Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 28

by Craig Gerttula

  "Thank you, eyes. Forward your observation to fleet command. Any idea if they're friendly?" The term Captain Aysi used to refer to the sensor operator was informal and no one remembered when it was adopted.

  "Initial readings report high probability of HZBF battle groups. But data is based off direction of entry and included starships. The estimated origin point is the Jodwa Barony Fleet Base and initial estimates show four full battle groups." A moan escaped from somewhere on the far side of the bridge and Daniel could see the tension creep across the Captain's face. The battle groups must be reinforcements from Hulk'Zif, Daniel realized, since only two Alutia battle groups were expected.

  Daniel turned back to his display, then to the Captain. He was starting to get the feeling of hopelessness, and that feeling could cause people to do things they would later regret. His mind suddenly went blank and time stood still.

  "Captain, right now we don't stand a chance and with the enemy reinforcements, the Fleet Base will fall! Why do we need to continue sacrificing our lives for a lost cause!" The words sounded distant as Daniel spoke them, as if they came from another. But as soon as he realized what he'd done, regret set in, but he still couldn't stop himself.

  "This whole thing doesn't make sense! Why are we doing this all for Knight Captain Quinn and some useless Earthling! If we just hand them over and release Sir Simwa no more lives would have to be sacrificed!" The bridge had gone deathly silent as Daniel let out his rage and fear. He continued to stare at the Captain, feeling his hate boiling inside...hate for her, hate for the Knight Captain, hate for the TSB, and most of all...hate for Trent, the man who was responsible for this whole thing in the first place.

  "You forget yourself, Lieutenant Daniel! One more word and I'll have you stripped of your rank and thrown in the brig!" Captain Aysi flew to her feet, slamming a fist against her armrest, face flushed with anger. His thoughts continued to race and his own fury wouldn't vanish, but it suddenly found a new target.

  The cause of all his grief, the man who he'd once vowed to destroy, but became lost as he joined the TSB fervor. He would survive, he vowed, and he would destroy this man...this Earthling named Trent....and, to top it off, the TSB as well. He let his immediate anger fall below the surface and turned to Captain Aysi, forcing a regretful look before bowing his head deeply.

  "I am sorry, Captain, it was brought on by the stress of the moment...I didn't mean my words. I beg you to forgive me." He continued bowing as he spoke, peppering his speech with remorse, hoping the sign of deference would allow him to stay on the bridge. She stared at him with eyes that could boar through the thickest armor.

  "If we had more men...I would relieve you of duty, Lieutenant Daniel. Get back to your station and if I hear another word besides, yes Ma'am, from your mouth, I will have you thrown off my bridge!" She stared him down for a moment longer, before returning to her seat, her face still rigid as her anger continued to burn.

  "Yes, Ma'am." Daniel quickly turned back to his post, bringing up his tactical display, feigning work. But his mind began to turn, forming a plan, to save his life and prepare his revenge.

  First, he would need to find a way off this starship. There was one emperor class shuttle and two ferry shuttles in the docking bay. The emperor class shuttle was too big for him to take by himself, but he could easily steal one of the ferry shuttles. As he considered how he would accomplish this feat, a communications icon appeared, stating he had a private, encrypted message sent directly to his terminal. He casually glanced around the bridge, making sure no one had taken an increased interest in him after his outburst, and queued the message.

  "I agree. We shouldn't have to die for this crap. What's the plan?" The message was from Lt.-Commander Xi and Daniel grinned at the thought of using an accomplice. He stopped himself from replying immediately, deciding it best to fully prepare his deception first.

  Fifteen minutes passed as they continued to close on the HZBF battle groups and, as Daniel knew, their deaths. He'd worked out the basics of his plan and had started the message to Xi when a gasp broke the silence on the bridge.

  "Ma'am, the new contacts have been identified...I don't know how, but they're from Alutia! Four ABF battle groups, Ma'am!" Lieutenant Howe shouted the news and relief filled cheers echoed across the bridge.

  "That's great news, eyes!" Captain Aysi looked distant as she responded. The idea of possible victory suddenly crept into Daniels mind, but it was already too late for him. He'd made his decision and just because a few reinforcements had shown up, didn't mean he was going to suddenly change his mind. Another idea suddenly popped into his head and he felt a wicked grin cross his lips.

  "Fleet Command has ordered us to reduce speed, it appears that the HZBF doesn't know about the arrival of the ABF battle groups. To make sure it stays that way, we will be sending the rest of the EW Frigates ahead and have them run fake battle group signatures, so when the Alutia Battle Fleet reaches sensor range, they should figure it as just another trick. We will then accelerate to max weapons range, fire a salvo, then decelerate immediately as the ABF engages." The pride in the Captain's voice was obvious and it made Daniel sick. They were still being asked to throw their lives away for Trent and the Knight Captain, for a useless cause.

  "You still in?" He quickly sent the encrypted message to Xi. It only took a few seconds for her to respond.

  "Of course, I'm sick of this crap." Daniel smiled as he read her words...a fellow lost soul...before quickly filling Xi in on his plan.

  It was simple, Daniel would send a message to the Duke asking to defect while providing information about the current ABF and TSB fleet deployments. Once he received confirmation, they would set off a false alarm on the bridge, temporarily lowering engine output and bringing sensors offline. They would then rush to the docking bay and appropriate a ferry shuttle. Daniel knew he would never be able to pull this off alone, but with Lt.-Commander Xi's intimate knowledge of the starships should be a breeze.

  He wrote his message to Duke Zehman, making sure not to provide all the intel upfront, but did provided a hint of what he had to offer. A few minutes passed as Xi encrypted the message and sent a hidden transmission, bouncing it off multiple communication platforms to hide its origin and destination. Time ticked by and Trent continued the act of testing the weapons systems for the upcoming battle. A message icon appeared on his display and he quickly read the response.

  "I am always honored to receive those who would leave the side of wickedness. If your information pleases me, you can name your reward. Duke Zehman." He tried to hide his smile as he licked his lips...his first thought was women. But then, a better idea came to mind, how about Trent's woman? The memory of the robotic Samantha made him smile...if he could have the real one, he could use her to completely destroy Trent...not just in body, but mind as well. He sent his response with the information about the ABF battle groups and his plan to escape the starship.

  Time ticked away, and Daniel suppressed his rising tension, trying not to noticeably wipe the growing sweat from his brow. Another 15 minutes passed and he was about to send a message to Xi to find out what was taking so long, when a response was finally received. Daniel couldn't wait to read it and bring his plan to fruition.

  "This information pleases me and you will be well rewarded. But, it is not in our mutual best interest for you to defect at this moment in time. You must stay onboard, unless your deception be found and the TSB plan change. Provide me with your starship's signature and we will mark it as friendly in our systems, then, once this battle is over, you will convince your Captain to surrender to me and you will receive your just reward. Duke Zehman." Daniel couldn't believe what he was reading. His plan was dashed before it could even begin.

  "Send the signature...I don't think he would betray us..." Daniel had trouble believing his own message, but he'd already made up his mind.

  Deciding now would be a good time to cover his tracks, he wiped his communication log, then altere
d the messages that could not be completely erased. The only thing tying him to this was his communication with Xi and if something went wrong, there was no reason for them both to fall. He looked at the new time to contact as it ticked down to below one hour and wondered how he would force his hot blooded Captain to surrender. His eyes fell to his laser arc and he smiled.


  Tiana rolled over in her bunk as the tears finally stopped flowing. Why had Sasha done it? Why had she left her behind? The words kept turning over in her mind and as much as she tried, she couldn't find a reason. They'd been together for as long as Tiana could remember and had always been there for each other. What had changed that caused Sasha to leave her, to forget their friendship? She tried to force out more tears, but found they'd run dry.

  "Being left behind can be an act of mother once told me." Regalia crawled into her bunk and snuggled up against her back. The young girl's presence helped her calm, but as she lay there, feeling the sadness fade, anger took its place, and understanding. She suddenly understood, Regalia's words finally registering, and she was furious. Her friend had left her behind to protect her and she wanted who was responsible. She rolled over and embraced Regalia.

  "Your 10 years old! Stop talking like you're a 100!" she tickled the girl as she spoke and Regalia squealed in delight. Gil'Da walked over and sat on the edge of the bunk, looking much older than Tiana could remember.

  Gil'Da had been a maid for Tiana's family for years before she was born. The old woman had short black hair with light streaks of white. Fine creases covered her attractive face and her skin looked like that of woman half her age. She smiled as their eyes met, and Gil'Da continued to lightly caress her leg.

  "Regalia, it's time for your bath and I need to wash that jumpsuit, it's starting to stink!" The words brought back memories and Tiana laughed playfully as Regalia buried herself in Tiana's chest, acting all of her 10 years of age.

  Gil'Da all but raised Tiana as her mother was usually busy with court affairs and her father, by name only, traveled the universe with her older brother. Tiana held no ill will towards her parents, since she always had Gil'Da and Sasha...Gil'Da to scold and raise her, Sasha to keep her company and teach her the ways of the world. A specific memory, Tiana had long forgotten, suddenly returned as Gil'Da escorted the pouting Regalia to the bathroom.

  Tiana was at the ripe age of eight and had become glued to the eighteen year old Sasha. They'd just slipped away from their guards, Sasha's favorite game and one that she must have thought was never too early to teach Tiana. They crept around the rear of Tidelia Castle, making sure not to catch the eyes of any of the administrators or guards who roamed passed the windows above. A low wall of hardened roots, grown for protection when the planet still teemed with dangerous wildlife, was their only obstacle. Sasha climbed up first, then reached down to pull up Tiana, who giggled with delight. Sasha hopped down, then caught her as she jumped, or fell more likely, both of them tumbling into the damp grass with a girlish laugh. They quickly recovered, running the few meters into the thick forest of various exotic species of colorful, leafy trees and plants, and Sasha quickly located what they were searching for.

  A small trail had been created a few meters into the woods, leading to an abandoned science station that had been created during the colonization of Tidelia. Young nobles had since taken over the abandoned building and fashioned a location where they could escape the prying eyes of their guards and parents. Tiana, being bright for her eight years of age, had some idea of exactly what went on inside.

  The first time she'd accompanied Sasha, a month earlier, she was left in a comfy little hollow, filled with a squishy plants that were softer than any bed, and situated only a few meters from the small building. She'd witnessed a disgusting site, at least she thought so at the time.

  Sasha ran towards the building and a very tall, handsome young noble, with long wispy blond hair, similar to Tiana's own, and a face that could only be called handsome, emerged, sweeping Sasha off her feet as he presented her a deep kiss. Tiana was horrified as she watched the two enter the building while embracing, and waited for about 30 minutes for Sasha to emerge. When she did, she was slightly flush and glowing, with a small smile glued to her face. Tiana had asked why Sasha had done what she did and was told that's what grownups who love each other do. This had caused Tiana to perform a great deal of research on the subject when they returned home, finding information on a few other activities adults who loved each other did, which caused her to hide under her bed for a week.

  Tiana skipped along behind Sasha and started asking questions about the noble man and her relationship, her curiosity winning over her disgust. She learned his name was Robarto, the son of a minor unlanded noble, but was related to a marquis. Sasha had met him about six months prior, at one of the many noble gatherings they would attend, and they'd been courting ever since. Tiana asked if she was doing the other thing she read about, sex, which the thought of caused her to shiver. Sasha had blushed at the question, coming to a sudden stop to lean down to the young girl's height. She explained that it was not polite to ask that question unless it was a really close friend. Tiana had pouted at this, asking Sasha if they weren't close friends. Sasha had laughed a merry laugh that Tiana had long since forgotten, Sasha no longer using it after that day. Sasha then explained that yes, indeed they did have sex for the first time a month ago, when Tiana accompanied her. She then guessed that Sasha was scared at the time and needed company, even if only from an eight year old girl. Tiana asked how many times since they'd done it and remembered Sasha's blushing face, saying this would be their second. They quickly moved on as Sasha had fallen into silence and Tiana tried to get the picture of her friend doing the same thing that she'd seen in the records out of her head.

  They arrived at the small building and Tiana took her place in the same small hallow, making herself comfortable while peering at the small, almost hidden building. Sasha walked up to the door as Robarto emerged from the woods on the far side, not from the trail as Tiana would have expected. He approached Sasha, whispered some words into her ear, causing Sasha to giggle and blush, before he grabbed her hand and led her into the building. Tiana was about to sit back and wait for her friend to finish her adult activities, when she caught sight of movement from where Robarto had emerged from the woods. A group of well dressed young men, obviously nobles, crept from the dense woods and walked towards the small building. Tiana froze, she wanted to say something, but she couldn't. Then she started overhearing their words, which even now were as vivid as the day they were spoken.

  "...wait a few minutes. He said he would get her in a prime position so we could capture some good scans." one of the boys said softly to another.

  "I don't want scans of them in the act...I can get more for just her naked, it's easier to use in the three-dimensional models." another of the boys said as he approached the door.

  "I can't believe he was able to get a princess! I mean, it is Robarto after all, the man who could bed the Queen...but still!" That brought quiet laughter to the lips of the group.

  "She's the same as the rest. A handsome man smiles and say's some kind words her way and she turns to mush. If women had any sense at all, and weren't so shallow, then maybe they'd actually be concerned with what's inside. I say she's getting what she deserves!" another boy said with a noticeably angry voice.

  Tiana knew something bad was going to happen, but all she could do was watch as the men burst into the room, and after a few seconds, screams emerged...Sasha's screams. Tiana covered her ears and closed her eyes, telling herself to do something, but she couldn't move, stiff with fear. Minutes passed and Tiana removed her hands, finding Sasha's screams had finally subsided. She returned to her position and watched the boys leaving the small building.

  "I told you to wait! Now the only way I'll be able to sleep with her again is if I force her to marry me...which isn't going to happen!" The man that Tiana recognized as Robarto
emerged first, talking over his shoulder.

  "You know we get more for the clean scans." Another boy followed, holding what Tiana recognized as an image scanner.

  "I still can't believe you didn't let us rape her, she's gorgeous and it would be simple to cover up!" the third boy was saying, obviously disappointed. Tiana's heart beat out of control at the word rape. She recalled stumbling upon it during her was horrible...and she almost allowed it to happen to her best Sasha.

  "We do not take women by force...that is the first rule of this group, you know that. Plus, getting caught with naked scans is only a slap on the wrist. But if we get caught raping a noble, especially the princess..." Robarto's voice faded as the rest of the boys exited the building, laughing merrily, and vanished into the woods. Tiana sat staring at the door for a few minutes and when Sasha did not emerge, she gathered her courage and ran inside.

  The small room inside the building was quaint, containing a large bed flush against the side wall, a small sitting table, with two chairs off to one side, and a large tub of water on the other. Tiana guessed the tub was used for bathing some of the more fastidious nobles, but it still seemed out of place. In the far corner of the room, next to the disheveled bed, Tiana noticed a shaking form wrapped in a blanket. She quickly ran over and saw that it was indeed, Sasha, who was crying uncontrollably. Not knowing what else to do, Tiana hugged her friend, her own tears gushing forth.

  Time passed and Tiana's tears ran dry, but Sasha's continued, being born from deep within, and Tiana could not spur a coherent response. Not knowing what else to do, she decided it would be best to gather her friend's clothes. After much goading, Sasha finally dressed, and with Tiana telling her it would be a good idea to return before the guards came looking, they exited the small building and started the long walk back to the castle.

  Sasha was moving slowly, shuffling forward in a daze when she suddenly stopped and turned to Tiana with no emotion, telling her to never speak of what she'd seen to anybody. Scared of her friend for the first time, she reluctantly agreed, and they returned to the castle.


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