Hunting Season (The Gathering Book 1)

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Hunting Season (The Gathering Book 1) Page 18

by Shelly Laurenston

  Gritting her teeth, she settled her body into the bed. She crossed her legs Indian-style, the fallen sheet covering everything from the waist down. “Talk about what?”

  “Next weekend.”

  Neecy frowned. “What about it?”

  “I want you to come with me to my house out on Long Island.”

  “What for?” Yager’s eyes slowly looked up and she cringed. “So we can… date?”

  “I like how you say that. Like I asked you to come out to the Island to perform satanic rituals.”

  He might as well have. This was getting involved. They weren’t supposed to be getting involved. She was already in too deep. A weekend away without the normal distractions of the City to get in their way—so not a good thing.

  “Forget it, Yager.”

  He shrugged. “Okay.” But instead of letting her go, he went right back to his computer.

  “Aren’t you going to let me go?”


  “What if I have to take a piss?”

  “I’ve got a bucket.”

  Neecy turned her head to the window so he couldn’t see her laughing. He was kind of a funny, oversized geek.

  She cleared her throat. “This is ridiculous, Yager. Just let me go.”

  After a few moments, he looked up from his computer, but not at her face. Instead his eyes focused on her bare breasts.

  “Your nipples are hard.”

  Damn. She’d hoped he wouldn’t notice that. But being all bound and at his disposal was making her crazy with lust.


  “Is your pussy wet, too?” He raised an eyebrow. “I bet it is.”

  The not lying thing… kind of in her way here. So, instead of answering, she let out an annoyed sigh and stared at him.

  Smiling gently, he placed his computer on the floor by the chair, swung his feet off the bed, and walked toward her.

  Neecy tried hard to control her suddenly rapid breathing, but it wasn’t easy with that big cock of his bouncing around and practically calling her name.



  “Whatever you’re planning—forget it.”

  “Forget what, Lawrence?” He sat down on the bed beside her. “This?” His right index finger circled around one of her hard nipples. “Or this?” He moved to her other nipple and did the same thing. “Or maybe you mean this.” He lowered his head and wrapped his lips around her nipple, sucking hard.

  Neecy’s back arched as her hands gripped the metal bars behind her. The man didn’t play remotely fair. This was not fair. No way.

  “Dammit, Yager!”

  He released her nipple and leaned forward to lick the skin of her collarbone. “Come to my house, Neecy. I promise we’ll have fun. You and me in that big house with so many positions to try.”

  “This isn’t fair.”


  “This is blackmail.”


  He pulled away from her and Neecy let out a shuddering breath. She knew he wasn’t done; she just had no idea what to expect. For some unknown reason, when it came to her, the man was ruthless. She knew loan sharks less relentless.

  She caught her lip between her teeth as Yager slowly pulled the sheet off her lap.

  “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Must be all the tattoos and gunshot scars. She tugged again at her bonds.

  “Forget it, Lawrence. You’re not going anywhere until I let you loose. I hope I remember where I put that key.” He shrugged. “Anyway, you might as well relax.” He stood up and moved around the bed. She watched as he stretched out next to her, his head propped up with one hand. The other hand completely free to do… whatever.

  He stared at her for a long time, then said, “You’re trapped here, Lawrence. Bound here. You’re helpless and all you can do is rely on me and my good nature. What will I do with you for the next few hours?”

  How the hell the man knew those words would turn her into a volcano, she’d never know. And he didn’t stop. He just kept going down that darkest-desires path and she hated him for it. Because he made it feel so okay. At least with him.

  “Right now you’re all mine to do anything I want with. Your body belongs to me.” His fingers caressed her breasts, her stomach, her neck, but he didn’t go any lower. She wanted to squirm, but she also didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he’d gotten to her.

  “Come with me next weekend, Neecy.”

  “It’s… it’s—” she let out a long shudder as his fingers squeezed her nipple, “—a really bad idea. And you know it.”

  Because what if she never wanted to leave? What if she wanted to stay there forever letting Will Yager take care of her while fucking her unconscious? She’d never been one of those please-take-care-of-me women, and she wasn’t about to start now.

  He sat up. “That’s not the response I want, Lawrence.” While one hand played with one breast, he lowered his mouth to the other.

  Neecy’s body shook under the sensual assault.

  “Too bad. That’s the only one you’re getting.”

  She felt his lips curve into a smile around her hot flesh and he released her breast, kissing his way down her chest and stomach. Gritting her teeth, Neecy watched as Yager slowly pulled her legs apart and hooked them over his shoulders.

  He leaned against her thigh, his nose rubbing her crotch. He looked up at her and she gave a short shake of her head. “No.”

  Just from experience she knew what the man could do with unlimited time, his tongue and her pussy at his disposal. He could easily have her committing to marriage and a garden wedding if she didn’t stop him now. At least when he fucked her she rarely spoke. Simply because she was too busy just holding on.

  He lowered his mouth to her pussy and Neecy’s entire body clenched. “Wait!”

  Yager stopped and looked up at her.

  “Okay, Yager. I’ll go. I’ll go. But just for the weekend. That’s it.”

  “Good. Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  Then the son of a bitch went ahead and stuck that amazing tongue inside her pussy anyway. Neecy practically ripped the bed frame apart as her entire body arched right off the mattress.

  Yager licked her clit a few times, then suckled it between his lips. Neecy’s legs tightened around his neck, her body writhing desperately until he abruptly pulled away. “Sorry about that. Just couldn’t help myself.”

  Neecy opened her eyes as Yager got to his knees. He still had her legs on his shoulders and didn’t seem in any rush to remove them. Good thing she was relatively flexible.

  He grabbed a condom off the bedside table and quickly rolled it on.

  “Tied or loose?”

  Neecy looked away from Yager, but only for a moment. She trusted him. With her body, she would always trust him. “Tied.”

  His cock actually jerked at that. On a shuddering breath, he said, “You got it, baby.”

  Slipping his hands under her ass, he lifted her a bit until his cock rested at the entrance of her pussy. She stared, fascinated. He did have the most beautiful cock, even when encased in latex.

  “Look at me, Neecy.”

  Grudgingly, she pulled her eyes away from her prize and up to his face. That’s when he rammed home. They both gasped as Yager pulled her closer, resting his face against her neck. “Goddamn, Neecy. You’re fuckin’ drenched.”

  “Your fault,” she gasped.

  Yager gave a short laugh while he kissed her neck. “Tell me what you want, baby.”

  “Move, Yager. Fuck me.”

  He bit her neck, which caused her to whimper. “You know the magic word, baby. Say it and I’ll fuck ya raw.”

  She licked her lips and tightened her legs against his shoulders. “Will. Fuck me, Will.”

  He laughed low, his fingers digging deep into her hips and ass. “Good girl,” he growled as he slammed into her. Over and over he buried his cock into her. Relentless, brutal… delightful. And bein
g unable to control him and what he did to her, being able to trust someone that much—it drove her insane. Her body shaking and sweating. Her pussy holding on to him with a vicious grip. All of it was sending her over the edge. She was losing herself inside Yager. Again.

  His tongue slid around her ear, then in it. “Being inside you, Neecy,” he whispered desperately, “it feels fuckin’ amazing.”

  And just like that, she came. Her entire body clenched around him, her pussy snapping around his cock like a vise. Yager groaned but kept going. “You’re not going to make me come that easy, Lawrence. We’ve got all day to fuck just like this… it’s Sunday!” he cheered.

  If Neecy wasn’t still coming, she would have laughed.

  Didi stopped by Neecy’s room and found she hadn’t returned. She didn’t bother calling her. She knew the girl was probably pussy-deep in Yager.

  Good for her! And a long time coming.

  Didi headed toward the stairs. She planned on getting some shopping in before the snow hit. The news kept predicting blizzards or snowstorms or whatever the hell they had in this part of the country any day now. Of course, they’d been saying that since the beginning of January.

  Already planning her day’s shopping, Didi barely noticed her bedroom door was open. She stopped at the top of the stairs, pausing for a moment. Turning around, she walked back to her room and pushed the door open.


  Crossing her arms over her chest, Didi asked, “Why do you always try to give me fruit?”

  “I find it’s a nice icebreaker.”

  Stepping into her room, Didi casually kicked the door closed with her foot.

  Exactly how many times would a person find a god lying on their bed, reading their Penthouse Forum?

  “Comfortable?” While Skuld only communicated with the team leaders by giving them sudden and random information, she insisted on physically visiting The Gathering leaders. Didi just never knew when or how.

  “Not really,” Skuld complained. “You need a better bed.”


  A New York Yankees baseball hat obscured Skuld’s face, but Didi knew she smiled. She was the Veiled One, but apparently she’d gotten real tired of those things and had moved onto hats, hooded sweatshirts, whatever. Some days she looked like the Unabomber.

  “I’m assuming there’s a reason you’re here.”


  Skuld leaned her back against the headboard of Didi’s bed and crossed her long legs at the ankles.

  Sighing, Didi walked closer to the bed. “And I’m sure you’ll tell me what it is before I turn fifty.”

  “And that’s right around the corner, isn’t it?”

  Officially pissed, Didi glared at the goddess. “It is not!” She still had six years to go before that hell on earth started.

  “What is it? Why are you here? Besides your desire to go through my porn collection.”

  “And a very extensive collection you have, too.”


  The goddess laughed. “Okay. Okay. I’m here because of you.”

  “You are?”

  “Aren’t I?”

  Didi shrugged. “I thought about calling to you, but I figured you’d ignore me. It wouldn’t be the first time my pleas went unanswered.”

  “True, but this time is different, isn’t it?”

  “I’ve spoken to all the Clan leaders. They know I’m retiring.”


  “But, they keep asking who will replace me. I’d like to be able to give them an answer.”

  “It’s good to want things, Daughter.”

  Didi sighed in exasperation. “Is there a problem you have with Neecy I’m not aware of?”

  “Her guilt bores me.”

  “Why? Because she cares about what she did in the past? Because she cares about making it right?” Didi shook her head. “I don’t understand you sometimes. You’ll never find anyone more loyal to you. She takes her commitment to you more seriously than I ever did.”

  The goddess pushed her baseball cap back on her head a bit, allowing Didi to see her face. Wow. She was gorgeous. Didi always forgot that.

  “I know. But I don’t need a slave. I need a leader. A battle chief, in fact.”

  “Neecy’s the best warrior you have and we both know it. She’s willing to sacrifice everything to serve you and The Gathering.”

  “I know. I know. Still… I need to see she can do this. I need it proven to me.”

  Didi’s body tensed as she realized something. “You sent the Hunters after us.”

  “Of course I didn’t!”

  “But you didn’t cloak the Crows, did you?”

  Skuld eased off Didi’s bed. A tall and overwhelming female, Skuld once rode with the Original Seven. As tempted as Didi may be to start some shit with the goddess, she knew better.

  “No. I didn’t cloak them.”

  “You’ve put us all at risk for Neecy’s Trial?”

  “I no longer need a politician, Didi. That’s what you are and a damn good one. During peacetime, there’s no one else I’d consider to lead the Jersey Crows. But things are about to change. And The Gathering must change with it. I need to know she can handle it. I need to know she’ll help my Daughters survive.”

  So angry she could barely see straight, Didi clenched her hands into tight fists. Skuld walked up to her and leaned down until their faces were barely a few inches apart. “Tell her what’s going on, Didi… and I’ll make sure all of you regret it.”


  “No. You keep your mouth shut. This is Neecy’s Trial. You interfere, and as much as I love you, I’ll squash you like a gnat. Understand?”

  Didi’s eyes narrowed, but before she could say anything, Skuld had her hand around Didi’s throat, lifting her off the floor. The goddess also stood to her full height, which meant Didi’s drop to the floor would be quite lengthy. “Understand?” she asked again.

  Gritting her teeth against her anger, Didi spit out, “Yes.”

  “Good.” Skuld dropped her to the ground. Didi stumbled back, her ass almost hitting the floor, but she didn’t want to give the cranky bitch goddess the satisfaction of seeing her sprawled out on the hardwood.

  “Now,” Skuld said with a smile. “I’m off.” She held up the Penthouse Forum. “Mind if I take this?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The week was fuckin’ endless. Every day that passed, Neecy’s stomach knotted up more and more. She hadn’t seen Yager since their all-Sunday marathon. He’d fucked her witless then put her in a cab and sent her home. “You’ve got school tomorrow, and if you stay I won’t let you sleep.”

  Considerate motherfucker.

  All this time she thought nice guys were dull, predictable… ordinary. Yager was anything but dull, predictable, or ordinary. Still, he was definitely the nicest guy she’d ever met.

  In just a few hours, she’d be catching the Long Island Railroad out to some place called Westbury where she’d meet Yager who’d then take her to his house in Old Westbury—ugh! She hated leaving the City but if she wanted to get laid, she had no choice.

  Neecy piled all her term-paper outlines together, shoved them into her desk drawer, and locked it.

  To say she was a horny mess after a week with no Yager truly was an understatement. Every cell of her body demanded his attention. Since Sunday she’d gone to school during the day and hunted at night. She never saw Yager. If any Ravens showed up—and they always did at some point—they came without him. But every night, as soon as she’d fallen into bed for a few hours sleep her phone would ring.

  “You okay?” that deep voice of his would ask her when she’d picked up.

  “Yeah,” she’d respond.

  “I miss you. I can’t wait to be back inside you.”

  And Neecy’s eyes would slide shut and her whole body would throb desperately.

  “Talk to you later, baby.” Then he’d hang up. No phone sex. No invite over. Nothin
g to help alleviate the almost painful ache between her legs. She knew what he was doing, too—ensuring her presence Friday night.

  The bitch of it was… she was going to make sure her ass was on that train tonight.

  How did she let this happen? How did she let this man get to her? But she did and she had no one to blame but herself.

  The only thing she could say with any pride was that at least she hadn’t lost her edge in battle. If anything, she was a damn bitch meaner. Apparently abstinence really honed those fighting skills.

  She couldn’t keep going on like this, though. Her crew had started to give her quite the wide berth lately. Especially Arri. Her and her damn color reading. Arri would take one look at her in the morning and practically run the other way. Actually, just that morning she did run. Like the wind. Neecy didn’t know the girl could move that fast. But the previous night had been particularly rough. She dreamed about Yager all night with absolutely no relief.

  This weekend, though, she and Yager would get a few things straight… after she fucked the living hell out of the man, of course. Once she did that, she’d settle whatever it was between them. Yager needed to accept the fact that she could never be what he wanted. No matter how much she may want to give in.

  Sighing, Neecy stood and grabbed her jacket. The phone on her desk rang and she picked it up.

  “Dr. Lawrence.”

  “Hey, Dr. Lawrence.”

  She hated the smile that spread across her face at the sound of his voice. “Hi.” Christ, even her voice changed when she realized it was him. Lower. Huskier. Just like his.

  “You heading out?”

  “Yeah. Gotta go to the house first, make sure everybody’s doing what they should be doing. And not doing what they shouldn’t be doing. Then back to my place to pack.”

  “Don’t worry. You won’t need much.”

  The tip of her boot rubbed the leg of her desk. “That right?”

  “Yeah. Just a pair of jeans, sweater, couple changes of panties… if you insist. Don’t bother with a bra, I like knowing I can put my hand under your sweater at any time and play with your tits.”


  “That’s me.”


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