“Then I saw you in the crowd at Aslan Station, and your shoes… The white flowers. It was like the garden wrapped itself around your feet to protect your every step.”
“I just thought you had a thing for feet.” That sounded lame. Priya wanted to take her words back but Ragnar ignored her, continuing his story.
“When I saw you, I knew joy. You called my Fever. I waited and waited and grew envious of the joy of others, of my friends, but now I know I waited for you. And I was desperately afraid of losing you before I had to chance to win you, so I invented a plot to keep us together. It was wrong to lie to you, but it was even worse to begin our life together based on a lie. I see that now. That is my truth.” He held out the crown to her. “So I ask you, as a male of no consequence, Priya Marie Barber of Terra and Blackborn, pilot of the New Leaf, may I build us a nest? I can think of no greater honor than building us a home and a family.”
Her bottom lip trembled. Hands shaking, she took the floral crown and placed it on her head.
“You are my love, my life and my everything,” he said, voice falling to a low tone. She recognized that tone. It immediately preceded naked antics. She didn’t think she was up for antics. It hurt to laugh.
“Thank you, I—” She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to find the correct words to express all that was in her heart. “Since we’re owning up to mistakes, I’ll admit that I initially saw you as a means to an end. I planned to use you for your money and then leave as soon as our deal ended. I didn’t want to get attached.”
“But you could not resist my charms?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“Then I realized that I liked talking to you. I liked spending time with you. I liked you.”
“I am very likeable,” he agreed.
“Don’t ruin it, bub. I liked you and then one day I knew I was attached and didn’t want to leave.”
“Because of your endless like for me?” He growled, climbing into the bed next to her. “A like of a lifetime. And our universe shaking like as we made like, as you shouted harder, faster, I like you, I like you—”
“All right, I get it,” she protested. “I’m sorry I don’t have a sweet story to share. You snuck up on me. One day like became love and I didn’t mind.”
“Mmm, you didn’t mind.” He arms wrapped around her and he pulled her to his chest. Warm as always, she snuggled in. “A glowing endorsement.”
“I love you,” she said with heartfelt sincerity but was ready to protest his cuddles and call him names.
A knock came on the door. “Did she accept?” Nora poked her head in, followed by Lady Sorrel. Soon the entire family, both sides, crowded the room.
Talk began immediately of another celebration, grander, more elaborate with a larger guest list.
Priya put her foot down. So to speak. “No. Absolutely not. Just the people I like.”
“But you don’t like anyone,” Nisha protested.
“Just the people I care about the most, which is pretty much everyone in this room. And we’ll have it in a year. On our anniversary.”
One Year Later
The sun was high in the summer sky. They were in the middle of a heatwave but nothing was going to deter her plans. Today was her anniversary and she had an announcement.
The entire family gathered at Stoneledge House, including Lady Sorrel and Prince Raes, Ragnar’s aunt the Princess Searra, and Prince Korven and his family. Queen Lasar had lifted Korven’s exile a month previously and this was his first time back on Wyer soil since running off to marry his Terran, Adelle. Even Aelth, but that took persuading from Ragnar.
Widowed and heartbroken from the death of her mate, Ragnar explained that his sister was envious. He loved his sister, didn’t always like her or her actions, but he could forgive her cruel words.
Easy for him to say. The cruel words weren’t directed at him. Still, Priya decided to rise above and smother Aelth’s vinegar with never-ending honey. For every barbed comment the female lobbed in Priya’s direction in the last year, Priya responded with compassion and sweetness. It wasn’t always easy but the confused look on Aelth face was worth the effort.
Priya was surprised at how much she liked Korven and Adelle. Korven was Ragnar’s oldest friend, cousin, and the male Ragnar swore on oath to protect, tying the two male’s lives together irrevocably. So there was only a slightest bit of pressure to get along on Priya’s part.
Anyone could love their daughter, Kolle and it was obvious that she adored her Uncle Ragnar. Priya only hoped Kolle would not be jealous once she had to share her Ragnar with another nestling. Currently the girl had a pair of paper mache dragon wings strapped to her back—“just like Daddy’s”—and darted madly through the guests.
Priya carried the last tray to the wooden table on the lawn. The table groaned with food and wine and laughter. Despite her mother-in-law’s meddling, Priya kept the party simple. Food and friends. No themes. No elaborate gowns. No decorations. No musicians and no servants carrying around trays of pretentious, tiny food.
Ragnar grabbed Priya at the waist and pulled her into his lap, planting a sloppy kiss on her lips. All the people she loved were here. A hand drifted to her stomach. Soon there would be one more person to love.
“A fine feast you’ve prepared, mate,” Ragnar said, voice ringing out. “I approve of this Terran cook-out.”
Priya shifted in his lap. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“What is it?” His eyes searched hers, looking for a clue.
“I can’t stand the wait!” Nora jumped up from the table. “You’re having a baby! I’m going to be a grandma!”
For once, Ragnar sat stunned, at a loss for words. “Truth?”
Priya nodded, smiling too wide to speak.
Ragnar stood up suddenly, knocking back the chair and squeezing her tight. He spun her until she thought she might get sick. “You have given me the greatest gift. A nestling!”
“I want to spin! Uncle Ragnar, spin me!” Kolle bounced at their feet, begging for a ride.
“I think someone is jealous,” Priya whispered.
“And why not? She loves me best.” He gave her another squeeze and a twirl.
Priya patted his shoulder, ready to be set down. “Go on, spoil the princess. I’m all dizzy now.”
“I don’t think I can let you go.”
She settled into his embrace. Everyone she loved was here. “You mean everything to me,” she said.
“You are my life, my love and my every good thing,” he said, repeating the words he spoke at their wedding and recited every morning.
She’d never grow tired of hearing those words.
“I’ve been waiting a year to give you this.” He produced a small velvet covered box from his pocket.
“Is that—”
He opened it, revealing two simple gold bands.
“A year?” He had held onto these rings for a year?
“Since you told me the Terran tradition. The more I thought about it, the more I like the idea of putting my mark upon you. So other males would know to whom you belonged.”
Priya raised an eyebrow. Other males, hmm? “You’d wear a ring, too.”
“Oh yes, I very much welcome the mark of my mate.” He placed the larger ring in the palm of her hand. “I believe we exchange words.”
“Vows,” she breathed. “Did you learn them?”
He nodded. “I, Ragnar bin Raes Sorrell, take you, Priya Marie Barber, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better or worse, richer or poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish from this day forward until death do we part.”
The ring slid on her finger, the fit flawless. In the sun, she could make out faint details of dragon scale. Simple and complicated all at once. Perfect.
“Now you,” her husband prompted her.
Priya repeated the vows, voice wobbling and eyes tearing up. Pre
gnancy hormones. Had to be. As she slid the ring onto his finger, Ragnar threw his head back and roared in triumph.
A year ago her life was in a chaos. She made blunder after blunder to save her family and pay their debt. She regretted nothing. Every mistake was a step that brought her here, to this perfect moment of joy in the sunshine with her love and their baby growing in her womb.
“You are crying again,” Ragnar said, arms wrapped around her protectively.
“Shut up and kiss me.”
He did.
Thank you for reading!
We hope you had fun with Ragnar, Priya and the rest of the family. The story was a blast for us to write. I hope that came across on the page.
We’re hard at work on our next project. Right now we’re making goo-goo eyes at some cyborgs so be on the look out over the summer.
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Also Available
Korven’s Fire: Dragon Prince of Wye
Nancey’s books on Amazon
Warriors of Sangrin (with Starr Huntress)
Delivered to the Aliens
Alpha Aliens of Fremm
Claimed by the Alien Prince
Bride of the Alien Prince
Alien Warrior’s Mate
Alien Rogue’s Price
Juno’s books on Amazon
Too many to list! Juno is a writing machine.
About Nancey
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I am an unapologetic nerd. Time travel, space opera, superheroes, tabletop games, fountain pens and video games where you beat up robots, I love it all. I write the type of fun, fast and flirty books I want to read, featuring plucky heroines, wickedly charming heroes, and plenty of steamy, fun sex. Hopefully you want to read them to.
I live in an old house with my husband and two cats that have complaints with management. I try to wear pants as little as possible.
My contact info is Nancey@MenuraPress.com.
About Juno
If you'd like to be notified of new releases, special sales, and get FREE ebooks, subscribe here: http://eepurl.com/bnMJL5
Juno Wells grew up on Florida's Space Coast, watching the shuttles take off from Cape Canaveral. When she hit college, her childhood fantasies about space travel turned highly romantic. Now her mind reels with space adventures of fantastic alien lords in distant galaxies, and the earth women they love.
Wells' stories explore the complex, sensual relationships between inhabitants of different star systems. There are always happy endings just as there is always a new world to explore.
Have a comment? Make first contact with Juno at authorjunowells@gmail.com.
Ragnar: Dragon Lord of Wye
Copyright Nancey Cummings
Cover Design by Resplendent Media
Published April 2017
Published by Menura Press
Digital Edition
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the original purchaser of this book only. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printer or electronic form without prior written person from the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
Author’s Note: This is a work of fiction and all people, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. All characters depicted in this work of fiction are eighteen years of age or older.
Ragnar: Dragon Lord of Wye Page 13