curves rolling and tumbling for my viewing pleasure. I’d never get sick of the view from up here. The way her skin flushed for me. The way her eyes begged for me. The way her body shook in my wake.

  “I love you so much,” I murmured.

  I pushed into her body and our hips fell together. Her entire body wrapped around me, locking me in tight. Her arms went around my neck and her legs wound around my waist. And as I pounded into her, shaking the entire bed against the wall, I felt her quickly pulling me to my end.

  “Fuck, Dani.”

  “Max, yes. Yes. Yes!”

  “Shit. Holy fuck, what have you done to me?”

  “I love you. I love you so much. I’m so close. Max, please. Please. Please.”

  I grunted. “Just. Like. That.”

  I slammed myself against her as my lips fell to hers. I felt her body pulling me in. Massaging me to my end as goosebumps scattered along my body. I unraveled her hands from my neck, rutting against her as I threaded our fingers together. I pinned her hands above her head, opening her up to me. Kissing down her neck. Marking her skin. Sucking in patches and nibbling on them until nothing was left but dark red marks.

  “I’m coming,” she choked out.

  And when her walls clamped me in their vise grip, I met my end with her.

  Chanting how much I loved her as it fell effortlessly from my lips.



  One, two, three. Breathe!

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  Underwater. Turn. Push. Mermaid.

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  I felt the water gracing my skin as I soared through the pool. I felt the waterproof bandaging from the student’s health office on campus protesting my every move. I knew I couldn't be in the water. I knew I shouldn’t have been swimming. But damn it, I couldn't help myself.

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  I needed to blow off steam. I needed to center myself. Because after blowing off classes yesterday and the day before, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I didn’t want to let my parents down. I didn’t want them to throw away all this money on my education. But I also didn’t want to waste their time and their hope on something I wasn’t even sure I wanted any longer.

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  I drew in deep breaths. I kept checking in with my waterproof wrapping. Even though plastic wrap was a bad idea, I had layers of it wrapped around my leg over the gauze, with some waterproof stuff on top that the doctor at the student’s office gave me. Three layers between it and the water sloshing against my skin. That was enough to protect it, right?

  I really hoped so.

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  One, two, three. Breathe!

  I touched my hand against the side of the pool and switched strokes. I threw myself onto my back, kicking and stroking as I stared up at the ceiling. With my hair underneath a rubber cap and my goggles much too tight on my face, I heaved for air. I felt my body finally winding down. After a sleepless night of nothing but studying, catching up, and reading, I needed a way to exert all of this nervous energy. I felt myself turning into something new. Something greater. Something I knew my parents wouldn’t approve of.

  And finally showing that to them made me sick to my stomach.

  Max had turned my life upside down in the best way possible. I’d never felt so in tune with myself. Ever. I felt like I was just getting to know myself. My whole self. And it felt fantastic. The part of me that Max helped me to open up felt more natural than anything I’d ever done with my life up until this point. I’d never been able to look at something and know so confidently that I wanted it. That I needed it.

  Every time I looked at Max, I felt that way.

  Your parents are going to kill you for it.

  I stumbled with my turn under th
e water and scraped my toe. I cursed beneath the surface and forced myself back up, gasping for air in the process. I looked down and saw wisps of blood mixing in with the water. I tilted myself onto my back, floating as I brought my foot out of the water. Damn it, I’d really scraped my big toe up good. It stung, too.

  I wasn’t done swimming, though.

  I turned around and started with a breaststroke, moving beneath the water like a graceful frog, as weird as that sounded. And as I worked my heart rate up again, my thoughts fell back to my parents.

  I wasn’t sure what they’d think. I mean, I knew what they would think once they figured out what was really going on. But my father took my change in major hard enough. He’d shunned me for three days because I didn’t want to follow in his medical footsteps. It had been torturous, too. I loved my father. The nickname ‘Daddy’s girl’ was apt for me. I loved him dearly. I wanted him to be happy with me. To be proud of me.

  And I knew he wouldn’t be if I told him any of this.

  He’s a criminal, Danika!

  My father’s voice echoed off the corners of my mind as my hands slapped against the edge of the pool.

  He’s a biker, for God’s sake!

  I pushed off the wall, the water rippling over my back.

  A man with no prospects. How could you do this to yourself? To us!? As a family!?

  I kept kicking beneath the water, leaving my father’s voice behind in my wake. I swam beneath the surface, straining my lungs as the wall on the other side came into view. I pulled myself through the crystal liquid, kicking with all my might. My lungs protested. My eyes began to dim. And just when I felt my hand touch the wall, I came up for the biggest, most refreshing breath of air to date.

  “Hiya, Bambi.”

  Through my goggles, I saw him. Benji, with that cocky little grin on his face. I gazed up into his menacing eyes, watching as he crouched down in front of me.

  “That a new tattoo I spy on that thigh of yours? Got it wrapped up pretty tight. Why don’t you come a little closer so I can get a good look at it?”


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