Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 12

by Craig Gerttula

  "Yes, actually. You mentioned your fiancé was from Earth. Was he just assigned there or is he actually from there?" Sasha questioned, trying to fill in a gap. Lia'Sil blushed again at the word fiancé and Sasha realized she must not talk about him very often.

  "From...Your Grace. Early on, enlistment in the TSB was very small, barely enough to maintain a large enough fleet to monitor incursions. So it was decided that orphans, mostly infants, would be plucked from Earth society and raised to serve in the TSB. More recently, since the world has advanced significantly enough, adults who have been discarded from society and pass a special evaluation have been recruited." Sasha nodded, letting the information she had been provided sink in. She thought to herself for a time, gently petting the sleeping catillian, believing she had enough basic knowledge on Earth to continue Duke Zehman's message...and hopefully understand its contents.

  "Thank you, Lia'Sil. Let me return to the message and I will let you know if I have any additional questions." Sasha accessed her BC node and located the message in question, noting that five more level one communications had arrived during the explanation. She queued the message and continued from the location where she'd paused.

  "...A few days ago, the noble son of the Earl Timwa, and my representative to the Terra Space Battalion, was grievously assaulted by two commanding members of the TSB, and an Earthling of no worth, during a recruitment interview. Sir Simwa, the affected party, was attacked by an Earthling, named Trent, with the assistance of TSB Commander Quinn and TSB Vice Commander Daiyu. This all occurred after Sir Simwa placed a formal request for satisfaction after having been verbally wronged by the Earthling..." Sasha scratched her head. She hated duels and had always wished they were done away with, but she knew that it was better to have two nobles fight personally, then their fleets. Except even duals rarely worked out, the approval of the local galaxy king and Program required for its legal execution. She continued, trying to ignore the laughs and whispers passing between Tiana and Lia'Sil, whose face was so red that Sasha had trouble figuring out where it ended and her dark red uniform began. She smiled, knowing it would be her turn soon enough, then continued the message.

  "...This is when events turned for the worse. The three assailants attacked, unprovoked, Sir Simwa and during the encounter he was able to wound two of the assailants before TSB Commander Quinn attempted to take his life. To make matters worse, Sir Simwa is currently being detained at the TSB Earth Base and his personal starship, which is under the ownership of the Hulk'Zif Duchy, is currently impounded at the TSB Fleet Base. This is a clear violation of the TSB Mandate and the only acceptable course of action is the removal of the current command staff, as well as severe punishment for all involved.

  "To help expedite this process, I have allocated multiple Hulk'Zif Battle Fleet Battle Groups outside the Earth star system, under my personal command, awaiting your approval to deal with this most nefarious of crimes. I await your favorable response. Duke Zehman Hulk'Zif." Sasha was shocked. She could understand the Duke's concern, but bringing in a fleet to resolve this matter was completely irresponsible. He should have at least waited to consult with her, or even her father, before making such a rash decision. The last thought caused sudden anger to rush to the surface as she realized what type of man the Duke must be, the type she hated the most...a traditionalist. But before the anger overwhelmed her, she took a deep, calming breath, noticing a small post script attached to the message.

  "There is a record of the events in question, but due to certain TSB regulations put in place at its inception, it is impossible to release, even to you or I. I would recommend that Her Royal Highness Sasha not consider any provided records of the event seriously, for they are likely fabricated." Sasha found this last part odd and quickly scanned the rest of the level one messages for any from the TSB. But to her surprise, there were none. However, she did find plenty of similar communications to the Duke's and quite a few that were almost identical. She suddenly remembered the two special level military could she have forgotten, she scolded herself...finding the first to be a short letter from the TSB Vice Commander, Commander Daiyu, who Duke Zehman had named as one of the perpetrators.

  "My Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, I hope my words find you well. You do not know me, but I'm sure you have heard of me. If the knowledge that I send you in this letter finds its way to the ears of Knight Captain Quinn..." Sasha gasped, releasing her BC node and looking straight at Guard Lieutenant Lia'Sil.

  "Is he that Quinn?" The question came out before she took the time to properly place it, but from the look she received in return, she wouldn't need too.

  "Yes, Your Grace. He was assigned the TSB command to protect him from retribution and remove him from the spotlight. Even though he was pardoned by the King, many nobles are still very angry that his fleet did not follow the order to purge the Ele'Tal system and the subsequent death of the Earl of Tl'Doom, who'd given the order." Lia'Sil was looking at Sasha with great interest, which of course, made her self-conscious of her nudity.

  The news that Knight Admiral Quinn had killed the Earl of Tl'Doom was all the rage in the noble circles 30 years earlier, with most calling for his head. But when the facts started to come to light, it was obvious that Knight Admiral Quinn had been in the right.

  The Earl of Tl'Doom was obsessed that his people were turning against him and ordered the Planet Ele'Tal, with a population of 50 billion, to be destroyed. When Knight Admiral Quinn, head of the Tl'Doom Battle Fleet, refused the order, the Earl threatened to have his family killed unless he obeyed. The Knight Admiral, with the support of his command staff, proceeded to blow up the Earl of Tl'Doom's personal starship.

  The subsequent trial was a mockery and the traditionalist nobles would have had his head if not for Sasha's father stepping in, with his massive fleets, to pardon the Knight Admiral. The story was told to many young nobles, including Sasha, for differing reasons, depending on the storyteller's point-of-view.

  " you know why he goes by Knight Captain now instead of Knight Admiral? I find it odd." Sasha asked.

  "I don't know, Your Grace, but it may have to do with trying to hide who he is...but more likely, if my memory serves, I do not think the TSB has a rank higher then Captain." Satisfied by Lia'Sil's response, she nodded her thanks and continued the message from Vice Commander Daiyu, ignoring the intent stare from Tiana, whose curiosity showed in her pleading eyes.

  "...then I would most likely lose my position, so please keep this letter to your discretion. I have, for awhile, suspected a plot was afoot, and fortunately the creation of the Alutia Duchy seems to have stopped its perfect execution. I beg you to look beyond the words and listen to your heart.

  "The Knight Captain has done something you may find unprecedented, but it is the only way to bring the truth to light and protect my savior. At your service, always, TSB Vice Commander Daiyu." Sasha sighed, instantly noticing the difference in tone from this letter and the one's she received from the assorted nobles. She quickly queued up the second military level message, and to her great surprise, found it was actually a Program, with the title: Star of Terra Recommendation. Sasha sent a quick message to one of her servants requesting a portable irradiated particle display unit be brought to her sitting room.

  "What is the Star of Terra?" Sasha asked casually as she released her BC node. Guard Lieutenant Lia'Sil's face went stiff and she forgot herself for a moment.

  "Has the ASU invaded?" The Guard Lieutenant caught herself before Sasha could respond, raising her hand as she apologized.

  "I'm sorry, Your Grace, I forget my manners. The Star of Terra is the TSB equivalent of the King's Nova and conveys all the same rights and rewards." Sasha was unable to hide her own shock, and initially had trouble believing Lia'Sil's words.

  The King's Nova was the highest commendation, awarded by a King, for actions to protect the NHA, or its members, through acts above and beyond what is expected. The only higher commendation in th
e universe was the Emperor's Boon, which could only be awarded by the Emperor himself. The last time the King's Nova had been awarded was 400 years ago and had, to Sasha's knowledge, never been awarded outside of wartime.

  A sudden sinking feeling in her stomach told her what her mind took a little longer to grasp. That the first major decision she would have to make in her life could carry massive consequences...and that scared her immensely. She looked to the other ladies in the room, unable to hide her overflowing concern.

  "Could you let us know what's going on now, Sasha?" Tiana piped in while looking at the servant placing the small, metallic, semi-circular portable PDU on the small table in front of where they sat. Sasha looked at each in turn, suddenly realizing she didn't have to make this decision alone, now grateful that Tiana and Regalia had not actually left she had then hoped.

  "Yes, Tiana, but you all must swear total secrecy. Anything we discuss here will never be shared without my permission." She looked at each as they nodded in turn, agreeing to her ultimatum. The servant, having finished her duty, rushed out of the room, having overheard Sasha's previous statement.

  "I received a message from Duke Zehman Hulk'Zif and about 160 other local ruling nobles about his representative to the TSB being assaulted by Knight Captain Quinn, the TSB Vice Commander Daiyu, and an Earthling. The representative, according to Duke Zehman, is being held by the TSB along with his starship, which the Duke finds most troubling. The Duke has also informed me that he is currently outside the Earth star system with an unknown number of HZBF Battle Groups, waiting for my permission to break out his representative and deal harshly with the parties responsible..." she looked to each of the three women sitting around her as she finished, letting her voice trail off. Regalia, still sipping her drink while furrowing her brow in thought, was trying to shake clear a piece of her long, straight blond hair that had fallen over her face in a rather comical manner. Tiana was looking at Sasha with noticeable pity and concern in her eyes, while Guard Lieutenant Lia'Sil was staring in horror.

  "What sort of response did you receive from the TSB?" Lia'Sil asked, quickly regaining her composure.

  "The TSB Vice Commander sent me a private message that stated her concern of a possible conspiracy of some sort, and its execution only being delayed since Earth was transferred to my authority." Sasha paused, trying to gain a feel of her companions.

  "The other message is actually a Program, and contained the title...Star of Terra." Sasha thought for a second...there was something she was missing.

  "Whatever happened, Your Grace, that made Knight Captain Quinn request that particular commendation...and to have the Program actually accept it...must have been quite remarkable." Sasha nodded, agreeing with Lia'Sil's observation. Then a thought popped into her mind, which she quickly voiced.

  "From the Duke's letter, this all seemed to take place during an interview...apparently with an Earthling. He also stated that I should be suspect of any record of the events I receive from the TSB, since the official record is suppose to be sealed. Does this make any sense to you?" asked Sasha, hoping she worded the question in a way Lia'Sil could understand. Tiana, unexpectedly, responded first.

  "Could it have something to do with hiding their activities? Could the TSB be doing something illegal and locking up the records?" Sasha was impressed by Tiana's deduction, but she found a few flaws in that line of reasoning.

  "They may be able to restrict certain records. But there are Programs on Earth who would ignore the TSB restriction if a high ranking NHA noble requested the information. The only way they would be able to lockout a duke or duchess would be with a decree from the King or Emperor." Lia'Sil responded clearly before Sasha had a chance, then quickly continued as she turned back to Sasha.

  "This may be the case, Your Grace. I've heard of certain situations where the Emperor has required special proceedings to be recorded, but with the expectation that they would only be viewed with his direct permission." Sasha eyes went wide, sitting up in a way that made her nudity very apparent to her companions. Seeing their blushes, she quickly corrected herself, trying not to disturb her catillian that once again began to stir.

  "If during one of these events, something remarkable happened and the only way for the appropriate parties to make a decision was to see said record, do you think the Program would allow its release?" Lia'Sil jumped forward in her seat, looking excitedly at Sasha.

  "For a situation like the review of a recommendation to award the Star of Terra? I believe the Program would, but there may be sensitive pieces withheld." Sasha shifted in her seat, happy with her deduction, but cringing at the now awake catillian. She stood with a sigh and moved in front of the simulated viewport that showed the distant stars streaming past the starship, turning to her ladies.

  "We have two parties, both making claims, and we need to deduce who to believe. I think it is about time we viewed this record and decide on the appropriate course of action." A chorus of agreement greeted her and she accessed the Program, uploading it to the portable was time to find the facts.

  Chapter 7

  A sweet, calming aroma enveloped Daniel as he wandered between the large housing domes, desperately trying to find cover from the blinding grey dust clouds that rolled over the alien planet's surface. The scent was familiar, that of fresh cherry blossoms, but didn't belong to the strange, barren landscape he found himself. It did bring to his mind something else, something familiar...a woman, one of soft beauty...just the type he loved to pursue.

  Strands of hair tickled his nose, the origin of the familiar scent. He gently pushed them clear, along with the last tendrils of sleep, before sitting up on one elbow to stare longingly at the beauty responsible for interrupting his slumber, peacefully sleeping at his side. Smirking with childlike glee, he allowed the pleasant memories of the night before to once again arouse his desire.

  His hand moved of its own accord, gently caressing the long brown hair that flowed like silk from TSB Lieutenant Cody. She purred lightly, but didn't respond, resisting his touch with feigned sleep. So he let his hand continue under the covers, running it over her perfectly toned curves, concentrating on the place he knew drove her wild. Her purr turned to a moan as she stirred and rolled towards him, showing her sleepy smile while snuggling into his embrace, kissing him passionately.

  "I'd love to...but I have morning duty." She yawned as she playfully pushed him away, only further igniting Daniels fire.

  "You're not getting away that easily!" Daniel responded, climbing on top of his lightly resisting prey, pulling the sheet tight to block her escape. A girlish giggle escaped her lips and he was just about to start his morning exercise when the base alarm sounded.

  Daniel stiffened, staring at Cody's frozen face, her normally twinkling eyes suddenly filled with disbelief. She quickly untangled herself from his grasp, his own resistance faded, and jumped out of bed to start searching for her scattered clothes. Daniel pulled himself into a half-sitting position, his brain still muddled, not understanding exactly what was going on. Cody looked over at him, pulling on her rumpled blue skirt, her underwear crumpled in her hands.

  "I need to get back to my room. We should be on the first looks good on our records." The giggly girl of moments before was replaced by a professional fleet officer. Daniel, still in a daze, dragged himself out of bed and started towards his closet set flush in the white wall of his quarters, ignoring Cody as she gathered her last few belongings.

  "Last night was fun. We should do it again sometime." Daniel glanced towards the door, barely in time to catch her smirk as she fled into the loud mass of frantic TSB personnel that filled the outside corridor. His mind heard the words, but they didn't register, he still felt bewildered from the shock of the alarm and the passion of moments before that still clung to his being.

  This was only the second time in his life with the TSB that he had heard this alarm. The first was a drill, 5 years earlier...but this time, he wasn
't so sure. He finished strapping on his blue and white combat uniform, almost forgetting the holster with his laser arc in his haste, before following Cody into the busy corridor.

  TSB fleet personnel, mostly officers, were rushing in both directions, some returning to their quarters to prepare, but the majority heading towards the transport tubes and the shuttle bay. Daniel cursed as he bumped into a passing officer when he tried to exit into the narrow corridor, which could barely hold 4 abreast. It was a strange design that was at odds with the rest of the underground base complexes wide hallways; only the officer’s barracks was kept narrow in the same fashion as a starship. He knew the design was meant to keep them in training, even while on land duty, but the idea still bothered his sense of luxury...why should they have to suffer? Daniel shook off the thought as he forced his way into the increasing flow, ignoring the shout from a crewman he pushed aside as he headed for the transport tubes and the awaiting shuttles.

  The buzzing in the air warned Daniel of his impending arrival at the crowded transport tube station, but little prepared him for the unorganized mass of personnel trying to push their way into the queue. The transport tube station was larger than it looked, housing 10 oversized tubes set flush in one wall and a waiting area that could hold just over a hundred people. Daniel was surprised at first, thinking the madness may be born of a problem with the transports, but as he joined the undulating mass funneling steadily forward, he realized everything was working as intended.

  Spare tube transports were prepared and stored close to area's that would see high flow during emergencies, such as the officer's barracks. This allowed for empty tubes to arrive seconds after the full one's departed. Within moments of his arrival, Daniel entered a packed tube, pushing himself up against a young, attractive female crewman, before accessing his BC node, querying a request for orders.


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