Alutia Rising

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Alutia Rising Page 45

by Craig Gerttula

  "Yes." They spoke in unison.

  "The Emperor's Jewelry is based on the same technology as Program's. This is how a Program is able to be contained within, such as with this one in the Arm of the Emperor. Each piece of the Emperor's Jewelry is from a set and as such, would communicate when together on a single person. This ability is usually dormant when the Emperor's Jewelry is passed between different chosen. But in this instance, since a bond was already present, the Emperor's Jewelry used this to communicate, creating a pathway that could also transmit certain strong emotions." Vin continued and both Trent and Sasha looked at each other with noticeable relief as Tiana too, felt her doubts fade. Vin may have forced Trent and Sasha to meet, but the love was already there and the bond they referred was caused by the Emperor's Jewelry.

  "Thank you, Vin, can you tell us anything more about the abilities of the Emperor's Jewelry?" Sasha questioned and Vin started rippling and rapidly changing color.

  "Information on the abilities of the Emperor's Jewelry is restricted and partially unknown. Owner's may however freely discuss abilities they have learned through use." Tiana frowned. Why not grant them an explanation so they could properly use the devices? She sighed, then smiled as a mischievous question popped into her mind.

  "Vin, is there a way to forcibly seal the bond so the rest of us will be able to sleep at night?" She couldn't contain her expanding smile as she watched both Trent and Sasha blush with embarrassment, fire burning in their eyes.

  "Once a bond is established, the pathway will always exist, but can be put into dormancy. In this instance, that is impossible, since the Emperor's Jewelry altered the existing bond to be permanent for their own use and will not seal till the owners death." As Vin's monotone voice finished, Trent and Sasha chuckled in Tiana's direction. She forced a frown.

  "Well...I guess I'll just get earplugs..." she muttered to the grinning Vickie at her side. This brought a round of laughter as the conversation turned back to much more mundane things, like how Tiana would need to start teaching Regalia the tricks she'd learned from Sasha to avoid her personal guards. She swore she caught a small smile cross Sir Seb'Losh's lips as he overheard her words, accepting her challenge.


  The judgment was official and Trent squeezed Sasha's hand, wishing he could have announced the verdict in her place. He could sense her pain, born from her latest declaration, but he knew it was the right choice...the only choice.

  Sir Simwa stared at Sasha with a face of contorted rage, foaming at the mouth as he struggled against his restraints. Two red uniformed Alutia Battleguards forced him to his feet and escorted him out of the room, to the awaiting shuttle. The thought of the punishment pronounced made Trent's skin crawl.

  Sir Simwa would be banished to an unknown part of dark space, the massive areas of nothing that filled the voids between galaxies. The engineless ship he was provided contained a small air, water, and food production facility, that would be able to sustain him for the rest of his life.

  From what Vickie had explained, with much pleasure, was that a SJS Gate would be aimed at a random part of dark space. Then, after the shuttle was sent through, the gate would be closed and the destination code removed from all data banks. It was literally, a fate worse than death, and Trent knew most people would probably take their own lives during the first few years.

  "Even if he is an evil man...I still do not like the idea." Sasha turned to him, running her hand up his arm to the now fading line that marked the location of one of Sir Simwa's crimes.

  "I understand, my love, but it is better then you dirtying your hands..." He stared deep into her emerald eyes. "...remember, I am here for you and I am already dirty. Let me take the filth and allow you to stay clean." His words didn't feel like his own, but he knew they came from his heart. Sasha smiled, leaned in and kissed him deeply, causing more than a few in the audience of nobles and officers to gasp in surprise.

  "My dear Duke, we share everything, if you are dirty, I am dirty, if I am pure, you are pure, there is no I, only we." Trent felt her words strike his heart and he leaned forward to kiss her again. Terra jumped out of her bosom, landing on his head as he pulled away, standing on his hands and turning to the crowd of nobles, letting out squawks and squeaks, as if announcing something of great importance. Sasha smiled at the sight and her eyes suddenly twinkled, a mischievous smirk crossing her lips. She stood, her stare passing over the assembled Tidelia nobles and officers of the Alutia Battle Fleet.

  "Now that the last of the sad business of the Battle of Earth is concluded, I would like to adjourn the first Alutia Court with a happy announcement..." she glanced down at Trent, then to her ladies who sat in the corner, stopping on Countess Liana, her adopted mother. "...I am pleased to announce that Sir Trent has asked for my hand in marriage and I have graciously accepted. Please let me introduce, the holder of the Star of Terra and bearer of the Eye of the Emperor, Duke Trent Alutia!" A shocked roar broke out in the crowd as Trent stood on his still wobbly feet, dazed by the sudden announcement.

  Countess Liana had tears in her eyes as she babbled to the young servant at her side. Tiana, Regalia, and Vickie stood on their seats cheering the loudest. Trent blushed from embarrassment, then a thought occurred to him and he turned to Sasha, embracing her tightly as he delivered a deep kiss. The crowd bellowed even louder as Sasha stopped resisting and kissed him back.

  He finally released her and she looked at him with girlish delight, a sensual smile on her tender lips that made his heart beat like an innocent boy. She turned back to the crowd that fell silent, light whispers still echoing throughout as she raised her left hand.

  "Thank you, thank you. The official ceremony shall take place on the new capital of the Alutia duchy, a newly discovered paradise world that we will call...Alutia'Earth!" Cries of astonishment and cheers of joy broke through the temporary Alutia Court and Trent, tears in his eyes, turned to Sasha, the woman he loved and kissed her deeply.


  Sasha lay in bed next to Trent, catching her breath while placing her head on his heaving chest. It was amazing...the first time without the drug...which at first had caused Sasha a great amount of concern, since she wasn't sure how she would react. But there was no longer an issue...she was cured.

  The experience was even more intense as the bond between them seemed to have grown, allowing her to feel like she shared both bodies. She ran her fingers over his chest and found the bond was still active, allowing her to experience the pleasure of her own touch on his skin. Trent gently turned her head, delivering another passionate kiss, and Sasha found herself drowning in pleasure once again.

  A beep from her wrist brought her awake. She gently, and reluctantly, removed Trent's arms from her body and sat cross legged on the bed. Vin appeared on her wrist.

  "You have a level one message, Your Grace." Vin's monotone voice was a whisper. She nodded her thanks, accessing her BC node. She found two messages, queuing the first.

  "Sasha, quiet down! You seem to have forgotten Gil'Da's warning! She swears she will move Regalia to the far side of the starship in the morning. Your best friend, Tiana." Sasha laughed quietly. She now knew she was loud, but even when she tried not to be, she couldn't help it, the bond was too strong. She queued up the second message and frowned.

  "My dearest daughter, Your actions have far outstripped my expectations and I am sorry for everything you have had to endure. I am sorry for the loss of Earth and I know it pains you deeply. The discussion I had with Prince Kohan was long and I learned a very many things.

  "Without his knowledge, Princess Xeros, his wife, assigned her brother, Knight High-Admiral Baric, to head the battle groups your brother gifted you. At first glance, this would seem harmless, but my information has proven otherwise. Princess Xeros had been found to be in constant communication with her brother during the Battle of Earth. The exact contents of the conversation have yet to be discovered, but it appears she may have been manipulating him to s
ome degree. It was, without a doubt, Princess Xeros who gave the order to destroy Earth.

  "Punishment has already been pronounced by hereditary Emperor Yuloo, that Princess Xeros shall be banished with her husband, Prince Kohan, to a noble penal planet, where they shall live until the time of my death. This news may be of little consolation to you, but considering Princess Xeros is the daughter of the King of Galaxy two, a line of Kings with direct relation to the Emperor, little else could be done.

  "Now that the bad news is out of the way, let me congratulate you on your betrothal. Your mother and I have just boarded the King's Fleet and will be making our way to Alutia'Earth to oversee the official ceremony. I hope he is all that I have heard and lives up to the records I have seen.

  "I have also provided the Vn'Oco Royal Biological Engineering and Architectural Core to start construction of the colony on Alutia'Earth, and your mother has insisted on designing your new palace, which should be ready for your arrival.

  "My Princess, this galaxy is a cruel place and you are one of its greatest treasures. Your Father, King Johan Vn'Oco." Sasha held back tears as she stood and walked to the wall, pressing an icon that made it appear transparent, showing the stars streaking through the distant darkness of space. Arms suddenly embraced her naked figure from behind and a light kiss fell on her exposed nape.

  "What's wrong?" Trent asked softly.

  "My parents are coming to our wedding." Trent kissed her neck again, moving to her side.

  "That's not all, is it?" His tone was as kind as his touch.

  "No, but the rest can wait for another day." Leaning in, she kissed him, letting his presence fill her and forgetting for a time the universe, and its endless struggles.


  AH-Zec, the current leader of the Anti-Sapien Unification, floated within the antigravity data sphere, scanning the latest infiltration report to begin the analysis of the data contained within. Two ASU operatives were able to successfully infiltrate the world the humans called Earth, and escape with the precious samples that were hidden below its surface. It appeared that even the current emperor of the New Universal Empirical Human Alliance had known little of the actual secret of that world.

  The stream of reports and messages that AH-Zec was constantly sorting were based on a new initiative created by his predecessor. All messages transmitted in normal space continue to travel through the universe, no matter how much time passed. To take advantage of this, the ASU had constructed trillions of listening platforms outside the galaxy, in dark space, beyond the range of the NHA gate capture nets. The farther out these platforms from a galaxy, the older the transmissions they could intercept. The one that provided the information about the Human Devolution Phenomenon was about 25,000 years old, 15,000 years before the cranillium's even left the safety of the Donlak system, as well as the earliest NHA signal detected from this galaxy.

  The ASU's top minds were currently analyzing the samples and attempting to integrate them into a weapon, but initial signs were not as promising as his previous analysis lead him to believe. The HDP spores were not easily transportable and died quickly outside a perfect environment, not suited for space based combat. But other uses were already decided and AH-Zec had chosen a group of small human colonies along the Frontier as test subjects for the new planetary weapon in development.

  The idea of destroying planets of innocents went against the peaceful nature of his race, but the Schnac'lasis were adamant that total annihilation was the only way to rid the universe of the human menace. AH-Zec had to agree that they were a menace, but his extreme intellect told him that there must be another way to end this conflict without resorting to the human method of genocide. For the time being, as he searched for more information, he would go along with the recommendations placed before him. They would continue to monitor and probe the Frontier, while silently attacking human colonies with the new HDP weapon in development.

  AH-Zec noted the new victory equation, after adding the new weapon, had left a remainder. Frowning, AH-Zec continued scanning the million's of messages and reports for the one that would allow them, once and for all, to become victorious.


  Emperor Yuloo walked through his majestic personal garden with his daughter on his arm, listening to Zing finish his report about the Human Devolution Phenomenon. The fact that this information had been sealed and only passed down by word of mouth disturbed him greatly. What other information had his predecessors deemed too dangerous to leave accessible to even future Emperors? He sighed.

  "Father, why not take the technology that allowed Sir Trent and Grand Duchess Sasha to survive and distribute it to the masses?" Future Empress Yukie asked in an innocent tone he knew would not exist much longer. He had thought the same thing himself, but the technology was part of the Emperor's Jewelry and as such...was sealed.

  When an Emperor ascended to the throne, a set of four pieces of Emperor's Jewelry was created by the Program's to help the new Emperor protect himself and rule effectively. The Eye of the Emperor, a chocker adorned with three jewels, gave the ability to see through lies and into the true meaning of one's heart. The Arms of the Emperor, which adorned each wrist, provided two different abilities. One, to seek friends and allies, while the other, to seek ones enemies. The Heart of the Emperor, the necklace that hung around his neck, healed him from the physical attacks of his enemies. All the jewelry contained protocols that allowed for the removal of toxic substances from the body, but these protocols could be as toxic as the substance itself, which is why the Heart of the Emperor was paramount.

  A deceased Emperor's set of Emperor's Jewelry was used as gifts to be provided to those who received the Emperors blessing, the chosen, becoming the Emperor's agents, such as Grand Duchess Sasha and Sir Trent. This allowed his agents, even if they didn't realize it, to successfully complete his bidding.

  He turned his attention back to his beautiful, innocent young daughter, running his hand through her silver and gold hair, who would be the first full Empress in NHA history. For some strange genetic twist of fate, the first born of every NHA Emperor and Empress was always male...until Yukie came along.

  "That is a wonderful idea, Yukie, but unfortunately, the technology used for the system is sealed and currently only the Emperor's Jewelry has that ability." He reached out as he spoke and raised the necklace on her daughter’s neck. At least he would be able to protect his daughter.

  "However, you did give me a good idea. I think I'll have the biological science research companies look into a genetic vaccine, or gene alteration, from the data collected. I'd much rather make us immune then have to worry about delivering an antidote within seconds." His daughter beamed at his words and they continued on, studying a strange multicolored plant that swayed, even without wind.

  "And Daddy, I'm glad you helped her...I mean Princess Sasha. I know you don't like getting directly involved, but it's like one of the old fairy tales! When the petty man saves the noble woman and they fall in love, against all odds!" He smiled at her words and didn't have the heart to tell her that most stories of love between classes rarely end happily.

  The nobles of Galaxy 189 would not stand by as Trent and Sasha did what the Emperor hoped, changed the destructive traditions of the last 75,000 years. It was a farfetched dream, he knew, but if he could leave his daughter with a semblance of change, something so she wouldn't have to worry about the nightmares of the trillions of people killed by fickle would be worth it.

  "Zing, has Sir Trent chosen his new starship? The one he is to be rewarded with the Star of Terra?" Zing's sphere started rippling and changing colors rapidly.

  "No." A smile broke his lips.

  "Good, I'd like to temporarily suspend the prohibition for nobles to design their own starships in regards to Trent's personnel starship..." His smile widened. "...and I'd like to allocate the Emperor's initial allocation of the gorian discovered in Alutia, enough to sufficiently armor a battleship hull." Zing b
eeped acknowledgement and sent off his instructions. He gazed down at Yukie, who was playing with his catillian, and hoped that the future would not be the same as the past, and his daughter would not die, like his wife, because of the weight of the universe.


  Dear Reader, I hope you enjoyed reading the first book of the Alutia Rising Series as much as I enjoyed the writing . It was a long road, which I broke down upon on more than a few occasions. But I was able to carry on...thinking if Trent could trudge forward, so could I...and completed the journey. Except I realized something....this is only the onramp to a much longer road, or prelude to a much grandeur adventure.

  Please look forward to the next chapter, The Noble Petty, where Trent and Sasha, her ladies, new friends, and family become embroiled in even greater conflicts and experience adventures, loss, and love beyond any of their wildest imaginations. Thank you all for your support and I hope to see you again in the next chapter! Craig Gerttula




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