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Hunting Season (The Gathering Book 1)

Page 13

by Shelly Laurenston

  She rubbed her eyes with her free hand. “Yes,” she sighed. “Other than that.”

  “You bring me joy.”

  It was like someone kicked her in the groin. All the air left her lungs and she lay there staring up at the ceiling.

  She, Denise Lawrence, bringer of death, brought someone joy? How was that possible? The only joy she’d ever brought anyone was back in her first-life when she handed over the nickel bag of pot.

  “I… how do I…”

  “Every time you take down some scumbag. Every time you try to make Arri feel welcome and stop Janelle and Mike from fighting. Or when you go out of your way not to show Tye when he’s completely freaked you out. And every time you smile. Every time, Neecy Lawrence, you bring me joy.”

  Neecy blinked. Several times. “Yager…”

  “I want to see you tomorrow.”

  “No. No dating. No relationship.”

  “Fine. Then just sex.”

  “Forget it, Yager. You could never do that and we both know it.”

  “You’re not even going to give me a chance?”

  “No. I’m not.” Because she couldn’t afford to.

  “You’re breakin’ my heart.”

  Neecy rolled her eyes. “I am not.”


  “Goodbye, Yager.”

  She ended the connection and shut off her phone.

  Delia slapped Janelle’s leg. “Ow!”

  “Oh, stop whining, ya big baby. We go through this every time. You insist I braid your hair and then you freakin’ whine and complain the entire time.”

  “‘Cause you make ‘em too damn tight. That hair is actually attached to my scalp, ya know!”

  “If I don’t make ‘em tight, they won’t even last two days, much less a week.”

  Janelle went back to braiding Delia’s dark brown hair while Katie, curled up in one of Janelle’s favorite chairs, quietly read a book on knots. Janelle wasn’t going to even ask.

  Her cell phone rang and both Katie and Delia smiled.

  “J, you actually have ‘Danny Boy’ as your ringtone?” Delia giggled.

  “I like that song.” She released Delia’s hair and scooped up her cell phone. She frowned at her Caller ID and looked at Katie. “It’s Yager.”

  “Ooh. Neecy problems.” She sat up straight in the chair, her book forgotten. “Answer, answer, answer.”

  Chuckling, Janelle flipped open her phone. “This is Janelle.”

  “Hey, Janelle. This is Yager.”

  Working hard not to laugh, she covered the mouthpiece. “Oh, my God. He sounds so depressed.”

  “That bitch. You know she probably just dogged him.” Katie motioned to the phone. “Find out what’s going on.”

  Clearing her throat, she went back to her phone. “Hey, Yager. What’s up?”

  “Remember at the party, you said you’d help if I needed it?”

  She did? Damn Alabama Crows. No more grain alcohol for her. “Um… sure.” She shrugged at Katie. “What d’ya need?”

  “She’s breaking my heart, and she doesn’t care.”

  “Of course she cares. That’s why she’s breaking your heart.”

  “She says she doesn’t want a relationship.”

  Janelle frowned. “Then what does she want?”

  “Sex, but no relationship.”

  Janelle snorted. “She’s kidding, right? I mean, Neece don’t do sex with no relationship.”

  Although only hearing one side of the conversation, Delia and Katie still covered their mouths to keep their hysterical laughter quiet.

  Janelle waved at them, since she could still hear Katie’s giggles through her hand.

  “Well, she says that’s what she wants,” he went on.

  “Then just tell her that’s what you’ll do.”

  “I tried. She saw right through me.”

  “Christ, youse two are pathetic.”

  Katie glared at her across the room and whispered, “Be nice! That shitty accent we’ve tried to beat out of you is making an appearance, which means you’re getting testy.”

  Covering her phone again, Janelle snapped, “Oh, look who’s talking! She of the knots!”

  “I know we are,” Yager continued, unaware of Janelle’s multiple conversations. “But she won’t let me in. Got any ideas?”

  With a sigh, “Hold on a sec.” She lowered the phone again, covering the mouthpiece. “She’s blockin’ him. And he’s out of ideas.”

  Katie threw up her hands. “At this rate, she’s going to die a bitter old maid. Just like you.”

  Janelle nodded, then her head snapped up. “Huh?”

  Delia, sitting on Janelle’s bedroom floor, with Janelle’s legs on either side of her so she could do her hair, patted her on the ankle. “Ask him if he’s going to that Valkyrie party tomorrow.”

  “Yager. You going to that Valkyrie party tomorrow?”

  “I’d rather remove my eyelids. I’m sending Mike.”

  Janelle laughed. “Okay.” Covering the phone, “He’d rather remove his eyelids.”

  Katie grinned. “I’m liking him more and more.”

  “Tell him to go.” Delia turned her head to look at Janelle over her shoulder.

  “Are you sure? I’d hate for him to go for no reason.”

  “Trust me. But you bitches have to go yourselves.”

  “Are you high?” Katie snapped.

  “I’d rather eat glass.”

  “Hey!” Delia growled. “My team has had to go to those goddamn Valkyrie parties with Didi every year for the last four years because you cunts wouldn’t go. Well, now you’re fuckin’ going!”

  “Hey, cunts is a little harsh, ya know?”

  “There are speeches, honey. I’ve sat through Valkyrie speeches and Odin grabbed my tits last year. You’re lucky I didn’t sneak in and cut your throats in your sleep!”

  “Christ, such a drama queen.” Janelle went back to her phone. “Yager. Go to the party.”


  “Trust me. We’ll be there and we’ll drag her ass with us, if we have to bring her in a garbage bag.”

  There was a long pause, then, “She’ll still be alive, right, Janelle? If you have to do that.”

  “Of course, she will!” Janelle snapped. “Don’t make me crazy, Yager!”

  “Okay. Okay.” He chuckled. “Thanks a lot, Janelle.”

  She took a deep breath and smiled. “No problem. But I better be a goddamn bridesmaid at your wedding.”

  “You got it. And if she fights me on it, you’ll move over to my side and hang with Tye and Mike. But no more putting Mike in headlocks.”

  “We both know the little bastard always deserves them,” she joked, even as she felt a little shudder pass through her. Not about Mike. Like siblings, they’d been torturing each other for years. No, it was the mention of Tye that got her. She could still feel Tye’s body lying on top of hers and see that glossy black hair spilling over those bright blue eyes…

  She shook her head. “Look. Gotta go. See ya tomorrow.”

  She flipped the phone closed.

  “So what’s the plan, Dee?”

  “It’s vicious. And involves Didi.”

  Katie giggled in a most unholy way as she grabbed her knot book off the floor and again got comfortable in Janelle’s chair. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Those Ravens are becoming a problem.”

  Waldgrave sighed as he stared off into his backyard, his big arms folded over his even bigger chest. “How long did it take them?”

  “To take out the decoy and get to the Crows? Less than an hour.”

  Taking a deep breath to dispel the overwhelming desire to start killing things, he looked at the disciple standing next to him. “I guess we shouldn’t be surprised, should we?”

  “You didn’t think She’d make it easy on us, did you, sir?”

  He finally chuckled. “You’re right.” Still, the Ravens were a seriou
s problem. And, unlike the Crows, their god still cloaked them. They were impossible to track, so he had no idea where the hell any of them lived. Plus, they could be right on top of him and Waldgrave wouldn’t know it until they had their hands around his throat.

  Besides, he wasn’t sure he wanted to face off against Odin himself if he fucked with his pets.


  “Forget them for now. Our prey is The Gathering. Focus on them. We need to get rid of that female, and soon. Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Waldgrave dismissed his disciple with a quick jerk of his head, leaving him to his thoughts and plans.

  He wouldn’t fail Her. He would never fail Her.

  Neecy opened Arri’s door but found her bed empty and made. The girl even made hospital corners. Obsessive-compulsives were so odd.

  Charging down the stairs, Neecy desperately searched for her friend. She got up later than she meant to and she had to get into the City, but she wanted to talk to Arri and help her ease into this. She’d be freaked out. Scared. Neecy wanted to help her through that as much as she could.

  She pulled her backpack on and checked the living room, the study, the library, and quickly headed toward the kitchen. Neecy pushed open the swinging door and froze in the doorway.

  “Okay, okay. Tell ‘em. Tell ‘em.” Katie handed Arri a cup of coffee.

  Arri, sitting on the kitchen counter, took the cup and said, “Well, your colors are a dark, dark red. Passionate.”

  The roomful of Crows laughed and Katie struck a little pose. “That’s right. I’m passionate! Now pay up! I told ya bitches I was red!”

  Giggling, Arri looked past the women and saw Neecy. She gave her a wide grin. Neecy didn’t need to read auras to know her little friend would be fine.

  Neecy mouthed, I gotta go. Talk later.

  Arri nodded as Connie rehashed the story from the previous night’s hunt. “Like one second we were just standing there, kicking ass, and the next we were being blown away… literally!”

  Neecy left the kitchen and headed toward the front door. Now she was really late. Luckily it still hadn’t snowed, so she could ride her bike into the City. Rushing out the door, Didi, who’d abruptly come out of her office, called after her, “And don’t forget tonight!”

  “Yeah. Sure.” Neecy didn’t know what Didi meant, but she was in too big a rush to actually give a shit.

  Neecy stared at the five women standing in her doorway. They all wore gorgeous black cocktail dresses and had their hair and nails done.

  Her hair still wet from a recent shower, Neecy mustered up a calm she didn’t feel. “I am not going to a Valkyrie party.”

  When Neecy arrived in the City that morning, she immediately went to the university to meet with the doctorate and master’s students she advised and deal with her classes. After a full day of that, she did a little food shopping and then headed home for a night of Law & Order reruns and pasta. As far as she was concerned, that plan had not changed.

  “Oh, yes. You are going.” Didi took a step toward her and Neecy crossed her arms in front of her chest, her feet braced apart.

  “Forget it. This is above and beyond the call of Skuld duty. Besides, I thought Delia and her team go to these things.”

  “I have her handling the Hunter situation.”

  “So I heard,” Neecy couldn’t help but sneer. She should be handling the current Hunter situation. Not that Delia wouldn’t do a good job, but Neecy was second-in-command. Not Delia. Hunting down these idiots and using their heads as golf balls should belong to Neecy.

  Didi snapped her fingers. “Show her.”

  Janelle reached into a Macy’s bag and pulled out a strapless black cocktail dress.

  “What is that for?”

  “It’s for you to wear.”

  Neecy shook her head. “Forget it. You ain’t gettin’ me in that dress. And you ain’t gettin’ me to that party. So you bitches might as well just keep steppin’.”

  Ducking her head, Arri stepped back as the other women stepped forward. It was when Janelle cracked her knuckles, though, that Neecy became seriously concerned.

  Elder Raven Skellan watched quietly as a small group of women dragged a bound and gagged woman out of a limo.

  He’d only come out to take a cigarette break before they served dinner. He never expected a floorshow.

  Together, five women hauled the woman out onto the curb and stood her up. She immediately began to struggle, but a really large blonde put her in a headlock while a tiny redhead handled untying the ropes.

  He’d been a Boy Scout in his youth and he knew those were good knots.

  They kept the gag on the woman, however, and kept her in the headlock as they headed toward the hotel entrance.

  A pretty black woman looked at him and waved. “Hi, Skellan!”

  Suddenly recognizing her, “Hey, Didi. Everything… okay?”

  “Oh, sure!”

  “How’s Harry?”

  “Oh, he’s great. I’ll see ya inside, hon.”

  “Sure. See ya inside.”

  Nope. You just never knew what would happen at a Valkyrie party when Crows were invited. Dropping his unfinished cigarette, Skellan headed toward the entrance. No way would he miss any of this.

  “Stop frowning, Neecy.”

  The crazy bitches finally released her, and Neecy yanked off her gag. “You mother—”

  “Don’t you dare, Neecy Lawrence!” Didi barked. “Just get over it. You’re here for the night.”

  “I don’t want to be here.”

  “I don’t care.”

  The women all handed over their coats. Neecy refused to take off hers, so Janelle snatched it off her back.

  “I’m so gonna get you for this,” she snarled at Janelle.

  “Blah. Blah. Blah,” Janelle said with a smile. Since she was following a Crow leader’s orders, there was really nothing to nail her for. But Neecy would find something. If it took her the rest of her second-life, she’d find something!

  “All right, ladies. Listen up.” Neecy crossed her eyes while the other five Crows turned to face Didi. “Remember what I said. No spitting. No punching. No kicking. No telling anyone you’ll cut their throat when they’re asleep.”

  “Hey,” Neecy growled. “That was one time.”

  Didi didn’t even glance at her. “We are here, ladies, to represent The Gathering and our goddess.” She drew herself up to her mighty five-five height, which Neecy at her cool six-one pretty much laughed at. “So, don’t piss me the fuck off tonight. Understood?”

  They all nodded except Neecy who glared instead.

  Moving like the pack of killers they truly were, the women headed to the grand ballroom. Janelle stayed behind Neecy, prodding her all the way.

  The Valkyries had rented out the entire hotel for the night. Must have cost them a pretty penny, she was sure. And the Crows would be seriously outnumbered. Her little group the only ones willing to make the effort to attend.

  They reached the doorway and Didi stopped.

  She threw back her shoulders, and Neecy knew what was coming. It was the middle of winter, but they all had on strapless cocktail dresses, perfect for what they were.

  Chicks with wings.

  “Ladies.” Didi smiled. “Unfurl.”

  Mike’s head snapped back and he grabbed his nose. “What did I say?”

  Yager didn’t answer him. Just picked up his scotch and took another sip. He’d broken the boy’s nose long ago. Now he took pleasure in messing with the little bit of cartilage left anytime the pissant got out of hand. Like now.

  “It’s not like I asked if she swallowed.”

  Yager jerked, just a little, and Mike jumped back away from him. He took another sip of his drink to hide his smile.

  “Yager. I’m so glad you came.”

  Yager looked down at Cassie Bennet, once called Cassie Blue—her stage name. He had to admit, the woman had some talent, but only where stripping was concer
ned. When it came to being a Valkyrie… well, he knew better.

  Glancing down at her, he noted Cassie’s sinfully short silver dress. It barely covered her prominent ass. And he knew she probably only wore a thong and not much else under it. Add in the silver fuck-me pumps and Cassie was quite the recipe for hot, dirty fucking. He knew he could take her to the bathroom right now and nail her up against one of the stalls. And when he was fifteen, he would have been all over that like a bad rash.

  But at thirty-three, only one woman dominated his thoughts. And it sure as hell wasn’t Cassie Bennet.

  It sounded like a gunshot and it stopped all the activity in the room. But being a Raven, Yager knew exactly what that sound was—wings unfurling. Crows’ wings.

  He turned away from the bar slowly and faced the doorway. Didi strutted in first. Like always, classy in her unpretentious way. But he’d known Didi for years. Classy she may be. But when she ripped off that one guy’s head a few years back and “free-throwed” it into a basketball hoop… not so classy. Scary, but not classy.

  A small group of Crows followed her. Arri, looking much better than she had the night before. As well as Janelle, Katie, and Connie.

  Following right behind them all, looking seriously annoyed…

  “Goddamn she’s beautiful.”

  It took him a good ten seconds to realize he’d muttered that out loud. Cassie looked at him in surprise, whereas Mike just snorted a laugh. Probably all he could manage since he still held his nose.

  No need bullshitting now. Yager shrugged. “Well… she is.”

  Neecy stopped in the middle of the room and looked to her left. There he was. Lounging against the bar and staring at her.

  Looking at her the way she specifically told him not to look at her anymore. And, of course, Cassie My-pussy-is-so-well-used-it’s-the-size-of-Penn-Station Bennet stood right next to him. Surprising the bitch didn’t have a leash around his neck.

  “This,” she bit out between brutally clenched teeth, “is why you bitches brought me here?”

  Didi shrugged. “We don’t know what you mean.”

  Feeling her control slip, Neecy walked off. One more second looking at Didi’s smug face, and she would bitchslap the woman all over the room. Still, it took a moment to realize Arri walked right beside her.


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