Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk

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Tales of Aria: The Legend of Damiano's Disk Page 27

by Carl Russ III

  Zoe ran through the upper class community of Regal Heights toward the gate leading into downtown Cymbeline. She received many strange looks from her neighbors as she passed by their homes. Ignoring their gawking, she continued at full speed, slowing down only as she approached the gate.

  “Good morning, ma’am,” the gate’s guard greeted. Replying with only a single nod, Zoe proceeded to walk toward town. “Excuse me,” the guard suddenly said. Zoe stopped.

  Oh no, she thought as she turned toward him. Javan probably told him I’m insane too.

  “I don’t mean to be nosey,” he went on, “but is that... a pillowcase?”

  “Yeah,” Zoe responded.

  There was an awkward silence as the guard eyed the ‘X’ on her forehead, her grass stained pink dress, and fuzzy, light‑blue bath slippers. An expression of suspicion arose on his face. He looked into her eyes and calmly asked, “What do you have inside of it?”

  Zoe’s eyebrows lowered. “Why does it matter?”

  The guard stepped toward her. “Open it,” he commanded sternly.

  Untying the pillowcase, Zoe displayed the box of jewelry to the guard. “There, happy? I’m selling some old jewelry in town today. I put the box in here so no one will try to steal it.”

  “That’s interesting,” the guard replied. “You can afford to live in Regal Heights and own jewelry, yet all you have to carry it in is a pillowcase?” He grabbed her arm. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to come with me.”

  “Let go of me!” Zoe screamed, throwing the guard’s hand off of her. “What the hell is your problem?!”

  “Don’t resist, ma’am,” he warned, poising his spear toward her as a few passersby stopped to view the unfolding scene. “I have good reason to suspect you as a thief,” the guard explained. “It’s my duty to keep the community clean. You’re not under arrest yet, but I’m going to need to conduct an investigation before I can let you go.”

  “What?!” Zoe shouted. “I’m not a thief! This is my jewelry and my pillowcase!”

  “Then why were you running a moment ago?” the guard queried. “And how do you explain the grass stains on your dress?”

  Glancing down at the green smears, Zoe’s eyebrows lifted. Oh crap! This looks bad. I’d better think of something fast. She looked back at the guard. “Look,” she said sternly, “my name is Zoe Quinn. I live in the mansion at the top of that hill. Unless you want to explain to my father why you’re pointing spears at me and calling me a thief, you’d better step aside and let me sell my damn jewelry right now!!”

  The guard’s eyes widened as he quickly lowered his spear. “My apologies, ma’am. I was unawa–”

  “Can it!” Zoe snapped, hastily tying the pillowcase and proceeding into Cymbeline. Whew! That could have been bad. I got lucky. If he would’ve taken me back to the mansion, it’d have all been over.

  Pillowcase in tow, Zoe made her way into the busy city streets. Okay, now to get some gold. I should probably try to stay in the crowd and avoid Knowms just to be safe. Scanning each building she walked by, Zoe carefully searched for a suitable place to sell her jewelry. Various townspeople glimpsed at her as she passed, confounded by her bizarre appearance, much like the residents of Regal Heights. Noticing a woman gazing curiously at her shoes, Zoe commented, “They’re comfortable, okay?!” The woman snapped her head straight forward and continued past her, avoiding the unexpected confrontation.

  Soon, Zoe found herself in front of a building with a sign that read, ‘Melville & Son Pawn.’ Making certain there weren’t any Knowms nearby, she quickly made her way out of the bustling crowd and entered the shop. Proceeding around various odds and ends scattered throughout the room, Zoe approached the counter.

  As she neared, the young man standing behind it smiled and greeted, “Welcome to Melville & Son Pawn. How may I help you today?”

  Zoe set the pillowcase on the counter. “I want to sell some old jewelry,” she explained as she untied the makeshift bag. Removing the box, she opened it, displaying an assortment of expensive necklaces, rings, bracelets, and earrings. “How much can I get for the whole box?”

  The young man’s eyes grew to an incredible size as he viewed the treasures before him. Promptly masking his astonishment, he responded, “Excuse me, Miss. I’m going to have to consult my father for this particular sale. Could you please stay here for a moment?”

  “Fine, just make it quick,” Zoe answered impatiently as he hurried through a door behind the counter.

  A bit frustrated by the delay, Zoe collected her jewelry box and occupied herself by browsing the assortment of items available for sale. She was relatively uninterested in most of the shop’s selection until her eye caught a used clothing section. Among the apparel was an array of footwear. Intrigued, Zoe took off the light‑blue bath slippers and tried on a pair of black boots. However, they were much too large. Putting them back, she turned her attention to some nearby cloaks. Just then, the young man returned through the door, followed by an older man.

  Quickly sliding back into her fuzzy slippers, Zoe returned to the counter. “Her, over there,” the young man told the older man as she approached.

  “Good morning,” the older man said warmly. “My name is Melville. I understand that you have some jewelry you’re interested in selling?”

  “Yeah,” Zoe replied, placing the box back on the counter and opening it.

  Melville gazed at the trinkets within the small trunk. “Oh, my!” he commented. “Do you have an asking price?”

  “What are you willing to give me?” Zoe queried in response as the older man carefully lifted and viewing each piece of jewelry from the box.

  “To be honest,” Melville answered, “I’m not sure I can afford to buy this.” He paused before adding, “Unless there’s any chance you’d be willing to settle for twelve thousand.”

  Zoe thought for a moment. Glancing over at the used clothing selection, she got an idea. She looked back at the man. “Let me pick out an outfit from your clothing section and I’ll take it.”

  Melville nodded profusely. “Yes, of course! Go right ahead! I’ll return shortly with your gold. The changing room is right over there if you need it.” He disappeared into the backroom as his son continued to ogle the valuable trinkets.

  Attentively searching the pawn shop’s used clothing section, Zoe at last found a pair of brown shoes which fit her feet. These will work for now, she thought as she paced back and forth, testing their comfort. As she was looking through the available clothing, Melville returned from the backroom. Zoe walked back to the counter.

  Melville smiled, handing her twelve one thousand gold banknotes. “Here you go, young lady. It was a pleasure doing business with you.”

  Zoe took the money. “Thanks.”

  “Take anything you desire from our clothing section,” Melville added as he picked up the jewelry box. “When you’re finished, simply take it with you. No need to visit the counter.” He disappeared through the door once again.

  A little while later, Zoe emerged from the changing room. Still wearing the brown shoes, she was dressed in a red robe, partially obscured by a white cloak. Placing the pink dress and fuzzy bath slippers on the counter as she passed, Zoe glanced at Melville’s son. “You can keep these. I’d probably just end up burning that dress anyway.” The young man stared blankly as Zoe exited the store.

  She reentered the busy streets of Cymbeline. Now I just have to remember which side of town the blacksmith is on. I think it’s this way... She covered her face with the cloak’s hood, keeping her head down as she made her way back into the crowd. Zoe walked a good distance, occasionally looking up to glimpse at the buildings around her, before finally locating the smith shop. She scanned her surroundings once again before quickly exiting the crowd’s concealment to her destination.

  The blacksmith was much busier than the pawn shop, filled with customers viewing the vast collection of weapons and armor for sale. The sound of a hammer striking hot iron
on an anvil in the shop’s backroom was audible over the voices of the many people. Zoe removed her hood and browsed the available weaponry. She passed by swords, spears, maces, flails, hammers, and axes among other things, when she unexpectedly heard a voice ask, “Can I help you find anything?” She quickly turned around, a bit startled, to see a man with a bushy black beard staring down at her.

  “I’m looking for scythes,” Zoe replied. “Do you have any?”

  The man seemed surprised by the request. “We do,” he said, “but scythes are a bit tough to use correctly. Have you thought about getting a small sword instead?”

  A bit offended by the remark, Zoe harshly responded, “A small sword?! ...Oh, I get it. The short vulnerable little girl needs a small sword. Please, I’m not an amateur! I could take on any ‘pro’ swordsman with a scythe!”

  The man chuckled. “Alright, sweetheart. If you say so.”

  Zoe was further irritated by his reply. “Just shut up and show me where they are! I’m in a hurry.”

  The man shook his head. “You’ve got a sharp tongue. You must’ve used it on the wrong guy to have been jinxed like that.”

  Zoe was surprised. “Wait, you know about jinxes?”

  He nodded. “You can’t be too good with scythes if you let your guard down long enough for that to have happened to you.” The man chuckled as he looked at her flabbergasted expression before walking away, gesturing for her to follow him. “But if you insist, ya little firecracker.”

  He glanced back at Zoe as he led her through the swarm of customers. “A lot of business lately,” he commented. “People are starting to get brave and travel again. It’s good for us, but those monsters have taken a lot of lives from the unprepared – such as those purchasing weapons they’re incapable of using correctly.”

  “I didn’t come here for your commentary,” Zoe growled, attempting to hold back her rage.

  The man stopped walking in front of a small section where a handful of scythes were hung on the wall. “Here they are,” he said. “Few people come in here looking for scythes. We don’t have too many, but they’re all durable, high quality, and completely battle ready.”

  “Hold on,” Zoe interrupted. “You wouldn’t happen to know how to remove jinxes, would you?”

  The man raised an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t care about what I had to say.”

  Zoe was frustrated by his argument. “Well, excuse me for getting defensive when my competency is insulted by someone who doesn’t even have a clue about my capabilities as a fighter!”

  There was a brief pause before the man answered, “Touché.”

  “Well?!” Zoe blurted impatiently, following a second short pause. “Are you going to tell me or not?”

  “I do ‘happen to know’ how jinxes are removed,” the man replied, “but it’s not easy. What I’m wanting to know is how you got jinxed in the first place.”

  “An argument didn’t end well,” Zoe answered coldly.

  The man looked bewildered. “Fair enough, I guess. Well, if you’ve been looking for a potion to get rid of it, you’re out of luck. The only way to get a jinx removed is with an advanced counter‑spell only highly proficient Light mages can cast. If you don’t know anyone, I’d go see Aalok Bonham in Ivyvyne Village. He won’t do it for free, but he’s the best of the best when it comes to Light magic.”

  “Good to know,” Zoe responded, “Thanks.”

  The man nodded. “There are enchanted charms to keep stuff like that from happening, you know. You should probably look into it before getting into anymore arguments.”

  I don’t have enough time to go all the way to Ivyvyne Village, Zoe thought. I’ll have to keep it in mind for later, though. If I can stop Laverick and get this jinx removed, all I’ll have to do is get my hands on one of those protective enchantments. Then, Javan won’t have a choice but to fight me fair and square. Don’t worry Roshan, I’ll make him pay for what he did to you.

  “Now that we’ve got that settled,” the man continued, gesturing toward the wall of scythes, “let’s get down to business. See any in particular that strike your fancy?”

  Browsing the selection, Zoe honed in on one distinct scythe with a sharp black chine. Its dark‑red snath was decorated with hypnotizing symbols drawn in black, equipped with a spear‑like point at the bottom. “Give me that one,” she answered.

  “Excellent choice,” he commented with a smile. “I say that because it’s expensive.”

  Reaching into her robe’s pocket, Zoe pulled out a one thousand gold banknote. “Got change?” she asked.

  Taking the payment, the man examined its authenticity. “You’re rich AND a good fighter?” He looked up at her. “Do you have a man in your life?”

  The question hit a sensitive spot in Zoe’s heart as images of Alex resurfaced within her thoughts. The resulting emotions manifested in a bitter look upon her face. Seeing that she was clearly not amused by the suggestion, the man let out another hearty chuckle.

  “I’m just foolin’ with ya. Lighten up!” He took the scythe down from the wall and walked toward the front of the shop, again motioning for Zoe to accompany him. “Come on over to the counter and I’ll get your change.”

  Moments later, Zoe emerged from the smith shop with her new weapon strapped to her back. Making sure the bag containing her change was secured in her robe’s pocket, she put on the cloak’s hood and made her way toward Cymbeline’s northern border. Now that I’ve got a way to deal with the monsters I’ll encounter, I can finally get going. Hopefully I can make it to HQ before Laverick figures out some way to get into the chest. I doubt he will, though. He doesn’t seem like the brightest–

  In that moment, Zoe caught sight of a young man passing by. When she recognized who it was, she let out an audible gasp. Visibly exhausted with thick black rings under his eyes, Laverick walked right by her without even noticing she was there. Laverick! She came to a stop as the crowd continued to move around her. If he’s back, he must have the fragment!

  * * * *

  Laverick casually strolled toward Regal Heights. He had at last arrived in Aria through the portal in Roshan’s now abandoned café. There, he was greeted by the same men in red cloaks who had seen him off. He displayed the fragment to them, after which he received much praise from the men. Then, once his mother disconnected their telepathic link, he was offered a change of clothes. Taking out his emerald necklace, he resumed his normal appearance and dressed himself. He collected the purple crystal from the cloak’s pocket, as well as the map he’d discovered from the bag, before departing for Quinn Manor, eager to receive his long awaited reward.

  I’m so tired, Laverick thought. But boy was it worth it! Ma and I are gonna be rich and famous! And it’s all thanks to me! I can’t wait to–

  Laverick was abruptly tackled to the ground, causing him to let out a shrill shriek. Recognizing his attacker’s face, he shouted, “Thief!!” as loudly as he could, attracting even more attention from the surrounding pedestrians.

  * * * *

  Quickly stuffing her hand inside the bag on his waist, Zoe felt the disk fragment. “Got it!”

  She bolted as fast as her legs could carry her, tucking the fragment into her robe’s pocket. A few citizens who had witnessed the assault attempted to pursue her, but were unable to keep up as she ruthlessly shoved her way through the busy streets. Taking notice of the situation, some nearby Knowms ran after her at great speed. Confused Arialites stepped aside to let them pass, giving them advantage as they gained on her.

  Zoe glanced over her shoulder and saw the Knowms running toward her, their cold, bulging eyes fixed to their target. She came to a halt as a man grabbed her, attempting to help the Knowms capture the suspected thief. Fueled by adrenaline, Zoe threw the man off of her, shouting, “Moron!!” as she continued her escape.

  Zoe was uncertain of where she was going, but luckily managed to find that the northern border of the city was in close proximity. As she crossed into the field, the
Knowms halted their pursuit, unaware that the assailant possessed the disk fragment. Assuming her to be nothing more than a common thief, they returned to their posts within the city.

  Perspiring excessively, Zoe finally slowed her pace to an eventual halt near a few large trees. I made it. She took a moment to catch her breath as her heart raced, reaching into her robe’s pocket to ensure the fragment’s safety.

  * * * *

  Laverick walked into the meeting room of Quinn Manor. Veronica jumped out of her seat, smiling as she ran toward him. “Magnificent work, darling! That was absolutely brilliant! You’ve made mommy very proud!” She embraced him as he stood in place and stared blankly, uncertain of how to break the dreadful news.

  “I’m most impressed with your mission’s success as well, Laverick,” Lord Quinn asserted as he got to his feet, slowly approaching the two. “Today marks the inception of a new era for Aria. Soon, a–”

  “Zoe stole it,” Laverick suddenly blurted out, causing a painful silence.

  “Laverick,” Veronica said sternly. “Now is not the time for jokes.”

  “But I’m not joking, Ma!” Laverick replied. “I was on my way back and she tackled me out in the road and took it. I yelled ‘thief’ but I don’t think they caught her.” He looked at Lord Quinn, whose boiling rage was apparent beneath his calm exterior. “Sorry...”

  “This is impossible,” Veronica argued worriedly. She turned to Lord Quinn. “Zoe was in her room the entire time, wasn’t she?!”

  “Apparently she managed to escape,” Lord Quinn answered, seething with rage. Taking a moment to calm himself, he went on. “No matter; this merely delays the inevitable. Now that the fragment is in her possession, it’s likely that Zoe will return to the Spades’ base and attempt to remove our blemishes to her reputation. Fortunately for us, we’re already aware of its location. All we must do is take it back.” He walked toward the room’s exit. “Still, until the day arrives when I at last open The Temple of Damiano, I am bound to the duties of my occupation. Once I am finished fulfilling my obligations to King Ashraf, I shall instruct my most trusted men to prepare for a full scale invasion of the Spade headquarters at midnight. Until I return, you may rest in any of the mansion’s guest rooms.”


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