Passion in Paris

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by Ross, Bella

  Passion in Paris


  Bella Ross

  Passion in Paris

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Passion in Paris

  Copyright © 2013 by Bella Ross

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Tamar Assadourian

  Published by Bella Ross

  The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means – including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions of this work. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  ISBN: 978-0-9919865-1-4

  He was thinking of her.

  His thoughts drifted to her, as they had insisted on doing for most of the day. The quick flash of desire annoyed him. Seated behind a huge mahogany desk, Max Gray formed a tight fist.

  Damn you, Kate Bergen!

  “I’ve rescheduled your meeting with Rosen for next month, including the one with Lambert.” Max’s secretary, Darcy, informed him over the speaker phone. “Also, Bacci & Bacci, the PR firm called and are ready to present when you are.”

  Although distracted, he managed to reply. “Always efficient, Darcy.”

  “I try,” she said, sounding pleased. “Anything else?”

  “Contact Geraldine in London. Have her email me the preliminary figures. And I want to hear from Luca by three, Rome time.”

  “He’s in Washington at the moment, Max.”

  Feeling restless, his fingers tapped a fast staccato on the desk. Where had this sudden feeling come from? he wondered. As he tried to formulate a response, he remembered the taste of Kate. “Washington? Did he sign already?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  “Well, track him down. I want to know what’s going on with the Marlowe acquisition.”

  “Will do, Max,” she said, and clicked off.

  With business taken care of for the moment, his mind returned to the object of his desire.

  What was it about her?

  God knows, every time he tried to push her out of his thoughts, she would sneak in and torture him with those hazel eyes, that silken hair, and luscious mouth. The mouth he wanted to kiss again to be certain he hadn’t imagined the emotions he had felt. Or the sense of rightness for that matter. It was so rare for Max to be preoccupied with a woman he’d just met. It was unlike him to devote any mental energy to such matters.

  Though it worried him, he brushed it off, telling himself that the attraction would fade once he’d conquered her in his bed. Lousy logic, he knew, because there was nothing ordinary about the attraction.

  Frustrated with the stream of his thoughts, he pushed away from the desk and walked over to the large windows with a sprawling view of New York City. The frenetic pace of traffic and pedestrians below didn’t garner his attention. Instead, his mind was too consumed with Kate to notice. Shoving his hands into his pockets, he stared into space.

  Meeting her had aroused such impatience and a desire so sharp that it baffled him. He should ignore her, he mused. Instinct warned him that if he didn’t his life would never be the same. She was nothing more than temptation, a momentary distraction he should resist. He should shut her out of his mind, go back to work. He had commitments, obligations...

  But how was it possible that a woman he met only a week ago could have such an influence over him?

  His mind shot back to the night of the fundraiser. The minute he’d seen her, looked at her, spoken with her, he knew he’d wanted her. At first, he thought it was merely a physical reaction to her smouldering looks and lush body. But as the night rolled on, his interest in Kate Bergen became more than physical. He was acutely aware that her resistance only spurred his attraction for her. Rarely did women shun him. The fact that Kate dared, well he always loved a challenge.

  He knew women, how to please them, charm them, seduce them. He also knew how to avoid the complications of them. There was safety in numbers. Many of the women he’d dated were simply for social purposes. The number of women he had been rumoured with conquering amused him. He could hardly have built a media empire and worked the gruelling schedule that it entailed if he’d spent all his time in the bedroom. Still he had enjoyed perhaps more than his share of romances and flings. Until now he’d been content with the shallowness of his dating life, it kept things uncomplicated and good for business. But for the first time, he was leaning toward complicated. What the hell was wrong with him?

  Over the years he’d always made sure to keep his personal involvement to a minimum, the tone light and the rules plain. He had intended to do exactly the same thing with Kate. But from the moment he’d tasted her, the tone hadn’t been light but deep and all encompassing.

  Things would never be light with Kate, he’d realized. Whatever they set off in each other, whatever chemistry crackled between them, it was powerful enough to render both of them powerless. And Max didn’t like that. He’d always been the one in control, but with her, he knew he would lose control. And still, desire goaded him to act on its behalf.

  Storming to the mini bar in the corner of the office, he poured himself a shot of brandy. He tossed back the drink and waited for the burn to settle his nerves. He poured another and walked back to his desk. He took a long swallow as images of her danced before his mind, heating his blood. Picturing her in silk with nothing underneath but that soft and voluptuous body of hers shot a hot current to his groin. With his alpha male sensibilities rushing to the fore and taking hold, he knew he wanted to have her, to own her. Nothing else would suffice.

  But did she feel the same way about him?

  It was time to find out. He reached for the phone.


  It was early morning when Kate Bergen boarded the private jet, a Falcon 900EX, bound for Paris. She settled back in one of the plush seats, buckled up, and admired her opulent and extravagant surroundings. In the background, the engines were gearing up. Classical music began playing quietly overhead.

  He was taking her to Paris. He’d given her no choice but to concede to his wishes. She’d realized that he wasn’t a man she could easily refuse, ignore or discard. And that annoyed her even more.

  Damn you, Max Gray.

  Her life before the fundraiser had been predictable and sane. But that night changed everything. It was unexpected, life altering, dramatic. A night of surprises. Perhaps even destiny. The minute she’d met him the chemistry between them was off the charts. Feeling overwhelmed, she had done her best to avoid him, to run, to escape. Even showing disdain and defiance hadn’t deterred him. Everything had happened so fast, it had been so intense, and her ability to think had been high jacked.

  How was it possible that this man could ignite and fan her fires so masterfully, when so many before him had failed?

  Simple. He had intrigued her, unnerved her. Having no reference point in dealing with the likes of men such as Max Gray, she’d found herself at a disadvantage. Totally unprepared for the raw sexual energy he’d exuded. It assaulted her on every level. She was stirred by his physicality, the male to her female. It had been a long time since a man had had such an effect on her.

  And what about their kiss that night? Rather than fade from memory, it had taken root along with everything else that had led up to that moment. Her mind couldn’t help but keep reminiscing.

  She’d been
secretly relieved when the dinner portion of the evening had ended. As the dance floor began crowding with couples, she’d slipped away. Parties had never been something she enjoyed. Being around too many people drained her, and even though over the years she’d kept socializing to a minimum, it was nice once in a while. After all, she’d had a hand in the planning and organizing of the fundraiser, and it was only prudent to put in an appearance. Allan Monroe, a world class philanthropist and the host to the most anticipated event of the year, and not to mention a dear friend, would’ve accepted nothing less.

  With murmurs of conversation and music echoing behind her she’d swept along the garden paths enjoying the scents, the textures, the charm of Allan’s East Hampton estate. The rich scent of roses had wafted all around her, as she made her way toward the tail end of the property with spectacular views of the ocean. She stood there gazing up at the full moon shimmering in the night sky, listening to the soothing waves crashing to shore, when suddenly the sound of footsteps had interrupted her sweet reverie.

  He’d followed her. Of course he would.

  She’d been delighted yet nervous. After some polite conversation, the attraction between had been undeniable. Like magnets, they were in each other’s arms. She couldn’t even recall how it had happened. All she could remember was his mouth moving over hers. He’d been eager, bold and delicious. His kiss had melted the last vestiges of resistance and hesitation as she hungrily reciprocated. No man had ever kissed her like that.

  Upon her return to reality the next day, forgetting would’ve been in her best interest, but forgetting required cooperation. So far, her mind, her emotions and intuition were doing everything but that. Her mind kept telling her that he was completely out of her league. Her emotions wanted to feel and taste him again. Her intuition nudged her to go with the flow.

  Then again, going with the flow was something she was never particularly fond of. But here she was going with the flow. Being at the helm of a successful event planning business, her time wasn’t for free. Dropping everything for a man she barely knew was unthinkable. Correction. She did know of him, but so did the rest of the world. That hardly qualified as knowing someone. And yet she found herself cancelling appointments and conference calls, in order to have the next three days open for him. This was an opportunity of a lifetime, and for once in her life, responsibilities and obligations be damned.

  She turned and stared out the window. Where was he? What was taking him so long? Feeling slightly impatient, she shifted in her seat. When he’d called her and extended the invitation, she’d nearly fell off her chair. Max Gray was offering to whisk her away to Paris to explore the attraction that had been ignited that night. At first, she’d hesitated due to shock, then grew speechless, but his persistence was exactly the extra push she needed to accept. “Paris is always a good idea,” he’d said. And she didn’t doubt that sentiment whatsoever.

  “Are you comfortable?” Max’s voice came from behind her and she turned around to see him standing at the back of the plane with his hands in his pockets. His imposing presence and the sheer masculinity, the power and strength that exuded from his lean form clad in black slacks and shirt took her breath away. She couldn’t help but stare at him. Sleek and gorgeous, she thought. The unruly mane of black hair that framed his rugged features and the intensity of his green eyes that could bend steel, or her, to his will left her speechless. “Its going to be the best ride of your life.”

  It already was. The engines roared to life beneath her, sending a deep shudder through the hull. The plane started taxiing down the runway. He took his seat opposite her, buckled up, and gave her a slow survey from head to toe. She remained outwardly unruffled, but inside she was nervous as hell.

  His eyes locked on hers. Unable to read what was in them sparked a sensation inside her that she couldn’t remember ever experiencing before. She held his gaze, as the scent of his cologne conjured up images in her mind of the sea. Like Poseidon, the god of the sea, this man possessed the ability to spur hurricanes and tornadoes within the ground of her being. Kate dug her fingers into her palm and fought to keep her nerves in check.

  “That’s a beautiful outfit,” he complimented. “It suits you.”

  “Thank you,” she replied demurely, feeling pleased.

  “Just so you know,” he said, looking away and then slowly flickering his eyes back to hers, watching her with the slightest hint of a grin. “You won’t be wearing it for long.”


  Hotel de Crilllion was located at the foot of the Champs-Elysees, on the northside of the Place de la Concorde - the largest square in Paris with fantastic vistas in every direction. Just on the other side was Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré, the most famous street in the world, known for its exclusive designer boutiques like Gucci, Swarovski, Valentino and Versace. Poised in southwest was the Grand Palais and the Louvre to the east.

  Kate knew all the landmarks and their locations but had never actually visited. In the back of her mind, Paris was for lovers, a place to explore together and fall in love. She knew it was silly to think this way, but as far as she was concerned, Paris had to be shared with someone special. And perhaps now, at last, her silly little dream would come true.

  From the Louis XV suite terrace, with the whole of Paris stretched before her, Kate stood in awe. She marvelled at the exquisite sights and sounds of evening fast approaching. She felt so vibrant, so alive, that her jetlag all but disappeared. Tucking her chestnut curls behind her ear, she gazed out to the horizon, a magnificent sunset was still forming in the sky. Goosebumps popped along her arms and neck. The whirlwind of arriving and settling in, the sumptuous accommodations, the gorgeous man who’d brought her here – it all felt surreal.

  My God, I’m in Paris with Max Gray.

  While engrossed in her thoughts, she was unaware that he’d been behind her until he extended his arms on either side of her, caging her in. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck as warm tingles spread throughout her body. Having his body so close to hers spiked her heart rate.

  “I ordered room service,” he said, gently drawing her back against the solid wall of muscle that was his chest. “I’m sure you’re hungry.”

  “Yes, I am. Thank you,” she replied, as he wrapped one arm around her, holding her close to him. So close that she could feel the beating of his heart. She leaned back, in total trust, and lost sight of everything, except this moment and this man whose embrace felt strangely like a safe haven.

  “How could one place hold such beauty?” she wondered aloud.

  “Time,” he replied.

  “Time?” she questioned.

  “Time makes everything beautiful,” he explained. “What stands before you was once an ancient city, a diamond in the rough so to speak, but for a thousand years it mined and polished its exceptional characteristics and future potential to achieve its current state of beauty. What you see now, however breathtaking, was not by chance.”

  “A philosopher, are you?” she mocked playfully.

  “Among other things,” he teased. “I think its time I show you.”

  Kate tensed when Max’s hand trailed down her thigh, pulling up the hem of her skirt, slow inch by slow inch, giving her ample time to reject his advances. He took her silence as permission to continue, and slipped under. Instead of feeling invaded, her pussy reacted with a surge of wetness. His fingers teased and taunted her inner thigh, languorously moving in the direction of her soaking center.

  His breath took on a primal rhythm against her ear. “Do you want me to show you?” His hand edged closer, oh so close. “I’ll bet you’re a soaking mess.”

  She shook her head, denying what was so obviously true.

  “Hmmm, I think perhaps its time I find out.”

  Kate didn’t dare breathe, frightened of what sound might come out of her when she did. He moved his fingers closer, pulses of electricity shot through her. He tightened his grip on her. His hard length pressed against her bac
k. Tension built inside her. She was so damn close to something that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Maybe it was the thrill of the moment, or maybe it was the skilful hands of the man behind her. She didn’t know which, but only that it felt good, somehow right.

  His hand slid between her thighs, slightly nudging them apart, and brushed up against a slither of damp lace. She couldn’t help but wriggle and glance around nervously, and as she did, he pressed the fabric into her with a single finger. “If you keep that up I will have to take you right here and now,” he warned. “Be still.” She shivered and stilled, while he kept the pressure on her clit. Kate nearly groaned aloud when he moved his finger further between her legs.

  “Inside,” he ordered, suddenly pulling his hand away. Walking back into the suite, he took a seat on the couch and leaned back. Resting one foot on the opposite knee, he watched her with a searing intensity. “Come inside, Kate.”

  She bit her lip, fearful to move as the fire he’d ignited between her legs threatened to turn into an inferno. Feeling dazed, with every nerve and fiber of her being throbbing for his touch, she obeyed. Crossing the room, she went to him. Looking up at her, his eyes were intense and predatory, but his demeanour was calm and controlled.

  “That really is a nice suit,” he said conversationally. “But I want what’s underneath it right now.”

  Her eyes widened in shock. Was he serious? His words from the plane suddenly came rushing back. She realized he’d been serious about not wearing her suit for long. His eagerness and desire for her was flattering. But still, his boldness stole her breath. “I don’t think so.”

  “I wasn’t asking,” he countered. His slow-spreading grin maddening her. Seconds ticked by in utter silence.


  Heat rose into her face. Feelings pulsed through her. She looked away from his searing gaze in an attempt to keep her wits. She could very easily defy him, politely disengage herself from him, and then run like the devil. That way she wouldn’t have to deal with all these feelings, emotions, sensations that were suffocating her with heat. To her dismay, her body’s pleasure threshold was low indeed. She hadn’t realized it before. But then again, the few men she’d been with were hardly capable of setting her on fire with a touch. Max Gray was unprecedented.


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