Last Chance 05 - Second Chance

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Last Chance 05 - Second Chance Page 30

by Christy Reece

  She’d already called Jenna and asked her to come stay with Hannah. Now all she had to do was convince Shea to give her Cole’s address. Hopefully, she wasn’t so angry with her she wouldn’t tell her where he was.

  Grabbing the duffel, she took one last look at her hastily dressed self. The black jeans and white shirt were comfortable and would hold out for however many hours she would need till she got to the man she loved.

  A soft knock on her door had her turning around. “Come in.”

  Shea opened the door. The expression on her face was one Keeley had never seen before. Her entire face glowed with excitement. “We have news.”

  Her heartbeat quickening, Keeley ran toward her. “What?”

  “You know that Eden and Jordan are in Thailand?”

  Unable to speak, Keeley could only nod.

  “Since they can’t bring their son home yet, they decided to do a little snooping in some of the lesser-known houses that are suspected of selling children.”

  Keeley’s heart was ready to leap out of her chest.

  “They think they’ve found Hailey at one of them.”

  Her finger gripped the dresser behind her as her legs threatened to give out. “Are they sure?”

  Shea grinned. “Almost one hundred percent sure. You know they’ve seen numerous pictures of Hailey. They would know.”

  “Oh my God.”

  “How do you feel about going to Thailand?”

  “Thrilled. When do we leave?”

  “Can you be ready in an hour?”

  “I’m ready right now.” Heart racing and insides shaking, Keeley tightened her grip on her duffel bag and followed Shea out the door. She was really going to get her baby back!


  Bangkok, Thailand

  “What the hell is she doing here?”

  Keeley almost didn’t recognize the man standing in front of her with a glare that could melt steel. Gone was the man who’d thrown her daughter up in the air, laughing at her antics. The man who’d held her so gently in his arms, tended her bruises and cuts when she was attacked, and made love to her with a fierce tenderness she’d felt to her soul. In front of her stood a man primed for battle—ready to fight, defend, and protect. A warrior.

  The Cole Mathison she’d fallen in love with had disappeared. Or had he? Was this the real Cole, or the man he had to be to do what needed to be done? The man she’d told to leave?

  Keeley felt a wailing begin inside her, similar to the one she’d felt since her girls were taken. Now the wailing was for a different reason. Had she destroyed her only chance for happiness by not being brave enough and wise enough to grasp what was in front of her?

  Swallowing past the pain, Keeley glanced around the large room. They’d set up shop in a small warehouse. A dozen or so people, men and women, milled around, each doing various jobs. A few worked at computers. Two were deep in conversation in a corner. Several had weapons in front of them that they were cleaning and checking. Cole was with this last group. Except for the one time when he snarled out the question of why she was here, he hadn’t spared her a glance.

  She had to find a way to get him alone, to tell him how sorry she was and that she loved him. Straightening her shoulders, Keeley took a breath and started toward him.

  A young woman stalked into the room, catching Keeley’s attention and halting her. Dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, she was below average height and slender. Her bleached blond hair was shorter than some of the men’s, but the short cut only emphasized her incredible bone structure and natural beauty. She was young, maybe early twenties, but she looked at home here. Confident and capable.

  Cole looked up when the woman approached him, and he gave her a smile. Cole’s smiles had always been so discriminating and rare that Keeley somehow believed they all belonged to her.

  The woman held herself back from the others, but with Cole she seemed to loosen up. The other men surrounding Cole backed off, as if they knew she didn’t want them around. They seemed to respect her need for distance, and when they spoke to her it was from several feet away. She looked serious and competent, as if she’d been in the midst of battles many times and had come out a winner.

  Even though this operation was to rescue her daughter, Keeley felt awkward and out of place. As if she were the only one who shouldn’t be here. She fought that sensation. She had every right to be here. But the feeling lingered, as it had many times when she felt out of place back home.

  The woman said something to Cole and he let out a dry laugh.

  Keeley’s heart lurched at the sexy, familiar sound. Was Cole attracted to this kind of woman? A woman who understood his world … could live and work in it?

  “So the mysterious Ghost is on the case.”

  Keeley turned to see Shea smiling.


  Shea nodded, her eyes still on the slender woman talking to Cole. “That’s her nickname. Her real name is McKenna. She’s an LCR operative but no one but Noah knows anything about her. She shows up, sometimes unexpectedly, does her job and leaves.”

  “Cole seems to know her.”

  Shea snorted softly. “Not really. He saved her ass once during a raid. She’d been shot. Cole picked her up and carried her out of the building. She was kicking and biting at him the entire time.”

  “But why?”

  A compassionate flicker of understanding gleamed in Shea’s green eyes. “She doesn’t like to be touched. Cole ignored her and saved her life.”

  “So they developed a friendship?”

  “Not hardly. In a few minutes, she’ll be just as distant with him as she is with everyone else. I suspect this is the first time she’s seen him since he was rescued. Being halfway friendly to him is her way of saying ‘I’m glad you’re not dead.’”

  Compassion suddenly replaced Keeley’s jealousy. “She’s been hurt, hasn’t she?”

  “Most LCR operatives have.” She paused for a second and said, “Maybe you should consider joining our ranks.”

  With those intriguing words hanging in the air, Shea winked and walked away.

  “You okay?”

  Stunned at Shea’s suggestion, she hadn’t realized anyone was behind her. She turned to see Eden standing there with a warm smile of welcome on her face and tears in her eyes. With a soft sob, she threw herself into Eden’s arms. “Thank you. Thank you.”

  Eden laughed softly and held her tight. “It was a long shot, but it paid off.”

  She pulled out of Eden’s arms and reached up to press a grateful kiss to Jordan’s cheek as he stood beside his wife. “And you’re sure it’s her? How does she look? Does she look healthy?”

  “Her hair’s been colored a dark brown, so we didn’t recognize her at first,” Eden said. “And yes, though she looks like she could use a bath and hairbrush, she looks healthy.”

  “What kind of place is this?”

  “Black market adoption,” Jordan said. “We think they’ve only had her a few weeks.”

  “Why do you think that? Where has she been?”

  “Jordan and I went inside, pretending to inquire about an adoption. Most of these places actually do a few legal ones. We told them some specific features we were looking for, hoping if they hadn’t seen Hailey themselves, someone had. The second agency we went to, they’d just gotten in a child about the age and physical description we said we were looking for.” She grinned. “They warned us she was a handful and that the people who’d had her before returned her. She apparently was a little more rambunctious than they anticipated.”


  “I remember your description of Hailey included her tendency to be a bit of a daredevil. We told them this was exactly the kind of child we’d love to have. They let us meet her.”

  “And she was healthy?”

  “Yes. She looks like she’s been well fed, not abused, but she had quite the attitude. Refused to come when they called. Glared at me and Jordan the entire time we were there.”
/>   “Oh God, I can’t believe I’m finally going to see her again.”

  “I’m glad you could be here. Who’s with Hannah?”

  “Jenna’s staying with her.”

  “I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to have her sister back home.”

  Keeley shivered as she glanced around at all the busy people. “Will everyone here go in?”

  Eden shook her head. “No more than three or four. The less we send in, the better our chances of getting out without anyone getting hurt.”

  One again, people would be putting their lives on the line to save her child. Cole included. Another shiver swept through her. “How dangerous will this be?”

  “Nothing we haven’t done before. They’ve got a good plan. Everything will be all right.” She grabbed Keeley’s hand. “Okay?”

  “Yes … thanks.” Shaking her head, she said, “I haven’t even asked about Paulo. How is he?”

  Pure happiness lit up Eden’s face. Keeley had never seen her look more beautiful.

  “He’s perfect. He’s still in the hospital but we’ve been spending time with him each day. Yesterday Jordan asked him if he’d like to come home and live with us.”

  “What did he say?”

  “He asked if Fred could come, too.”

  “Who’s Fred?”

  Jordan grinned. “The stuffed bear we gave him. When we assured him that he could come, he said that would be fine then.”

  “That’s wonderful. When can you take him home?”

  “In another couple of weeks. He’s still too weak to travel and the last thing we want is for him to get sick again.”

  “I—” Her words caught in her throat as she saw Cole striding toward them. Would he say anything to her?

  Cole had worked hard to keep his eyes off Keeley. He understood why she had to be here, but seeing her was a simultaneous gut punch and heart stab. He’d blurted those unwelcoming words without thinking. Keeley’s corresponding flinch had made him feel like shit.

  He’d wanted nothing more than to go over and reassure her that everything would be okay and she would soon have her daughter back, but he’d forced himself to stay on the other side of the room. She might not have looked as if she hated him when she saw him, but her mind was on Hailey, as it should be. If she felt anything other than hatred for him, it was only gratitude. Nothing more.

  Once she had her daughter back with her, she could go home and hopefully never have to worry about their safety ever again.

  Still, the need to reassure her that things would soon be over propelled him toward her.

  “Everything set?” Eden asked.

  “Yes. We’ll do a quick review in a few minutes.” He glanced toward Keeley and then back at Eden. “Mind if I talk to Keeley?”

  “Not at all.” She gave Keeley a reassuring squeeze to her arm, then she and Jordan moved away.

  Before he could speak, Keeley said, “Cole, please forgive me. I’m sorry, for so many things. Thank you for all you’ve done. I don’t know how to thank you enough.”

  The tension inside him eased. She might not feel the way he’d like for her to, but knowing she didn’t hate him helped a hell of a lot. “None of that matters now, Keeley. We’re going to get Hailey back. Then everything will be as it should be.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Just that you can finally get your life back on track.” He glanced at the small group of LCR operatives gathered in a corner. “Those people over there are here for only one purpose. To rescue Hailey.”

  “Thank you … but—”

  “I’ve got to go review with the group. I just wanted to tell you that it’ll soon be over.”

  Before she could say anything else, Cole turned away and headed toward the group waiting for him. She looked so worried and sad. If he stayed any longer, he’d try to take her in his arms. He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  His eyes took in the three operatives who would be going in with him. Five others stood behind them. They would provide technical support and backup if needed. He stood in the middle of the room and reviewed their plan.

  “We know this adoption agency is a front for the illegal one going on in the back.” He shot a glance at Eden. “Eden, you’ll go in the front and express an interest in seeing the child you looked at before. From what you said, there’re only two or three people who work out front. One will probably go in the back with you. Once you neutralize him, give us a click on your mic.”

  He shot a glance at the man leaning against the wall as if too lazy to stand up straight. Cole’s first impression of Dylan Savage hadn’t been a good one. He’d soon learned how wrong he was. The man’s laid-back, “I don’t give a shit” attitude was a front for one of the toughest and hardest-working operatives LCR had. Cole felt damn lucky to have him on this op. “Dylan, once you hear the click, you come through the back door. If there’s anyone else in the back besides the kids and Eden, they’ll try to go through the back to escape.”

  His expression never changing, Dylan gave a slow nod of understanding.

  Turning to McKenna, Cole said, “You and I will go in as a couple looking for a legal adoption. Once Dylan and Eden give us the all clear, we take the people up front.”

  To the rest of the group, he said, “Once we neutralize any threat, you guys come in and let’s round up the kids. The authorities will come along with you. Any questions?”

  A soft, hesitant voice spoke up from the other side of the room. “Should I be close by?”

  Cole turned to Keeley. Forcing himself to see her as only a client of LCR, he said, “Eden will grab your daughter and bring her to you. We’re about a block away from the agency.”

  “But couldn’t I—”

  “You’ll stay here.” She flinched at his hard voice, but he didn’t care. Having her in harm’s way even the slightest amount wasn’t something he was willing to risk.

  Shea wrapped her arm around Keeley’s shoulders and whispered something. Keeley’s eyes never moved off Cole. He kept his face deliberately harsh and unreadable. If Keeley wanted to think him a hard-ass, that was her problem.

  He turned back to the group. “Any other questions?”

  When everyone shook their heads, he said, “Let’s get ready. We go in half an hour.”

  Keeley tried her best not to be hurt as she watched the small group disperse, each getting ready to save her daughter. They were putting their lives on the line, and to resent being treated like a civilian was not only incredibly selfish, it was pointless. She was a civilian. She had no idea how to help apprehend these people, and getting in the way of saving her daughter wasn’t something she would risk. But she so wanted to be as close to Hailey as possible. Her little girl would be terrified and God knew she’d been traumatized enough over the last few months as it was.

  Shea’s quiet reassurance in her ear had helped, but still a small part of her smarted from Cole’s attitude. Stupid, really. After the things she’d said to him, he had every right to act that way. She was lucky he hadn’t just said to hell with the job and given it over to someone else. Of course, he wouldn’t do that for one very simple reason: he was a man who kept his promises. Cole had said he would rescue Hailey and that’s exactly what he was doing.

  But then what? Despite the joy of knowing she’d soon be holding her daughter, Keeley couldn’t stop thinking about Cole. Had she ruined his feelings for her completely?

  She’d done a lousy job of telling him what was in her heart. All the things that had been eating at her had come out in one giant, gushing, bubbling wave of words. Only she hadn’t said the one thing she probably should have said. She hadn’t been able to form the words, because if she’d said “I love you” and he hadn’t responded in kind, she would have been devastated.

  As she watched the small group of operatives head out the door, going to save her daughter, she saw Cole’s stoic expression and cried inside. Did it matter if he didn’t love her? What if something happened and she never got an
other chance?

  Sitting in a car just down the road from the adoption agency, Cole heard Eden open the door to the building of the agency. The mic in his ear picked up the sounds perfectly.

  “May I help you?” a gruff-sounding female voice asked.

  A young and seemingly timid Eden said, “I was here the other day … with my husband. We were looking at a child for a special adoption.”

  “Oh yes. I remember you.”

  “I was wondering if I could see her again. My husband is on a business trip and suggested I take one more look before we made up our minds. Would that be okay?”

  Eden was playing it just right. The bastards would be caught off guard by her innocent-young-woman act. If Jordan had gone in with her, they might be more wary. No one who looked at Eden would suspect that behind that slender, delicate-as-a-flower façade was a lethal and dangerous operative.

  There was a long pause and Cole tensed. Had they suspected something? Had he underestimated their intelligence? He released a relieved breath when a male voice said, “She’s asleep. You can go in and look at her, but don’t try to wake her up.”

  Cole’s jaw clenched. They’d likely drugged Hailey to keep her quiet.

  Footsteps sounded and then there was total silence. He held his breath.

  Finally Eden’s voice came through loud and clear. “Oh, she looks so peaceful, doesn’t she?”

  “Yeah. You going to get her or not?” the man asked.

  “Oh yes, we want her. In fact, I think I’ll take her right now.”

  Several successive noises followed, as if Eden was delivering a few blows. Then he heard a grunt and a thud. Silence again. Then Cole heard the sweetest sound of all come over the mic—a definite and distinctive click. Their “go” signal.

  Cole shot a glance at McKenna. “Let’s go.”

  As he and McKenna headed to the building, Eden spoke low: “Okay, I got him tied up and out of the way. Don’t see anyone else. We got five kids here. They’re all asleep, probably drugged. I—Shit, someone’s coming. Dylan, he’s coming your way.”

  “I see him. Hold on, everybody.” Once again there was silence, then sounds of a scuffle, a groan of pain, and then a thud.


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