Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 35

by Craig Gerttula

  "Stay with me...grab hold of my back and don't let go!" Trent didn't wait for a response before he started running towards the far side of the cave, jumping over the large tubes that crossed the floor and slipping around the foul smelling puddles and massive stalagmites. His course followed the wall, far from the pod in the middle of the cave, but a jutting outcropping forced them within five meters.

  The sight was grotesque, even in cryoanimation. A green liquid oozed from the outer casing of the pulsing pod, slowly seeping into drainage holes set into the caves floor. Its surface was littered with large veins that pulsed in unison, reminding him of a beating heart. But this heart had no valves and beat with a sickish green glow.

  As they moved hastily passed, Trent stumbled, noticing movement near the pods base, thinking it may be another trick of the lighting...but this time, it was real. The two creatures that Sasha had called Schnac'lasis, emerged from a deep shadow at the base of the pod, their strange limbs, four of which now had oversized three fingered hands, were in the process of removing a cryoanimation tube. Trent pushed himself between Sasha and the creatures, raising his laser arc to take aim at the closest of the unsuspecting Schnac'lasis.

  "Shi-!" he yelped, Sasha pulling him back as a laser bolts scorched through the air in front of his face, one barely missing his outstretched hand, but catching the end of his laser arc, which vanished in a cloud of sparks...his hand going numb. Those bastards arrival couldn't have come at a worst time, he swore to himself.

  "There's Schnac'lasis here! At the pod! You have to kill them!" Sasha screamed from beneath him, both having lost their footing when Sasha saved him from the hail of laser fire.

  Trent hoped Sasha's idea of warning Sir Simwa's men about the Schnac'lasis would work, but he doubted they would believe her, probably thinking it a trick. So instead of waiting for a response, he began sliding across the uneven cave floor, pushing Sasha ahead, through the putrid smelling puddles, towards a crevice he'd noticed in the outcropping they'd just passed. After a moment, the laser bolts started passing just overhead...Trent figured they decided Sasha had been lying.

  "Surrender and you won't be harmed!" the shout echoed from the direction of the ladder leading to the lab. He pushed Sasha into the crevice, then recovered his own feet, placing himself between her and the rest of the cave...he would protect her. A small tube was suddenly thrust into his hand, Sasha providing him her laser arc. Thanking her with a nod, he leaned out, trying to take aim, when multiple laser bolts streamed through the air in front of him, causing him to pull back with a grunt.

  "How can they see me in this light?" he mumbled the question to himself, not expecting an answer.

  "Combat PDU's...these are real guards...probably from Sir Simwa's personal escort." Trent muffled a curse, trying to slow his breathing as he thought.

  A sudden puff of orange fog filled the interior of the cave as the cryoanimation system suddenly failed and the pod split open. Feint alarms sounded in the distance as Trent brought himself to his full height, trying to completely block the small crevice containing his love, his new life...but it was too late.

  Everything went dark, his mind fading into oblivion as he crumbled to the floor, the sight of the emerging, grotesquely mutated human, burned into his mind, along with the knowledge that he had failed...he had failed to save his love...he had failed to save Sasha.

  Chapter 19

  Pain...throbbing...piercing...unbearable pain coursing through every millimeter of her body. She tried to fight, but it was too strong, the pain, overwhelming, her resistance, fleeting. A soothing light flashed before her and she reached desperately for its touch, knowing it to be salvation.

  Burning...her entire body felt as if it coursed with lava...her heart a volcano ...she wanted to scream, but the sensation left her stiff, unable to move. Her body was melting, her flesh erupting in flame...she was dying. Suddenly, it began to ease...flowing out of her...absorbing the pain and cooling the raging volcano, while also removing her senses.

  "Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, the TSB Earth Base self-destruct sequence has been activated. It would be wise to access an escape shuttle with all due haste." Sasha recognized the monotone voice, but was having trouble placing it, her mind muddled, like she'd just woke from a long sleep. A warm lump lay beneath her, forcing her up gently, then down, then up again. The smell of the strange lump was familiar...warm... pleasant... kind... she knew it, but still couldn't place it.

  Her senses began to return, the sound of splashing water as droplets fell into a nearby puddle, told her she could hear. Another sound, a strange hissing, echoed throughout the caves interior, while a hard, steady breathing, occasionally emitting a pained grunt, came from the shape below.

  The darkness in her eyes began to shift to a dull crimson, until she could recognize dark shapes, outlines of things she knew. Large tubes surrounded her and a familiar looking outline lay beneath her. She knew this shape, but her mind wasn't working, images would flash, then fade.

  The burning sensation returned...worse than before. She screeched in pain, pulling herself into a ball, shaking as the lava filled her veins once more, assaulting her very being. Then it left her and her mind was clear.

  As she awoke, the last thing she clearly remembered was Trent cursing, then the pain had overtaken her, dragging her into darkness. She quickly scanned the caves interior, freezing at the sight of the hatched pod. But the HDP infected human was nowhere to be seen. It must have escaped or been captured by the Schnac'lasis, she thought...either way, she was glad it was gone.

  She turned to Trent, who lay beneath her gasping for air, his face contorted in agony and flushed a deathly scarlet. A flood of sweat poured off his brow and his jumpsuit was soaked through. Terra, who had been hiding deep in her bosom, emerged and hoped down to Trent, purring his concern as his tiny hands caressed his trembling cheek.

  Panic took her...Trent needed help, but what could she do? The thought grated her already frayed nerves, forcing burning tears into her eyes. Something ...she had to do something! She couldn't stand watching her love writhing in pain.

  An idea came to her as she looked at her already torn sleeve. She easily ripped it completely off, running to one of the less foul smelling puddles and soaking the makeshift rag, then returning to Trent's side. Gently she rinsed his face, hoping to cool his burning brow. It helped little as his breathing slowed, his eyelid's flickering, but soon, he was again contorting in agony. She carefully placed his head on her lap, cooing her love as she lightly caressed his cheek with one hand, continuing to wipe away the sweat with the other. The sight of Vin's sphere on her wrist brought a desperate question to her lips.

  "Vin, is he going to be alright?" her whispered voice cracked, either from her fear of the answer, or the pain and burning of moments before.

  "The anti-mutagen protocol of the Eye of the Emperor should be able to destroy the spores before they cause irreparable harm." Sasha felt a bit of her concern wash away at Vin's explanation, continuing to tenderly caressing Trent's pained cheek.

  "Vin, why isn't it working?" she asked after a few minutes, her voice having regained its composure, but now showing the full emotions of her concern.

  "Sir Trent was shielding Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia when the HDP pod opened. This could have led to a higher infection level, requiring the anti-mutagen protocol to activate multiple times to fully destroy the spores." Sasha could have sworn that the Program's monotone voice seemed unsure. But after another few minutes passed, Trent's face no longer showed signs of pain and his breathing had begun to steady.

  His eyes shot opened and he looked in all directions, wild like a beast, trying to rise to his feet. Sasha held him down with her body.

  "Trent, it's alright, were fine." she said with a soothing tone as Trent's eyes focused on hers, then suddenly calmed, recognition showing on his now pasty white face. She leaned in when he closed his eyes, kissing him on the lips, cheek, and forehead, letting her tears caress his face....he wa
s safe.

  "Oh Trent, I was so scared! I did not think you would wake up!" His eyes shot open and he sat up, hugging her stiffly, suddenly brought back by the sadness of her words.

  "I'm alright...I won't leave you...ever." His voice was pained, cracking noticeably as he whispered into her ear.

  "Please be advised, the TSB Earth Base self-destruct has been initiated." Vin's words caused Trent to pull away. Sasha winced at the loss of contact, but was overjoyed that he appeared to be ok...she loved him so.

  "Vin, what's going on?" Trent's voice sounded worse, its horse crackling making the question difficult to understand. He glanced down at Terra, who was now perched on his lap, still purring noticeably in concern. A forced smile crossed Trent's lips at the sight of the small catillian, causing it to sit-up and squawk in approval, before hoping back to Sasha and into her bosom, apparently content that Trent was ok.

  "Level One Quarantine agent has escaped into TSB Earth Base. Containment attempts have failed, evacuation order received from Earth Program. All non-contaminated personnel are to evacuate immediately." Sasha knew they were in trouble, and was about to ask how much when she was forcibly dragged to her feet by a wheezing Trent, who started moving as soon as Vin finished its explanation.

  She quickly recovered her balance, hurrying to Trent's side, who looked as if he was about to collapse at any moment. Her eyes turned towards the far side of the cave, catching a glimpse of six pods growing on the ground near the ladder to the laboratory...the remnants of Sir Simwa's men. She felt her stomach scream, and her face drain, desperately turning her gaze away...that could have been them. The horrid thought vanished when Trent stumbled, still frantically trying to lead her to the small opening in the far side of the cave, now only 10 meters away. But he'd begun to sag after every step, forcing her to support the majority of his weight until they reached the opening. She felt him suddenly stagger, then drop to one knee.

  "Are you all right?" Sasha kneeled at his side, securing her arm further around his waist.

  "Doesn't matter if I'm not...I need to get you out of here..." His voice was a harsh whisper and Sasha contained her anger at his words. Of course it mattered! She couldn't dream of losing him so soon after finding him! But now wasn't the time to argue, she knew. So instead, she dragged him to his feet, keeping her arm wrapped around his waist, and started down the dark tunnel.

  Sudden fear took her as complete darkness enveloped them, Trent's gasping breath the only sound echoing in the narrow passage. But it only took them a minute to reach the end, bumping into the slightly cool, smooth surface of what she assumed to be a metallic door.

  "Vin, can you open this?" She tried to keep the rising concern out of her voice. Her gaze turned again to Trent who hadn't said a word and continued to sag noticeably, her now supporting almost all of his dead weight. After a few seconds, the door slid open, and the blinding light that emerged caused her to cover her eyes, desperately trying to protect them. Trent groaned, unable to close his eyes in time. She moved her own hand in response, crying at her failure to help him...protect him. But they had to continue on...there would be time later for regret if they survived. She pushed Trent through the bright doorway and as her eyes adjusted, a small room appeared, containing a single person transport tube station. Sasha didn't think twice before she acted.

  Only a short time ago the idea of squeezing into a cylindrical transport tube, that was made for only one person, with a man, would have caused her a great amount of fear. Now, since it was Trent, it made her slightly excited, which concerned her...this was not the time.

  She forcibly pushed Trent, back first, into the transport tube, then squeezed in with him. Terra let out a squeal as her bosom compressed and he was forced out, quickly climbing onto her shoulder, squeaking and squawking his complaints into her ear. But she ignored him, concentrating on Trent, whose breathing had become shallow and his face having turned an even more ghostly white. She pushed her cheek against his, finding him deathly cold, barely able to keep her growing panic in check.

  "Vin, get us to an escape shuttle!" The tube door slide shut and Sasha felt them accelerate upward. She tried to shift her arms, but was unsuccessful...there was absolutely no free space in the tube for her to move.

  "Vin, what's wrong with Trent, why isn't he getting better?" she couldn't see Vin's sphere, but knew it could hear her.

  "Eye of the Emperor reports that anti-mutagen protocol was effective, but may have caused substantial damage to Sir Trent's internal system. Recommend medical tubing, but basic treatment, rest and a full medical workup should be sufficient. Life currently not in danger, but may be if recommendation is not followed." The Program's monotone words were muffled, but Sasha could still make out the words. The fact that Trent's life was not immediately in danger caused her great relief, but she knew he needed to get to a medical bay....she couldn't stand to see him suffer.

  "Vin, how much longer until the base self-destructs?" she asked the question she'd planned to ask when Trent had rushed off earlier.

  "Fifteen-minutes.” Sasha gasped, her heart dropping to the floor when she heard the pronouncement of their doom. There was no way they would have time to seek a medical bay...she'd be surprised if they could reach a shuttle in time with Trent in his current condition.

  "Vin, why were there Schnac'lasis in the lab?" Her voice contained a slight bit of resignation, fully realizing as she spoke that it would be impossible to run across the hanger bay, reach a shuttle, and perform an unpowered launch in 15 minutes. But, she thought to herself, at least she'd found love...real love...before she died. She rubbed her cheek into Trent's pained face, trying to transfer the warmth that grew at her thoughts.

  "Information incomplete, the ASU species Schnac'lasis access to the research lab should not have been possible. A detailed analysis of logged incursions on Earth return only one as never resolved from 135 years ago. Current theory in process states that ship contained ASU personnel who had broken through the Wall. Crashed on Earth and hid in the underground cave networks, finding access to the research lab by chance. After the lab was accessed and the ASU personnel understood what was contained within the lab, they moved to release the creature, along with collect samples, in the hopes of returning them to ASU command. This is only a theory and may change as further analysis is completed." The idea of the ASU crashing on Earth, then stumbling into the underground lab, was ridiculous. But as everyone knew, Programs were around to help humans understand the ridiculous nature of the universe, and Sasha wasn't about to question one of their matter how improbable.

  The minutes slowly ticked by and Sasha found tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Moments before, she'd accepted the fact they would die. But now, it suddenly scared her, for the same reason she had accepted her fate. She'd found love...what she at one time knew would never occur again...and that love was about to be torn away from her. Why did this have to happen? What had she done to deserve this? The thoughts vanished as Trent started gasping for air. She'd been unconsciously pushing closer to him, and he was too weak to push back, causing his breathing to become shorter. She quickly recoiled at the realization.

  "Oh, Trent, I'm so sorry!" she started sobbing as she pushed herself against the tube wall, allowing Trent more space to breathe. It helped a little, but she was already losing herself in despair. Time seemed to stop as she cried, along with the transport tube.

  "I love you, Trent. I don't want to die...I want to live! I found you and I don't want to lose you!" Her words came out in sobs.

  "" Trent's voice was pained, and very weak. Sasha's heart leapt in her chest as she felt a pulling sensation on her back as the door of the transport tube opened and they tumbled to the floor. Stars swirled in her vision as her head struck first, her being more concerned with protecting Trent, who had become a deadweight. She carefully rolled him off her and turned, unable to contain her surprise at where they had emerged.

  The room was circul
ar, with smooth silver walls and a grated floor. In the center was another round tube vanishing into the floor, with one side open, and what looked like two seats inside, aiming towards the ceiling.

  "Vin, where are we?" Hope had returned as she realized there may have been secret escape shuttles, like on the TSB Fleet Base.

  "Emergency high-level evacuation vehicle launch room created for situations requiring evacuation over safety. The vehicle will lift Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia and Sir Trent to high Earth orbit to await rescue." Her head fell into her hands at the monotone words...they were saved.

  She quickly dragged Trent to his feet, pulling him towards the tube with all haste...and their salvation. It took all her strength to force him into a seat and strap him in with the crude restraints. She climbed into the adjacent seat, strapping herself in the same way.

  "Vin, where are the oxygen masks!" she yelled the question, feeling their time ticking away.

  "The emergency high-level evacuation vehicle is pressurized, there is no need for oxygen masks." The door slid shut as Vin finished, covering them in darkness.

  "One-minute till base self-destruct, request permission to start launch sequence." The lack of any emotion in Vin's voice seemed completely out of place for the words it spoke.

  "Of course you have permission! Launch!" she shouted, causing her seat to start shaking violently and a PDU driven viewscreen to appear before her. She reached to her side, grabbing Trent's ice cold hand and interlocking their fingers. They would be ok...the thought repeated as she looked from Trent to the tunnel expanding into the distance, being projected on the viewscreen.

  The seats continued to shake erratically and Sasha increased her grip on Trent's hand, who squeezing back weakly. Terra squawked in anger at being jostled within her bosom, but didn't emerge. Sasha watched the grooves in the tunnel began flashing when they moved passed, faster and faster, while the shaking slowly began to subside. Then, after about 30 seconds, they started bucking back and forth violently, as if the Earth was collapsing around them. At the moment Sasha thought they were doomed, a bright light assaulted the viewscreen, and once her eyes cleared, a majestic blue sky spread before her...the blue sky of Earth.


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