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Thrust Page 8

by Victoria Ashley

  Okay, now I’m convinced he’s lost his fucking mind. He wants to sit in my fucking chair and talk about the woman he fucked me over with.

  Do not kill this sad fucker, Kyan . . .

  I stand up, lean over the desk and slam my fists down, causing him to jump back. My hands grip onto the desk and I can feel my veins popping from my neck. I’m beyond ready to rip his throat out. “What the fuck, Bryant!” I tilt my head up and lock my eyes with his. “Jessica is not my problem. Your relationship with her is not my problem. In fact, I want nothing to do with either of you.”

  He stands up from his seat and swipes an arm over my desk, knocking the papers off. “You’re the one that decided to let a fucking woman come between ten years of friendship. Ten years, bro. Now I can’t even get you to answer a simple text, and I have to sit at home and listen to my woman compare me to you; how you did this and you did that. Do you think that’s easy for me? Huh? Knowing that she’s with me but wants you?”

  I lean my head back and let out a forced breath. It’s going to take a lot of strength to not jump over this desk and kick the shit out of him. “No,” I growl out. “That’s where you’re wrong. You let a woman get in the way of our friendship. You broke the code, bro. She wasn’t just a random hook up. She was the girl I was going to fucking marry. I don’t give a shit what she wants now, and I definitely don’t give a shit about what you want. You both should have thought about the fucking future when you were both fucking me in the ass. That’s all I can do now, and my future sure as fuck doesn’t involve the two of you.”

  I stand up straight and flex my jaw as he stares at me. “You know what? Get. The. Fuck. Out. The two of you deserve misery together, and when you get home tell Jessica to fuck herself and forget about me. I’ve already forgotten about her.”

  Bryant’s nostrils flare as he just stands there, looking straight ahead. I’ve held this anger in for far too fucking long. Seeing the look in his eyes tells me that he’s definitely feeling my hatred and betrayal. Good.

  He nods his head a few times before shaking it and turning to face the door. “Take it easy, old friend.”

  As soon as the door closes I grab my desk and flip it over, before grabbing the chair he was just sitting in and breaking it against the wall. My blood is pumping so damn fast that I’m seeing red. I don’t need this shit right now. I don’t need to think, or feel.

  “Fuck you!” I kick my desk. “That fucking asshole.”

  My door opens, and without looking up I scream. “Get the fuck out!”

  Whoever it was decides not to question my outburst. The door quickly closes and I’m left standing here, coming undone.

  Leaving my office a mess, I grab my jacket and lock the door behind me. I look straight ahead, jaw tense as I walk for the door. I feel eyes on me, but right now I don’t care. I just need to get away from all this bullshit. I need fucking freedom.

  Rushing outside, I quickly straddle my Harley and head home so I can change out of these damn sweats.

  I’M ON THE ELEVATOR, STARING at the numbers like an idiot. My finger is hovering over the button labeled with a six, and I want to press it so fucking bad right now that I’m about to say fuck everything. It’s a little after six and Calla is supposed to be at my door in an hour. I know I won’t be home by then and there’s no way I’m blowing her off.

  “Shit.” I push the number six and wait for the elevator door to open again. Without overthinking it, I walk down the hall and stop in front of door number 629 before I can change my mind. I might be stupid for doing this, but at the moment I just don’t give a fuck.

  I knock and grip the doorframe, waiting for Calla to answer. I know she’s here because I saw her white Jeep downstairs. I parked my bike right next to it.

  A few seconds later I hear her friend yelling for her to get the door, and then the door opens to Calla curiously looking me up and down. She’s standing there with the cutest surprised expression I have ever seen. She pulls her pouty bottom lip into her mouth before releasing it.

  “Kyan . . .” Her curious eyes meet mine and I instantly see a change in her expression. “Is everything alright?”

  She looks a little worried as she waits for my response. The truth is . . . I really don’t know how to answer that without lying.

  “No.” I swallow hard and look down at her while gripping the doorframe tighter. “I need some air. Come with me?”

  She glances over her shoulder at her roommate and some guy that are sitting on the couch arguing over some movie, before turning back to face me. “Yeah . . . ok, sure.” She reaches for her jacket, pulls it off the coatrack, and slips into it. “I’ll be back later, Tori. I’m going with Kyan.”

  “I want all the details . . .”

  Calla quickly slams the door behind her before giving me an awkward smile. “She’s on drugs. Don’t mind her.” She clears her throat and walks past me. “I could really use some air as well. Those two have been driving me crazy for the last two hours.”

  I place my hand on the small of her back and guide her toward the elevator. Just the feel of her back is enough to make me want to put my hands in other places.

  She smiles up at me as the elevator opens for us. “Where are we going?”

  I wait until after Calla steps into the elevator, before stepping in myself and hitting the 1st floor. “Just somewhere I like to go when I need to breathe and forget about everything.”

  I offer her no more information as we make our way out of the elevator and into the cool, night air.

  She stops walking and gives me a nervous look when I stop in front of my motorcycle. “Whoa. Motorcycles sort of scare the shit out of me. I love to watch others ride, but . . .”

  I grab onto her hip and give her a reassuring smile. “I would let myself get hurt before I ever put you in danger. Trust me.”

  She thinks on that for a second before nodding and allowing me to place my helmet on her head. I stand here for a second and take in her beauty as she stands there in a pair of skintight jeans, black boots, and a little black jacket. Her hair is pulled to the side, sticking out from under my helmet, and it honestly makes me smile just from looking at her. She’s waiting on me, looking up at me as if she’s putting all her trust in me. It makes me feel at ease. I like it.

  Straddling my bike, I reach out my hand and help her onto the back. “Wrap your arms around my waist.” She reaches around me and wraps her arms around me so tightly that I almost can’t breathe. “Whoa. It’s okay.” I rub my hand over hers to calm her nerves a little. “I won’t go fast until you tell me it’s okay. You can trust me.”

  She leans her head against my back and loosens her grip on me. “Really? My ex took me for a ride on his friend’s bike once and that asshole definitely tricked me by telling me he’d drive slow. He didn’t.”

  I feel a small ache in my chest from the tone in her voice. She sounds pained. I don’t like hearing her that way. “Really,” I reply. “I would never do that to you. Trust is a big issue for me. If I give you a reason not to trust me, then how can I expect you to not do the same?”

  “I like that,” she says, locking her hands together. “I’m ready now.”

  I take off slow, wanting her to see that I’m true to my word. Making a woman feel as if I would ever hurt her and give her reason not to trust me doesn’t sit well with me. A woman should feel safe and cared for by a man. The problem is . . . some women just don’t want that. I learned the hard way.

  We ride for a while, the two of us just enjoying the sights and the cool air, until I finally pull up at my favorite spot. It’s not much really, just a big open field with a few trees, but it’s always given me a feeling of freedom and peace.

  Killing the engine, I help her off my bike before pulling the helmet from her head and setting it down.

  I take off walking into the middle of nowhere and I hear her following behind me. I usually come here alone, but having her with me sort of feels nice. I have a feeling that she has be
en hurt in the past and maybe she needs this place just as much as I do.

  Once we get far enough into the middle of nowhere, I stop and take off my jacket, tossing it down beside me.

  Calla stops right next to me and just watches in silence as I strip my shirt off next and roll it up before laying it on my jacket.

  “Come here.” I grab her hand and guide her down to the ground so that she’s lying on my jacket, using my shirt as a pillow.

  I drop down beside her and lay with my hands interlocked behind my head. When I glance beside me, she’s staring up at the night sky and picking at the grass beside her.

  “It’s nice out here,” she says softly. “So peaceful and beautiful.”

  Looking at her here beside me, looking so at ease and peaceful, I realize she’s never looked so damn beautiful. “Definitely beautiful,” I admit.

  I close my eyes and try to force all the bad memories out of my head. Seeing Bryant today brought up a bunch of old emotions that I thought I had control over. Losing it like I did only proved that I was wrong; so damn wrong.

  “Do you come here a lot?” I hear her shift beside me so I turn to look at her. She’s lying on her side with her hand propped below her head as her eyes look at me with sincerity. “I can see why this place helps you clear your head.”

  Sitting up, I run my hands through my hair. “Yeah. I’ve been coming here for a few years now. Usually when I come here, I’m alone.” I relax into her touch when I feel her hand rub over my back. “I’ve been controlling myself better lately, so I haven’t had to come as much, but today I had an unwanted visitor, so . . . here I am.”

  I hear her moving beside me, and after a few seconds, she’s on her knees behind me, rubbing my shoulders. “Relax, Kyan.” She leans close to my neck as she rubs her thumbs in circles between my shoulder blades. “You’re really tense.”

  I find myself moaning and leaning further into her touch. Her hands feel so damn good. “That feels amazing.”

  She lets out a tiny laugh. “Thanks.” She’s silent for a second before speaking again. “I spent many years rubbing my little sister to sleep when we were younger, so . . . I guess there’s one thing I should thank her for.”

  Reaching up, I grab her arm and kiss it, before pulling her around in front of me. Grabbing the back of her neck, I lay her down in the grass and spread her legs with my knee. “It’s really hard feeling your hands on me without me wanting to touch you back. Do you realize that?”

  Her eyes look down at my chest and I catch her cheeks turn slightly pink. It’s not the easiest seeing her in the dark, but I can see enough to know that she wants me to touch her just as much as I want to.

  She locks her eyes with mine before shaking her head and hiding her face behind her hand. “Kyan . . . I was with a guy last night. I don’t usually do this.”

  I feel a small ache in my chest until I remember that is what I told her to do. This is what I wanted for both of us. I just never expected it to be my brother. I grab her chin and rub my thumb over her soft lips. “You talked to him about us?” She swallows and nods her head. “Then there’s nothing to be ashamed of. We both know about each other so you’re not doing anything wrong. I want you to be pleased. That’s all I can offer.”

  A part of me almost feels glad that Hunter has already talked to her about us. The last thing I want to do is make her feel awkward with the fact that we’re brothers.

  This is the first time that I have ever been with the same woman as my brother. This is the last thing I thought I’d be doing, but I can’t stop, and I have no claim over Calla so I have no right to ask him to back off.

  The weird part is . . . knowing that she’s been with another man, any man, only makes me want to please her better than her last. I may be selfish for this, but I want to be her best.

  “Do you want me inside you, Calla?” I pull her leg up and run my hand up her thigh. “We can stop what we’re doing right now . . . if that’s what you want.”

  I run my other hand over her neck and feel her swallow under my touch. “I always seem to want you inside me,” she admits. “Even at the most inappropriate times.”

  Her words cause me to lose control, and before I know it I have her standing up and I’m on my knees, undressing her while running my lips over every inch of her exposed flesh.

  Once I have her completely naked, I run my hands down her back, stopping on her ass. I look up at her before swirling my tongue around her clit and sucking it into my mouth.

  She lets out a small moan and grips onto my hair for encouragement. This only drives me more. I want to taste her in the best way possible and do something that I know she’ll enjoy.

  With my mouth still on her pussy, I wrap one of her legs around my shoulder before doing the other, holding onto her back for support while standing to my feet.

  She lets out a nervous squeal while giving my hair the death grip. I would never drop her, but I think it’s cute that she’s scared. I’m sure no other man has ever done this for her and it gives me the drive I need to make her feel everything her body needs.

  I slide my tongue between her folds, tasting her as if she’s never been licked before. That thought makes me work my tongue in ways I didn’t even know was possible.

  Slightly arching her back, she moans out in pleasure as I suck her clit hard and without mercy. I can tell that she loves it, because her thighs are squeezing my face so hard that it hurts. I dig my face deeper into her pussy and allow her to squeeze me.

  “Kyan!” She pulls my hair as I release her clit and work my tongue over every last sensitive spot. “Keep going. Oh God . . . right there.”

  She leans her body over my head while scratching her nails down my back. That’s when I feel her come undone in my mouth, leaving her release on my tongue. Her whole body is trembling and I’m standing here holding her as tight as I can to be sure she can enjoy this moment with the trust that I’ll hold her up.

  “Kyan . . .” She’s out of breath as she repeats my name over and over. “Holy shit, Kyan. What do you do to me?”

  “Please you,” I respond. “Show you that you’re worth every last bit of pleasure I can give you.”

  Gripping her waist, I slide her off my shoulders and wrap both of my hands into her hair as she stands there trying to catch her breath. Then, I slowly lower her to the ground so that she’s on her knees, kissing her until she’s lying flat on her back.

  Pulling away from our kiss, I grab my jacket and quickly dig into my pocket for the condom before stripping myself of my jeans.

  Calla sits back up and eagerly licks her lips while reaching for the top of my boxers. I love seeing how desperate she looks to have them off of me.

  “Pull my boxers down to where you want them,” I say with a smirk, remembering our photo shoot.

  She playfully looks up at me while jerking my boxers down my legs and forcing me to step out of them. Wasting no time, she softly trails her fingertips along the backs of my legs before stopping at my waist. I lift an eyebrow and watch her as she runs her hand down my stomach, before wrapping both of her hands around my cock.

  “Is it weird that I find your dick to be beautiful?” She whispers as if she’s unsure that she wants me to hear. “I’ve never really had the urge to do this before.”

  Before I can say anything, her lips are around my cock and her tongue is swirling around the head. I moan at the feel of her sweet tongue tasting me. She’s got the most beautiful fucking mouth I’ve ever seen and it’s wrapped around my cock right now.

  It takes her a few seconds to get used to my size, but then she’s pleasuring me as if she wants nothing more than to return the orgasm I just gave her.

  My hand is wrapped into the back of her thick hair and I dig my teeth into my lip as she moves faster and harder. It feels so damn good that I’m about to lose it and come in her mouth. I don’t want that. I want to come inside her pussy.

  Tugging back on her hair, I pull her away until my cock springs fr
ee from the grasp of her lips. I drop down to my knees and kiss her so hard that I have to hold the back of her head to avoid it hitting the ground. I run my tongue over her lips before sucking her bottom lip into my mouth, causing her to moan against my lips.

  “I was about to come,” I say out of breath. “I want to be inside you when I do.”

  I quickly flip her over and lay her flat on her stomach, before running my tongue up the middle of her back while ripping the condom open. Admiring her body, I roll the condom on, before slipping an arm around her waist to slightly raise her body.

  I can feel her body jerk each time that my cock brushes against her entrance, and this makes me want to fuck her so hard that she won’t be able to sit on my bike when we leave. I need to control myself.

  Leaning over her body, I suck on her neck while trusting my cock into the tightness of her pussy. She cries out and grips the grass.

  “Does my cock feel good in your tight little pussy, Calla?” I grip her hair and move my hips in a circular motion. “Do you want me to fuck you hard or gentle?” I slowly pull out before gently thrusting back into her.” She moans out. “You like it slow and gentle so that you can feel every single inch?”

  “Yes, Kyan. I want to feel you inside me,” she whimpers. “Every. Single. Inch.”

  Wrapping an arm around her neck, I pull her toward me and run my lip under her ear. “Then I’ll give it to you nice and slow. Every. Single. Inch of it.”

  I begin thrusting my hips slow and deep, causing her to moan out with each thrust, only causing me to go deeper and slower.

  I usually like it fast and hard, but there’s no denying the way her body is making me feel at the moment. The sensation is almost unreal, and I find myself wanting to bust my load in her right now.

  “I want you to come with me, Calla.” I kiss her neck. “Tell me when you’re about to come.”

  Reaching below her, I rub her clit while fucking her nice and slow. After a few minutes I feel her start to tremble in my arms.


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