Office Slave II

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Office Slave II Page 7

by J. W. McKenna

  She put the gun in the cabinet by the door, so it would be ready whenever someone knocked. Later, she'd move it into the bedroom when she went to sleep. On patrol, she often carried a back-up gun, a compact .38, but decided the fewer guns in this apartment, the better. Not that she was worried about Ellen grabbing it to harm her, but she might use it to harm herself. She didn't seem overly depressed. Tami was just being cautious.

  "Can you make us some tea?"

  Ellen nodded. She jumped up to put on the teakettle. Tami just watched her, a half-grin on her face. The girl loves to wait on me! They've been together now for three weeks, and Tami had observed how she deferred to her about everything—what TV shows to watch, what to have for dinner—everything. It hadn't been hard to achieve, either.

  It would be so easy to treat her like Linda treated Kim, she mused. Only her fear that she might get caught prevented her from taking advantage of the situation—so far. She worried that Ellen might report her to the lieutenant. She had to be sure Ellen was completely under her control.

  It was difficult not to push harder—she was really curious how it might play out. Ever since that year in college, Tami had wondered if she could be a dominant like Linda. She recalled how she was often submissive around Linda—not in a sexual way, but in other ways. But she also loved seeing Linda with other submissives. It was as if she lived vicariously through her roommate. Now, ten years later, she had her own submissive just waiting for her command. If only she could keep her mouth shut...


  Ellen turned, hitching her shoulders in a way that told Tami she didn't like the bra straps cutting into her. Up until now, Tami had ignored the childish display. But it gave her ideas.

  "I know your underwear is bothering you. And I'd like to let you just wear what you want—or don't want—but I'm afraid if Franklin finds out, she'll tell my lieutenant that I'm not doing a good job."

  Ellen looked hopeful. She recognized Tami was willing to discuss it. “How would she find out? I mean, if I always have it on when I'm around her?"

  "Well, it might slip during your discussions with her. You two do spend a lot of time, going over your testimony."

  The woman shook her head. “I would never violate your trust."

  "Really? If I let you take off your underwear while here in this room, you'd keep it a secret?"

  "Oh, yes! I've gotten used to not wearing it. In fact, I don't like clothes much any more."

  Tami nodded. “I suppose I could allow you to get out of your clothes as well. You know you'd have to obey me when I told you to put them back on."

  "Oh, yes, Tami!"

  "Call me ma'am.” Tami didn't know why she said that—it was something she remembered Linda doing.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Tami pushed her a little further. “That goes for anything I say."

  Ellen smiled broadly. “Oh, yes, ma'am! Of course!"

  "And you couldn't tell anyone. Not Franklin or even Sawyer. It would have to be our secret."

  Ellen nodded her head vigorously. “I promise."

  "All right. While the teapot's heating, you may remove your clothes."

  "Thank you!” She came over and gave Tami a quick hug. Tami grabbed her and held her close for a second longer, then let her go. Ellen started to head for the bedroom when Tami's voice stopped her.

  "I didn't say you should leave the room.” Tami held her breath. She waited for Ellen to refuse and if she had, Tami would've pretended she had just been kidding. But Ellen paused, then turned to face the officer. Her hands went to her blouse and she unbuttoned it slowly, almost suggestively.

  Her blouse came open and Ellen shrugged it off, leaving her breasts encased in the lacy white bra. Her hands went around behind her and Tami said, “Stop. Let me do that for you."

  Ellen stared at Tami as the officer approached. She turned to give Tami better access to her bra clasp. Tami unhooked it and watched as Ellen shrugged and let it fall to the floor. She turned, her breasts just inches away from Tami's.

  "Now the skirt and panties,” Tami said. “I'm sure you can do those by yourself."

  Ellen nodded. She unfastened her skirt and let it fall. She wore pantyhose over her underwear and Tami knew she hated to put them on every morning. But Franklin had insisted.

  Ellen peeled the pantyhose and panties down to her thighs, then sat down on a nearby chair to remove them from her legs. All of her jewelry was gone, locked up safely in the ADA's office, pending the trial. Tami noticed how the woman's slit was still bare and wasn't sure if she shaved regularly or if Jack had something done more permanent. Probably a wax job of some sort, she guessed. It surprised her how turned on she was getting and not just because she had lesbian feelings—no, this was more about power. She had control over another human being. She knew this girl would do just about anything she asked of her.

  It would be easy to order Ellen to lick her cunt and Tami felt her own juices flow at the thought. Or maybe my asshole, she thought and smiled wickedly.

  Ellen stood up again, completely nude. “Do you want me to get my robe?"

  There. She was already asking permission, just as she had done with Jack. “No. Don't bother. I know you like to walk around naked.” The teakettle whistled.

  Ellen smiled and returned to the kitchen. She reached up overhead to grab the teabags and Tami could see the way her buttcheeks clenched with the effort. They looked good enough to spank, Tami thought, and another memory flooded back.

  Linda had brought home another submissive. God knows where she found them all. She must've had radar for that kind of personality trait. This one was a thin blond named Susie, with lank hair and small breasts. Her one redeeming feature was her perfect, heart-shaped ass. Linda used to order Susie to remove her shorts immediately upon entering the room and display her ass for the pleasure of both Linda and Tami. She made her keep her tee-shirt on, “to hide those disgusting breasts,” she'd tell the embarrassed girl. Tami knew it was simply a way of keeping her off-balance.

  But just watching that ass wasn't enough for Linda. She had to put her hands on it too. She'd rub it and slap it and make Susie bend over so she could get a “better look,” as she was always saying. At first, when she slapped it, it was just playfully, like saying, “Job well done!” Later, Linda began finding reasons to punish her. They couldn't make a lot of noise in the dorm room, so Susie's spankings were far more arousing than painful. Tami could remember how wet the girl got. Linda would always run her fingers along her slit and comment at how slutty Susie was. The girl would get so red, Tami thought she might faint. But she knew Susie was highly aroused by the treatment. Who wouldn't be?

  She looked at Ellen's nicely shaped ass and wondered if Jack had spanked it. She would guess he did. It was so spankable! “Ellen."

  Ellen turned, teabags in hand. “Yes, ma'am?"

  "Did Jack ever spank you?"

  Ellen's face grew red. “Uh, yes, ma'am."

  "Why? We're you bad?"

  "Sometimes. Sometimes he did it just because he liked it."

  "Did you like it?"

  She turned away and fumbled with the cups. “Well..."

  "It's all right. You can tell me. I'll keep your secrets if you'll keep mine."

  Ellen nodded and turned back, smiling shyly. “Yes, I did. I mean, up to a point. Sometimes, he would hurt me. When I deserved it, of course."

  "How did you deserve it?"

  "Oh, I don't know. There were different reasons. Sometimes I wouldn't, uh, rub myself when he called me on the intercom."

  Tami had heard about this from Franklin, who had said it with a sneer on her lip. But Tami had been fascinated.

  "Or one time he let a worker spank me because I was rude to him in the hall."

  "Did it make you obey better?"

  "Yes. I learned my lessons."

  "You have a very spankable ass, do you know that?"

  Ellen looked over her shoulder, trying to see herself. “No, I didn't."

bsp; "I would like to spank it myself. And I will, if you don't do what I say."

  "Oh, I will, I promise, ma'am.” But El couldn't stop from wiggling her butt, as if the idea excited her. Tami picked up on it right away.

  "Are you wiggling your ass at me?"

  "Uh, no ma'am. I wasn't aware I was doing anything.” The ass just twitched now.

  "You're still doing it! You'd better come over here. I won't take this kind of disrespect.” Her voice teased Ellen with mock anger.

  "Yes, ma'am.” She came over and stood next to Tami's chair, her head hung low.

  "Turn around."

  Ellen did and Tami immediately stroked her wonderful cheeks. They were so soft and smooth. She couldn't believe she was doing this, and yet, she couldn't stop herself. Another opportunity like this may never come along in her lifetime.

  She gave the skin a light slap and Ellen twitched in response. She struck her again, harder and Ellen sucked in a breath.

  "Are you enjoying this?"

  "Uh, well ... er..."

  "You are, aren't you? I guess I'm not doing it right. Maybe I should do it harder.” She slapped the right cheek again, smartly, leaving a red handprint this time. Ellen rocked on her heels.


  "Good. It should hurt. It's not supposed to be enjoyable."

  "But why are you punishing me? What have I done?"

  Tami frowned. She was right. That Ellen twitched her ass at her was no reason to punish her. Tami wondered what Linda would've said in this situation. “It doesn't matter. I'm doing this because I want to. That's a good enough reason."

  Ellen nodded and Tami smiled at how easily the woman accepted her dominance over her. She was beginning to see just why Jack Sawyer kept her around, even after she paid off her debt. The woman was a perfect submissive.

  Tami decided to stop, before she got herself in deeper. She slapped Ellen's rump again, lightly and told her to go pour the tea. Ellen scampered off, rubbing her ass with one hand as she did.

  Tami knew, watching her, that they were going to be experimenting a lot in the next few weeks. She just couldn't help herself.

  Chapter Ten

  Diane Franklin considered herself a scrapper. Tall, good-looking, smart and well-dressed, she was the prototypical ADA. She had risen fast in the ranks since she'd first come on board, right out of law school eight years ago. This would be her most visible trial to date. She would love to slam dunk Jack Sawyer and send a message to men everywhere: You can't treat women like shit.

  Diane lived to stick it to men, put them in their place. They thought themselves so superior, making more money than women, being stronger than women and not being subjected to the constant barrage of hormones that woman had to endure. Ha! she thought. I'd like to see a man give birth! They'd be a whimpering mess, begging for drugs. Not that Diane had given birth yet. She didn't have time for babies right now. Maybe later. But when the time came, she wouldn't whimper. She wouldn't even need a man around. She'd just have herself artificially inseminated and be done with the entire gender.

  Unless, of course, she had a boy.

  She put the thought out of her mind. It wasn't important now. What was important was the case of the People vs. Jack Sawyer. Diane almost rubbed her hands together in glee. This was going to be so much fun! She envisioned herself, standing on the courthouse steps, facing the crowd of reporters. Her face would be on the evening news every night for two or three months! This could pave her way to the D.A.'s corner office, if that weasel Montgomery would ever retire.

  There was a polite knock on the opaque glass door of her office.


  The door popped open and Brian Cecciti's head came in. “Uh, Diane, Sanchez and her attorney are here."

  "Good. Send them in."

  Betty and Ellen walked in, followed by Cecciti. The four gathered around a small conference table, just as they had done so many times before. Diane could tell from Ellen's face that the witness was not looking forward to going over her testimony yet again. Still, it had to be done. She didn't want any mistakes.

  "Ellen, I know you probably think we've done this to death, but it's important. You have to be careful on the stand. I won't be there to help you when the defense attorney is questioning you. You'll have to know what to say on your own."

  "I thought I was just supposed to tell the truth."

  "From the mouths of babes,” Betty said dryly.

  Diane blushed and glanced over at Brian just in time to see him smirk. “Yes, you are supposed to tell the truth, Ellen, but the truth, said in the wrong way, might let the defendant walk. Now you wouldn't want that, would you?"

  Ellen didn't say anything for a few seconds. Diane sharpened her gaze. “Remember, Ellen—you have a free ride on the embezzlement, provided you help us. I would hate to see you fail to live up to your end of the bargain."

  The threat worked. Ellen glanced over at Betty, who nodded. Ellen shook her head, “No, we wouldn't want Mr. Sawyer to walk."

  "Good! That's so much better! Now, let's go over some key questions. Brian here will pretend to be Sawyer's defense attorney. I'll be me and I'll make objections when I can, but I'm limited by the rules of the court. You should be prepared for whatever he asks."

  Diane noted that Ellen gave a soft sigh before she settled in, her face a mask. The ADA worried that Ellen's heart clearly wasn't in this.

  * * * *

  Across town, Sam Keppel was grilling Jack on his testimony. He had debated keeping Jack off the stand, but his client insisted. Sam had to agree that Jack's testimony could help explain the tape of Ellen's agreeing to her new duties. Yet he worried about what Franklin might come up with. Jack was vulnerable, that much was clear. So he put himself in Franklin's head and tried to think of questions she might ask on cross.

  "Okay. Why, after Ellen paid off her debt to you, did you keep her around?"

  "She didn't want to leave,” Jack said. “I offered to write a letter of recommendation and to provide her with a small stipend, but she wanted to stay."

  "And you didn't insist?"

  "No, I didn't."

  "Why not? You had to know that what you were doing was highly illegal."

  "So is embezzlement,” he said quickly.

  Sam shook his head. “No, Jack. That borders on sarcasm. That never goes over well with a jury. Besides, this is after the debt was paid, so it's like the embezzlement never happened. I think you'll want to emphasize that Ellen had come to like what she was doing. We want to make her out to be a real sex maniac, okay?"

  Jack sighed. “I hate to do that to her. She's really a sweetheart, despite the theft. I worry what this trial is going to do to her."

  "You should be worried what it's going to do to you, Jack. You could be spending the next twenty years in jail."

  "All right, all right. Let's get on with it."

  Sam got back into his DA character. “Why didn't you force her to stop what she was doing and leave?"

  "She didn't want to go. She said she liked it there."

  "Really? She actually enjoyed having sex with strangers?"

  "Yes—as long as I strictly controlled it. I never put her in a bad situation or endangered her life."

  "What about disease? Did you protect her against disease?"

  "I told her to use condoms. That was part of the deal I made with her, originally."

  "Yet the court now knows that she often did NOT wear condoms, thus putting herself at risk. You call this protecting her?"

  "She's a big girl, she could take care of herself."

  Sam put his head in his hands. “No, Jack, jeez. That comes across as so uncaring. Remember, she was under your spell. Or thumb. She had to do what you told her to do or else she'd get turned over to the cops, right?"

  "Right. I don't want to come across as still angry at her. I mean, she really helped me out. I'm far better off now than I was before she stole from me."

  "That's right. Keep that in mind. Let the jury know t
hat you're doing this reluctantly, telling them what a slut she is. That's why she stayed and that's why she skipped wearing condoms, even though you suggested it."

  "Right.” Jack shook his head. “This is going to be tougher than I thought."

  Chapter Eleven

  Dr. Butler was sweating as he awaited his ten o'clock appointment with Ellen. Jeez, how could I have gotten myself into this? He nervously fingered the fat envelope in his suitcoat pocket. Eleven thousand dollars, just as Bernie had demanded. He had raided his pension fund—and paid a withdrawal penalty—to come up with the cash. The fund was already sorely depleted by earlier failed bets. He knew, from his own training, that he needed help. But he couldn't bear to go to another psychiatrist and admit his problem. He hoped he was about to experience “shock therapy” that would cure him of his gambling. Making Ellen have sex with these men was beyond crazy. His entire career, indeed, his entire freedom, rested on how the next hour would go.

  The two thugs had already showed up and they'd brought along a friend. Bernie hadn't introduced him. He was a sallow man with a bad complexion. When he grinned, Butler noticed he had one tooth missing in front. The doctor had managed to convince Bernie and his pals to wait outside in the rear corridor until he could explain things to Ellen. But he had to leave the door ajar so they could hear everything. He had violated so many canons of his profession he doubted there were any left.

  The intercom buzzed and his secretary announced that Ellen was here. For a brief moment, he considered asking the female officer to come in as well, which would certainly spoil the party for Bernie. But that would cost him an extra four grand and make Bernie very angry. No telling what the bookie might do.

  "Send her in,” he intoned and wiped off his face with his handkerchief.

  The door opened and Ellen walked in. She smiled and immediately began removing her clothes. Dr. Butler stood and came around to help her, taking her clothes from her. He began to speak in a quiet voice.

  "Listen carefully to me, Ellen. Today marks a very special day in your therapy,” he lied smoothly. “I want to see how you reacted when Jack told you to have sex with a strange man. Or men,” he added quickly. “Often a trained psychiatrist can learn things by having his patient relive certain experiences."


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