Daddy Bear

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Daddy Bear Page 9

by Roberts, Laylah

  “What does walking outside have to do with getting comfortable?”

  He raised one eyebrow. “Ever heard of someone needing a cold shower because they were aroused?”

  “What? Oh, yes. Do you mean every time you’ve gone outside it’s because…” she trailed off.

  “Well, not every time,” he said dryly. “But yeah.”


  “You really thought I didn’t want you? The taste of you on my tongue is going to haunt me. If I close my eyes, I can hear the little cries you make, see the way you tense up just before you come, feel you pulsating around my finger. And damn do I wish that had been my dick inside you.”

  “Oh,” she said again. Say something sensible, Ellie. “That sounds nice. Could we do that?”

  He laughed. “Baby, I’m trying to be good here.”

  “Being good is overrated,” she told him.

  “Oh, is it? Because being naughty just gets you spanked.”

  Yeah, well, those few swats he’d given her earlier had just stirred her arousal so that didn’t sound like much of a threat.

  “You’re not up to sex yet, Ellie. It’s your first time. It should be special.”

  “But I’m not sure I can sleep like this. I think you should climb into bed with me and see what you can do to soothe me.”

  He shook his head but he was grinning. “You are such trouble. I am not having sex with you.”

  She sighed. “Fine. But that doesn’t mean we couldn’t do what we did earlier, right? I mean, I think I need some more practice.”

  “Not tonight. You’re tired and you need to rest.”

  She gave him her best pleading look.

  “But I will sleep with you. Only sleep. And if you try for anything more, you’re going to feel my hand on your backside again.”

  Promises. Promises.

  She didn’t say that out loud, though. She wasn’t that silly.

  “You’re not always going to get your way, little girl.”

  “Of course not, Daddy,” she said with mock-innocence.

  “Brat,” he said affectionately. But he stripped off his clothes. This time he was wearing boxers, which he left on as he climbed into bed beside her. She snuggled in against him and he wrapped a wide arm around her. A sense of rightness stole over her.

  “You’re so warm.”

  “And you’re freezing. Why didn’t you tell me you were so cold?”

  “I didn’t feel cold until you got in. You’re like a furnace.” She rested her head on his chest with a happy sigh. “I love it when you hold me. I’ve never been held like this.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “I like it too, baby girl. Now go to sleep.”

  She yawned. “Not tired. Tell me a story.”

  “You just yawned. Sleep.”


  “Do you need me to warm your bottom for you?” His voice was a low rumble. Hmm, maybe that would be nice. But then again, he didn’t sound to happy with her.

  “No.” She was silent for a moment. “But I really want a story first. Please, Daddy? Then I’ll go straight to sleep.”

  His sigh was long and exaggerated. “Fine. Once upon a time there was a very patient Daddy—”

  “Did he have a beard?”


  “Ooh, and was he sexy?”

  He pulled her into him and laid two sharp smacks onto her ass.

  “Hey! No fair. You didn’t say I couldn’t ask questions, Daddy.”

  “Don’t interrupt me again, or you’ll be going to sleep with a red bottom and no story,” he warned.

  “I thought you weren’t going to spank me while I was healing.”

  “I thought you were feeling all better?” he questioned her. “You can’t have it both ways, little girl. And before you say anything, remember what happens when you lie.”

  She sighed. “I do feel a lot better.”

  “What about your headaches? Tiredness? Dizzy spells?”

  She didn’t really want to answer. But she knew she had to. “I’m still getting headaches.”

  “And what helps those headaches?”

  “The medicine.”


  “And a nap,” she answered sulkily.

  “Which is why you still need plenty of rest,” he told her. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten that dizzy spell when you got up from lying on the rug earlier.”

  “That was just from moving too fast.”

  “Uh-huh,” he said dryly. “Now, am I telling the rest of this story without interruption or are you getting a spanking?”

  “Story,” she said quickly.

  “Right, now, where was I?”

  “There was a beautiful princess who never got spanked because she was the best girl in the world.”

  He chuckled. “She is beautiful and a good girl, but she will most definitely be getting spanked.”

  “Just in the story, though right, Daddy?”

  “Oh, didn’t I tell you? This is based on a true story. Because the naughty little princess went riding her horse without telling anyone or taking her phone and got lost and the very patient daddy had to rescue her. When he learned how foolish she had been with her safety, he put her over his knees and raised her skirt to bare her bottom then he laid several hard smacks to her ass. The princess protested that she shouldn’t be subjected to such a punishment, after all she was a princess. But the daddy didn’t care about that. All he cared about was keeping the princess safe. And he knew the best way to ensure that she never got into trouble again was to give her a good hard spanking. So, he smacked her bottom until it was bright red and she was sobbing and remorseful. And when it was over, he held her in his arms and rocked her and told her that she was too important to be so reckless. The end.”

  “No, that’s not the end.”


  “No, it always goes ‘and they lived happily ever after’.” She yawned again and snuggled in against him as she fell off asleep.

  Bear lay there, with her tucked in against him unable to sleep.

  Happily ever after.

  It only it was that simple.

  * * *

  “I want to come.”


  She crossed her arms over her chest. “What if you need my help?”

  He shot her a look. Yeah, okay, he wasn’t likely to need her help. But still, she didn’t want to be left in the cabin on her own while he went to check the state of the road.

  They’d been in this cabin for five days now. And truth be told, it wasn’t that she was concerned about being on her own, she just wanted to be with him.

  She was also worried that the road would be clear and this would be the end of their time together.

  “What if I need you?”

  “I’m only going to be gone about two hours, Ellie,” he said patiently. “You’ll be okay. I’ll be back before you know it. Now, do you need anything before I go?”

  She was up and dressed, sitting on the sofa again. She was feeling loads better, although she was still getting headaches. She hadn’t had one today, though. So maybe they were disappearing.


  “All right. I want you to stay inside the cabin and rest. Understand me?”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  He came over and kissed her gently. “Be a good girl and Daddy will be back soon.”

  “All right, drive carefully,” she said anxiously.

  “I will be fine.” He moved to the door and left without another word. She looked around the cabin. What was she going to do for a few hours?

  * * *

  Bear pulled up outside the cabin. The road was still a bit of a mess. There was no getting through until the tree was cleared away. He could try going the other way and heading to the city, but that was a long drive for Ellie and they were okay here for a bit longer. He’d called Sanctuary to let them know what was going on.

  And if truth be told, he wasn’t really ready for his time here t
o be over. She’d buried herself deep under his skin and he didn’t want to let go. Even though he knew he had to. She’d made it clear she wasn’t looking for anything permanent.

  He opened his truck door, eager to see her. As soon as he climbed out, though, he knew she’d disobeyed him. He spotted some pieces of bread over towards the woods and some small footprints dotting the snow between the cabin and the bread.

  He shook his head. Little brat. Had she really thought he wouldn’t find out?

  He walked up the porch steps. He’d obviously done her a disservice by waiting to dispense discipline. If she was well enough to move around outside, she was well enough for a proper spanking.

  Ellie was sitting in the armchair, trying to read when Bear opened the door. She was having trouble concentrating on the words and as soon as he walked in, she instantly forgot what she was reading.

  “Daddy!” she squealed. Then she jumped up and rushed towards him.

  “No running,” he barked at her as she flung herself against him. “Damn it, Ellie. You’re going to hurt yourself.”

  “Pfft, I’m fine. You worry too much. How was the drive? Was the road still a mess?”

  “Yep, tree is still down. We can probably make it back the other way towards the city, but it would take us a long time. Best to wait until the road is cleared, I think, and head towards Wishingbone.”

  “I’m in no rush to go anywhere.”

  He tilted her head back gently and leaned down to kiss her. “You’re not eager to start your new life as a single, independent woman?”

  It was what she should want. What she did want. Didn’t she?

  Somehow, she wasn’t so sure anymore. Because when she thought about her life without him in it, it felt dark and lonely.

  But he thankfully didn’t wait for her reply, instead swinging her up into his arms and carrying her towards the bed.

  “So, you want to tell me what you got up to while I was away?” he asked.

  Uh-oh. There was a note to his voice that told her she should proceed with caution.

  “I, umm, might have done a little cleaning.”

  “A little cleaning, huh? I think my idea of a little and yours might differ greatly. This place is practically sparkling.” He sat on the bed, but didn’t keep her on his lap. Instead he stood her between his outstretched legs and reached for the top of her sweatpants, pulling them down.

  “Any headaches?” he asked calmly. What was going on?

  “No, none. I feel great. I promise.”

  “Great, huh? That’s good.”

  What was he doing? Why was he taking off her pants? Her body stirred. Was he finally going to fuck her? Yeah, right. It was more likely he was stripping her off for a nap. He leaned down and she held onto his shoulders as he pulled the pants off each foot.

  “I got a little bored. Are you mad?” she asked, trying to gauge his mood.

  “Mad, no. I’m not mad. What else did you get up to?”

  Okay, she really didn’t want to answer that question. “I don’t want a nap.”

  “Well, what you want isn’t always what you need. And you might feel differently after.”

  After? After what?

  “You haven’t answered me. What else did you do?”

  Oh crap. She looked down into his stern eyes and she just knew he knew. “How did you know?”

  “How doesn’t matter. Tell me,” his voice was a low growl.

  “There were these squirrels. I thought they might be hungry. I dressed up real warm, I promise. And I only went as far as the end of the clearing. You wouldn’t want me to let them go hungry, would you?”

  “Leaving some bread out for them couldn’t have waited until I got home?” His voice was patient. Calm.

  And somehow, she thought it was the calm before the storm.

  She bit her lip. “I guess that was an option. I was just so excited when I saw them out there and I didn’t really want to wait.”

  “And you didn’t think about the fact that you had been told to stay inside? That you don’t have any warm clothes? That you could have slipped and fallen and been stuck out there for hours?”

  “You shouldn’t always think the worst, Daddy.”

  “Oh, I can see that I need to, since you obviously don’t.” He gave her a stern look. “This was a very serious breach of rules, little girl. So far, you’ve just been given a few swats because I’ve been waiting until you recovered. Obviously, that was a mistake. If you’re well enough to clean and be naughty, you’re well enough for a spanking. So, you’re getting twenty-five with my hand. Fifteen for going outside when you were told to stay inside, ten for the other rules you broke.”

  “Daddy, no, that’s way too many.”

  “Believe me, baby, this is me going easy on you. If I wasn’t worried about pushing you too hard, you’d be getting much more. Daddy would be getting his belt.”

  Bear glared at her as she gave him her best puppy dog eyes. He wasn’t giving in this time.

  “I’m not used to sitting around. I’m used to doing things. I’m used to being useful. And I feel good now. So, when I got up to use the toilet and I saw that there was a sink full of dishes I just figured I’d help you.”

  He hated that she kept thinking she owed him something.

  “It doesn’t feel right to just sit here while you do everything,” she told him.

  He got it. She had basically lived a life of servitude. She certainly wasn’t used to anyone doing anything for her. It didn’t mean he had to like it. And it didn’t mean that it was going to continue.

  How could he get her to see that taking care of her made him happy? That he wasn’t keeping some sort of damn ledger that said who owed who what?

  He cared about Ellie. More than he thought he would care about a woman again. But it wouldn’t be fair of him to talk her into something more. She had just gotten out of a controlling relationship. She had escaped because she wanted a chance to be on her own. To know what it was like to be independent.

  She was the woman for him. He knew that. But he also knew that he had to give her a chance to live life the way that she wanted to. Otherwise she would always wonder and one day she might come to resent him.

  This is why it was better to never love than to love and lose.

  He sucked in a breath. Fuck. He loved her. Fate sure did love to fuck him over. He’d fallen in love with a woman that he was going to have to let go.

  “Daddy, you okay?” she asked worriedly, patting his shoulder soothingly.

  Shit. He needed to get his head back in the game.

  “Yeah. Sorry. Just thinking about all the ways you might have hurt yourself today.”

  She bit her lip worriedly.

  “Ellie, you might feel better, but I don’t want you pushing things too far and having your health go backwards. That’s completely unacceptable to me.”

  He pointed a finger at her. “You agreed that I would be in charge. While we are here, I make the rules. And I enforce them.” He patted his lap. “Come lay yourself over my lap, little girl.”

  She had to hold back a whimper as she climbed onto his lap. Somehow, she’d managed to fool herself into thinking he’d just give her a couple of swats or a scolding for breaking the rules today. She realized she’d been lulled into a false sense of security.

  Bear arranged her so her head and torso rested on the bed on one side of him, and her legs on the other side. He even handed her a pillow.

  “Put this under your head,” he ordered.

  “Daddy?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he replied as he pushed her panties down her legs. Oh God.

  “Will you hold me after?” she asked in a small voice.

  He paused then he rubbed her bottom. “Baby, I will always hold you after.”

  “You’re really not mad?”

  “I’m not mad at you. I’m upset because you disobeyed me and you could have hurt yourself. But I was never angry. You need to know that I will always follow thro
ugh when you break a rule. Understand?”

  “All right.”

  “You think you can keep your hands out in front of you or you want me to hold them?”

  Have him hold them? She wasn’t sure, but she didn’t really like the idea of that. At least until she knew what she was dealing with. “I can do it, Daddy.”

  “Okay, I won’t make you count this time since it’s your first real punishment. You remember to use your safe word if anything other than your bottom starts to hurt.”

  “Yes.” The knowledge that she had a safeword squashed some of the nerves dancing inside her.

  “Good. Let’s get this done with so I can give you those cuddles.”

  He smacked his hand down heavily. One smack. Two. She cried out. It smarted. He seemed to be smacking harder than yesterday. After five, she was squirming.

  “Daddy, no! It’s enough.”

  “No, it’s not. You have twenty more, baby. How is your head?”

  She wished she could lie, but she knew that would get her in worse trouble. “It’s okay.”

  He was rubbing her bottom as he spoke and that was kind of nice. In fact, it was starting to make her clit tingle. Hmm, perhaps if he kept doing that then this spanking wouldn’t be so bad. But then his hand landed on her bottom again. Five sharp smacks that had her kicking her feet and little cries escaping unbidden from her lips. The sting was starting to really burn. Unable to stop herself, she reached back to cover her poor bottom with her hands.

  “Uh-uh, keep those hands away.” He caught them in the small of her back, holding them pinned against her as his hand continued to lay spank after spank on her vulnerable ass.

  She tried desperately to rock her way off his lap. Unfortunately, she didn’t manage to get far, he pressed her hands down against her back, holding her steady as he continued to lay into her ass. And yet despite the pain, or maybe because of it, her nipples were hard, her clit throbbing.

  It was the damnedest thing. She wanted him to stop. She wanted to get away from that punishing hand…and yet, at the same time her body thrummed with arousal.

  Tears dripped down her face, soaking the pillow beneath her. Finally, she just gave in and lay there, unable to do anything but cry. Several more spanks landed then he stopped and rubbed her lower back soothingly. Her poor bottom throbbed with a pain that seemed to sink in deep. And this was just one part of her punishment?


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