The Modern Mind

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The Modern Mind Page 144

by Peter Watson

  75. Bryan Magee, Confessions of a Philosopher, Op. cit., page 564.

  76. Ibid., page 536.

  77. Ibid., pages 546–548.

  78. One man who has considered this issue, at least in part, is Francis Fukuyama, in The Great Disruption (The Free Press, 1999). In his view a Great Disruption took place in the developed countries in the 1960s, with a jump in levels of crime and social disorder, and the decline of families and kinship as a source of social cohesion. He put this down to the change from an industrial to a post-industrial society, which brought about a change in hierarchical society, to the baby boom (with a large number of young men, prone to violent crime), and to such technological developments as the contraceptive pill. But Fukuyama also considered that there has been a major intellectual achievement by what he called ‘the new biology’ in the last quarter century. By this he meant, essentially, sociobiology, which he considered has shown us that there is such a thing as human nature, that man is a social animal who will always develop moral rules, creating social cohesion after any disruption. This, he points out, is essentially what culture wars are: moral battlegrounds, and here he was putting a modern, scientific gloss on Nietzsche and Hayek. Fukuyama therefore argued that the Great Disruption is now over, and we are living at a time when there is a return to cohesion, and even to family life.

  79. Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilisations and the Remaking of World Order, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

  80. Also cited in: Neil Postman, The End of Education, New York: Knopf, 1995; Vintage paperback, 1996, page 113.

  81. Edward O. Wilson, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, New York: Little, Brown, 1998.

  82. Ibid., page 220.

  83. Ibid., page 221.

  84. Ibid., page 225.

  85. Ibid., page 297.


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  Aalto, Alvar, 332

  Abba, Marta, 191

  Abel, John, 103

  Abel, Wolfgang, 310

  Abetz, Otto, 409

  Abraham, David: The Collapse of the Weimar Republic, 737

  Abraham, Karl, 274, 505

  Achebe, Chinua, 51, 706, 713; Things Fall Apart, 460–2, 470

  Adams, Franklin P., 217

  Adamson, George, 608, 609?

  Adamson, Joy, 608, 609?

  Addison, Thomas, 103

  Adler, Alfred, 15, 138, 142

  Adler, Dankmar, 81

  Adorno, Theodor, 225–6, 306, 308, 357, 376, 435, 502; The Authoritarian Personality, 434–5

  Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 737–8

  Afar Triangle, Ethiopia, 612

  Africa: archaeology of, 726–9; chimpanzees studied in, 609–10; Conrad on, 49–50; elephants studied in, 611–12; gorillas studied in, 610–11; lions studied in, 608; as supposed origin of classical civilisation, 727–8; universities in, 73; see also Laetoli; Negro peoples; Olduvai Gorge; Rift Valley; individual countries

  Agadir crisis (1911), 172

  Agnew, Spiro, 644–5

  Agostinelli, Alfred, 199

  Ahlquist, Raymond, 659

  Akhmatova, Anna, 323

  al-Azhar college-mosque, Cairo, 73

  Albers, Josef, 305, 355

  Aldrin, Edward (‘Buzz’), 568

  Alexander, Franz, 223, 274, 505

  Algonquin Hotel, New York, 217

  Algren, Nelson, 421–3

  Allen, Paul, 605

  Althusser, Louis, 626–7, 632

  Alvarez, Lucy and Walter, 687

  Amis, Kingsley, 464, 469

  Anand, Mulk Raj, 709

  Anders, Bill, 573

  Anderson, Philip, 748

  Angelou, Maya, 528–9, 705

  Anka, Paul, 457

  Anna O see Pappenheim, Bertha

  Annalen der Physik (periodical), 93

  Annales d’histoire économique et social (journal): ‘Annales’ school of historians, 467, 557–8, 560, 735

  Anouilh, Jean, 412–13, 640

  Apollinaire, Guillaume, 24, 128–9, 131, 142, 145, 203

  ‘Apu’, trilogy (films), 712

  Aquinas, St Thomas, 678

  Aragon, Louis, 163, 203, 334, 409

  Arden, John, 464

  Ardrey, Robert, 607, 616

  Arendt, Hannah, 6, 307–9, 354, 435–6, 441, 447, 552, 592; Eichmann in Jerusalem, 435, 504–5

  Ariès, Philippe: Centuries of Childhood, 557

  Armstrong, Neil, 566, 568

  Arnold, Matthew, 74, 234

  Aron, Raymond, 306, 408, 412, 447, 626; Progress and Disillusion, 545

  Arp, Hans, 161–2

  Arrow, Kenneth, 649

  Artaud, Antonin, 640

  Arteaga, Melchor, 119

  Artists in Exile exhibition, New York (1942), 355

  Arup, Ove & Partners, 622

  Ashbery, John, 512

  Ash worth, Dawn, 682–3

  Astor, Nancy, 128

  Asturias, Miguel Angel, 706–7

  Ataturk, Kemal Mustafa, 351

  Athens Charter (1933), 331

  Atlan, Jean, 414

  Atomic Energy Commission, 507

  Attlee, Clement, 384

  Auden, Wystan Hugh, 239, 328, 332–4, 346, 386, 592, 761; ‘Spain’, 334

  Audry, Colette, 422

  Auschwitz, 311

  Austen, Jane, 276

  Australia: universities, 73

  Austria: annexed by Germany, 306, 380; refugees in USA, 350

  Austro-Hungarian Empire, 26, 36; consequences of 1919 peace, 180

  Authoritarian Personality, The (report), 435

  Averbakh, Leopold, 324

  Avery, Oswald Thomas, 374

  Ayer, A. J., 235, 306

  Baader, Johannes, 163

  Babbage, Charles, 252

  Babbitt, George F. (fictional character), 208–10, 212, 280

  Babbitt, Milton, 623–4

  Babel, Isaac, 324

  Bacon, Commander R. H., 50

  Baekeland, Leo Hendrik, 96–8, 107, 343

  Baez, Joan, 523

  Bahr, Hermann, 28–9

  Bak, Per, 747–8

  Baker, Josephine, 523

  Bakst, Leon, 130

  Balanchine, George, 130, 358–9

  Balázs, Béla, 181–3

  Baldwin, James, 459–60, 462, 470, 523, 526–8, 762; The Fire Next Time, 459

  Ball, Hugo, 161–2

  Ballets Russes, 130

  Balzac, Honoré de, 234

  Bamberger, Louis, 303

  Banes, Sally, 514

  Banham, Reyner, 622

  Barbusse, Henri, 157

  Bardeen, John, 476–8, 615n

  Barlach, Ernst, 300–1, 313

  Barnacle, Nora, 193

  Barnard, Dr Christian, 660

  Barnes, Albert, 216

  Barnes, Ernest William, Bishop of

  Birmingham: Scientific Theory and Religion, 289–91

  Barr, Alfred, 353, 510, 622

  Barraqué, Jean, 623

  Barrett, William, 233

  Barrow, John, 758; Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits, 766–7

  Barth, Karl, 576

  Barthes, Roland, 624, 627, 634–8, 679

  Bartók, Béla, 181, 356, 376; Bluebeard’s Castle, 182

  Bataille, Georges, 408

  Bateson, Gregory, 277, 502

  Bateson, William, 318

  Baudelaire, Charles, 43, 52, 162

  Bauhaus, 223–4, 300, 304, 332

  Baumeister, Willi, 351

  Bayreuth, 56

  Beach, Sylvia, 193–4, 215, 409

  Beardsley, Aubrey, 35

  Beaubourg Centre see Pompidou Centre

  Beauvoir, Simone de, 409–11, 413–15, 421–2, 425, 429, 529; The Second Sex, 423

  Bechet, Sidney, 413

  Beckett, Sam
uel, 286, 346, 412, 414, 416–17, 640, 718; Waiting for Godot,


  Beckmann, Max, 157, 300, 302, 313, 350, 355

  Becquerel, Henri, 91

  Beecham, Sir Thomas, 53

  Behrens, Peter, 223, 332

  Behrensmeyer, Kay, 613

  Behrman, David, 514

  Beijing University (Beida), 178–9

  Belafonte, Harry, 523, 599

  Bell, Clive, 127, 201, 340

  Bell, Daniel, 439, 447. 454. 599, 605, 620, 761; The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, 592–3; The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, 593–4; The End of Ideology, 437–9, 537, 592; The Public Interest (as editor, with

  Irving Kristol), 704

  Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray

  Hill, New Jersey, 476–7, 569

  Belloc, Hilaire, 339

  Bellow, Saul: Dangling Man and other titles, 719–20, 721

  Bellows, George, 86

  Belmondo, Jean-Paul, 639

  Beloff, Max, 447

  Benchley, Robert, 217

  Benda, Julien, 66

  Benedict, Ruth, 118, 142, 277, 280–1, 390, 432, 462; The Chrysanthemum and the Sword, 402–4; Patterns of Culture,


  Ben-Gurion, David, 504

  Benin (West Africa), 49–50

  Benjamin, Walter, 235, 330–1, 513, 515; The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, 330–1

  Benn, Gottfried: The New State and the Intellectuals, 301–2

  Benois, Alexandre, 164

  Bentham, Jeremy, 678

  Berg, Alban, 37, 180, 222, 229–30; Wozzeck, 230

  Bergonzi, Bernard, 152, 156

  Bergson, Henri: Inge and, 290; life and ideas, 65–8, 90, 617; Magritte and, 205; notion of time, 87; offers post to

  Horkheimer, 305; in Paris, 24, 78; Picasso and, 61; rift with analytical school, 75; Sartre influenced by, 407–8; L’Evolution créatrice, 65, 67

  Beria, Lavrenti, 482

  Berlin, 229–33, 237; blockade (1948), 473; Wall, 516–17

  Berlin, Sir Isaiah, 1–2, 416, 644–5; Four Essays on Liberty, 544–5, 548

  Bernal, J. D., 726, 757

  Bernal, Martin: Black Athena, 726–9, 731

  Berners-Lee, Tim, 739

  Bernhardt, Sarah, 24

  Bernstein, Leonard, 599

  Bertalanffy, Ludwig von, 183, 629

  Bethe, Hans, 507

  Betjeman, Sir John, 332

  Bettelheim, Bruno, 306, 506

  Beveridge, William, Baron, 186, 306, 351, 384; Report (Social Insurance and Allied Services), 383–6

  Bible, Holy: and scientific research, 574–6

  Binet, Alfred, 147–9, 500

  Bingham, Hiram, 118–21

  Bion, Wilfrid, 416

  Birmingham, Alabama, 523

  Birmingham, England, 392–3

  Black, Davidson, 577

  Black, James, 659

  Black Mountain College, North Carolina, 354, 513

  Black Panthers, 524–5, 528

  Blackboard Jungle, The (film), 457

  Blackett, P. M. S., 365

  Blanshard, Paul, 580

  Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna, 64

  Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, 361, 364–5

  Bleuler, Eugen, 500

  Bliss, Lillie P., 127

  Bloch, Felix, 507

  Bloch, Marc, 557–9

  Bloom, Allan, 754, 770; The Closing of the American Mind, 721–3, 724, 729, 753

  Bloom, Harold, 770; Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human, 734; The Western Canon, 723–5

  Bloom, Leopold (fictional character), 194–5, 197

  Blunden, Edmund, 155

  Boas, Franz, 112, 116–17, 121, 142, 277–81, 390, 432, 665; The Mind of Primitive Man, 116–18, 277

  Boccioni, Umberto, 144

  Bodmer, Walter, 615

  Bogart, Humphrey, 584

  Bogomolov, Alexei, 484

  Bohr, Harald, 134, 258

  Bohr, Niels Henrick David, 95, 133–4, 142, 256–60, 267, 392, 395–7, 399–400

  Boise, Charles, 486

  Bok, Edward, 104

  Bolt Baranek and Newman (company), 738

  Boltsmann, Ludwig, 94

  Boltwood, Bertram, 124

  Bomberg, David, 154

  Bondi, Herman, 508

  Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 314–15, 415; Act and Being, 314; Letters and Papers from Prison, 214–15

  Bonnard, Pierre, 59

  Book-of-the-Month Club, 211–12

  Boorstin, Daniel: The Image, 548

  Borges, Jorge Luis, 349, 706–7

  Borman, Frank, 568, 573

  Bormann, Martin, 295

  Born, Max, 261, 362

  Bost, Jacques-Laurent, 423

  Bothe, Walter, 262

  Boulez, Pierre, 413–14, 621, 623–4, 769; Le Marteau sans maître, 623; Structures, 623

  ‘Bourbaki, Nikolai’, 414

  Bowlby, John: Maternal Care and Mental Health, 498–500, 606

  Bown, Ralph, 476

  Boyer, Herbert, 605, 614–16

  Brace, Chester Loring, 43

  Bradley, F. H., 44

  Bragg, Lawrence, 479–80

  Brahms, Johannes, 158

  Braine, John, 464

  Brandeis University, USA, 732

  Brander, James, 652

  Brando, Marlon, 523

  Brandt, Max, 239

  Brandt, Willy, 543

  Braque, Georges, 61–3, 129, 144

  Brasillach, Robert, 409

  Brattain, Walter, 476–8

  Braudel, Fernand, 626–7, 638, 708, 735; Civilisation and Capitalism, 557, 559–60; The Mediterranean, 558–9

  Braun, Wernher von, 482, 567

  Brecht, Bertolt: in Berlin, 229, 231; expressionism, 222; friendship with

  Walter Benjamin, 331; and Hannah

  Arendt, 308–9; on Kraus, 193; in Los

  Angeles, 356; persecuted as

  Communist, 309; The Threepenny Opera, 231–2

  Breker, Arno, 312

  Brenner, Sidney, 614

  Brentano, Franz, 30–2, 36, 46, 65–6, 75

  Bresson, Robert, 637

  Breton, André, 163–4, 202–3, 354, 408, 422, 511, 626

  Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 389, 389

  Breuer, Josef, 13, 30, 36, 55, 142

  Breuer, Marcel, 305

  Breuil, Henri-Édouard-Prosper, Abbé, 369–70, 577

  Brieux, Eugène: Les Avariés, 104

  Briggs, Asa, Baron, 219

  Brigham, C. C., 150; A Study of American Intelligence, 206

  Brigham Young University, Utah, 732–3

  Britain: black immigrants in, 462–3; in First World War, 145–6; university expansion in, 537

  British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 210, 218–20

  British Gazette, 219

  Britten, Benjamin, 513

  Brockman, John, 5; Third Culture, 761

  Broglie, Louis de, 260

  Bronowski, Jacob, 338

  Bronte, Charlotte, 277

  Brook, Peter, 640–43, 717

  Brooke, Rupert, 145, 152–3, 155, 157, 227, 290; ‘Futility’, 155; ‘The Soldier’, 153

  Brooks, Van Wyck, 347

  Brown v Board of Education of Topeka (US law case), 391, 522

  Brown, J. A. C., 140

  Brown, Norman, 596

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 276–7

  Bruce, Steve, 600

  Brücher, Heinz, 309, 311

  Bruhn, Erik, 663

  Bryan, William Jennings, 207

  Bryce, James, 112

  Buber, Martin, 436

  Buber-Neumann, Margarete, 413

  Büchner, George, 230

  Buckland, Richard, 682–3

  Budapest, 180–3

  Buffet, Bernard, 414

  Bullard, Sir Edward Crisp, 554

  Bullitt, William, 306

  Bullock, Alan, 240

  Bülow, Hans von, 356

  Bultmann, Rudolf, 576–7
r />   Buñuel, Luis, 409

  Burgess Shale (British Columbia), 697

  Burke, Bernard, 569

  Burnell, Jocelyn, 572

  Burnham, Daniel, 80

  Burnham, James: The Managerial Revolution, 472

  Burroughs Wellcome (company), 660

  Burroughs, William, Jr, 454–5; The Naked Lunch, 429

  Burt, Cyril, 500

  Bury, J. B.: The Idea of Progress, 245–6

  Bush, Vannevar, 396–7, 737

  Butler, E. M., 227

  Butler, Richard Austen, 386

  Butterfield, Herbert: The Whig Interpretation of History, 254

  Cabinet of Dr Caligari, The (film), 221–2

  Cage, John, 623–4, 758; 4′33”, Musiccircus, 512–15 Cahiers du cinéma (periodical), 636–7

  Caird, Edward, 384

  Cairns-Smith, A. G.: Seven Clues to the Origin of Life, 684

  Calabi, Eugenio, 744

  Calder, Alexander, 624

  California Institute of Technology (Caltech), 303

  Cambridge University, 99–100; see also

  Cavendish Laboratory

  Cambridge University Press, 102

  Camoin, Charles, 60

  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, 537

  Campbell, Roy, 99

  Campendonck, Heinrich, 302, 350

  Camus, Albert, 409, 412–15; The Plague, 415

  Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm, 315

  Cann, Rebecca, 689–90

  Cannon, Cornelia, 206

  Carava, Spain, 687

  Carnap, Rudolf, 235, 270, 306, 379, 669

  Carnarvon, George Herbert, 5th Earl of, 247–8

  Carothers, J. C., 527

  Carothers, Wallace Hume, 344

  Carr, Edward Hallett, 379

  Carson, Rachel, 581–3; Silent Spring, 581–2

  Carter, Howard, 247–8

  Carter, Jimmy, 586

  Casablanca (film), 584

  Casals, Pablo, 354

  Casement, Sir Roger, 51

  Cassady, Neal, 456

  Cassirer, Ernst, 161, 223

  Cassirer, Paul, 127

  Cassou, Jean, 336

  Castorp, Hans (fictional figure), 228–9

  Castro, Fidel, 517

  Catto, Thomas, Ist Baron, 388


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