Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk

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Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk Page 24

by Carl Russ III

  “I learned a great deal of information from that man. Apparently, this dimension I’d stumbled into was a buffer world between our realm and the land of the dead, also known as the Netherworld. With a little more prodding, he informed me that the monsters plaguing Aria had originated from this place. It seems that the beasts are nothing more than lost souls that have been transformed with advanced necromancy.”

  “We already know all of that, too,” Hagan interrupted impatiently. “Just tell us why the hell your men attacked my town!”

  “My,” Kuraikaji responded, “you’re a clever bunch, aren’t you? If you want the short version: this man turned out to be a member of the Spades. He informed me that the Knowms work for Javan Quinn, who has seized control of Aria secretly not only for massive wealth and political power, but in search of the second half of Damiano’s Disk being held by the Spades. To be blunt, I’m most fascinated by the power this object supposedly unlocks and want it for myself. I asked the man where the Knowms were holding their fragment, but he was unsure. Despite further interrogation, I was unable to learn the location of the Spades’ fragment either. So I killed him, and sent my men to find the two pieces of Damiano’s Disk themselves, one town at a time.” He looked at Hagan. “The destruction of your city was nothing personal, I assure you. Just luck of the draw.”

  “That’s it!” Hagan shouted furiously, raising his bow. The Cobras beside Kuraikaji were about to launch their ice orbs when he made a ‘cease’ motion with his hand. They reluctantly obeyed.

  “Say goodnight!” Hagan exclaimed, firing the arrow directly at Kuraikaji’s head. The group was flabbergasted as Kuraikaji caught the projectile in midair.

  “No way!” Hagan blurted.

  Lucas’s eyes widened. Whoa!

  Kuraikaji smiled. “If you’re wise,” he said, tossing the arrow aside, “you’ll shut your mouth and open your ears for a moment. As I’ve said before, I’m highly impressed by your abilities as fighters. So much, in fact, that I would like to offer you a chance to work alongside me in acquiring the two fragments of Damiano’s Disk.”

  “Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me,” Aiden commented nervously. The remainder of the group glared at him.

  Lucas turned back to Kuraikaji. “We’re not interested, Kuraikaji.”

  “Please,” Kuraikaji scoffed, “do you take me for a fool? You’re not going to convince me that you yourself are not at all interested in its power.”

  “Of course we are,” Lucas responded, “but we only want to use it to restore Aria to the way it was before Quinn destroyed it.”

  Kuraikaji laughed. “You’re not giving up on that pathetic hero act, are you? Listen, boy. There are no heroes in this world. The strong eat the weak, and that’s that.”

  Lucas smirked. “Guess you’re just weak then.” The group was surprised by his response.

  Kuraikaji became visibly furious. “You’ve got a lot of nerve to talk so big, boy.”

  “We’re not the one’s desperately trying to make a deal, are we?” Lucas replied. “I think you’re scared.” The room fell silent.

  Kuraikaji slowly made his way down the stairs, motioning for his Cobras to stay put. “You think I’m scared of you, huh?” he said calmly. “Then, considering you’re such a fearless warrior, I presume you wouldn’t be opposed to a fight to the death.” He halted in front of Lucas, towering over him. “What do you say? You against me. One on one. My Cobras will not interfere if your companions agree to stay put as well. Winner takes all.”

  Lucas was stunned by the unexpected challenge. Now I’ve done it! This guy’s going to rip me to pieces! Ugh, I should have just kept my mouth shut.

  “Answer me, boy,” Kuraikaji asserted harshly. “Don’t tell me you’ve suddenly transformed into a sniveling coward.”

  Lucas lowered his eyebrows. “You’re on. Let’s do it.”

  Chapter 47: The Search Continues


  Laverick poked his head into the room. Inside, Tarren was asleep on his bed. Instantaneously, Laverick recognized him as the man who had scolded him earlier. I think that guy’s their leader. The key’s gotta be in here! I have to look. But I gotta be super‑duper careful not to wake him up. He quietly tiptoed inside.

  Among the furniture, Laverick spotted a dresser, a bookshelf, and a desk as potential hiding places for the treasure he sought. Selecting the dresser as his first mark, he softly approached it. Gently placing his hand on the first drawer, he gradually opened it to find several pairs of pants and undergarments. Aw man, now I gotta search through undies.

  Deciding to start with the pants, Laverick lifted each pair and looked underneath them. He found nothing. Sticking his hand into every one of the pockets produced the same results. He cringed as he viewed the undergarments, partitioned on the other side of the drawer. Unwillingly, he checked under and between each neatly folded pair of underwear. Nothing here, he thought as he checked the final pair. Phew! Glad that’s over. Okies, next drawer.

  Unexpectedly, Tarren let out a loud snort and rolled onto his side. Startled, Laverick froze. He slowly turned his head toward the bed, and was alleviated to find that Tarren was still asleep. Letting out a soft sigh of relief, he returned to his task.

  Laverick tediously searched the rest of the dresser, but alas, was unable to find the key. Shutting the final drawer, he delicately advanced toward the desk. His eyes were drawn to a map lying on its surface. As he studied it, he was alarmed when his mother suddenly remarked, “What a delightful find, darling! It seems to be a map of the In Between. My! What detail!” She paused. “Take it, Son. I’d like to examine it once we return to Kieran Forest.” Complying, Laverick carefully rolled up the map and placed it into his bag.

  Glancing at Tarren to ensure his slumber had remained uninterrupted, Laverick discreetly explored the contents of the desk. While he found ink, several pens, blank parchment, and various documents among other things, he failed to locate the key. Dang it. Guess I gotta look through the bookshelf – and it’s right by his bed! I gotta be super‑duper‑extra‑wextra quiet!

  Tiptoeing his way to the bookshelf, Laverick suddenly halted when he made an astonishing discovery. His eyes widened as a grin swept across his face. There, partially obscured by the pillow which Tarren rested his head on, was a ring containing several keys.

  “Fantastic!” Veronica proclaimed cheerfully.

  * * * *

  Lord Quinn crinkled his brow as Veronica opened her eyes and turned to him smiling. “He’s found a ring of keys,” she announced. “I’m positive one of them must open the chest.”

  “We can only hope,” Lord Quinn responded. “While I’m pleased by this news, there is no cause for celebration until the fragment is in his possession.” He sipped his coffee. “We’re not out of the woods quite yet.”

  * * * *

  Using extreme caution, Laverick inched his hand toward the keys. When at last he held them, he gingerly pulled them out from under the pillow. Despite his vigilant manner, they jingled profusely as he lifted them off of the bed. A shot of pure terror surged down his spine as Tarren mumbled and tossed. No, no, no!! Laverick screamed in his head, while externally remaining completely still. Much to his surprise, Tarren eventually ceased moving, and appeared to remain asleep. Shaken by the close call, Laverick stood in place for a short duration as a bead of sweat ran down his face. Then, gripping the keys with both hands and holding them closely to his chest in order to prevent further jingling, he exited the bedroom as quietly as he’d entered.

  Once he was safely back in the hallway, Laverick stuffed the keys into his bag. As he did so, Veronica returned her focus to him. “You have the keys! Outstanding work, Son! Now the only obstacle remaining is that guard.”

  “Uh‑huh,” Laverick whispered. “I still dunno how I’m gonna do that.”

  “It’s simple,” Veronica replied. “Use the shovel to knock him out. Remember?”

  Laverick shook his head repeatedly. “No way, Ma! I’m gonn
a be in big trouble if I mess up.”

  “Don’t think about what if,” she snapped, “just do it!”

  “But Maaaa,” he whined, “what if it’s super loud and wakes everyone up? I still need time to figure out how the heck I’m ‘sposed to get outta here!”

  There was a pause. Somewhat astounded by her son’s logical argument, Veronica responded, “I didn’t think about that.”

  Laverick briefly examined the hallway around him, making sure it remained empty. “So what do I do then?”

  “I’m not sure, Son.” Veronica answered, following a short delay.

  Laverick crinkled his brow. “B‑but Ma! I got the key and everything! We gotta come up with something!”

  “Complaining isn’t helping me think, Son!!” she harshly bellowed.

  Laverick looked down at his feet. “Sorry, Mommy...”

  After a few moments had passed, Veronica suddenly spoke. “I’ve got it! It’s absolutely brilliant! Why didn’t I think of this before?”

  “Think of what, Ma?!” Laverick quietly responded.

  “Return to the kitchen,” she ordered. “I have a perfect solution to our little dilemma.”

  “The kitchen?” Laverick asked, baffled by his mother’s request.

  Veronica chuckled. “Trust me, darling. That fragment is practically ours already. All you must do is follow my instructions to a tee.” Still oblivious to what exactly his mother had in mind, Laverick proceeded to the base’s kitchen.

  Chapter 48: Lucas Versus Kuraikaji


  Lucas stood across from Kuraikaji in the middle of the large room with his sword drawn. From the area at the top of the stairs, the four Cobras and the remainder of the group watched in suspense. On the two balconies, now with the curtains drawn back, additional Cobras stood equipped with loaded bows, their sights set on Lucas’s companions.

  “This is crazy, Lucas!” Hagan yelled. “Just swallow your pride and back out!”

  “Don’t even think about fleeing this battlefield,” Kuraikaji warned. “You’ve agreed, and we’re going to fight.” He glanced back at Hagan. “As I’ve said before, the moment my Cobras even think you’re going to interfere, you will all be killed on the spot.” Coldly staring at Lucas, he added, “The only way to get out of this is to best me, one on one.” He drew his sword. “Well, hero. Make the first move. I’m just ‘scared’ after all.” The Cobras chuckled.

  Lucas tightened his grip on the sword. This is it! I don’t know how the hell I’m going to win this. His reflexes are unreal. The way he caught that arrow... But I don’t have a choice now. Well, here it goes.

  Lucas swung his sword but was blocked almost instantly. Dammit! As quickly as he could, he backed away and tried again. Immediately, his effort was obstructed by Kuraikaji’s expeditious blade. Lucas darted to avoid a hasty counterattack. Now’s my chance! Taking another swing, there was a loud clink as his maneuver was thwarted yet again. Hurriedly stepping backward, his face mirrored his internal frustration.

  Kuraikaji smirked. “Come on, boy. I’m barely trying. Dazzle me with your heroics.”

  “He’s dead,” Aiden bluntly uttered.

  Hagan glared at him. “You’d better mean Kuraikaji.”

  “I dunno which fight you’re watchin’, pal,” Aiden replied as Lucas tried again and again to land a single blow on his skillful opponent.

  Hagan gnashed his teeth. “You could show a little optimism, you know.”

  “The unfortunate truth,” Sezuni interjected, “is that Lucas is simply outmatched. He’s clearly not a master swordsman. Kuraikaji is merely making a show out of him to impress his men.” Iris and Hagan felt their hearts sink as she spoke.

  Apparently overhearing their conversation, one of the Cobras looked at them. “Your friend’s got to have a death wish challenging Kuraikaji to a duel like that.”

  The man’s comrade chuckled. “Wait until he starts conjuring.” Though he was enraged by their commentary, Hagan returned his attention to the duel below.

  The sound of clashing metal echoed throughout the room as Lucas’s blade repeatedly met Kuraikaji’s. He’s too good! Every time I swing, his sword is already there; and he’s barely even fighting back! Kuraikaji thrust his blade. Though he attempted to dodge, Lucas was grazed by the attack, cutting his shirt sleeve and drawing blood. He grunted, speedily retaliating with a counterstrike. Again, their blades met as the attack was blocked.

  “This is pathetic,” Kuraikaji remarked. “After seeing what you did to my Cobras, I had expected much more from you.”

  I’ve got it. I’ll make a fake swing and land a hard strike while he’s distracted. Without warning, Lucas pretended to go in for another swipe. To his astonishment, however, Kuraikaji didn’t move his sword to block. Putting all of his might into a real swing, Lucas’s sword smashed into Kuraikaji’s.

  “Nice try,” Kuraikaji commented smugly.

  “Ugghh! I can’t take this anymore!” Hagan proclaimed, cupping his hand.

  A Cobra watching from the balcony simultaneously pointed his arrow at him. “If you conjure anything,” he warned, “consider yourself a dead man. I can release this arrow a lot faster than you can materialize an orb.” Frustrated, Hagan lowered his arm.

  Meanwhile, Lucas continued to swing furiously, only to have his attempts intercepted with little effort from his opposition.

  “Kuraikaji seems to anticipate his every move,” Iris noted. “He appears to be positioning his sword to perform a block well before Lucas begins to strike. It’s almost as though...” Her eyes widened. “The eye patch!!” she suddenly called.

  Lucas glanced at her. Taking advantage of the temporary distraction, Kuraikaji promptly thrust his blade to Lucas’s stomach. Luckily, the assault was picked up by Lucas’s peripheral vision, scarcely allowing him a chance to elude the strike. As he continued to wage battle against Kuraikaji, Lucas yelled back to her, “What about it?!”

  “I believe it’s enchanted,” she quickly replied. “It’s highly probable that it doesn’t obstruct his vision at all, but rather enhances it!”

  The two duelists came to a standstill. Kuraikaji chuckled. “Well, I suppose your clever associate has caught me. Yes, I’ll admit, I don’t wear this eye patch because it makes me look devilishly handsome. It grants me the ability to see offensive strikes seconds before they’re made, both physical and magical. The extra reaction time works wonders in duels.”

  “You cheating bastard!!” Hagan screamed. “Take it off and fight him like a man!”

  Without removing his eyes from Lucas, Kuraikaji responded, “Cheating? Not at all. The rules were that we would engage in a one on one fight to the death. We never established any guidelines regarding the use of enchanted objects.”

  Unnerved by the revelation, Lucas perspired. There’s no way I can beat him. Even if I can muster up the strength to conjure an orb, he’ll see it coming.

  “If you think you can get it off of me,” Kuraikaji went on, “then be my guest. Though I doubt it will do you much good – especially if you haven’t been holding back on me this whole time.”

  Uncertain of what to do next, Lucas rapidly swung at Kuraikaji, who grinned as he calmly negated each blow. Come on! He has to screw up sooner or later!

  “No wonder Kuraikaji is such a great fighter,” Sezuni acknowledged before glancing at Iris. “How did you know?”

  “It was only a theory,” Iris replied, continuing to carefully watch the duel. “I hope he’s able to remove it somehow. Otherwise...”

  “Don’t give up, Lucas!” Hagan shouted. “Let him have it!” The Cobras snickered. Hagan glared at them, using every ounce of restraint to hold himself back.

  “Easy, buddy,” said Aiden, noticing the boiling rage on his face.

  Hagan snapped his head to him. “I’m not your buddy!”

  “Keep your cool, baldy,” Aiden responded, “you’re gonna get us all shot!” Enraged by the use of the term ‘baldy,’ Hagan swiftly kicked Aiden’s injur
ed leg.

  “Aahhh!!” Aiden screamed, collapsing to the floor.

  “Hagan!” Iris snapped. “Control yourself!” Biting his lip, Hagan returned his focus to the duel.

  Lucas was feeling exhaustion grab at his lungs. I don’t know how long I can keep this up. The moment I stop, he’s going to kill me. I have to think of something.

  Suddenly, Kuraikaji’s blade sent Lucas’s sword flying out of his hands, landing a good distance from where he stood. Kuraikaji raised his eyebrows. “Got you.” Without hesitation, Lucas dashed to collect his weapon. Remaining in place, Kuraikaji sheathed his sword. “I’m growing bored. Let’s finish this while it’s still mildly interesting.”

  As Lucas picked up his weapon, Kuraikaji shouted, “Ignis planitia verrunt!”

  “Lucas!” Hagan and Iris yelled as a large flame swept along the ground toward their companion at alarming speed. Lucas dove out of the flame’s path. It exploded into the wall, causing some nearby furniture to catch fire. Though he avoided the brunt of the assault, Lucas suffered minor heat burns from the resulting blast.

  “Extinguish the flames,” Kuraikaji ordered one of his men before conjuring a fire orb. Complying, a Cobra standing near the group quickly used an Ice spell to snuff out the lingering blaze. At the same time, Lucas got to his feet as Kuraikaji hurled the fire orb. Lucas avoided the threat by mere inches, causing the flame to burst into the sandstone wall.

  Immediately after dodging the orb, Lucas bolted directly at Kuraikaji. He’s going to kill me anyway, I might as well make him fight for it! Kuraikaji was stunned by the move, hastily unsheathing his sword. Though Lucas delivered a powerful swing, his blade inevitably clashed with Kuraikaji’s, beginning another chain of loud clinks as Lucas relentlessly swiped at his adversary.

  “That’s it, Lucas!” Hagan yelled encouragingly. “Give him hell!”

  One of the Cobras scoffed. “Kuraikaji’s just playing with him. If he were trying, your friend would be dead.”

  Hagan was about to unleash his fury on the man when Sezuni calmly replied, “If Kuraikaji’s such a tough guy, why doesn’t he fight without the eye patch?”


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