Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk

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Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk Page 19

by Carl Russ III

  “Alright, alright!” Aiden responded nervously, continuing to distance himself from the shack’s front door.

  Lucas grabbed her shoulder. “Wait!” She shot him an intense glare, but said nothing. He looked at Aiden. “You said you came here to pay us back?”

  Aiden nodded. “No one’s ever done me a favor like that before. I felt like I owed ya one. I don’t got much, but just name it and I’ll try to get my hands on it for ya.”

  “How about this instead,” Lucas suggested. “My friends and I are about to attempt something very dangerous, and we need all the help we can get. You seem like a risk taker, and we could really use your help with this. Think you’re interested?”

  “We can’t trust him!” Hagan protested.

  Lucas looked back at him. “You said it yourself: this is going to be tough to pull off with only the three of us. If he really wants to help us, we should accept the offer. Plus, he knows things that could really help us a lot.”

  Returning his attention to Aiden, Lucas asked, “Are you in?”

  “Ya got it,” Aiden answered with a grin. “So, what’s the scoop?”

  “Come inside and we’ll fill you in,” Lucas replied.

  “My house isn’t a hotel,” Sezuni snapped. “If you want to speak to this man, you’ll have to do it outside.” She glared at Aiden. “He does NOT look trustworthy to me. I’m very familiar with his type.”

  “My type?!” Aiden argued. “Look, lady. I know ya ain’t hidin’ your face for fashion, and if you're survivin' out here, ya gotta be sneakin' into Secar at night and stealin' just like me. Cut me some slack; we’re practically family.”

  Sezuni was enraged by his rebuttal, but couldn’t argue with the logic behind his statement. Continuing to cut into him with her gaze for a few seconds, she slowly sheathed her katana. “If you take anything from my house,” she warned, “I will find you.”

  There was another pause as Aiden raised his eyebrows before responding, “Fair enough.”

  Sezuni glanced at Lucas as she walked back into the shack. “I don’t appreciate you inviting strangers into my house.”

  “Sorry,” Lucas apologized, “I wasn’t really thinking abo–”

  “That’s exactly it,” Sezuni interrupted harshly. “You weren’t thinking.”

  Lucas watched her as she took a seat at the small table. That was pretty rude of me now that I think about it. Sezuni’s done a lot for us. I need to be sure not to offend her anymore. On top of that, I’d hate to be on the wrong side of her katana. I guess I was just so caught up in this Kuraikaji business that I wasn’t thinking straight. Oh well, what’s done is done. Besides, Aiden’s a former Cobra. He knows a lot of information we won’t be able to learn any other way.

  Aiden entered the shack. “Nice setup ya got here,” he remarked as he examined the room. “I like it!” He looked at Sezuni, who refused to comment on his statement. Again feeling pierced by her cold stare, he turned to Lucas. “So, your name’s Lucas, eh? Ya got a last name?”

  “Bardsson,” Lucas responded. “These are my friends, Iris Ivaska and Hagan Caine.” Iris smiled as she was introduced, while Hagan gave a single nod.

  Aiden bowed. “Aiden Kerbs.”

  “I remember,” Hagan replied.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” said Aiden. “So, can I have my knife back now?”

  “No,” Hagan answered bluntly.

  Aiden shrugged, “Worth a try.” He looked at Sezuni. “And you are?”

  “That’s none of your concern,” Sezuni snapped.

  There was a pause. “I’ll just call ya Sunshine,” Aiden responded with a wide smile before turning back to Lucas. “Alright, so what’s this dangerous thing ya want me to help out with?”

  Chapter 39: Breaking Point


  Zoe gazed out of the window of her room. I can’t believe that moron is out there pretending to be me. The worst part is that he just might pull it off. Not only will Javan get the disk fragment, but the Spades are going to think I’m the one responsible. If I could just get rid of this jinx! Slowly turning away from the window, she walked to the edge of her bed and sat down. Who am I kidding? I just need to face the fact that I’m stuck with this damn thing. If I don’t act now, that fragment is practically his already. But what can I do? I’m unarmed... and I can’t use magic... Ugh.

  Unexpectedly struck with an idea, she jumped to her feet. That’s right! The basement! Javan said everything I had with me when I went to Valdis Prison is there! If I can get my scythe back, I might be able to make it to HQ before it’s too late. Bolting for the door, she was surprised to find an armored guard standing just outside.

  He looked down at Zoe, her eyes widened from the unexpected encounter. Breaking the awkward silence, the guard spoke. “Master Quinn has ordered me to ensure that you remain in your room.”

  “Seriously?!” Zoe barked. She attempted to shove the guard out of her path, but was promptly pushed back into her room.

  “Master Quinn has also given me permission to restrain you with force if necessary. Just stay in your room; I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Gnashing her teeth, Zoe slammed the door shut. “This is ridiculous!”

  * * * *

  Meanwhile, Lord Quinn quietly sipped a cup of coffee at the end of the large table in the meeting room. Veronica, still seated to his left, remained motionless with her eyes shut and her fingers against her temples.

  Setting his cup on the table, Lord Quinn asked, “How is Laverick progressing?”

  “He’s journeying through the In Between as we speak.” Veronica informed. “It could be a while before he arrives at the Spades’ base, but he has gone quite far.”

  Lord Quinn smiled. “Excellent. It’s simply a matter of time.”

  “Indeed,” Veronica responded. “My only concern would be your daughter. She doesn’t seem at all pleased with what’s taking place; if she were to interfere, our efforts would be in vain.”

  “No need for distress,” Lord Quinn answered. “The manor’s staff is well aware of her ‘mental condition’ and they have orders to apprehend her if she attempts an escape. For extra measure, I stationed a guard just outside of her door shortly after returning her to her bedroom. I informed him that she has recently suffered a serious episode and to disregard any of her requests. Regardless, even if she somehow managed to escape, the gateway Laverick used in Cymbeline is heavily guarded. She would have no choice but to traverse Aria’s wilderness to reach the In Between. Given her inability to use magic, it’s doubtful she would get far.”

  “Marvelous,” Veronica remarked. “Then it truly is just a matter of time. I assure you, Laverick will not fail.” The room fell silent as Lord Quinn slowly drank his coffee and Veronica continued to focus heavily on telepathically guiding Laverick through the In Between.

  * * * *

  Zoe frantically paced in her room. I can’t get my scythe, I can’t use magic – that mama’s boy is going to steal the disk fragment, and I still haven’t learned a damn thing about removing jinxes! What the hell am I supposed to do?! She caught a glimpse of her reflection in her dresser mirror. The stressful events of the previous days had caused dark circles to emerge beneath her eyes. Again, the ‘X’ on her forehead drew her attention, as though it were mocking her efforts. She quickly turned away from it.

  Standing in silence, thoughts began surging through her mind. All of this is my fault. If I would have stayed at the base like Alex had begged me to, he’d still be alive... and none of this would have happened. There was a pause. She felt overwhelming guilt as she replayed Alex’s demise in her head. I wouldn’t listen to him... He pleaded over and over for me to stay, and I ignored him. Even knowing I was just being stubborn, he still refused to let me go alone. Still, he stuck by me when no one else would. He really cared about me... and I got him killed.  Her lips trembled; tears streamed down her cheeks. This time, she didn’t hold them back. He was right – there was nothing I could have done to save R
oshan. And Roshan... Roshan... The mere thought of her dear friend was too much. Her knees hit the velvet carpet as she lamented his death.

  The grief was only amplified as the horrific scene of Roshan’s final moments crept into her mind. She could see him, sitting in the chair, completely terrified as Lord Quinn leaned down to his eye level, quietly warning him, “Resistance will merely result in a slower and far more agonizing death.”

  She could feel her heart breaking as Roshan looked at her, offering his final words. “You did all you could, and for that I’m truly thankful.”

  She saw the blade thrust deep into Roshan’s stomach and could bear no more. Lost in a moment of pure chaotic agony, she began wildly throwing her books around the room. There was a loud crash as one of the books shattered her mirror. Grabbing the shelf, she pushed it to the ground with surprising strength.

  Her door opened as the guard peered inside. “Zoe! Calm down. Now.”

  She snapped her head in his direction. “Shut up!!” Simultaneously reaching for a nearby statuette, she hurled the object at his head. The guard ducked to avoid the projectile, causing it to smash against the wall behind him. After narrowly dodging the assault, he charged her. She responded immediately by dashing toward him, smashing her fist into his armor only to be met with excruciating pain. Unaffected by the blow, the guard promptly tackled her to the ground. He called back into the hall for assistance as he desperately struggled to keep the infuriated Zoe restrained.

  * * * *

  Lord Quinn turned his attention to the doors of the meeting room as Passford poked his head inside. “I apologize for disturbing you, Master Quinn,” he said, “but there is an urgent situation which requires your attention immediately.”

  “It had better be of paramount criticality,” Lord Quinn warned sternly. “I told you not to bother me. I’m conducting extremely important business.”

  “I understand, sir, and I do apologize again,” Passford quickly replied. “But it concerns Miss Zoe.”

  Lord Quinn jumped out of his chair as Veronica’s eyes snapped open. Glancing at her as he hastily made his way to the doors, he ordered, “Remain focused on the task at hand. I will handle this.” She nodded, quickly closing her eyes and resuming contact with Laverick.

  Chapter 40: Reflections Of The Past (Part VII)


  For days he would hear the mysterious voice call his name. It usually happened when he was alone.


  He would look over his shoulder, and see no one. Then, it began speaking when he was among others.


  He would turn to someone nearby and ask, “Did you hear something?”

  Always, they would respond with a no.

  One day, King Ashraf was speaking to the general of his royal knights in his throne room. Javan stood nearby, ready to offer the king counsel if needed. His eyes were unexpectedly drawn to the large throne the king sat upon.


  He glanced around, but again saw that no one appeared to be addressing him.

  “Do you like the throne?” the same voice queried. Javan’s eyes widened but he remained silent. “Look at him... King Ashraf.”

  With subtlety, Javan slowly turned his head toward the king.

  “What a fool,” it said. “He would be nothing without you. You’re the brains, after all. This imbecile would run Aria into the ground if not for your superior guidance.”

  Javan began to perspire. It was overwhelmingly obvious to him at this point that no one but him was able to hear the voice. Trying his best not to attract attention, he remained silent and looked away from the king, staring forward at the massive doors on the opposite side of the room.

  “Why do you serve him?” the voice asked. “Why do you humble yourself before this over‑glorified harlequin?”

  Javan was completely terrified. The voice’s malicious tone sent shivers down his spine each time it spoke.

  “You fear me?” it queried. “Do not, Javan; I understand your pain. I can feel your torment; I sympathize greatly.” He tried to ignore the voice, but found that it was nearly impossible. The less attention he tried to pay to it, the louder and more noticeable it became. “I only want to help you. You want to feel whole again, don’t you? You’re not a servant, Javan... you’re a leader. I can help you lead. I can make you into the mighty king you truly deserve to be – but you cannot fear me. You must trust me.”

  “Care to assert an opinion, Lord Quinn?” King Ashraf asked, startling Javan.

  He had not been paying attention to the conversation, and was unsure of how to answer. “I apologize, Your Majesty,” Javan replied. “I’m feeling rather ill, may I please be dismissed?” King Ashraf raised an eyebrow, but softly nodded, granting his request.

  As Javan made his way down the castle’s main corridor, the voice spoke again. “That throne belongs to you, Javan.”

  “Shut up,” Javan muttered in frustration.

  “You fool,” it responded. “Still stuck on ‘love.’” Javan increased his pace. “There is no love in this world, Javan. You’ve felt what happens when you love. Your heart is nothing more than a weak spot to be exploited.” Placing his hands over his ears in a fruitless attempt to block out the voice, Javan advanced his step to a run. “Look at what love has brought you, Javan. Sorrow, pain – you’re pathetic.”

  “I am not,” he grumbled, hurriedly making his way out of the castle.

  “Yes, go home and cry, you deplorable infant. Prove what ‘love’ is all about. Miserable failure. “

  The voice continuously taunted him without end, even in his sleep. With each passing day, he felt the sting less and less. Through its constant jabbing and jeering, the voice had finally drained him of all emotions. Soon, his heart turned to stone. It had him right where it wanted him.

  After a while, the voice made an unexpected change. It constantly complimented him, in sharp contrast to what he had experienced before. It gradually swelled his ego, more and more each day, slowly befriending its captive. The process was long and ongoing, but eventually, the voice’s offers of power began to intrigue Javan.

  “I chose you for a reason, Javan. I heard how Vera rejected your greatness, despite your selfless effort to restore her life. She doesn’t deserve you, Javan. Imagine how she would feel to know that she turned down the opportunity to be your queen...

  “I know a secret, Javan... a secret which will grant you more than Aria alone. This secret is the key to total and absolute power over all existence. You will become more than a mere king; you will be a god. All will tremble before you. All who have wronged you, all who have tormented your unfortunately misunderstood soul – I can help you attain this power. All you must be willing to do is listen. Are you ready, Javan? Are you ready to listen?”

  Javan nodded slowly. “I am ready.”

  “A wise decision from a wise man. Tell me Javan; are you familiar with an object known as Damiano’s Disk?”

  Chapter 41: Destination, Secar


  “Wow,” Aiden responded after hearing the trio’s tale. “That’s a pretty crazy story. You should make a book outta that!”

  “So are you going to help us or not?” Hagan asked impatiently.

  “Take out Kuraikaji?” Aiden answered. “The guy that screwed me over? Heck yeah I will! But I gotta warn ya, he’s one tough dude.”

  “That’s an understatement and you know it,” Sezuni interjected, sharpening her katana in the corner.

  “Who cares?” Aiden rebutted. “If all five of us jump him at once, we’ll have him pushin’ daisies before he can blink!”

  Sezuni glanced at him. “I’m helping them infiltrate Secar and setting them in the right direction. That’s all. I have no interest in facing Kuraikaji.”

  “Well that sucks,” Aiden asserted. “Same plan with just the four of us?”

  “Don’t forget,” Sezuni added, “You’ll have to defeat several Cobras before even having a chance to
face Kuraikaji himself.”

  “I know that,” Aiden responded smugly. “I used to be one of ‘em, remember? Sure he’s got alotta bodyguards, but we’ll just have Iris do her snowflake disky thing and chop their heads off. No prob.”

  “You’re a true moron,” Sezuni commented, returning her focus to her katana.

  Aiden turned back toward the trio. “Don’t mind what ol’ Sunshine has to say. We’ll be fine. Heck, I’d‑a done it a while ago if I’d had some help.”

  As he spoke, Lucas quietly attempted to scan Aiden’s emotions, though it proved to be rather difficult to hone in on them considering the number of people in the small room. It’s hard to tell if he really thinks we can do this or if he’s just putting on a show. I don’t think I feel nervousness anywhere... I guess it’s not that important. It won’t hurt having him along either way.

  Deactivating his ability, Lucas decided to change the subject. “From what I saw earlier, I’m guessing you’re a Fire mage like Hagan.”

  “Oh,” Aiden replied, “ya mean this thing?” Without warning, Aiden’s hands burst into flames.

  “Doesn’t that hurt?!” Lucas asked, taking a step back.

  Aiden smiled. “Not a bit.”

  “Fascinating,” Iris commented. “How did you manage to conjure without verbalizing a chant? I’ve never witnessed such a bizarre method.”

  Aiden shrugged as the flames were extinguished. “I’ve been able to do that since I was ten. I’ve never learned a thing about magic.”

  Hagan crossed his arms. “I worked my ass off learning how to conjure, and you just figure it out on the playground one day?! That doesn’t make any damn sense at all!”

  Aiden smiled. “Yeah, I know. I’m special.”

  “How exactly do you conjure?” Iris queried. “After years of researching magic, I find this to be a nearly impossible phenomenon.”

  “I dunno why I can,” Aiden answered, “I just can. It’s kinda hard to control once I get goin’ though.”

  “I ain’t trying to give you advice or anything,” said Hagan, “but why are you robbing people with a knife when you can just shoot fire from your hands without even saying a chant?”


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