Heroes Among Us: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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Heroes Among Us: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 6

by Ditter Kellen

  She stopped to pick up her shoes. “I’m not upset.”

  Taking a calming breath, she pointed out, “Fifty-five million people die each year, X. And out of those fifty-five million, twenty-one million are children. Innocent babies. That’s twenty-nine thousand deaths every minute. And the ones who don’t die are either sick, diseased, or grow up in hospitals. Their lives forever altered due to a bad gene or some form of birth defect. They don’t get normal, Exodus. No fairytales, no dreams come true. Ever. So, if I sound a tad bitter…that’s probably why.”

  Where had all that come from? Niki had never blamed anyone for her heart condition. She’d just accepted it and tried to make the best out what time she had on this earth.

  “So, you blame God.”

  It wasn’t a question, and she knew it. “I would have to believe in God to blame him or her. But I don’t. Now, can we just drop it?”

  “We can…”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Exodus parked his Jeep in front of Faye Durden’s small trailer and got out.

  The sweet waitress from Hazel’s met him at the door, wearing a floral print robe and her hair standing on end. “Hello there, handsome. What brings you out to the sticks?”

  “Afternoon, Miss Faye. I was wondering if I could speak to you for a moment?”

  She pushed the door wide. “Of course. Come on in.”

  After waving him to the worn but clean-looking sofa against the wall, she took a seat in a recliner and flipped off the television. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “Niki Stanton.”

  Faye’s knowing gaze assessed him. “I knew you were interested in her. I could just tell.”

  Exodus half laughed and shook his head. “Miss Stanton and I are just friends, I assure you.”

  “Whatever you say. So, tell me what’s going on.”

  “I’d like to surprise her with a prom.”

  Faye sat forward, her eyebrows nearly in her hairline. “A prom? As in a high school prom?”

  “Exactly. Only with a very small guest list.”

  Her expression almost comical, Faye asked, “How small?”

  “Just her and me.”

  “If you’re not romantically interested in her, why go to such lengths to be alone with her? And why a prom?”

  Exodus thought about what little time he had left on Earth, and how he’d like to see Niki happy before he had to leave.

  He held Faye’s gaze. “Niki was never asked to prom, Mrs. Durden. Her entire life has been made up of hospital visits, surgeries, and alienation.”

  Faye’s gaze softened as understanding dawned. “The poor little mite. Of course, I’ll help you give her a prom. Just tell me what you want me to do.”

  * * *

  With everything in motion for Niki’s prom in place, Exodus departed Faye’s small trailer and went home to shower.

  He had less than an hour to get Niki out of her apartment before the crew would arrive to transform the diner into the perfect prom setting.

  Taking down a black suit from his closet, he loaded it into his Jeep and headed into town.

  Marshall’s Formal Wear was just about to close as Exodus pulled into the parking lot.

  He exited his Jeep and hurried to catch the saleslady before she locked up for the evening. “Excuse me, ma’am?”

  She answered without turning around, her shoulders as stiff as the red hair piled on top of her head. “Sorry, but we’re closed.”

  “This is really important,” X replied stepping up onto the sidewalk. “It will only take a moment of your time.”

  “We close at five every afternoon…” Her words trailed off as she glanced over her shoulder and met X’s gaze.

  He retrieved his wallet and pulled two crisp one-hundred-dollar bills from its depths before extending them toward her. “Like I said, it won’t take but a minute.”

  The woman continued to stare at him, not bothering to reach for the money.


  “I’m sorry, what?”

  Placing the money in her hand, Exodus repeated, “May I come in? I won’t keep you long. You have my word.”

  Her face turned three shades of red. “Oh yes. I apologize. It’s just that you caught me off guard.”

  She dropped her keys, awkwardly snatched them back up, and unlocked the door. “I’ll turn the lights back on. Take all the time you need.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “My name’s Melanie.”

  “Okay, Melanie. I’m Exodus Brooks.”


  With a nod, Exodus stepped over the threshold, waited for the woman to follow, and then announced, “I need a prom dress.”

  Melanie waved him forward. “Right this way.”

  She came to a stop near a row of colorful, decorative gowns. “What size were you needing?”

  Exodus thought about Niki’s tiny form. “Something small. I’ll also need shoes to go with it. A size six.”

  He’d known Niki’s shoe size since the morning he’d carried her into her apartment. Luckily, she’d left a pair of sneakers lying on the bathroom floor.

  The next half hour was spent with Melanie presenting Exodus with dozens of different gowns, none of which he thought would complement Niki.

  And then the saleslady plucked another dress, holding it up before him. “How about this one? It’s a small as well.”

  “I’ll take it,” Exodus rumbled, figuring Niki would love the shimmering silver gown.

  Melanie smiled. “Very well, and I have the perfect pair of shoes for this dress.”

  Exodus followed the woman to the shoe section and watched as she retrieved a pair of silver heels with diamond-like sequins sparkling along the straps. “You did say size six?”

  “I did.”

  “Very good.” After ringing up the merchandise, Melanie placed the gown and shoes in boxes and set them on the counter in front of X.

  He paid for the items and picked up the boxes. “Thank you again, Melanie. I appreciate you opening the store for me.”

  “It was my pleasure, Mr. Brooks. Come back any time.”

  Sending her a grateful smile, Exodus took his boxes and departed the store. He needed to hurry back to the diner and get Niki out of there before she realized what was happening.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Niki leaned over the bathroom sink, her face hot and her body trembling with weakness.

  She had spent the past two hours attempting to breathe through her pain.

  Her chest ached. Even with the medications she took on a daily basis, the pain wouldn’t let up.

  She took another shower, attempting to relax her overly tense muscles.

  How long would it be before the medications no longer worked?

  Niki thought about Exodus and the strange way he had of making her feel attractive.

  She had no grand delusions of being beautiful. Niki was nothing if not practical. Her hair was too wild, her body too thin, and her heart defective.

  But none of that mattered when she was with Exodus. He had a way of making her feel alive and… pretty.

  The shower seemed to help relieve some of Niki’s nausea, which always made an appearance with the chest pain.

  She bathed in a leisurely manner, breathing in the soothing steam and the smell of strawberries.

  Turning off the water, she stepped out, wrapped her hair in a towel, and slipped on her glasses.

  At the sound of a knock on the front door, Lucky began to bark.

  “Just a minute,” Niki called out, donning a robe.

  She quickly left the bathroom and hurried to the door. “Who is it?”

  “It’s Faye, miss.”

  “Be nice, Lucky.” Niki informed the Lab jumping around behind her.

  She unlocked and opened the door to find the plump waitress standing on her deck, holding two boxes along with what looked like an overnight bag. “Hello, Faye.”

  “Mind if I come in for a minute?”r />
  “Oh. Not at all.” Niki stepped back to allow her room to pass.

  Faye ambled across the room and laid the boxes on the foot of Niki’s bed. She then placed the bag on the floor at her feet.

  Niki closed the door. “What are those?”

  “They’re from Mr. Brooks. I was told to deliver them and help you get ready.”

  Niki eyed the packages. “Ready for what?”

  “I’m not allowed to tell you. It’s a surprise.”

  Excitement, mingled with the nerves, warred inside Niki. She trailed over to the bed and lifted the lid off the biggest box. Her breath hitched. There, lying neatly folded before her was the most beautiful dress Niki had ever seen.

  She raised her stunned gaze to Faye. “This is for me?”

  Faye reached over and took the gown from the box. She held it up in the light. “It sure is. Ain’t it pretty?”

  “But I don’t understand,” Niki whispered, wondering why Exodus would send her such a gift.

  Faye’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “All I’m supposed to tell you is that Mr. Brooks has a surprise for you. And he requested that you wear this gown and shoes.”

  With that, Faye opened the other box and presented Niki with a pair of heels fit for a princess.

  More than a little overwhelmed, Niki fought back the anxiety rising to the surface. “But I can’t wear that dress, Faye.”

  “Sure you can,” Faye argued, nodding at Niki’s small body. “It looks to me like it would fit you perfectly.”

  Niki swallowed her embarrassment and opened the top of her robe. “It won’t cover my scar.”

  Faye glanced at Niki’s chest in disinterest. “So you have a scar. Big whoop-de-doo. I have plenty of them. Most folks do. Now, let’s get you dressed.”

  Niki wanted to shrink back, to tell the waitress she couldn’t go. But the words wouldn’t seem to come.

  Truth was, Niki wanted to try on the dress and shoes. She wanted to feel pretty for once in her life. And she wanted Exodus to think her pretty as well.

  She sent Faye a hesitant nod and moved to her dresser to grab a pair of underwear.

  Faye looked away, giving Niki some privacy to slip them on.

  Niki cleared her throat, drawing Faye’s attention. “Can you at least give me a hint as to where he’s taking me? I mean, I’m assuming we’re not going to the local barbeque shack.”

  Faye laughed. “No, you’re not going to the barbeque shack. Now sit down over there in front of that vanity and let’s get you fixed up.”

  Doing as Faye instructed, Niki took a seat at her grandmother’s old vanity and stared at her pale complexion in the mirror.

  The waitress bustled over, set the mysterious bag on the vanity next to Niki’s elbow, and unzipped the top.

  Niki noticed a huge assortment of cosmetics inside, along with a flat iron and a blow dryer.

  Faye began pulling items out one by one and placing them on the vanity. “Now, take off your glasses and let me do my magic.”

  The next hour was spent in a daze while Faye blow-dried Niki’s hair and applied some makeup to her face.

  Though Niki could see herself in the mirror in front of her, the image was far from clear. Which was probably a good thing. She was already as nervous as a cat covering shit. Seeing herself with blue eye shadow and red lips would no doubt send her sliding to the floor.

  She wanted to point out to Faye that she rarely ever wore makeup but decided it would hurt the other woman’s feelings.

  No, Niki would endure the makeup session and then wipe it off after Faye left.

  “Now, let’s straighten this thick mass of hair you have, and I’ll help you into your dress.”

  Having her hair straightened proved to be more relaxing than the medication she often took for anxiety.

  “Mmmmm,” Niki moaned as the flat iron ran through her locks. “That feels amazing. Once the diner gets back on its feet, I’ll pay you to do this a couple times a week.”

  Though Faye laughed, her hands paused in Niki’s hair. “Is the diner having problems?”

  Niki had been so relaxed she hadn’t thought about her words before she’d spoken them. “It’s fine,” she hedged, not wanting Mrs. Durden to question her further. “I only meant that once I pay for the new refrigerator, I’ll have some extra money.”

  Faye immediately went back to the task at hand. “You had me worried for a second there. I don’t know what I would do without that diner. I’ve worked there for as long as I can remember.”

  Which told Niki one thing for certain. Faye Durden definitely had nothing to do with the diner losing money.

  Not that she ever suspected the older waitress. She didn’t.

  With one last pass of the iron through Niki’s hair, Faye parted the brown tresses on the side and brushed it out.

  She then took a step back to admire her handiwork. “Oh my, Miss Stanton. You’re positively beautiful!”

  Niki knew the woman was attempting to make her feel good. “Thank you, Mrs. Durden.

  Faye patted Niki’s shoulder. “Please, call me Faye. It’s what your granny always called me. Come, let’s get you into your dress.”

  Gaining her feet, Niki followed Faye over to the bed and reached for the dress.

  “No, no,” Faye scolded, snatching up the gown. “You’ll get makeup on it. Take off the robe and I’ll help you into it.”

  Giving Faye her back, Niki untied the robe’s sash and shrugged it from her shoulders.

  Faye took the robe from her, tossing it somewhere onto the bed, and then circled around in front of her.

  Niki’s hands immediately moved to cover her breasts.

  “Ain’t nothing I’ve never seen before.” Faye laughed, bending slightly and holding the dress open. “Now step into it.”

  Niki had to release her breasts to grip Faye’s shoulders as she put one foot, then the other inside the silver gown.

  Faye tugged the material up Niki’s body and then moved around behind her to zip it up. “Now the shoes.”

  Niki sat on the end of her bed and slipped on the diamond-sequined heels.

  She stood to find Mrs. Durden staring back at her with her hand covering her mouth.

  “Is something wrong?” Niki asked, unable to make out the look in the other woman’s eyes.

  Faye shook her head and lowered her hand. “You’re a vision to behold, Miss Stanton. Mr. Brooks is going to shit himself.”

  Niki burst out laughing. “Let’s hope not.”

  Faye simply stood there, staring back at her. “Go to the mirror and have a look.”

  Nervous again, Niki trailed over to the vanity, found her glasses, and slipped them onto her face.

  She leaned down far enough to see herself in the mirror, and her breath hung up in her lungs.

  Faye Durden had done an amazing job with Niki’s face and hair. She’d done the unimaginable and managed to transform Niki into Cinderella.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Exodus thanked Randal for all his help as the beefy cook made his way to the door.

  “This is a good thing that you’re doing,” Randal murmured, stopping on the concrete slab along the front of the diner. “I hope she has the time of her life.”

  X hoped so too. “Thanks again, Randal. I couldn’t have done all this without you.”

  Randal nodded and made his way to his truck.

  Once alone, Exodus gazed around him at their handiwork.

  Streamers hung around the ceiling, along with black and silver balloons and several strands of lantern lights. A long table had been set up, lined with different types of foods that X had ordered from the next county over.

  Faye had made champagne punch and brought her CD player in for music.

  Everything looked perfect.

  Faye suddenly appeared from the kitchen. “I’m about to bring her down. Are you ready?”

  “I am.” Exodus locked the front door, turned out the lights, and moved to the outlet on the west-side wall

  Excitement welled up inside him. Niki Stanton would get the prom she never had. And Exodus would be there to experience it with her.

  Niki had come to mean a lot to him in such a short time, and he would miss her after he was gone. Of that, he had no doubt.

  The sound of the back door opening once more caught X’s attention. He bent and picked up the cord lying near his feet.

  “Hello?” Niki called, her voice unsure and full of nervous energy.

  Exodus plugged in the cord, and the lantern lights came to life around the room, along with soft music.

  He straightened, a smile on his face, and opened his mouth to welcome her, but his voice lodged in his throat.

  Niki Stanton glided into the room, wearing the silver dress and diamond laced shoes he’d bought her. Some kind of shawl hung around her shoulders.

  X had thought her pretty the first time he’d met her, but in that dress, she’d been transformed into a vision of regal beauty that would rival the angels in Heaven.

  “What is all this?” she asked, glancing around in obvious awe.

  Exodus found his voice. He trailed over to her and took her by the hand. “It’s your prom.”

  “My…” A suspicious moisture appeared in her eyes. She cleared her throat and tried again. “My prom?”

  “Well, our prom really, since I never attended one either.” God, but she was beautiful to him. “Dance with me?”

  Niki didn’t move. She just stood there, frozen, her eyes luminous and sparkling in the soft light of the lanterns.

  Exodus gently squeezed her hand. “Niki?”


  “Dance with me?”

  She nodded, her gaze remaining locked with his.

  Exodus reached up with his free hand and gently removed her glasses.

  Big mistake. She was even more beautiful, if that were possible.

  Next, he took hold of the shawl, meaning to slide it free, but she stopped him.

  “No. I’d rather leave it on.”

  Exodus knew without asking why she wanted to keep the shawl around her. He could sense it. She wanted her scar to remain hidden. “Okay then.”


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