Finding Forever (Living Again #4)

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Finding Forever (Living Again #4) Page 24

by L. L. Collins

  “I found my forever,” Brant whispered, closing the little distance between them.

  “I found mine,” she said just as he bent his head to kiss her.

  My wife, he thought, enjoying her hair tickling his nose as she danced with him. She’s finally all mine.

  “Let’s put our hands together for Mr. and Mrs. Tucker,” the DJ announced. Brant dipped Lacey back, then up until she was flush with him again. “It seems to me that we have a special guest in our presence tonight, and she’s going to sing a very special song for our couple. Samantha Warner, everyone.”

  The crowd cheered as Sam made her way to the front, where a microphone was set up. “Thank you,” Sam said into the microphone. “I’m so blessed to be a part of this amazing day for my best friend in the world, now Mrs. Lacey Tucker, and her husband Brant. Everyone in this room tonight knows what they’ve been through, and what a great couple they are. Brant, Lacey, you once told me that this song meant something to you. I wrote it in a time of despair, and you listened to it in a time of your own despair. But I sing it tonight for both of us,” she looked over at her husband Ellis before continuing. “Because though circumstances were tough, we made it out even better than we were before. Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, here’s ‘Through It All’.”

  Lacey wrapped her arms around Brant’s neck as Sam began the lyrics. He remembered the last time they had listened to this song together, and it definitely hadn’t been a happy occasion. But today was the beginning of the rest of their lives.

  Where do I start

  What do I say

  How do you ask someone to come back when they’ve gone away

  I’ve been a coward

  Oh I’ve been a fool

  But I’d do anything for you

  And I know you don’t think you deserve it

  But I’m here to tell you that you’re worth it

  Through it all I’m right here

  Through all your pain and all your fears

  Through it all no matter what you’ve done

  No matter what you do, what you’ve been through

  Darling I love you

  I should have told you

  I should have said

  When I look into those eyes you steal my breath

  Your touch still lingers

  Though you’ve gone away

  But I should’ve asked you to stay

  And I know you don’t think you deserve it

  But I’m here to tell you that you’re worth it

  Through it all I’m right here

  Through all your pain and all your fears

  Through it all no matter what you’ve done

  No matter what you do, what you’ve been through

  Darling I love you

  And I know it won’t be perfect

  But I’m here to tell you you’re worth it

  No matter what you do, what you’ve been through darling I love you

  “Let’s hear it for Lacey and Brant,” Sam said as she finished the song. “Now, let’s party!”

  Brant stared at his beautiful bride as she sat on the hotel room bed, still wearing her gorgeous wedding dress. He had booked the honeymoon suite at a five star resort in downtown Nashville, and tomorrow he was taking her to their surprise honeymoon. It had been a perfect day, and he knew that she had to be tired. Even though her surgery had been months ago, she still wore out easily.

  “Are you tired?” Brant asked, walking over and helping her out of her shoes.

  “A little,” she admitted. “But there’s no way in hell we’re going to sleep, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  The smile on her lips was almost his undoing. Desire swept through his veins like gas to a fire.

  “I’ve waited a long time for this,” she purred, pulling on the belt of his pants. He didn’t think he could even move. “So it wouldn’t matter if I couldn’t even hold my eyes open, I wouldn’t wait any longer.”

  He watched as she unbuckled his pants and shoved them to the floor, looking up at him with heavy lidded eyes. She was a vision from his every fantasy, sitting here on their hotel bed in her wedding dress, taking his clothes off.

  “My sexy husband,” she murmured, running her hands along his hips. Lacey stood, unbuttoning his shirt one button at an excruciating time. “You looked beyond my wildest dreams hot today,” she said, “but right now I want all of this on the floor.”

  Brant reached behind her and unbuttoned the top of her dress, using his hands to push the dress downward. It stopped just past her breasts, and he stopped, running his fingers lightly along the strapless bra she wore under her dress. She sucked in her breath, just like she always did when he touched her there.

  “My sexy bride,” he said, reaching around and unhooking the bra. She unconsciously stiffened, then almost immediately relaxed as the bra dropped to the floor. He knew she would never be 100% comfortable with her body now, but he loved every single part of it. He cupped both of her breasts, one in each hand, watching her as her eyes closed at his caress. She’d come so far.

  “Let’s get the rest of this dress off,” he said, turning her so he could unzip the back. He pushed the dress off her hips and it fell to the floor, joining his pants. She now stood, her back to him, in just her white lace thong. He stepped up behind her in his white boxer briefs and unbuttoned dress shirt, wanting to take his time but devour her all at once.

  He snaked his arms around her waist as she leaned back against him, her head on his shoulder. Brant took the opportunity to kiss along her neck, his hands roaming up to touch her breasts again. “Open your eyes,” he said. “Do you see this beautiful body? You turn me on so much, Lacey. Every single part of you was made for me.”

  She turned slightly so her mouth could find his, and they both moaned as their tongues found each other’s as their bare skin touched. She ran her hands up his chest as their tongues intertwined, shoving the shirt off his shoulders. He deepened the kiss, turning his head to take her mouth hungrily as she slid the boxer briefs down his legs, pooling them at his feet.

  Brant touched her hips, feeling the outline of the lace that barely covered her. He cupped her behind, pushing her into him. The only thing that separated them was the lace she wore.

  “I want you,” he groaned into her mouth.

  “What are you waiting for?” Lacey stepped back, looping her fingers in the sides of her thong and shoving it to the floor. His eyes raked up and down her body. “Mr. Tucker, your wife is waiting.”

  He grinned. “Why, I should never leave my wife waiting, should I? Come here, Doc.”

  Brant led her to the bed, crawling up over her. She looked up at him, her blue eyes shining brightly in amusement. He slid his hand up her leg and touched her sensitive skin, her eyes fluttering closed. God, he had missed her so much.

  “You let me know if anything is uncomfortable,” he whispered, starting to touch her. She nodded, her eyes still closed as she reached right for him. Stroking him softly, he moaned as her body began responding to his touch. He kissed her stomach, moving up her body.

  She didn’t stop him as he kissed her left breast, then her right, finally kissing up her neck and to her mouth. “You taste so good,” he murmured. “You okay?”

  “More than okay,” she said, blinking her eyes open. “It’s been so long, Brant. I can’t wait anymore. Make love to me.”

  Brant touched her face, memorizing everything about this moment. He was going to make love to his wife, the love of his life. He hovered over her, caressing every part of her as he slid into her.

  “Brant,” she called out, causing him to still. “I’m great. Keep doing what you’re doing.” He smiled, even though she wasn’t watching him, and rocked slowly, waiting for her to adjust and make sure there was no pain.

  After a few moments, she grabbed his behind and pushed him forward, her sign that she was ready. “Doc,” he groaned, pulling her up so they were almost sitting. She looked him in the eyes as they moved together, her hands trav
eling his face, neck, and shoulders.

  “Perfect,” she murmured, taking control. His eyes wanted to roll back in his head at the perfection that was her, but he had to watch her the whole time. He knew the moment she was close, because she began gripping him, her breath coming in short spurts.

  “I love you, Lacey,” Brant said against her skin, kissing her neck as they both came apart.

  “Forever,” she whispered, lifting his face so it was even with hers.

  Brant pulled his truck onto the Ranch property, driving past his parent’s house and around to the back of the property, where their new house was built. Today was moving day. After their wedding and subsequent honeymoon on a ten day cruise from Florida to the Caribbean and Mexico, it was moving time. He had never seen Lacey so relaxed. It had been so great to spend time just them. He hadn’t even wanted to come home.

  Since then, Lacey had been busy being back at work full time and he had been learning the ropes of the ranch. He had still been doing some local shoots, not wanting to completely forget the other part of who he was. He was also in talks with some other modeling buddies about starting a talent agency, where he would be partner. But he actually really enjoyed the ranch, way more than he thought he ever would. His relationship with his dad was better than it had ever been.

  The movers were bringing in all of their furniture, and he and Lacey had been moving boxes over and putting them in the garage for a week now. Her house had sold about a month after they returned from their honeymoon, so they had been staying with Sam and Ellis in their monstrous house.

  “Welcome home, Mrs. Tucker,” Brant said, opening the truck door for her. Damn, she was gorgeous. Her hair was growing like crazy and she had actually had to get her first hair cut already. Today she was wearing a pair of white shorts and a bright yellow shirt, and it made him want to go break in their new master bedroom. She swung her long legs out of the truck and linked his hand with hers.

  “Why thank you, Mr. Tucker,” she flirted, reaching back and squeezing his butt as they walked.

  “I feel like a piece of meat,” he teased.

  “You like everything about it,” she gave it right back.

  “Busted,” he said, and they laughed.

  Right after they came back from their honeymoon, they had accompanied Aubrey to the fertility specialist to get the ball rolling on the surrogacy. He and Lacey had talked about it a lot on their honeymoon and had agreed that they didn’t want to wait. They weren’t sure if it would take at all, so it would be better to find out sooner rather than later so they could go another route if need be.

  Aubrey had started preparing her body for the procedure. They would basically make the baby in a dish and then put it inside her. They chose to use three of Lacey’s eggs, full well knowing that meant she could end up with three babies. The doctor didn’t seem to think that was likely, though, and said in cases like those usually only one, if any, resulted in a full term baby.

  It was nerve wracking. He didn’t want Lacey to know how terrified he was that this dream wouldn’t happen for her. He knew how badly she wanted her own baby; their baby. A few weeks from now, they would do the procedure on Aubrey and would then wait anxiously to see if any of them took. The worst part was, even if one or more did take, that didn’t mean they were out of the woods. That was just the beginning of hoping and praying for a healthy baby. Lacey wouldn’t admit how scared she was about the whole thing, but she had talked a lot about what the risks were for her sister, and what if something happened and it affected her sister’s ability to have her own children. He knew she wasn’t used to things going the right way, so he took her concerns as valid.

  “Wow,” Lacey said, breaking through his thoughts. The movers had gotten a lot done already, and the family room was already set up, as well as the dining room. She walked through to her favorite part—the kitchen. That had been completely her domain and she had gotten to pick it all out. He had been in charge of their master bathroom, and he was damn proud of it. He couldn’t wait to use every state of the art thing in that bathroom with Lacey. The thought of it put a smile on his face.

  “What are you smiling about, GQ?” Lacey bumped him playfully.

  “You better watch yourself, Mrs. Tucker,” he said, looking around the room at the movers going in and out. “Or I’ll take you in the bedroom and you can show these movers just how loud you can call out my name.”

  Lacey blushed beet red. “Brantley Tucker,” she whispered, looking around.

  “You like it,” he continued, his lips next to her ear. “In fact, I’d bet money that you’re turned on right now.”

  She smacked his chest, but he didn’t mistake the heat in her eyes before she turned away. “Let’s go see something other than the bedroom.” She turned away, muttering to herself about creating a monster.

  Lacey held onto Aubrey’s hand, smoothing her hair off her face with the other. Her stomach was in knots and would be until this was all over. Aubrey’s face was crumpled in pain, and she was breathing like she had run a marathon.

  She looked over her shoulder at Brant, standing behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders and whispered in her ear, “It’s going to be okay, Doc.” She breathed out, trying to keep herself from panicking. She had never seen someone in so much pain before.

  Jacob sat on the other side of the bed, Aubrey’s other hand squeezing the life out of his. He murmured to her every few minutes. She had been here for what seemed like days but had really only been hours. How long was this going to take?

  Aubrey had gotten pregnant the first try with Lacey’s eggs. When they had gone to the doctor and heard the words ‘She’s pregnant’, Lacey had bawled her eyes out, as had Brant and Aubrey. They had sat on pins and needles all through the first trimester to make sure that the pregnancy was going to hold. At the end of it all, they had one perfect baby in there. After all of the doctor’s appointments, ultrasounds, and baby showers, here they were. It was time to meet their baby.

  Aubrey had gone into labor at thirty-nine weeks. They had opted not to know the sex, knowing that it didn’t make any difference. This was their baby; Lacey and Brant’s. She had two eggs left, so it was possible for them to do it again in the future, but they weren’t sure if they were going to. They would cross that bridge when they got there.

  The contraction passed, and Aubrey relaxed, her eyes closed. “I’m so sorry,” Lacey whispered, soothing her sister with a cool washcloth.

  She blinked open her eyes. “No being sorry,” she said weakly. “I’d do anything for you.” In what seemed like seconds, her body was curled up again as another contraction ripped through her. “Go. Get. Doctor. Need. To. Push.”

  Lacey looked wildly at Brant, who took her cue and ran right for the door. Jacob met Lacey’s eyes across the bed, and he smiled. It was almost time. She was going to meet her child, thanks to her sister. It wasn’t lost on her that over the last two years, she had been forced to learn that she had to rely on others sometimes and not just herself.

  In what seemed like moments, the room was a flurry of activity. Brant had come back with a nurse, who had deemed Aubrey ten centimeters and ready to push. The nurses and doctors were aware of their situation and that Lacey and Brant were really the parents, so as soon as their child was born, he or she was going directly into the arms of Lacey.

  “Okay, Aubrey, when you feel your next contraction, you’re going to start pushing,” Dr. Blaise announced, sitting on a stool at her feet. She looked over at Lacey. “Ready for this, Mom?”

  Mom. A word she hadn’t been sure she would ever hear. A lump the size of Texas formed in her throat. She nodded, blinking back the tears that were ready at any moment. She was going to be someone’s mom now. She already loved this baby, and couldn’t believe in a short time she would hold her own flesh and blood.

  Aubrey pushed, and Lacey held onto her leg, still holding her hand with the other hand. Brant stood behind her. Every time she looked at him, he looked like a dee
r caught in headlights. She knew this had to be completely overwhelming for him, seeing her sister give birth to their baby.

  “That was great,” Dr. Blaise complimented. “You really made progress. A few more pushes like that and we’ll have a new baby!”

  Lacey fought the urge to jump up and down. She thought of the nursery she and Brant had spent months decorating. She had picked out the prettiest crib in an ivory wood with a matching dresser. Brant had bought her the most amazing antique rocking chair, and her friends and family had filled the room with outfits, toys, and diapers. For the last month, Brant would find her sitting in the room, taking in every detail. After today, she was going to see her baby in that nursery, in the house they loved.

  Aubrey bore down again, shaking Lacey back to attention. A scream ripped from her throat, and Lacey looked at Dr. Blaise with alarm.

  “All’s okay,” she whispered. “Baby’s crowning. Want to see?”

  Lacey leaned over and saw her baby’s head, and it took everything she had to not fall to her knees at the sight. He or she had a head full of dark hair. It resembled hers right after her treatment. At this point, her hair was almost to her chin in a cute bob, and it was growing faster every month.

  “You’re doing so great,” Lacey cooed, dabbing Aubrey’s head with cool water. “I’m so proud of you, Aubrey. I’ll never be able to repay you for doing this for me.”

  “One more,” Dr. Blaise said. “And we should have a baby. I know you’re tired, Aubrey. You’re almost done.”

  Aubrey smiled, her eyes closed, and Lacey felt her squeeze her hand twice. “I love you,” Aubrey whispered.

  Lacey leaned over, hugging her sister as much as she could. “I love you too, Aubrey.” Another contraction took hold of her and she gripped her tighter.

  “Push! That’s it, Aubrey! Give me one more long one and we’ll have the baby!” Lacey looked right in time to see Dr. Blaise pulling the shoulders free one at a time, then the rest of their baby came rushing out.


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