Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 9

by Craig Gerttula

  Surprise took him...why was he on his side? Wasn't he just on his knees? His confused thoughts were short lived, the horrible throbbing pain from his arms making his mind muddled. But he did recognize the Vice Commander, who lay directly in his gaze. Her hair smoked slightly and she had a nasty looking black streak up the side of her uniform, but her breathing was steady. Relief filled him, temporarily pushing back the pain and confusion...she was ok.

  Sweat started beading down Trent's forehead and into his eyes. He tried to reach up to wipe it away, but his arms wouldn't respond. Looking down in confusion, he found two charred stumps, still smoking and smelling of burnt flesh, sitting where his arms use to be. Shock and recognition completely took hold as the knowledge Trent knew, but didn't accept, sunk in, and he slide into a world of nothingness.

  Chapter 5

  The laser arc fired even with Daniel's best efforts to free it from Sir Simwa's grasp.

  "Hold him down!" Knight Captain Quinn shouted as he raised his fist, along with half his body, striking the face of Sir Simwa with explosive force. The man's nose shattered with a sickening crunch, splattering blood over Daniel and the Knight-Captain. Sir Simwa went limp and Daniel hastily removed the laser arc while Knight Captain Quinn verified that the man was indeed, unconscious. A wave of relief cleared the panic from Daniel's mind as he fell onto his back and wiped the sweat from his brow.

  Knight Captain Quinn rushed past him like the wind, startling Daniel, who quickly rolled into a sitting position. He turned, expecting to see him at the side of the injured Vice Commander Daiyu. But instead, found him hunched over an unmoving Trent. Wondering how Trent could have been injured outside the fray, Daniel stood and slowly approached. The stench of burnt flesh struck him first and what he beheld next sent a shiver down his spine.

  Trent lay on his side, tendrils of smoke rising from the charred remnants of his arms, something only possible by laser arc fire. A nasty looking black burn showed along his chest, while his chin was scorched, white puss seeping from the nasty wound. Daniel turned away for a moment as a rising feeling emanated from his gullet, but he swallowed it back down and returned his gaze. Trent's eyes were open, as if he was staring at Vice Commander Daiyu, but they were empty...pure white. Every few seconds he would twitch, showing the definite signs of shock. If he wasn't treated immediately, Daniel knew, he would die.

  The Knight Captain's hand was on Trent's forehead, stroking it lightly as he turned to Daniel, his face of iron.

  "Medical" There was no emotion in his husky voice and before Daniel could respond Knight Captain Quinn's face went distant as he accessed his BC node...most likely reporting a level one medical emergency. Daniel held back his retort, letting it slide off his tongue, instead, querying a request with his own BC node for the closest emergency medical station. The location was provided and he moved with all haste towards the exit.

  Directly outside the training room a small storage compartment opened as he approached, previously hidden in the wall of the lobby, and a flashing square box appeared. He removed it, seeing that it was indeed a medical kit, and rushed back to the Knight Captains side.

  His basic medical training took over as he pulled out the desired vials; internal medical nanites, a calming agent, and injector. He gently tapped the Knight Captain, who, releasing his BC node, quickly moved aside. Daniel injected the vials into Trent's neck and watched as his eyes slowly closed and his breathing steadied. When he turned, he found the Knight Captain gone, having moved to Vice Commander Daiyu's side, placing a self-sealing bandage he must have removed from the medical kit on her wounded scalp.

  The minutes ticked by while Daniel and the Knight Captain sat in silence. Daniels thoughts were unclear and muddled...still not understanding how this current situation came about. But before he could raise a question, Knight Captain Quinn looked up and spoke.

  "Program, is the trial for TSB Enlistment Candidate Trent Marcello still active?" Daniel thought he heard a tremble in the all but unreadable voice of the Knight Captain. The response was immediate.

  "Yes, Sir Quinn, the trial is still in progress and all actions and comments are currently being logged." The monotone voice of the Program in charge of the enlistment tests and trials responded.

  "Good, I do not believe we need to hear anything more. I recommend acceptance of Enlistment Candidate Trent Marcello into the Terra Space Battalion Command Training School with immediate rank of Lieutenant. With acceptance, I would recommend the awarding of the Star of Terra and Blood-Sun Mark." Daniels face went white as he heard the Knight Captain's gruff voice deliver his verdict.

  To be accepted into the Command Training Program was unusual for anyone who had not previously completely the Officers Training School. Plus, it usually required committee approval of at least five TSB Captains, the TSB Commander and Vice Commander, and a Program. It was odd to bypass the committee, but not unheard of, having happened a few times in the past during times of emergency. But there was something else he thought he heard, but it was so unbelievable his mind failed to accept it.

  "Sir...did you just recommend...Star of Terra?" he asked without thinking. The Knight Captain turned to him with a face of iron and the eyes of a man who would not joke.

  Daniel's eyes went wide...he couldn't believe it, the Star of Terra was the highest commendation in the TSB for action's above and beyond the call of duty, equivalent to the King's Nova, the highest honor in the galaxy and second in the universe only to the Emperor's Boon. It was so rare, most current TSB members, including Daniel, knew little of the award besides the name and requirements, having not been presented since the TSB's inception. What Daniel did know is that it required the approval of a Program and the highest ranking noble in the duchy responsible for the special protectorate of Earth....and if the reports Daniel heard about Duke Zehman held true, he was as much a traditionalist as Sir Simwa. Daniel unconsciously glanced at the man responsible for this mess, lying unmoving on the floor, whose broken nose continued to stream blood at an alarming rate, then back to Trent.

  The other recommended commendation, the Blood-Sun Mark, was well within the Knight Captain's right to reward, but Daniel still couldn't figure out what Trent had done to deserve it. The honor was for being wounded in combat or other combat related situations. He could see that this may be considered a combat related situation, but he knew the Knight Captain was stretching it since Trent was still an enlistment candidate, not an official TSB member. But in the end, no matter what recommendations the Knight Captain made, the Program would have to approve them, and from Daniel's experience, the Program would rarely allow rules to be broken.

  "Request for end of trial accepted. Based on judgment of Knight Captain Quinn and analysis of record from trial phases one, two, three, and four, Enlistment Candidate Trent Marcello is accepted into the Terra Space Battalion Command Training School and assigned rank of Lieutenant, effective from 22:00 of day 236 of New Universal Empirical Human Alliance year 75,023. Enlistment Training Trial 13A45CFF23E is now closed." The Program's monotone voice laid down its verdict and Daniel was positive he heard some emotion in the words. He must have been getting tired from the excitement of the last hour, he thought to himself, and the sudden pronouncement that the injured man lying on the floor in front of him was now his equal, seemed to drain his last ounce of energy.

  The effective time of the decision almost slipped past him...22:00 was an hour ago. So Trent was effectively an official member of the TSB during everything that happened during phase four of his trial. Daniel tried to grasp what that meant, while a sudden irrational hatred for Trent suddenly boiled to the surface, which he decided to store in the place he kept in his mind for all those he thought wronged him, and wait for the Program to continue.

  "Analysis of recommendation for Star of Terra and Blood-Sun Mark completed. Star of Terra recommendation for TSB Lieutenant Trent has been accepted and a formal request will be forwarded to Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia. The Blood-Sun Mark, b
ased on the recommendation of Knight Captain Quinn, shall be awarded immediately." The Program's monotone voice finished as the door to the training room slid open and a TSB security team rushed in, followed immediately by medical teams. Daniel took a few steps back as two medics dashed to Trent's side, openly gasping at the sight of the mangled man, before starting emergency treatment. The Knight Captain, relaying instructions to the wide-eyed security team, moved to Daniel's side as he finished, another medic taking over care of Vice Commander Daiyu. Daniel looked up at the stern, older man, unable to contain his questions any longer.

  "Sir...if you don't mind me asking...what was that about a Grand Duchess Sasha of Alutia? I haven't heard of either." Daniel asked in tone of mild curiosity, while watching the medics place Vice Commander Daiyu and Trent on emergency medical stretchers.

  "You'll be hearing the official announcement soon, but Earth has just fallen under the jurisdiction of a new duchy that King Johan gifted his third daughter, Princess Sasha." Knight Captain Quinn stated without emotion. Daniel was about to question him further, about why he would recommend the Star of Terra, but Sir Quinn waved him off before he could begin and moved to the hovering emergency medical stretchers as they started towards the exit.

  Daniel quickly fell in behind and glanced at one of the medics trying to remove something from Vice Commander Daiyu's jumpsuit. At first, he couldn't tell what it was, but with a sudden gasp that caused Knight Captain Quinn to look over his shoulder, Daniel realized exactly what he was seeing.

  Trent must have lost his arms while saving the Vice Commander, and as a grisly truth, the medics were in the process of removing the charred remains of his gripping hands from her uniform. The Knight Captain must have seen what caused Daniel to stutter, giving him a slight nod of understanding. Daniel, still not believing his eyes, put his head down, following the line of wounded, forgetting for a bit the uncertain future tumbling towards him.


  The ferry shuttle's maneuvering thrusters engaged, forcing the small starship clear of the behemoth NHA Super-Capital ABF Alutia's docking bay. Once free of the larger starships NSD field, the ferry shuttle's own NSD engaged and they began their short flight back to the ABF Princess One. Sasha sat quietly in the seat directly behind the pilot, looking down lovingly at her new pet catillian being cradled in her lap, as she tried not to openly show her excitement.

  "I wish Knight Admiral Bhool had one for me too..." pouted Tiana, unable to hide her jealousy as she reached over from her place at Sasha's side, gently petting the small, purple, six armed creature.

  "I was just lucky, Tiana. Lady Bhool's catillian just happened to give birth at the perfect time. If we had been a couple of hours later she would have been forced to bond it to someone else." responded Sasha, concealing the childlike urge to stick her tongue out at her friend.

  "I know, but I still want one...Your Grace." The title sounded more like an insult then an honor when it came from Tiana's mouth. Suddenly feeling devious, Sasha responded.

  "If I am not mistaken, your 17th birthday is near..." Tiana's eyes went wide with excitement. "...and if my calculations are correct, it falls right around the time we will be on Planet Vn'Oco." Tiana started bouncing in her seat as she listened expectantly to Sasha's words.

  "So......if you can behave, and stop giving me a hard time, I may be inclined to gift my humble friend her own catillian." Sasha pronounced with her head tilted back and her best royal tone. It looked as if Tiana was about to scream, unable to contain her cresting excitement, but instead, she stopped bouncing, tilting her head to look at the person sitting directly behind Sasha.

  "Well, Sir Seb'Losh, it looks like it will be your job to keep her highness on her toes for the next couple weeks." A rasping cough responded, as if Tiana's words had taken the Alutia Guard Captain by surprise.

  "My duty is to ever serve Her Grace. I would never, in any way, do anything that would cause her undue distress." Sir Seb'Losh sounded a man of utter honesty, but in the few days since they'd met, she'd found what lay hidden beneath his honorable exterior. Suddenly, something fuzzy fell down the front of her neck and landed in her bosom. She let a small shriek escape and started unclasping the top of her uniform, but suddenly stopped as she noticed the four men who accompanied her in the shuttle turning away, hiding their blushing faces. Tiana left her seat, having seen what happened, and took up a position in front of her to block any accidental glances at her modesty.

  "Thank you, Tiana." Sasha said as she returned to opening her top.

  "It is my pleasure, Sasha." She smirked when her name escaped Tiana's lips for the first time since Sasha could remember. The idea of a catillian birthday gift seemed to have worked, but now she would need to think of something else to keep Tiana in line once her birthday past. It was still nine years until she would be old enough to be gifted her own land.

  She released the final clasp at the top of her uniform, enough to show off a good portion of her cleavage, which contained her baby catillian, having snuggled itself into the crack between her breasts and was now sleeping peacefully. Tiana quickly turned away, Sasha noting her body shaking slightly as she tried to suppress a laugh. Unable to blame the girl...the sight of a ball of purple fur protruding from her bosom was on the side of hysterical. She placed an understanding hand on top of Tiana's, but pulled it away when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.

  "Your Grace, I'm assuming, based on your reaction and that of Lady Tiana, your catillian has moved into a..." He paused, letting out a light cough. "...into your bosom." The Knight Captain's voice trailed off significantly when he spoke the word, bosom. Sasha suddenly felt the urge to tease the man, since he'd taken so much pleasure in doing the same to her over the past few days.

  "I think I misheard you, Sir Seb'Losh. Could you please repeat the last part?" Once Sasha finished, silence filled the cabin for a time before Sir Seb'Losh cleared his throat.

  "Your Grace, I believe you heard me the first time." Sir Seb'Losh's voice was without emotion or tone.

  "Are you calling me a liar, Knight Captain Seb'Losh? I did not hear you! So repeat what you said. That is an order!" Sasha put as much offense into her words as she could muster. A feeling of triumph filled her as she realized she may have finally embarrassed the stalwart of a man. An exaggerated sigh made her sudden happiness wane...she'd been wrong.

  "Your Grace, I'm assuming the catillian has climbed in-between your breasts. If my mind serves me correctly, you should not try to remove him or it will be painful for you and the creature. You will be required to keep him in the open while he is there, which means, you shall show plenty of cleavage at all times. Enough so it can move around freely while avoiding accidental suffocation." Sir Seb'Losh said without any of the hesitation he showed previously.

  "Catillian's, when bonded to human females, will usually nest permanently within their bosoms. So I'm afraid that you will be...quite scandalously I might add...forced to show a substantial amount of cleavage for the foreseeable future." Tiana had finally lost her self-control and started laughing hysterically. Sasha, flushing at Sir Seb'Losh's words, as well as the thought of having to walk around with her top cut halfway down her chest, turned and glared at the stone faced man. Then she looked hard at Tiana, whose laughter continued, causing Sasha to become even more embarrassed.

  "I think you should really stop trying to play this game, Sasha. Sir Seb'Losh was in charge of your sister when she was younger, and from what he's told me, her torment was unrelenting." stuttered Tiana as her laughter subsided and she gently pushed herself back from Sasha, trying not to further disturb the now wide-eyed catillian. Sasha gently stroked the fur ball on her chest, having regained her own composure, but unable to contain a slight sigh.

  "You may be right, Tiana...and Knight Captain, Lady Bhool was kind enough to provide me with forewarning about the nesting habits of the catillian and also provided me one of her garments, that on the outside looks normal, but has pockets sewed into the upper ch
est area." She paused, hoping for a response.

  "That was very kind of the Knight Admiral. But I wonder when this happened? I do not recall hearing this conversation and I was in your presence the entire time." Sir Seb'Losh was unable to completely hide the wonder in his voice.

  "A lady must keep her secrets, Sir Seb'Losh." She quickly eyed Tiana who was lightly petting the catillian, giggling as the creature rolled on its flat back and grabbed her finger with its six human like hands. She was obviously trying to keep herself from being dragged back into the conversation...someone wanted to keep their hopes for a catillian birthday alive.

  "But since I doubt your temporarily subdued partner will be kind enough to keep my secret..." Tiana continued to ignore her, seeming not to notice, or care, about being referenced. "...we linked BC nodes during supper. She had a great deal of classified information to pass onto me and she just happened to explain how to properly care for the catillian as well." Tiana stopped playing with the suddenly disinterested catillian and was staring passed Sasha.

  "And you told me it was your job to know everything about Her Grace?" Tiana asked Sir Seb'Losh, in the same playfully sarcastic tone she usually used on Sasha. Curiously, there was no response, so Sasha quickly glanced behind her to see Sir Seb'Losh fully engaged in the use of his BC node. Laughing on the inside as she imagined the message he was sending to Lady Bhool, another thought quickly entered her mind. Her catillian needed a name and Sasha could think of only one that would cause all sorts of trouble. She quickly imagined the reaction she would receive when she first announced that Seb'Losh, the catillian, loved to sleep in her bosom.

  The rest of the trip passed uneventfully. The pilot and copilot kept their heads straight for the entire trip, while Sir Seb'Losh and Guard-Sergeant Ani'Ce, another member of the Alutian Guard, sat quietly in the back. A slight shake woke the catillian, who squawked its disapproval and let her know that they had docked. The pilot and copilot quickly ran the post flight checks and thanked Sasha, without once turning around, and exited first. Guard-Sergeant Ani'Ce exited next, followed closely by Sir Seb'Losh and Tiana. Sasha exited last, trying her best to cover her exposed chest from the unexpected welcoming party.


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