Earth Kingdom Chronicles Collection

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Earth Kingdom Chronicles Collection Page 29

by The Tale of Aang; Azula; Toph; Sokka; Zuko; Katara (retail) (epub)

  “This doesn’t make any sense,” Toph said, feeling the ground between the two of them. “They’re both telling the truth.”

  “That’s impossible.” Jet’s lying, I just know it.

  “No, it’s not,” Sokka said. “They both think they’re telling the truth. Jet’s been brainwashed!”

  What? So he is being honest after all? Wait a minute–if that’s true, things are starting to make sense. …

  “The Dai Li must have sent Jet to mislead us, and that janitor was part of the plot too.”

  “We need to find a way to jog Jet’s real memories,” Aang said.

  “Maybe this will help,” I said, bending the water from my pouch into a band around Jet’s head. Hopefully my healing abilities will cut through the brainwashing.

  “They took me to a headquarters under the water,” Jet recalled. “Like a lake.”

  “Wait!” Sokka said. “Joo Dee said she went on vacation to Lake Laogai.”

  “That’s it!” Jet cried. “Lake Laogai!”

  We went to Lake Laogai, where Toph discovered a hidden tunnel leading down to the Dai Li’s secret headquarters under the lake.

  Jet’s leading us down a hallway toward the cell where he said they were holding Appa. Now, that’s really strange. There’s a roomful of women all practicing to be Joo Dee! No wonder that new Joo Dee just ignored my question and acted like she’d been with us from the start–the Dai Li brainwashes them! This place is even creepier than we thought.

  “I think it’s through here,” Jet said, stopping at a big door and flinging it open.

  Long Feng! And a squad of Dai Li agents! It WAS a trap. Jet double-crossed us–again! I can’t believe I let this happen!

  “Take them into custody!” Long Feng ordered, and his Dai Li began fighting us.

  What? It looks like Jet is fighting on our side–against the Dai Li! I can’t figure him out, I’m so confused! But now I have to focus my energies on the Dai Li. I’ll deal with Jet later.

  “Long Feng is escaping!” Aang cried. Then he and Jet took off after Long Feng while Sokka, Toph, Jet’s gang, and I finished off the rest of the Dai Li agents. When we found Aang and Jet, Jet was sprawled out on the ground. Oh, no, he’s hurt! It looks really bad. I can’t believe that I was so cruel to him, and he really was just trying to help.

  Wait! Maybe I can heal him. Okay, here it goes. … He should be up and walking any min– It’s not working. Why isn’t it working? “This isn’t good.”

  “You guys go find Appa, we’ll stay with Jet,” his friends said.

  “We’re not going to leave him.” I can’t leave him, not now, not like this. He needs to get better. I need to find a way to make him better.

  “Don’t worry, Katara,” Jet said with a smile. “I’ll be fine.”

  His smile, it’s so sweet. I can’t believe this happened. … I guess this is good-bye.

  Okay, Katara, just stay focused on finding Appa. … We’re almost at the other cell. Whatever you do, don’t think about Jet.

  “He’s gone!” Aang cried, busting open the empty cell. “Long Feng beat us here.”

  We dashed back up the tunnel and out to the lake’s shore, but found ourselves surrounded by Dai Li. They raised high stone walls.

  We’re trapped. We’ll never get to tell the Earth King about the eclipse or invading the Fire Nation. And poor Aang. My heart is breaking for him. … Appa is gone! Now he’ll never find him–wait, why is Momo going so crazy, screeching and jumping and flying into the air? What does he see?

  It’s Appa! Appa’s flying toward us!

  After Appa helped us take out the Dai Li, he flew us to an island in the middle of the lake where we could all rest. Aang is so relieved and happy, it’s wonderful to see. But we didn’t rest for long. At first I wanted to just leave this place behind us, but Sokka convinced us that Long Feng can’t threaten us anymore because we have Appa! Our chances of getting the information to the Earth King are much better this time around!

  So we battled our way into the palace.

  Finally, we’re in the throne room! The king is surrounded by guards, some Dai Li agents, and Long Feng himself.

  “Detain the assailants,” Long Feng ordered his agents. “Make sure the Avatar and his friends never see daylight again.”

  “You’re the Avatar?” the king asked.

  The king agreed to come with us to Lake Laogai. Now we can prove to him that Long Feng and the Dai Li have been plotting to overthrow him! Finally, we’re making progress. We just need to get to the lake–

  Something’s wrong. Where’s the tunnel that leads down under the lake?

  “The tunnel is gone,” Toph announced. “There’s nothing down there anymore.”

  The Dai Li destroyed the evidence. They’ve covered everything up!

  “Long Feng was right,” the king said. “This was a waste of time. I’m going back to the palace.”

  We can’t let it end here. We know the truth, but it doesn’t matter if we can’t convince the king. There’s got to be something else to prove that–wait! That’s it. “The outer wall! They’ll never be able to cover that up in time!”

  Please be there, please be–THERE! “It’s still there.”

  “What is that?” the king asked, surprised.

  “It’s a giant drill,” Sokka explained. “Made by the Fire Nation to break through your walls.”

  “I can’t believe I never knew,” the king said, obviously shaken by this discovery.

  “I can explain this, Your Majesty.”

  Long Feng! How’s that snake going to slither out of this one?

  “It’s nothing more than a construction project,” Long Feng said.

  “Oh, really? Then perhaps you could explain why there’s a Fire Nation insignia on your construction project.” Take that, you nut!

  “Dai Li, arrest Long Feng!” the king ordered.

  Yes! Finally, he believes us. Now we can actually do something with the information we have about the eclipse.

  “I thought my people lived in peace,” he said. “But it was an illusion.”

  “That’s why we came here, Your Highness,” Sokka said. “Because we think you can help us end the war.”

  “We don’t have much time,” Aang explained. “There’s a comet coming this summer. It will give the Firebenders unbelievable strength. They’ll be unstoppable.”

  “But there is hope,” Sokka continued. “A solar eclipse is coming. The sun will be entirely blocked by the moon, and the Firebenders will be helpless. That’s the day we need your army to invade the Fire Nation.”

  “Very well,” said the king. “You have my support.”

  This is what we’ve been waiting to hear for so long. Finally, things might be okay.

  That’s when General How, leader of the Council of Generals, arrived with some amazing news. “We’ve searched Long Feng’s office. There are secret files on everyone in Ba Sing Se, including you kids.”

  Toph got a letter from her mom saying she wanted to see her. Aang got a scroll from a guru; he’s waiting for Aang at the Eastern Air Temple. He says he can teach Aang how to control the Avatar state!

  “Here is an intelligence report,” the general said, handing me some papers.

  “A small fleet of Water Tribe ships are protecting the mouth of Chameleon Bay. They are led by Hakoda! Sokka, it’s Dad!”

  Gosh, I’ve missed him so much. I worry about him every day. I’ve kept up hope, but it’s easy to get discouraged. … Sometimes I even get angry with him, for leaving us behind. There have been so many times when we needed his help, so many moments when I wish he was here with us. And now we are actually going to see him!

  “I hate to say it, but we have to split up.”

  “Split up?” Aang protested. “But we just found Appa and got back together.”

  “Aang, you have to meet this guru so you’ll be ready to invade the Fire Nation. Toph, you need to see your mom.”

  “I guess you’re right, K
atara,” Aang said. “I could drop you and Sokka off at Chameleon Bay so you can see your dad.”

  “Someone has to stay here with the Earth King and help him plan for the invasion,” Sokka said. “I guess that’s me.”

  Gosh, I’d love to see Dad. But Sokka needs this more than I do. He’s been waiting for years for Dad to come back so they can go into battle together, so Dad can be proud of him. I can’t deny him the chance. “No, Sokka. You go to Chameleon Bay. I’ll stay here with the king.”

  I’ve never seen Sokka so happy– overwhelmed with emotion is more like it. Now he’s giving me a big hug. “You are the nicest sister ever!”

  I know, Sokka. I know.

  I’m really going to miss these guys. They’ve become family, complete with all the love and all the arguments.

  “Katara, I need to tell you something,” Aang said as he loaded his stuff onto Appa. “I’ve been wanting to say it for a long time.”

  “What is it, Aang?” Hmm, he’s been wanting to tell me for a long time? But we’re always together. This feels like a big deal. He looks so nervous. He’s blushing … and we’re all alone. Oh my gosh, is he going to tell me he loves me? I’ve thought about it, lots of times. … What will I say? I mean, I love Aang as a … as a–

  “Katara, I–”

  “All right!” Sokka interrupted. “Who’s ready for a little men-only man trip?” He punched Aang in the arm playfully.

  SOKKA! He ruined it! Then again, maybe Aang wasn’t going to say anything romantic at all. Who knows? I mean, yes, he told me I looked beautiful when I got dressed up for the Earth King’s party, and in the Cave of Two Lovers he–this is crazy! He probably just wanted to say he was going to miss me. Either way, I wish he had the chance to say whatever it was that he’d been waiting so long for. I wonder how long it will be before the moment comes back again. … Now he’s turning away–he looks so deflated! “Wait, Aang.”

  Here’s a hug, and a kiss–on the cheek. There’ll be time to talk, when he returns.

  As the king was wishing us luck, a royal messenger arrived.

  “Your Majesty, there are three female warriors from Kyoshi Island here to see you,” the messenger announced.

  “That’s Suki!” Sokka exclaimed.

  “Do you know these warriors?” the king asked.

  “They are skilled warriors. Trustworthy, too. And they’re good friends of ours,” Sokka said.

  “Then welcome them as honored guests,” the king ordered.

  Safe travels, my friends. I’ll see you soon.

  Chapter 9

  Today Momo and I are joining the generals for a strategy meeting about the invasion.

  “General Fong’s base will serve as the launching point for the attack,” General How announced. “In exactly two months, the army and navy will invade the Fire Nation, on the day of the solar eclipse. All we need is the Earth King’s seal in order to execute the plan.”

  We’ve talked about this invasion ever since we left the library. Now it’s finally becoming a reality. We finally have a plan to end this war.

  “I’ll get these scrolls to the king right away,” I volunteered, picking up the scrolls. “Thank you very much, General How.”

  Look at that beautiful tea shop! It looks new.

  “What do you say, Momo? A cup of tea before we get back to the palace?” It will give me some time to relax and catch my breath.

  “Table for two, please.” Strange … that waiter looks familiar. But I’ve never been in here before.

  “Uncle, I need two jasmine, one green, and one lychee,” the waiter called out.

  Uncle? That voice is familiar too. But it can’t be.

  “I’m brewing as fast as I can!” shouted back the man near the kitchen.

  It IS him. It’s them–Zuko and Iroh, here in Ba Sing Se. They’re posing as tea makers. But this means that the Fire Nation HAS infiltrated the city. I can’t let them see me. I’ve got to warn the king that the city and all of our plans are now in grave danger!

  I raced back to the palace as fast as I could run and dashed into the king’s throne room.

  Oh, the Kyoshi warriors are here. “Thank goodness you’re here, Suki. Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city. I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle! We have to tell the Earth King right away!”

  “Don’t worry,” Suki said, stepping out from the shadows. “I’ll be sure to let him know.”

  Wait a minute. That’s not Suki! I know that voice. It’s Princess Azula under all that Kyoshi warrior makeup! First Zuko, now Azula. What did she do to the real Kyoshi warriors? I hope Suki is all right. This is horrible. The whole city is infested with Fire Nation. Everything’s going wrong. I have to stop them now! I’ll create a quick water whip and–no!

  Ty Lee is too fast. She somersaulted out of nowhere and jabbed my shoulder. Losing bending. I can’t control the water. It’s splashing all over the floor. Ohhh … can’t move, falling down … my chi … it’s blocked!

  They’re all just staring down at me. I’m so helpless … and so is Ba Sing Se! Oh, Aang, I wish you were here. …

  “So, Zu-Zu’s in the city too,” Azula cackled. “I think it’s time for a family reunion.”

  Azula didn’t know that Zuko was here? I thought they were acting together … but now she’s going to team up with him. There’s no one else in the city who knows they’re here. There’s no one to stop them and I can’t move!

  They’re dragging me to an underground prison; it looks like a series of caverns beneath the city. “Let me go!” It’s no use. No one can hear me down here, and no one knows where I am. I’ve never felt so helpless in my life!

  I’ve got no sense of time down here. Azula and Zuko could have gained control of the city already. I–what’s that? The door in the ceiling is opening.

  “You’ve got company.”

  It’s a Dai Li agent–he’s throwing someone down the ramp. No … I don’t believe it. Zuko! A prisoner just like me. I’d laugh if I wasn’t so angry.

  “Why did they throw you in here? Wait, let me guess. It’s a trap, so that when Aang shows up to help me, you can finally have him in your little Fire Nation clutches.”

  He’s just staring at me not saying a word. Now he’s looking away, trying to ignore me. Well, I’m not about to let him do that.

  “You’re a terrible person, you know that? Always hunting the Avatar, trying to capture the world’s last hope for peace. But what do you care? You’re the Fire Lord’s son. Spreading violence and hatred is in your blood.”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  What? Now he finally decides to speak and he accuses me of not knowing what I’m talking about! Boy, is he arrogant. “How dare you. You have no idea what this war has put me through. Me personally. The Fire Nation took my mother away from me!”

  Oh, no. … Please don’t cry, Katara, not in front of him. …

  “I’m sorry,” Zuko said softly. “That’s something we have in common.”

  Us, having something in common? What does he mean? His own people took his mother away too? But how is that possible? She’s the Fire Lord’s wife.

  But what if he is telling the truth? What if Azula really is his enemy too? She did blast Iroh that time in the deserted city and even called Zuko a traitor. Maybe I have it all wrong, like I did with Jet. I was so hard on Jet and now I regret it. Do I want to make the same mistake all over again? Still, it’s so hard to trust the person who has come to represent the Fire Nation to me for so long. But we could be stuck down here together for a long time. Maybe I should give him a chance, but take things slowly. “I’m sorry I yelled at you before.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Zuko replied.

  “It’s just that for so long now, whenever I would imagine the face of the enemy, it was your face.”

  “My face. I see.”

  He’s reaching for his scar– “No, no. That’s not what I meant.” I could never be so cruel. I ne
ver thought the Fire Prince would be so self-conscious.

  “It’s okay. I used to think this scar marked me–the mark of the banished prince, cursed to chase the Avatar forever. But lately I’ve realized that I’m free to determine my own destiny–even if I’ll never be free of my mark.”

  Hmmm … maybe I can make a first gesture in uniting us against Azula. He seems like he might be rethinking his purpose. Maybe I can get him to come over to our side if I just show him he can be forgiven. Maybe if he felt that he could actually be part of a family who loved him, things would be different. …

  “Maybe you could be free of it. I have healing abilities. And I have this. It’s water from the Spirit Oasis at the North Pole. It has special properties, so I’ve been saving it for something important. I don’t know if it will work, but …”

  He’s letting me touch his scar without backing away. Maybe, just maybe, this will–

  THOOM! The wall, it just caved in!

  “Aang!” He’s found me! I’ve never been happier to see him! “I knew you would come.” And Iroh is with him. Maybe they ARE on our side now.

  “Uncle, what are you doing with the Avatar?” Zuko asked.

  “Saving you, that’s what,” Aang replied.

  Zuko’s moving toward Aang! I thought he said he was done doing the Fire Nation’s dirty work. Oh, why do I keep getting let down by these people? I thought I was a good judge of character, so why do I keep getting it all wrong? And I was ready to heal him. …

  “Zuko, it’s time we talked,” Iroh said. “Aang, go help your friends. We’ll catch up with you.”

  Aang and I ran through the cave until we came to a huge crystal cavern.

  “I don’t know what to do, Katara. Everything’s just out of control this time. I have a bad feeling we’re too late to stop Azula.”

  “We’ll take it one step at a time, Aang. First we have to find Sokka and Toph.”

  THOOM! What is that? It’s Azula–she’s attacking us! She is truly powerful, but Aang and I can do this. Good has to outlast evil–it just has to! Okay, we’re gaining on her. She’s losing speed against the both of us. …


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