Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 37

by Craig Gerttula

  "Forgive me, Your Grace. I meant no harm or disrespect." She curtsied to Sasha's back as she apologized, full of honesty. Sasha was busy pulling the sheets up over Trent to hide his nudity, then tried to blindly remove the rest of his jumpsuit, before sighing and turning back to Vickie, face drained of emotion.

  "I am sorry as well, Lady Vickie, I have been through much these last 12 hours and have only barely survived the destruction of TSB Earth Base." The words caused Donnlie, who had accompanied Regalia in behind them, to gasp. Sasha looked over at the young man, pity in her eyes.

  "I see you are a member of the TSB. I am sorry to deliver this news to you in such a fashion." Donnlie couldn't contain his tears, crying loudly as the always mature Regalia placed a caring arm around him and slowly escorted him out of the room. Gil'Da, who no one had seen slip out, returned with a medical kit. Vickie grabbed it from her hand and moved to Sasha's side.

  "I have completed basic medical training. Sir Simwa required it of me before I became his fiancé." Tiana moved faster then she had ever moved before, diving between the women as she sensed what would occur when Sasha found out about Vickie's past. Vickie fell back in surprise as Sasha lunged at her, but was stopped by Tiana's desperate plunge. Understanding suddenly took over and Vickie stood as Tiana restrained the instinct driven Sasha.

  "It's political, Your Grace. He caged me in this shuttle for the past six months! I want him dead as much as you do!" Vickie explained desperately, holding the animal like gaze of the enraged Sasha. The anger seemed to seep out of Sasha as she realized what had just befallen.

  "You will forgive me again, Lady Vickie, I find myself losing control much too often as of late." Sasha stood as she spoke, gently pushing Tiana away.

  "I would be honored if you provided Sir Trent with care equivalent to his rank." Listening carefully to Sasha's words caused Tiana to almost shout in surprise. When did Trent become a noble? She stored the question in the back of her mind, waiting for a better opportunity to voice it. Vickie nodded and leaned over Trent, pulling the sheets halfway down his chest to rigorously check his body for injuries.

  "Can you tell me what happened, Your Grace?" Sasha momentarily glared at Vickie, before her look softened, then down to the strange bracelet on her wrist.

  "Vin, can you provide her with anything that will help?" A small sphere appeared a few centimeters above Sasha's new bracelet and she couldn't contain her surprise as she recognized the Program from the shuttle.

  "Yes, internal damage was caused during restricted treatment. Medical Tubing would be advised, but if unavailable, standard nanite treatment should suffice." Vickie was staring in amazement at the small sphere that rippled as it talked.

  "It is a Program that has taken a liking to me. Can you provide the treatment?" Sasha asked Vickie, attempting to turn her attention back to the problem at hand.

  "We do not have a medical tube onboard, but I can easily perform nanite treatment. It is rather simple." She quickly opened the medical kit and selected a vile, loaded it into what Tiana recognized as an injector, placed it up against Trent's neck, causing a slight hiss to escape as the contents vanished, presumably into Trent.

  "He'll need another injection in about an hour..." Vickie studied Trent intently, her tongue unconsciously licking her lips. "...and he really should be cleaned up, I have no prob-." She stopped when she noticed the protective look in Sasha's eyes, but instead of asking for forgiveness, she turned back into the predatory woman Tiana had come to know, smiling seductively.

  "I will leave him in your care then." Vickie stood and curtsied, exiting to her sitting room with a smile Tiana couldn't recognize.

  "Your Grace, I can handle bathing him, you should go clean yourself." Sasha spun at the words, ready to snap, but seeing it was Gil'Da, locked her lips.

  "Thank you, Gil'Da, but I am duty bound to his care. I would appreciate you and Tiana's assistance however." The look in Sasha's eyes said it all. She would not accept any arguments in this matter. However, Gil'Da either didn't see, or chose to ignore this fact.

  "Your Grace, it would be scandalous for you to bath a man who is not your husband. You must allow me to do this!" Sasha blushed considerably in response, even noticeable under the thick layer of dirt and grime that covered her cheeks. Tiana stared at her friend in wonder... what had occurred on Earth?

  "Princess, tell me now or you know I'll tease you relentlessly till you do!" Tiana returned to the mocking tone she would always use on Sasha, before they left Tidelia. The pleading eyes that fell on her made Tiana want to know even more.

  "Your Royal Highness, these secrets are unbecoming a woman of your status!" At Tiana's goading, Sasha's resistance faded and she sighed, resigned to the fact that she could never hide anything from her Tiana already knew.

  "This is a secret that you will not speak unless I provide permission, understand?" Both women nodded and Tiana started bouncing in excitement, she knew something big was coming.

  "Well, you know how Programs like to take things literally if you're not what happened a few times on my shuttle?" Tiana nodded, remembering Vin taking it upon himself to do things that might have been said jokingly or in passing. Sasha took a deep breath and looked down at Trent, eyes twinkling.

  "It was after he saved me and we were following Vin's directions while being chased by Sir Simwa's men. I did not realize it at the time, but I had instantly fallen in love with Trent..." Tiana couldn't contain her joy, a wide smile escaping...what a revelation! She knew about Sasha's love already, but hearing it from Sasha's own lips was something else entirely.

  "We were led to a Royal Room where I was able to present Trent with the Star of Terra and the Eye of the Emperor..." she reached down and caressed the odd choker on Trent's neck. "...We then had to escape down an old tunnel of some kind...built long ago. It was terrifying and we found ourselves alone and isolated...only one way to escape. So we talked, more then I have ever talked to a man, and had a very emotional exchange that ended with us expressing our mutual love for each other..." Tiana couldn't believe it and hoped beyond hope that Trent deserved her loved, because if he didn't... "...I wasn't thinking of the consequences of the exchange at the time, but the words were enough for Vin to..." Sasha removed her hand from the chocker around Trent's neck and clutched his hand. A crazy thought suddenly popped into Tiana's mind, one that she couldn't believe.

  "It didn't!" she spouted the words before she could stop herself. Sasha looked up at Tiana, blushing, a gentle smile crossing her lips.

  "Yes...Vin interpreted our words as vows and officially named Trent my consort." Gil'Da made a weird sound, a mix of a squeak and grunt, then fainted to the floor. Tiana rushed to her side, but she'd already come too and was climbing back to her feet.

  "Oh no, your mothers are going to kill me...I let you out of my sight for a day and you...and you elope!" Tiana stared at Gil'Da's stunned face, then to Sasha, and couldn't contain herself any longer, breaking out into laughter at the ridiculousness of it all. Sasha soon followed suit as Gil'Da looked between the two laughing women as if they'd both gone crazy.

  "I am so sorry, Gil'Da, it all just...happened. We promised to keep it as courting until the official elevation ceremony, but in the eyes of the Emperor, we are married." Sasha said while she brought her laughter under control. Gil'Da sighed in resignation while she glared at Trent.

  "I understand. But I will not allow you to wash him below the waist! I will handle that!" Gil'Da's words made both girls look at the portion of Trent still covered by sheets and blushed.

  "Yes, Gil'Da..." They responded playfully. But Sasha still looked possessively at Trent.

  "...but you better not try to steal him!" There was hidden humor in her voice and Gil'Da rolled her eyes as Tiana burst out laughing.

  "Let us get started...shall we." Tiana and Sasha followed Gil'Da into the washroom, giggling together at the absurdity of what had happened and of friends reunited.

  Chapter 20r />
  Water cascaded through her hair, trickling over her face and shoulders, its soothing warmth cleansing the layer of filth that had clung to her ever since she'd left the hidden cave on Earth...the feeling was indescribable.

  It had taken them only a few minutes to finish bathing Trent's upper body, and at Gil'Da's insistence, she'd removed herself to the washroom while the older servants trained hands dealt with cleaning the rest. The idea of bathing all of Trent had been rather appealing, the thought making her blush furiously, her mind and heart not quite ready for that step. Tiana, having returned almost immediately to her mocking self, insisted on joining her to help clean the gunk that had stubbornly clung to her long black hair. A mischievous grin appeared when Tiana noticed Sasha's skin turning crimson.

  "Are you thinking of Gil'Da cleaning Trent's naughty parts?" Tiana's playful words made her blush intensify, and her elbow to lightly crash into the younger girl’s stomach. A grunt escaped Tiana's lips and she pulled on Sasha's hair in response, almost causing her to fall. Playful laughter filled the shower and the tension returned to normal.

  "I think you'll need to learn to tie up this hair or yours next time you go gallivanting on one of these little adventures." said Tiana as a rather disgusting clump of something she didn't want to imagine pulled free from hair, vanishing down the water reclaimer set in the shower floor. Sasha was about to respond, but her hair was being repeatable tugged as Tiana continued to work out a stubborn knot, keeping her silent.

  The thought of having to go through something like that again was not appealing, but she knew the choice of such things would not always be hers. She sighed, thanking Tiana as she noticed the tugging had finally ceased, her hair smooth and clean, and prepared to exit the shower. A shadow suddenly appeared on the other side of the semitransparent shower door, causing both her and Tiana to squeal in surprise.

  "Your Grace, I have finished cleaning Sir Trent. Lady Vickie is currently seeing to his needs. I will be returning to the care of the children if you no longer require my services." The voice of Gil'Da echoed through the washroom and Tiana nudged her playfully in the back.

  "Did you prepare my clean clothing?" Knowing that Vickie was alone, tending to Trent, gave Sasha pause. She didn't trust the woman...her air and demeanor feeling of a predator on the hunt...or a traditionalist paramour...she wasn't sure what was worse.

  "I could not clean that jumpsuit you arrived in, Your Grace, but Lady Vickie was kind enough to lend you one of her dresses. If you'll excuse me." The door shut following Gil'Da's hurried words. Tiana had started giggling behind her as she continued running fingers through Sasha's hair, searching for any remaining knots.

  "I think you better hurry, Your Highness. Lady Vickie may be in the process of stealing poor Trent's honor." Tiana's words were mocking, Sasha knew, but that didn't mean her concern was unjustified. She exited the shower and dried herself quickly, wrapping the self-drying towel lightly around her in haste as she exited into Vickie's bedchamber.

  Vickie was sitting over Trent, staring down into his sleeping face. Sasha walked across the room swiftly and cleared her throat, coming to a stop next to the bed. The smile that formed on Vickie's lips was one of mocking delight...a sudden image of an adult Tiana filled her mind.

  "I must say, Your Grace, it has been so long since I've been in the presence of a real man..." She started lifting up the sheet, while lowering her head to look beneath. "...and a naked one at that." Sasha jumped across the bed, pushing the sheet back down with her body. A joyous laugh escaped from Vickie as she retreated with a hop.

  "Your Grace, I do not mind staying for the festivities, but only if I may join in as well." At first, Sasha was confused by her words, but when she felt the cool air caressing her back she realized the towel had slipped off as she dove, leaving her lying on top of Trent in a less then modest fashion. A gasp escaped from behind as she stiffly pulled herself to her feet, fixing the fallen towel.

  "Your Highness! To assault a sleeping man in such a manner is very unbecoming!" Tiana's mocking tone arose from the bathroom door, Sasha's rising fear quickly subsiding at her friends light hearted teasing. But a longing for the good old days suddenly filled her. For times when all she had to worry about was being shot at by Sir Simwa's men and getting to know Trent. Both the other women had fallen into a bout of hysterical laughter.

  The dress Vicki provided was of a wispy dark red, cut lower then she would have usually preferred. Terra on the other hand, seemed to enjoy the fact that he had twice the normal space to stretch out in. A half hanging belt, only one side sitting on her hip while the other sat on her thigh, cinched the dress close to her skin as it ran to a couple centimeters above her knee. For some reason the whole ensemble made her feel very sensual, the fabric hugging every curve, but also feeling as if she was wearing nothing at all. Vickie continued to adjust the dress when her face suddenly went serious.

  "Your Grace, I have a favor to ask. Since in all honesty, you are the only noble who would consider my request." Sasha glanced down at the woman whose voice was suddenly filled with humility.

  "I would like to remove myself from Sir Simwa. I have been trying for quite some time, but no one would listen to my pleas for help, in fear of Duke Zehman's possible retribution. Since you seem to already be his enemy, I was hoping you may be able to assist me." Sasha considered her words for a moment and turned to Tiana, who was in the process of smoothing out her ankle length white dress that's transparency would have been very revealing had she not been wearing a tight green bodysuit underneath. Tiana smiled, seeing her stare, nodding in understanding.

  "She has been more then helpful, Sasha. Plus, I believe her presence may come in more ways than one..." A look passed between Vickie and Tiana as her words trailed off. Sasha paused, considering the ramifications of having to deal with not one, but two Tiana's for the foreseeable future.

  "You would be required to follow some ground rules and forsake any affiliation to the Hulk'Zif Duchy. But I could always use another loyal lady-in-waiting ...if you are willing." The smile that appeared told Sasha everything before the words followed.

  "Your Grace, I would be more then honored to take a place as your lady-in-waiting, no matter what rules I have to follow...and I herby vow my allegiance to you, Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, and discard my relation to the Hulk'Zif Duchy." She stood as she made her declaration, curtsying crisply, then returned to fitting the dress.

  "Good! And I first rule. You will keep your advances at Sir Trent to a minimum! He is a very kind man and I do not want him placed in uncomfortable situations." Sasha couldn't see Vickie's face clearly, but a chill told her that she probably had a very mischievous look.

  "Second, Lady Regalia is still at a very formative age, please refrain from any ...unscrupulous activities...while in her presence that would cause her undo harm." Vickie looked up with a face that Sasha could only call pouty.

  "Your Grace, I would never do anything unscrupulous in a young ladies presence!" A laugh from Tiana caused Vickie to glare at the girl, who stuck out her tongue playfully in response.

  "What about in her presence, Your Grace?" asked Vickie, eyes aflame. Sasha smiled...time for some long awaited revenge.

  "Oh...Tiana is at an age where I believe anything is appropriate. Do with her as you wish." said Sasha, waving an airy hand with a malicious smile. Tiana's face changed to sudden horror as Vickie laughed boisterously.

  "Sasha, you don't know what you've done!" The response was exactly what Sasha was hoping for and she joined the laughter as Tiana's face went scarlet, scrunching in frustration. Sasha sighed, allowing the laughter to die down and brought her bracelet to her lips.

  "Vin, can you log that Lady Vickie is no longer fiancée to Sir Simwa and is now my third lady-in-waiting." The sphere appeared as Sasha spoke.

  "Yes, Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia. Please be advised, if Lady Vickie returns to the Hulk'Zif Duchy her status shall be reverted until said time as
Duke Zehman Hulk'Zif agrees to release her from his service. Also, Grand Duchess Sasha Alutia, you have a level one message waiting." Vin responded. Vickie finished lowering the slit in the leg of Sasha's dress, which had previously cut above her waist, moving to the door.

  "Thank you, Your Grace. As is customary, I will relinquish command of my servant to you." Vickie curtsied, an ominous smile spreading across her puffy red lips, while Tiana started bouncing in place, as she had a habit of doing when she was excited.

  A beautiful woman, that could be no more than 20, glided into the room wearing the same white fabric dress as Tiana, but without anything underneath. Sasha couldn't help but gasp, her two ladies-in-waiting breaking out into immediate laughter, then, as if they shared a mind, skipped out of the bedroom as Sasha's cold stare fell on each.

  "I am Til'Ma, Your Grace. Will you be requiring my services now or shall I return later tonight?" The use of the word services made Sasha very uncomfortable. What had Vickie been up to during her stay on this shuttle? Sasha suddenly wondered. With her eyes diverted, she walked over to the young servant, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  "Go see Gil'Da and have her find you a more appropriate outfit. In addition, have her instruct you on the proper etiquette for one of my servants." Til'Ma curtsied politely, then left in search of Gil'Da. Sasha sighed, following close behind, prepared to give the two women a piece of her mind, but decided against it when she saw them playing...hiding more likely...with a few of the children in the corner. She turned to a young blond girl who was sitting by herself staring at an exotic piece of programmable matter art.


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