Entangled (Guzzi Duet Book 2)

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Entangled (Guzzi Duet Book 2) Page 12

by Bethany-Kris

  Gian shook his head, adding, “Elena wanted to get away from him, and that much was clear. I understood why, too, because he used her and he abused her. He was angry that she had been seeing someone behind his back; he’s so abnormally close to her, and controlling of her. At least back then. And when she refused to abort the pregnancy, he nearly beat her to death, and then had her sent to me.”

  He dropped the spoon to the table with a clatter. “I saw a different Elena then, Cara. One that was scared and small, a victim of a man she just wanted to get away from. And to this day, no matter what that woman has done to me or what she might do in the future, I still see the Elena from that day. Bruised, and swollen, with a bloody, busted mouth, and dried blood matting her hair. I see her, and I never have to think why? I think, why not? Why not hurt, use, and manipulate to be free, to be happy? Why not use all the things your father taught you to do, in order to protect and advance him, to protect and advance yourself? It doesn’t give her a pass, sure, but it certainly makes more sense, in a way.”

  Cara cleared her throat. “She was lucky she didn’t lose the baby, then.”

  Gian chuckled darkly. “There was no baby to lose, Cara, but I’ll get there. Corrado pressured me to do the right thing, with Elena, but also where our family was concerned. He didn’t want to face a war with Gabriel on the streets, and he knew how dangerous the man could be. So, a marriage it was.”

  “And that obviously happened.”

  “Quite fast, within a couple of months of announcing the engagement.” Gian took Cara’s spoon from her, scooped some ice cream, and fed her the bite, waiting for her to finish before he continued. “Leading up to the wedding, we had to deal with the usual family things. Which put Elena front row and center for her father. His way of hurting her emotionally when he couldn’t hurt her physically, was to shame and embarrass her in front of me, or others. Does he know, her father would say, how you sucked the cock of the mayor’s son to pay off my debt? Things like that.”

  Cara let out a shaky exhale, and looked away. “That’s terrible.”

  “It reinforced my belief that I was doing the right thing, though I didn’t love her, and I knew what a marriage with someone meant in my world. It is for life, there is no out, except for death. But I thought, I was doing the right thing.”

  “And then?”

  “And then a week after we married, I caught Elena drinking wine. From the moment we walked out of the church on our wedding day, something changed with her. She no longer focused on me like she had once done—all that attention, the doting and the adoration, was gone. She didn’t need to pretend, you see. Not once she had gotten what she needed from me. I was pissed about the wine, because of the baby.”

  “But there was no baby, you said?”

  Gian nodded once. “She tried to say she had miscarried. We weren’t even having sex; we hadn’t fucked since the night we married, so how could I say for sure that she was or wasn’t losing the baby?”

  “Was she?”

  “No, there was no baby. I had her records at her doctor yanked, though it wasn’t my right to, and found there was no pregnancy, at least not within the months she had been with me. Six months before we had met, there had been an abortion on file. One of several over the years. She was actually on the depo shot, and had been since the last abortion, so a pregnancy was highly unlikely to begin with.”

  “Oh, Gian.”

  “Don’t do the pity thing,” Gian said, shooting Cara a lopsided grin. “Not for me. I overlooked a lot of things because I didn’t want to question a woman that was clearly in need of help. I was too busy feeding a hero complex and trying to do what everyone else wanted me to. By the time I realized how incredibly fucked I was, and how much Elena had manipulated me, it was too late.”

  “You were married.”

  Gian’s smile faded. “For life.”


  “There is no but, not for this. Not in the position I was, and while I wanted to send her back to her father with a fuck you and a smile, I couldn’t do it. And she fought with me daily, she raged at me. I gave her the things she wanted, a beautiful penthouse, new cars, furs, nearly a million in diamonds. I gave her everything she wanted, just to keep her happy for a short while, but that was the problem.”

  “It only lasted for a short while,” Cara said.

  “I couldn’t keep her happy, because she had gotten what she wanted from me, and as of that point, I was only a nuisance. So, I moved out, about a year after we married, though we hadn’t been even sleeping together or using the same bedroom from almost the day we married. We did it quietly, we were careful about our public side, making sure it still looked like we were a happy couple. We didn’t want to provoke her father, after all. Then, as time went by, we stopped pretending unless it was something big or important, like a wedding, a funeral, somewhere our faces might be shot on the news, or whatever.”

  Cara reached out and stroked Gian’s cheek, surprising him at the tender touch. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be, bella. It’s circumstance and details. That’s all it’s ever been, Cara. I don’t have a paper to say I’m divorced, because I can’t. Men like me can’t be divorced without ruining everything we worked for. And a divorce might push an already violent man over the edge—something else my family can’t afford right now.”

  “What about … other relationships?”

  Gian shrugged. “I haven’t had other relationships. For a while, even after we separated, I was faithful. Then one night, I met someone, and I was out of her place before morning even came. I didn’t have time to be in a relationship, or the effort it would take to keep up the charade. When you came along, I wasn’t so jaded toward women, because I hadn’t needed to be in a long time. I had no reason to distrust you, not when you showed your cards that first night, telling me what you did and didn’t want. And my God, there was something about you that made me sit down and pay attention. It just blew up from there.”

  “And you were fucked again.”

  Gian smiled sinfully. “I didn’t mind, Cara. Not with you. You made me love you, and I wanted to be with you, so I was going to try and do that. I just didn’t know how. I was trying to tell you before you found out in Chicago. I knew I should tell you, but it isn’t the kind of conversation that is usually brought up when you first meet someone. As time passed, it became more of me not knowing whether you were going to be with me, or go your own way, so I held off again. I asked what you wanted with me, in the future, and you only said me. You said me, love. I just didn’t know how to tell you the situation without ruining us. I didn’t want to ruin us. And then you were gone.”

  “I should have listened to this when you offered to tell me before,” Cara said sadly, her hand still cupping his cheek, and her thumb stroking sweet lines on his jaw. “I’m sorry that I didn’t.”

  “Circumstance and details have put me back in the position where I have to play house with a woman I despise, who I don’t trust. I wish I could be rid of Elena, but I can’t send her back to her father. Not that it would do me any good, because she would still be my—”

  “Wife,” Cara interrupted gently.

  “Exactly. I’m sorry that I can’t give you the things you deserve. I’m sorry that I love you, Cara, but I can’t shout it to anyone who will listen, or make a huge show of getting a ring on your finger and walking you down the aisle. I’m sorry that I was selfish and put you in a position where your worth is tied to my choices. I can’t make a home with you, not one that will ever feel proper or permanent, because I fucked up once, and here we are.”


  “I’m sorry,” he repeated. “I wish I could say something different, but it’s the only thing I have right now. I’m sorry.”

  “Me, too,” Cara whispered.


  Gian reached for Cara through his groggy haze of sleep, hearing her call of his name, and wanting to bring her closer. He found her side of the bed e
mpty, and promptly opened his eyes wide. Cara stood in the bedroom doorway, rubbing at her eyes with the back of her hand. A quick check of the clock said it was way too early in the morning for her to be up. Cara didn’t get out of bed before eight, not if she didn’t have to.

  “What are you doing out of bed?” he asked her.

  Cara pointed at her rounded stomach, pouting in the darkness. “He makes me pee a lot.”

  Gian’s tired laughter rung out in the bedroom, and he fell back into the bed. “Go to sleep, Cara.”

  “In a minute.”

  “What is it, mon ange?”

  “Did you set up the crib?”

  Gian cleared the sleep out of his voice, saying, “Yeah, it needed set up, didn’t it? You fell asleep early, I had nothing to do.”

  “Could have woke me up. There’s all sorts of things we could be doing that are fun in bed, you know.”

  “You need to sleep more than you need me waking you up to get a good fuck.”

  Although, he was down for that, too. Just not when he could see she was tired as hell.

  Cara slipped into the bed, and tucked herself close to Gian’s side. Rolling over, he brought her head to his naked chest, and let his hand rest on her lower stomach. A possessive, protective swell washed through his bloodstream at the feeling of his son shifting under his father’s palm, one of the first movements Gian had felt of his child.



  “I would rather set up a nursery in the penthouse, if you would be willing to stay there, I mean,” he said.

  Cara let out a soft sigh. “I don’t know about that one.”

  “I don’t have to be there, if you don’t want me to—”

  “Aren’t things complicated and difficult enough with all of this? Do we need to add in that sort of thing, too?”

  “I’ll do whatever you want, love. You know that.”

  “I do.”

  “But my son is, and will always be, non-negotiable between us. For him, and for you if you would let me, I will move the world. I won’t compromise about my child. Not when it comes to caring for him, or providing him with whatever he needs, not to mention his mother.”

  “I should hope not.”

  “Then consider the penthouse now, and what it would mean to be somewhere that’s safer, better watched, closer to certain places you frequent. It would also be easier for me to come, on that side of things.”

  “And go,” she added quietly. “It would make it easier for you to come and go, Gian.”

  “I can’t help that, Cara.”

  “I know,” she murmured.

  “Consider it, for him.”

  “And for you.”

  Gian smirked, pressing a kiss to her soft hair. “And for me, yes.”


  “What, amore?”

  “Shut up and fuck me now.”

  “Cara, you should sleep while you can. You need to slee—”

  She was the one to shut him up, instead, by leaning up to catch his moving lips with a hard kiss, and in the next breath, she had climbed on top of him under the sheets. In no time at all, she had discarded his boxer-briefs, and the short nightie she had on did little to hide the fact she was naked underneath.

  Cara shivered under his wandering hands, and she let him pull that damn nightie off her body entirely, baring all of her to him. The heavy swells of her breasts fit perfectly into his palms, and she sighed happily when he tweaked her nipples under his forefinger and thumb. Her back arched under his touch, moving her closer to him when he shifted in the bed to sit up. He traced the gentle curve of her stomach with his fingertips, watching pretty goosebumps bloom over her skin.

  Her hands were between their bodies before Gian could even demand it, circling his length and fitting his cock at her cunt. He held Cara’s face in his palms as she lowered down on his length, hard and fast. Heat shot through his cock, and straight up his spine, when she was seated on him fully. There was no waiting for her, no slowing or careful movements.

  She rode him crazy, so wild. Her nails dug into the hard muscles of his arms as he dragged her closer for a kiss, keeping her there while their tongues warred until he was forced to pull away for a burning breath.

  “Oh, my God. Oh, my God,” Cara mumbled again and again.

  A record on repeat.

  All her pretty cries.

  The way she looked riding him.

  How her body shook and shivered.

  It was all such a familiar tune.

  Gian loved it.

  She was so wet, her cunt squeezing the fucking life out of his body through his dick. He angled his lower half into her lowering body, making it so that her greedy little clit was rubbing against him every time she came down on him fast and hard again.

  Gian wanted to give Cara what he knew she liked the most—his fingers tight around her throat, his body pounding into hers until she was a mess of tears and sweat into the bedsheets. But he held back, and only because he thought that might not be okay, given her state. Instead, he settled on letting his hand rest against the thrumming beat of her pulse on her neck, and his teeth leaving marks on her lips and tits. He let her set the pace, and how rough she wanted to fuck him, not the other way around.

  His words spilling out were damn near constant, though, and unstoppable. Whispered harsh and fast in her ear, because he was worried he was going to lose all train of thought before he could get them out in their entirety.

  “You’re so beautiful, mon ange. My good girl, fucking me like you are. Take what you want, Cara, take my cock.”

  Cara’s first orgasm came on like a tsunami of sensation that even Gian could feel, from the way her body tensed and then shook, to the loud, broken cry she released. Her eyes flew wide, the blue of her irises a darkened wave of color, while her pupils had blown wide in her bliss.

  So fucking beautiful.

  And apparently, it wasn’t nearly enough. The second she had calmed, her demands came sure and quick in his ear.

  More, and now, and only you, only you, only you.

  How could he refuse?

  How could he refuse her?

  “Seems we have some work to do,” Stephan said.

  Gian nodded in agreement with the Capo. “Lots of digging and prying into whoever might be feeding the police information.”

  “There’s a lot of men in this organization,” Dom pointed out.

  “I’m aware.”

  “It won’t be too difficult,” Chris added.

  All eyes moved to the quiet enforcer in the corner, who had mostly been playing on his phone and sipping from a glass of water. While the rest of them drank whiskey or a beer, Chris drank water.

  “And why do you think that is?” Gian asked his man.

  Chris looked up at his boss, shrugging. “Once word begins to travel that the boss is looking for a rat, you’ll find that the men who don’t want any fucking part of that shit will be the first to point you in the direction you need to be looking. They all pay attention, they simply choose not to speak up unless they need to. Make it so that they need to, boss. That’s all.”

  Dom’s gaze swung back to Gian. “How do we even know for sure that the rat is in our family?”

  “Gabriel is pretty convinced on that fact,” Gian replied.

  “And he is a voice of reason here?”

  “No, but since we all know how he treats someone he likes, imagine how he treats those he doesn’t like. If he says he doesn’t think there’s a rat in his family, it’s because he’s already made his rounds. It’s our turn to do rounds on our end, now.”

  Gian let the men have their opinions, but he was firm on what he wanted. Soon after, the three men cleared out of his office at the mansion, leaving him alone once again. He had only called the meeting, because he had spent the week keeping a low profile, and trying to spend as much time with Cara as he could. When he knew he had no choice but to head home, he decided to call the meeting.

“You look stressed, Gian.”

  His attention flew to the new presence in his office. Elena leaned in the doorway, a silk robe cinched tightly at her waist and her arms crossed under her chest. Immediately, he was on edge at Elena’s sudden entrance and it had a whole lot to do with the bare legs and black heels she wore. Why did she need a robe and heels like those on at the same time?

  It was a dichotomy.

  Unless she was looking for something.

  He wasn’t about to provide it.

  “Do you need something?” Gian asked.

  “I saw the guys leave. I thought I should check on you.”


  “I’m fine, about to head to bed.” With that, he stood from his desk, closing his laptop down and putting away his papers. All the while, Elena never moved from her spot in the doorway, forcing Gian to come incredibly close to his wife as he passed her by. Her hand coming up to press against his chest over his dress shirt stopped him for a moment. “What, Elena?”

  “I don’t interest you at all, do I?”

  His gaze lingered over the delicate column of her throat, to the peeks of her breasts at the top of the robe, and then down over her trim waist and the expanse of her legs. “You did once, but it was a game you used to hurt me with. Nothing about that interests me at all, Elena.”

  “Why her, then?”

  Gian stiffened. “I beg your pardon?”

  “What about Cara Rossi is so special? She’s pretty, sure. Red hair, tall, slim. But she isn’t … spectacular, is she? Or did I miss something?”

  He realized in that moment how delicate of a line he was walking with his wife. It was not one he wanted to walk at all, but it seemed Elena was not going to give him a choice in the matter.


  “Did you think I wouldn’t know about her visit when you were in jail? Or how curious it is that you are bringing her to visit … not to mention, when she’s pregnant? Or that you hole yourself up in her place for days, hiding away from the world?”


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