TAC Boot Camp

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TAC Boot Camp Page 2

by Richard Pinkerton

‘Mr Harris is a complete idiot!’ Jacqui Donaldson growled as a group of them arrived for their first class of the morning - English. Her crystal-blue eyes glared and she flicked back her long dark locks. ‘I can’t believe he can get away with this. There is no way, I repeat no way I am getting up before 7am. He can forget about it!’

  ‘Not a wise move,’ Wal said. ‘You can guarantee that if he puts you on an exercise program it’s going to be like Hell.’

  ‘Then I’ll complain! My parents will sort him out.’

  Vanessa Dante smiled at Jacqui. She could just imagine her kicking up a big stink with her parents.

  ‘Who does he think this is? This isn’t Boot Camp. It’s not the army. It’s a school.’

  ‘Nuh uh. It’s Boot Camp now, Jacqs,’ Vanessa said, trying not to laugh.

  ‘How can he get away with this?’

  ‘Mr Harris has a lot of sway. He knows people in the right places. How else do you think he’s managed to keep his job for so long, acting the way he does?’

  ‘It makes me sick.’ Jacqui stopped by the wall where there was a dossier on each of them. Ms Cann had given them the assignment for English two weeks earlier – Create a wall mounting about yourself, with your hobbies, goals, family background and anything else others might be interested in knowing about you. Vanessa had, had a lot of fun doing it, but had discovered that putting up such a display also came with a negative side.

  ‘I don’t believe it!’ Jacqui gasped, her face reddening. ‘Look at that, Vanessa, someone’s stolen the photograph off your dossier, again!’

  Vanessa couldn’t help but laugh. ‘Not again.’

  ‘It’s ridiculous!’ Jacqui’s fierce blue eyes narrowed. ‘You put a new photograph up and then a day or two later someone’s removed it!’

  ‘What’s the matter, Jacqui?’ Holly Robinson asked. ‘Are you jealous that no one wants to steal yours?’

  ‘Oh, get real! Why would I want some creepazoid stealing my picture, framing it and putting it on his bedside table? I could just imagine it with candles on either side of it and him bowing down drooling all over it. No thanks!’

  Vanessa knew that it irked Jacqui greatly when other girls in her class got the attention she thought rightfully belonged to her and it amused Vanessa, although she always attempted to hide that amusement. ‘Oh well. I guess I’m gonna have to put another one up.’

  ‘Why bother? It’ll just be stolen again the next day.’

  ‘Stupid really,’ piped up Wal. ‘I mean why not just go online and check out her Facelink profile? They can get all the pictures of Vanessa they want there.’

  Jacqui delivered him a dirty look. ‘Trust you to think of that. I bet you have her photograph page as your homepage, haven’t you? I could just imagine it!’

  Wal didn’t reply. Vanessa couldn’t help but examine his expression. Wal was a big guy, with long brown hair and looked like he belonged in a heavy metal band. He was average as far as looks were concerned, but made up for that in ruggedness. He was probably one of the toughest guys in school and could take a lot of punishment. She’d seen him in the odd fight. People were often scared of him simply because he would never give up, no matter how outclassed he was. He was not one to take any shit, but on this occasion, he seemed to be embarrassment in his silence.

  ‘Maybe the thief doesn’t have a computer?’ Holly asked, her big brown eyes sparkling. 'Or even if he has, maybe he doesn't have a Facelink profile and doesn't have Vanessa as a friend.'

  Jacqui huffed. ‘I don’t know why we had to create these things by hand, anyway. Why didn’t we just create them on the computer then we could have printed it all out and there would be no pictures that could be peeled off!’

  ‘Nuh uh,’ Vanessa said. ‘This is Ms Cann we’re talking about.’ She pictured the elderly teacher’s makeup covered, wrinkled face. ‘She hates computers. If she had her way, we’d regress back to the early 20th century and do everything by hand.’

  ‘It doesn’t matter anyway.’ Holly said. ‘The thief or thieves would probably just cut the picture out instead.’

  Jacqui grunted. ‘Yeah, you’re probably right. The guys around here are desperate enough to do that. I don’t know why they bother though, with you being a lesbian and all. What makes them think they’ll ever get you as their girlfriend?’

  ‘They’re allowed to admire her picture, aren’t they?’ Holly giggled. ‘And fantasize?’

  ‘Please, let’s not go there!’

  Vanessa scanned the room for Rex. It was never like him to turn up for class on time, but on this occasion, she expected him to be there. She’d gotten so used to being in his company that when he wasn’t, she noticed it.

  Ms Cann arrived at the classroom and immediately they all took their seats at their desks. They were set out in rows of three, either side of the room, like on an aircraft with an aisle running down the middle. Ms Cann had her desk up the front of the classroom near the whiteboard, which was always wiped clean before each session.

  Ms Cann herself was around 50 years old, skinny and bony, with dyed burgundy hair and way too much makeup. It seemed no matter how much the old crone tried to spruce herself up, it never made her look any younger or any more attractive. In fact, Vanessa reckoned she’d probably look way better without all that lipstick, blusher and eye shadow.

  She began to talk about an upcoming test, but her words soon began to fade in Vanessa’s mind as her thoughts returned to Rex, wondering where he was, even worried that maybe something had happened to him. He’d had problems with a street gang recently, which climaxed with them gate crashing his 16th birthday party. Even though the leader of the gang, after being defeated by Rex in a fist fight, had ordered that Rex be left alone, she still couldn’t help but worry that some of them may still be itching for payback.

  She wrestled with her imaginations, telling herself that he was fine. He was hanging out with one of the other girls, or a group of the guys. She scanned the class, trying to figure out who else was missing. Mandy wasn’t there. Neither was the new girl, Maggie Matthews. He’d be with one of them, or both. It was the obvious answer. There was absolutely nothing to worry about.

  She pictured him in his mind. His dashing smile and mischievous sky-blue eyes. She imagined his muscular arms wrap around her and her head nestling into his solid chest. It constantly amazed her the way he made her feel… the way no guy could ever make her feel. People found it hard to believe she was gay, due to her relationship with him, but she didn’t care. She was happy with who she was.

  Minutes ticked by and Ms Cann continued to waffle on, but Vanessa paid her no heed. Once again disturbing thoughts flashed through her mind. What if something really had happened to him and he wasn’t coming back? She couldn’t handle him leaving her again, like he had two years earlier, in another town, a year or two after her own father had left her and her mother. Her father she had gotten over, but when it came to Rex, she just wasn’t able too. The thought of history repeating itself, filled her with dread and the horrible feelings of old, returned. She continually peered towards the classroom entrance, willing him to return and as the minutes ticked by her anxiety grew.

  It was starting all over again.

  ‘Stop it!’ she ordered herself in her mind. She couldn’t let the demons return, she had to remain strong. ‘Don’t be so needy! You’re not like that anymore.’

  But still butterflies invaded her stomach and the irrational fears remained transfixed in her mind. She wiggled around in her chair, trying to gain some feeling of comfort, but failed. She wanted to get up, leave and find him just to be sure he was ok. ‘No, you’re staying right here. Don’t be stupid, Vanessa!’

  Holly leant over to her and tapped her arm. ‘You ok, Nessa?’ she whispered. ‘You look kind of tense.’

  Vanessa took a couple of long breaths. ‘It’s ok. I’m fine.’

  Her short, brown-haired classmate wasn’t satisfied. ‘You sure?’

  Vanessa gave her a reass
uring smile.

  ‘You girls. Are you paying attention?’ Ms Cann glared their way.

  Holly hushed up and all eyes turned to Vanessa. She knew they were expecting her to make a snide comment of some kind like she usually did, but Vanessa was unprepared. All she could do was look up at Ms Cann in surprise.

  Ms Cann’s steely glare remained on Vanessa. ‘I expect you to listen to me while I’m talking.’ The elderly women had never been a fan of hers, but the old woman’s attitude had improved significantly over the last few weeks, but that was mainly thanks to Rex sticking up for her against Luke Shirley who had threatened her with a knife. But still, Vanessa knew that deep down Ms Cann still disliked her immensely and when Rex wasn’t around her manner became surlier. ‘Have you been listening to anything I’ve said in the last few minutes? It seems to me you’re more concerned with other matters, aren’t you? Don’t think I haven’t noticed you continually peering at the door.’

  Vanessa had to pull herself together now, or people would think there really was something wrong. She forced a smile. ‘Oh dear, Ms Cann, you’ve caught me out I’m afraid. I definitely am most concerned with that door. I’m thinking that it’s likely to be an OSH hazard, it really is.’

  ‘What are you talking about?’

  This diversion from Ms Cann was exactly what Vanessa needed to get her mind back under control and once again her brain was able to kick into action. ‘Have you ever noticed the way it swings when people come in and out? It really does have a lot of force behind it. Imagine what might happen if someone actually ended up with it planted in their face?’

  ‘Nonsense. It’s just like any other door.’

  ‘But you see, that’s where you’re wrong, Ms Cann. It’s not just like any other door. There is something a lot more sinister about it, haven’t you noticed?’


  ‘Nuh uh.’

  ‘There’s nothing wrong with it’

  ‘Yeah huh. Have you ever heard of cursed doors, Ms Cann?’

  ‘There’s no such thing.’

  ‘That’s one of them. You just never know what might happen if you walk through it. You always have to be on the alert. Always test the handle first and always look up before you enter.’

  ‘Now why would I need to look up?’

  ‘Well, you know, just in case.’

  ‘Just in case what?’

  ‘There’s a bucket of water or something poised there ready to tip on you.’

  ‘Now why would there be a buck…’ Ms Cann’s words petered off and a frown appeared on her face. ‘You better not be planning any practical jokes!’

  ‘Hadn’t I?’


  ‘Oh… ok.’

  Ms Cann peered at her through squinted eyes a little longer then turned back to the class. ‘Now, I want you all to turn to page…’

  The door to the classroom swung open and Vanessa breathed easy when Maggie Matthews and Mandy Evans walked in with Rex at the rear. She could hardly contain herself, wanting to leap up and hug him fiercely, but remained seated and delivered him a huge smile as he glanced in her direction.

  Ms Cann turned to them and spoke in a pleasant tone, ‘Now, Rex Cassidy, I hope you have a good reason for being late to my class.’ She always spoke to him like that, ever the knife incident. She had gone from wanting him expelled to being one of his biggest supporters.

  ‘Ah, Ms C. A reason for being late? How about the three of us were busy making out in the principal’s office?’

  Ms Cann put on a fake laugh. ‘Oh, Rex, you are such a kidder. Always trying to pull my leg. And it isn’t even April Fool’s Day yet.’

  It wasn’t that long ago when Ms Cann would have taken him seriously and given him the third degree.

  A twinkle appeared in Rex’s magnetic blue eyes. ‘Would you believe… in the staff room then?’

  She laughed some more. ‘Very funny.’

  ‘Well how about at the back of the bike shed?’ Rex chuckled, grabbed a seat and placed it down next to Vanessa who sat next to the aisle.

  Ms Cann’s manner remained pleasant. ‘Rex, there are plenty of vacant desks in other rows.’

  Vanessa still had trouble dealing with a “pleasant” Ms Cann and wished she’d just go back to being “cantankerous” when Rex was around. It was always much more fun when she was like that. It gave Rex plenty of reason to tease her and get her worked up.

  ‘I can see that, Ms C,’ Rex put his muscular arm around Vanessa, giving her a warm shiver. ‘But there’s just something so plain and boring about those ones and something much more appealing about this one. I guess it’s the accessories that come with it.’ He winked at Vanessa.

  Vanessa wanted to grab him and smother him with kisses, but forced herself to remain cool. She had him back with her and that was all that mattered. Inwardly she scolded herself for having got so worked up over him not being there, especially when it was likely he was hanging out with Mandy and Maggie. She grinned at them and hoped they had enjoyed their time with him. She knew she could have Rex all to herself if she really wanted it, but chose not to. She didn’t want the resentment that would come from the other girls. Besides she loved to see how happy they were when they got to spend time with him.

  Nevertheless, it worried her a lot that she had got so worked up with him not being there. It was crazy to worry about his wellbeing, especially when it didn’t worry her at all that he was with Maggie and Mandy.

  Ms Cann went back to teaching the class and Vanessa got to enjoy cuddling up with her darling for the rest of the period, gazing into his eyes and admiring his Adonis like facial features.

  At lunch time, she hung out with her friends like she normally did in the area of trees and seating outside E Block. There were often groups of junior girls sitting nearby continually gazing over at Rex, giggling and muttering to themselves. Vanessa thought it was kind of cute and figured that she herself would have been one of those girls if she had been a few years younger. On this occasion though, a group of junior boys had gathered and it became obvious to Vanessa that they were watching her. She didn’t mind. She was used to it and knew, based on a lot of graffiti that was appearing on desks and walls lately, that she was the object of a lot of fantasies. She even delivered a smile in their direction which quickly made some of them turn their heads in embarrassment, while the others beamed.

  ‘It makes me sick,’ Jacqui grumbled. ‘Look at those little pervs. They can’t keep their eyes off you.’

  ‘What’s the matter, Jacqs, you jealous?’ Mandy asked with a twinkle in her big wholesome brown eyes. ‘Annoyed because it used to be you they perved at?’

  Vanessa grinned at her dark-haired friend. There was definitely something about Mandy that she really liked. Not only was she drop-dead gorgeous, innocent looking and always smiling, but she also had a bit of a rebellious streak. She wasn’t afraid to say what she thought.

  A scowl crossed Jacqui’s face and she glared at Mandy. ‘Whatever! Why would I want a bunch of year-nines drooling after me for?’

  ‘Because you like being the centre of attention?’

  ‘Whatever! Hey, I’ll bet it was one of those little creeps who’s been stealing your pictures from your dossier, Vanessa.’

  Maggie Matthews spoke up. ‘You should sign and sell autographed copies, Nessa. You could make a fortune.’

  Vanessa grinned at her. The ginger-haired darling had only been at TAC for a short time, but Vanessa had grown quite attached to her. She wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but she was a lot of fun and had the most gorgeous dimples on her cheeks when she smiled, not to mention a killer figure that any girl would be envious of.

  ‘Puleeeeease,’ Jacqui grumbled. ‘You’d think she was some kind of celebrity or something. What’s the big deal?’

  Mandy smirked. ‘I don’t know, Jacqs, you seem to be making it.’

  ‘I am not!’ Jacqui shot her a homicidal glare.

  ‘Relax.’ Vanessa
laughed. ‘It’s not like they’re here to gawk at just me anyway. Look, Jacqs, that ugly little kid with the big ears has his eye on you.’

  Jacqui glared over at the junior who Vanessa referred to, but he was now peering in another direction. ‘Give me a break. Anyway, who is that kid? I don’t think I’ve seen him around.’

  ‘I think he’s new,’ Mandy said. ‘I guess he must be, because he hasn’t realised what a bitch you are yet. But he’ll learn.’

  Jacqui thumped Mandy across the shoulder, but said nothing.

  A girl came running across the path towards them. ‘Hey Vanessa. You’re needed in the office.’

  ‘What for?’

  ‘I don’t know. Mr Harris wants to see you.’

  ‘Mr Harris?’ She glanced back at her friends. ‘Oh well, I guess you girls are gonna have to provide eye candy for those little boys on your own. I better go and see what our new school principal wants.’

  As she began to walk towards the office, she noticed the little boys perk up and they started to mutter to the big-eared boy. One of them gave him a shove, forcing him to his feet. He took one look at Vanessa and tried to sit back down, but was given another shove, this time in her direction.

  The boy staggered up to her, his eyes wide, looking as though he wanted to speak. Vanessa came to a halt in front of him, figuring he either wanted to, or was coerced into attempting to speak to her.

  ‘Yes?’ she asked, amused by the anxiety all over the boy’s pimply face.

  ‘Are... are you Vanessa?’

  ‘Yes. That’s me. At least that’s what it says on my exercise books. Although I very rarely ever look at them.’

  ‘Are... umm...’ There was anxiety in his timid brown eyes.

  ‘You have something you want to ask me? You better ask. I don’t do wishes though.’

  ‘I err... Do...’

  ‘What’s your name?’

  ‘Trent!’ He breathed, as if relieved to finally get some words out of his mouth. ‘...Nord.’

  ‘Are you new here, Trent?’

  ‘Yes! But... but I used to go to Te Arawa Primary... a few years ago.’

  ‘Well, Trent, I hope that coming here will help you learn to converse with others more effectively, but right now, I have to get to the office. I hope you’ll like Te Arawa College.’ With that, she flashed a smile and walked onwards.

  She could hear snickers from the other boys, but didn’t bother to turn around and look. She figured they were now going to ridicule Trent for making a fool of himself and in a way, couldn’t help but feel sorry for the poor tongue-tied junior.

  At the deputy principal’s office, she knocked on Mr Harris’s office. The door opened and Mr Harris stood there, blocking off the view behind him. ‘Ah Vanessa. Good. I have a visitor for you. Someone you haven’t seen in a long time. He’s asked to see you and we could hardly refuse.’ Mr Harris stepped aside and revealed a man standing beside his desk, staring across at her.

  ‘Hello, Vanessa. It’s so good to see you again.’

  Vanessa’s heart skipped a beat and she stared at the tall, smartly dressed man in front of her. ‘Oh my God. Dad!’


  The Goddess Willing


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