Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1)

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Within the Realm (The Gifted Realm Book 1) Page 8

by Jillian Neal

  “You did it!” he gushed. Emily was ecstatic as she was once again surrounded by her cheering teammates.

  The Vixens quickly decided to take Governor Haydenshire up on his offer to take them out for milkshakes.

  A little while later, Rainer sat in a booth at Mae’s Milkshakes with Emily leaned up against him as she talked excitedly with her friends. Graduation the next evening was discussed, along with who the Vixens would be bringing as their dates to the party at the Haydenshires. The girls all thanked Governor Haydenshire for taking them out after the challenge. Rainer noted the wistful, reminiscent expression on the Governor’s face as he congratulated the ladies on their victory.

  Adeline was staying in Emily’s room, which made it impossible for Rainer to hold her until she fell asleep. He lay awake in his room that night, and thought about what the next day would hold. He would be twenty-one, and the full contents of his parents’ trust and estate would be his. He planned on immediately writing the Haydenshires a check.

  Then they would graduate, and then...his heart picked up pace. He and Emily were planning to leave the party around nine, which would put them in Virginia Beach around midnight if they didn’t stop and he casted the engine on the straightaways.

  He swallowed hard as excitement and terror swirled in a volatile cocktail in the pit of his stomach. He lifted his head slightly, and took in the time; it was almost one. Twenty-one doesn’t feel any different than twenty, he thought wryly. After punching his pillow a few times, Rainer rolled his eyes at Logan, who was snoring loudly.


  “Happy Birthday!” Emily greeted as she lifted the quilts on his bed and scooted in beside him. He smiled before he opened his eyes.

  “Hey there, baby,” he wrapped his arm around her, and pulled her back to his chest with his customary greeting for her.

  He glanced at Logan’s bed to make certain it was empty. Logan must be downstairs with Adeline, he thought. Rainer shifted and flipped Emily underneath him. He slid his hands to her waist and started to kiss her, but then remembered that he hadn’t yet brushed his teeth. He grimaced as she giggled.

  Emily shot him a smirk as she traced her hand over the slit in his boxers. He growled as his breath caught, and he shuddered from the heavenly sensation.

  “So, what do you want for your birthday, Mr. Lawson?” she flirted and waggled her eyebrows at him as he throbbed in her hand.

  “Mmmm...you, Miss Haydenshire.” She laughed delightedly.

  “That...has already been arranged.”

  “Has it?” He pulled her closer.

  “It has...”

  “Well, then I’d say this will be one hell of a birthday.”

  “I’d better go get ready,” Emily fussed suddenly. “You need to leave soon.” He nodded, sat up, ran his hands through his hair, and yawned. After he raced through the shower and donned a suit and tie, he headed down the stairs.

  “Happy Birthday!” rang from all of the available Haydenshires as Rainer blushed and thanked everyone. Mrs. Haydenshire had placed candles in his pancakes, his favorite breakfast.

  “Thank you.” He was truly touched by the effort. Mrs. Haydenshire had cooked his birthday breakfast every year since he’d turned fourteen, and Rainer was endlessly thankful for everything the Haydenshires did for him.

  He pulled Emily in for a relatively long, drawn-out kiss. He figured Governor Haydenshire would let it slide for his birthday, which he did. After everyone ate, Logan, Rainer, and the Governor piled into the minivan and left for the Senate in Arlington.

  The Senate resided on the top floor of the Pentagon building. All nine Predilects were divided and represented in the five sides of the building. Very few Non-Gifted knew what existed on the top floor, but those who did were watched closely, to make certain that their knowledge remained with them alone.

  Rainer watched the pine trees and interstate signs blur past the windows as he tried to determine how to get the Governor to accept a check from him. He knew it wouldn’t be easy. He was so caught up in the negotiations in his head that he hardly noticed when they pulled into the parking deck.

  “So, after we leave here, we can go buy me a new car, right?” Logan teased as Rainer chuckled.

  “Logan,” Governor Haydenshire scolded.

  “Geez, I was kidding.”

  Logan and Rainer were quiet as they followed the Governor through the many security checkpoints and up the elevator. They exited on the northwest side of the Pentagon, the wing that contained the Governor’s offices and Iodex. They heard someone shouting angrily as they moved down the corridor. The sign on the door read “Chief of Iodex.”

  “That’s Vindico’s office,” Logan hissed. Rainer nodded and swallowed hard. From the sound of it, Vindico was reading the riot act to another Iodex officer who hadn’t done something the way he’d wanted it done.

  They moved on until they halted in front of the Crown Governor’s office. Rainer and Logan had both been there before, of course, when Rainer’s father was Crown, but it had been many years. Governor Haydenshire knocked, and the door was opened immediately by Crown Governor Carrington.

  “Rainer,” he drawled in his low, smooth, soothing intonation. His kind, dark face that matched his deep brown eyes was formed into a smile. Rainer felt his shoulders lower slightly. He pulled Rainer in for a hug.

  “Come in, come in. Logan, I haven’t seen you in ages, either.” Logan shook his hand. Regis Carrington had been one of Rainer’s father’s dearest friends, and his choice to succeed him as Crown Governor. He was kind, modest, and wise. He always made a person feel that he genuinely cared about what they had to say.

  “Well, I know you have a big day today,” Governor Carrington grinned broadly. “And I know that two strapping lads like yourselves would rather be spending time with the girls who have you wrapped around their fingers, than in here with me, no matter how much money I’m giving you. Isn’t that right, Stephen?” he shared a chuckle with Governor Haydenshire.

  “Oh, I’m certain, Regis,” Governor Haydenshire sighed in agreement.

  “So, why don’t we get down to business?” Governor Carrington moved behind the large cherry wood desk in the center of the navy blue, plush, carpeted office. He handed Rainer several documents.

  “This gives every penny in your parents’ estate solely to you. If anyone should wish to make a claim against that, then you come talk to either me or Officer Vindico, whom I understand will be your boss in a few weeks’ time,” Governor Carrington smiled as Rainer nodded his understanding. Rainer felt his stomach clench as he realized that even the Crown Governor was aware that there could be trouble from his uncle.

  Rainer tried to glance nonchalantly at the numbers on the documents, but his eyes goggled. There were several more zeros after the number than he’d originally anticipated. He swallowed, and directed his attention back to Governor Carrington.

  “So, Rainer, if you’ll just sign here and here.” He pointed to two lines on another longer piece of paper. “I thought it would be easier to simply change the name on the accounts to your name, instead of going through all the trouble of setting you up new ones. Will took care of all of this for you.”

  “Now, if you still want to keep the one that your allowance has been deposited into for all these many years, you certainly may, or you can combine them. That’s up to you, Rainer,” Governor Carrington explained gently. Rainer nodded and made a neat stack of the papers he was being given.

  “Here are the checkbooks and deposit slips for the various accounts, and here is a card to make withdrawals from the smallest, whenever the need should arise.” Governor Carrington handed everything to Rainer and watched as he added that to the stack. “If you need any help with the investments, Mr. Buffett is awaiting your phone call. He would be pleased to help you, Rainer. He and your father were very close.”

  “Now...” Governor Carrington’s voice caught as Rainer looked up from the stack. “Here is your father’s safety deposit b
ox. He wanted me to give this to you on your twenty-first birthday, but...” Governor Carrington held up his hand. “If I may suggest, why don’t you wait until you're back on the farm to open this, so you can go through it all when you’re alone?” Rainer nodded and wondered what might be in the box.

  “And one last thing...” the Governor gave him another broad grin. “I wanted to get you something for your birthday.” He handed Rainer a long, slender box with a snap closure.

  “Oh, uh, thank you Crown Governor. You didn’t have to do that,” Rainer stammered. He was shocked by the gesture.

  “Your father was one of my closest friends and confidants, Rainer. This is the least I can do.”

  As he drew a steadying breath, Rainer popped open the box. Inside was a heavy silver watch. Tears immediately sprang to Rainer’s eyes.

  “Is this...?” he queried as the memories moved from the deepest trappings of his soul into the forefront of his mind. It seemed too good to be true. He had to swallow before he went on. Governor Carrington nodded.

  “Your father’s watch; one of his prized possessions. Look, the Ioses symbol is there in the center.”

  Rainer nodded. He was overwhelmed by the gift. He lifted the watch and flipped it over to read J.E.L. His father’s initials were carved into the back just over the Lawson crest, complete with the phoenix and the falcon.

  Governor Haydenshire patted Rainer on the back, and gave him a reassuring smile.

  “Put it on,” Governor Carrington urged. Rainer felt the weight on his wrist as he fastened the watch.

  “Well, maybe now you and Emily can make it in before curfew,” Governor Haydenshire joked as everyone chuckled.

  After several additional documents had been signed, the Crown Governor escorted them out of the office.

  They walked down the corridors until they stopped and smiled at Vindico, a man who appeared to be entirely constructed of chiseled muscle and raw nerve. His hair was dark brown and thick, fixed in a slightly messy cut around his face. His jaw was stubbled; his eyes were bloodshot. He looked like he hadn’t slept in several days. He wore a handgun in a shoulder holster that appeared to have been custom-made to fit over his bicep. Vindico turned and smiled at Governor Haydenshire as he extended his hand. If he ever wanted to give up Iodex, he could become one of those cologne or underwear models, Rainer thought wryly.

  “How’s it going, Governor Haydenshire?” His face was just as chiseled as the rest of his body.

  “Good, Daniel; how are you?” the Governor returned the kind smile.

  “I’m all right,” Vindico nodded, though Rainer noted that he didn’t meet Governor Haydenshire’s eyes as he said this.

  “Can’t wait to get you two trained and started,” Vindico turned his attention to Rainer and Logan. Rainer recalled the intense interview process Vindico had put him and Logan through, when he’d recruited them for the force at the Academy. Nervous energy flooded through Rainer. He stepped back and hoped that his new boss wouldn’t feel it in the air around him.

  “We’re looking forward to it,” Logan assured Vindico.

  “Well, enjoy your graduation and knock a few back for me. Then we’ll bury you in work.” Rainer and Logan nodded, neither certain what an appropriate response to the quip might be. With a wave, they followed the Governor out.

  They entered the elevator once again, and Governor Haydenshire looked concerned.

  “Don’t let Vindico scare you. He’s just a little intense; very driven.” Rainer sensed there was more to the story, but he didn’t ask. Neither Logan nor Rainer would ever have admitted that they were intimidated, so they simply nodded their understanding. Governor Haydenshire chuckled as they made their way back to the van, before he checked his watch.

  “Alright, I’d better get you both home so you can get ready for graduation and so your mother doesn’t shoot me for leaving her with the twins all day while she’s trying to get ready for the party.

  In the end, everyone ended up helping prepare for the party, until the moment they had to get ready to leave for the ceremony.

  The End of the Beginning

  Rainer and Logan were both visibly nervous. Rainer reattached his father’s watch around his wrist, and donned the gold collar with the Ioses crest in the center. He felt the pressure begin to build.

  Mrs. Haydenshire took endless photographs of the graduates, and then everyone loaded into the available cars and headed to the Academy.

  “So, we’re not supposed to pick up Adeline?” Emily asked Logan for the third time. Logan chuckled and shook his head at his sister.

  “No, Em, she swears either her mom is coming...” he rolled his eyes at the preposterous notion. “Or, she’s going to let Adeline use her car.” He was clearly trying to ease up on Adeline a bit.

  Emily nodded, though she looked quite concerned as she turned back to face the windshield.

  Rainer felt nervous energy rolling off of Emily in waves. He wasn’t certain if it was graduation or Adeline that had her receptors pulsing tensely. Everyone was relieved to find Adeline waiting for them at the entrance gates to the stadium.

  Logan’s jaw clenched as he forced a smile. She was alone.

  “I’m not even going to ask,” he sighed so that only Rainer could hear him. As he offered Logan a sorrowful smile, Rainer slapped him on the back, and they made their way to Adeline.

  Every Haydenshire son, along with his significant other, was there to see Logan, Emily, and Rainer graduate. They took up almost an entire section of stands. The families that found the Haydenshires just a little bit too much looked on with disdain. Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire hugged all of their children, and then began trying to entertain the irrepressible twins.

  “So, I guess this is it,” Emily looked terrified.

  “You ok?” Rainer soothed as they walked to the area where the graduates were to line up. Rainer concentrated and let soothing energy flow from his hand into Emily’s. She nodded and gave him a sweet smile, but he saw the fear in her eyes.

  “Em, if you’re nervous about tonight,” he began in a hushed whisper. “We don’t have to do anything.” She rolled her eyes.

  “Rainer,” she huffed and glanced around to make certain no one was listening. “I’m nervous about my speech, not about that. That is what I’m looking forward to, and I plan to think about that while I give this speech.” She held up several notecards with her keynotes on them.

  “Yeah, well, please just don’t start telling the crowd what you’re thinking about while you’re giving your speech,” Rainer teased.

  She laughed, and her eyes danced as she gazed at him. His heartbeat stuttered momentarily.

  “I just have this weird feeling about Adeline,” she admitted thoughtfully. Rainer nodded and his eyes immediately sought Logan and Adeline. They were heading to the other side of the stadium.

  Rainer and Emily followed, but as they exited on the other side to join the appropriate Order lines, Rainer saw them.

  “Shit!” he huffed and moved instantly in front of Emily. She sighed as cameras and microphones were thrust in front of him. He kept his hand shielding his face and used his body to shield Emily from the reporters.

  “What do you think your father would say if he could be here today?” a reporter drawled. ‘To get the hell out of my face, and away from my girlfriend,’ Rainer thought spitefully.

  “Rainer, do you have aspirations to become Crown Governor after graduation?” another reporter called.

  “NO!” Rainer answered angrily. The question was ridiculous.

  “Any plans to get married soon, Mrs. Haydenshire?” a female reporter called to Emily.

  “Miss Haydenshire and I are not answering any more questions. Please leave us alone.”

  He hesitated to leave Emily with the Auxiliary Order, but they needed to line up.

  “You sure you’re ok?” he husked as he stood between her and the numerous camera crews.

  She nodded, and then, with a smile, moved to the fron
t of the line. She was the head of the Order, so she would march in first. It was extremely convenient that there were numerous other students, several of them rather large guys, now blocking her from the reporters. That’s my girl, Rainer smiled as she grinned at him.

  He winked then made the same move as he edged to the head of Ioses line, with Logan right behind him. The reporters called out several other questions, which everyone ignored. Security moved in and relocated the reporters back to the press box.

  Music swelled from the speakers, and Rainer’s heart raced. He checked his pocket to make certain he had his speech. When Mentor Sullivan nodded, he drew a deep breath, and marched Ioses into the stadium. The thunderous applause reverberated in his soul.

  The Orders were seated in an oval pattern, all facing one another, flanking the center aisle. The Chancellor stood at the large oak podium on a stage at the north end of the field, as each of the Orders filed into their specified seating area. Their large banners were unfurled behind them.

  After the graduates were seated, Chancellor Wilshire welcomed the families and friends, along with the school Governors, the attending Realm Governors, and then the Crown Governor.

  “And now we will welcome each of the fine orders represented here at the Academy and at all Gifted Academies throughout the world,” Wilshire stated nobly. “I’ll be calling our upper orders first, though they are in no way more important than the rest. For we must have a division of labor and use our Predilects for the goodness of the Realm as a whole.”

  Rainer tried not to yawn as Logan chuckled.

  “We will begin with Adminis Order.” All of Adminis stood up, just as they’d been instructed.

  They vowed, “To govern,” in unison.

  “Auxiliary Order.”

  Rainer smiled as Emily stood with her entire Order as they chanted, “To serve.”

  “And the Ioses Order,” the chancellor called. Rainer and Logan stood. “To protect,” they vowed.


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