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Outstripped Page 16

by Avery, T. C.

  The gentlemen at her table stood as she approached, and one of them attended to her chair. In the modern age of equal rights, and such, Jody was impressed there was still some male courtesy left.

  "Thank you," she said. "I kind of enjoy a little chivalry now and again."

  "You're welcome." he replied in a half American, half Spanish, mixed kind of accent that she couldn't quite place. She watched as he sat down opposite her and she liked what she saw. Solid stature, suave nature, very polished, clearly had money and an olive toned skin atop his Dinner Jacket and dickey bow said something strong, Latin and lascivious to her.

  "But is he single or paired off?" she wondered.

  Introductions were made around the table and she discovered that Vincente Moreno was of Southern Californian origin and was indeed alone.

  "This trip was actually booked by my parents but unfortunately my mother passed away some months ago and as my father no longer wanted to cruise alone, I have taken his place."

  The Captain finally joined them and dinner could begin. Conversation was a little awkward to start, due to the formality of the event, but as the wine flowed, tongues loosened, and the party started.

  "I trust you received the presentation case earlier, Jody?" enquired Vincente, leaning in a little.

  Pausing for a moment to prevent a lack of composure after such a bombshell, she began, "Er yes, I did receive a case, this afternoon. My cabin steward brought me one. Was that from you?"

  "Yes. He said you were in need of entertainment and I had just the right things with me. My company 'Placeres Privados' makes toys. Executive toys that is. I always carry a presentation case for business purposes. You never know who you might meet. So...."

  Jody had already translated his company name from 'Placeres Privados' to 'Private Pleasures' (see, her Spanish has come in handy). She couldn't believe how bold and forthright he was with her across the table, in plain sight and full earshot of everyone. Unaccustomed as she was to being upstaged in this kind of situation she decided to take up the challenge and see just how far things could go.

  "I don't believe we've ever met before. How could you possibly know I was interested in your products?"

  "Ah, a little birdie told me some things and I put two and two together. I hope you don't mind. Have you tried them out yet? They're a lot of fun you know."

  "I've never seen their like before, so I'm not quite sure how they work. Are they Spanish or Latin American? And besides which, I'm left handed. Does that matter?"

  "I will be more than happy to demonstrate if you should allow me to be so bold. After dinner perhaps?"

  Their very open, innuendo filled banter hadn't really captured the attention of the other guests, but Jody put an end to it anyway.

  "Let's see how things go, shall we. I feel more in the mood for a dance after dinner. How's your Tango?"

  "He's very well, thank you."

  "No I meant your dancing. I'm just kidding anyway. I don't know how to ballroom dance."

  "I have three left feet, if that helps." He smiled.

  "Are you bragging or making excuses." She replied, fully comprehending the filth and subtlety of his comment. The banter was getting a little obvious now so Jody decided to calm things down and they got on with dinner in a civilized and almost innuendo-free manner until it was time to make tracks.

  Vincente accompanied Jody for a drink or two at the bar before they wandered the decks in search of the outdoor nightclub. He was quite charming, she determined, when he wasn't dueling for domination in games of wit and repartee. And although she was definitely in the mood for taking him up on his earlier offer of assistance, she was going to put him through his paces as a gentleman first.

  They eventually did find the nightclub and the viewing rails at the stern of the ship and when the romance of the evening needed to progress further they went back to his cabin. Mummy and Daddy Moreno had clearly paid a lot of money for their cruise. The cabin on C deck was enormous. Twin balconies, space, and well, just a whole heap more of everything.

  The sex was good too. Tropical, moonlit, slow, sensual, and conventional. "Almost a 'newlywed' kind of sex," Jody remembered. But the morning! Oh my God, that was just incredible!

  Jody woke early when daylight streamed in through the balcony doors. The curtains had not been drawn in the evening as they had other things on their minds. She ordered breakfast in bed for the two of them and as Vincente read the 'Ship's News' for the day, Jody was on the Balcony, bent over, elbows on the railings and 'Bucks Fizz' in hands. She could see land in the distance but couldn't tell whether it was Cuba or Jamaica or wherever. It didn't matter. It was paradise.

  A light breeze occasionally billowed and lifted the man's tailed white dress shirt she had on and gave Vincente a stunning reminder of what a 'lucky bastard' he was and he decided to act. Jumping out of bed, stark naked, he was now on a mission. Picking up the breakfast tray from the bed, he carried it over to the balcony door and placed it on the coffee table. Jody turned her head to see what was going on.

  "Stay exactly where you are." He said firmly. Then with both hands he picked up her shirt tail and lifted it over her bare and beautiful buttocks. Not a tan line in sight. Doubling up the shirt on her back he retreated to admire the view thoroughly. Wresting his gaze for a moment he picked up a little jug from the tray and kneeling down behind Jody he encouraged her legs to open just a smidge.

  Jody didn't know what he was doing but she knew she was going to like it, and taking instructions in these kinds of circumstances was within her capabilities. It was in her own best interests, after all. She sipped at her Champagne and orange and prepared herself for some naughtiness.

  Vincente raised the jug high over Jody's bottom and began to pour. A smooth, sensual, stream of syrup rained down on her and immediately began to trickle down between her cheeks. Over her 'pucker ring' and downwards to the soft folds of her pussy. It was sticky, it was tickly and it was driving her mad. In a good way. She squirmed, she writhed, she moaned and she begged him to do something, or she'd have to.

  The visual was equally incredible. The perfect arse drizzled in syrup, running naughtily over pussy and now dripping on to the deck. Kind of what a female orgasm ought to look like.

  Vincente got to work. Tongue out, he started centrally, as far reaching as he could, and slid just over her Mons Venus and backwards to her clit. The taste was sensational and the sensation was sublime. He teased her clitoris a little before giving her the full width of his tongue over the full length and folds of her now pudding-like pussy. Up and down he went, over and over again, relieving Jody's tickles yet inducing intense sensations as replacement.

  All the while, Vincente's cock hardened and banged on the deck, begging for attention, semi-patiently waiting its turn. He poured some more syrup and tormented her again, leaning back to enjoy the view. The licking started again, just as before. Jody was in simultaneous rapture and torture. It was so, so good and it was so, so hard, to stay still. This time he poked at her pussy with his tongue. Parting her folds, pushing inside and filling her with warmth. In and out he slipped, up and down, he was driving her increasingly wild.

  He stopped and reached for a bowl. Breakfast was a cocktail of tropical fruit and it hadn't all been eaten. First came a peach segment, dripping in cocktail juices. Vincente ran it up and down Jody's lips, tickling her clit under its little hood before pushing it half way inside her. He pulled it out and as she looked back she saw him slip it indulgently between his teeth and gorge on it, messily. He took another slice and repeated his performance, but offered it to her this time, instead. Jody gladly received the syrupy gift coated in her own juices. The three remaining strawberries were shared and the 'piece de resistance' was the solitary cherry, still on its stalk. Vincente dipped it into the syrup jug and as it dangled and dripped seductively he ran it up and down her now pinkish swollen labia, and between, before popping it inside.

  He left it there for a moment whilst he ran back
into the cabin and rooted through the bedside drawers. Jody took another sip of her drink.

  Returning to his knees, and high above hers, he pulled out the cherry and offered it to her.

  Then the buzzing started.

  Aiming precisely for Jody's clitoris, Vincente administered an incredible vibration and an intensity she had never been fortunate to witness before. She nearly jumped the railings, but after the initial shock, eased herself and pushed down on it and back a little. The waves of pleasure were building, her heart was beating faster and her breathing was being altered uncontrollably. The Vibrator was moved. It slid up and down, around and all over her sticky, sweet, erogenous zone and just as she was about to request that he push her button again, he thrust in. Deep, deeper and deeper still. "How big is this thing?" she thought. It was filling and it was fulfilling. Dreams, fantasies, and fucking reality.

  As he started to withdraw, Jody pushed back hard, as if not wanting him to then she pulled away, then pushed again. This was new to her. She didn't remember ever being given the full 'toy' treatment by a guy before. And she didn't remember one this good before. Vincente obliged her until it came time to finish the job. Her moans and squeals had been building and he withdrew again. Replacing the vibrator with his tongue he attacked her clitoris again with 'Mister Buzz'. Jody jumped at the surprise again, spilling the remaining drink from her glass and then settled in for the ride.

  The pressure began building, the intensity rose, she flushed pink all over and with a shudder and a monumental guttural deliverance she came, over and over again. Her knees buckled with each contraction. Her breath shortened to gasps. She groaned, moaned, blinked uncontrollably and eventually subsided into bliss and peace and relaxation, but the legs had gone.

  Luckily, Vincente was there to help her to her knees, and she safely placed the wine glass on the deck beside her. Studying the awesome electric tool in his hand with unreserved graciousness she concluded from its size and shape, it must be the missing piece from the selection box.

  He now stood before her with his handsomely proportioned and perpendicular 'other tool' pointing right at her. She grinned up at him then leaned over to the breakfast tray to pour herself a refill of the 'Bucks Fizz' kind.

  Taking his manhood in one hand, she started stroking slowly. He immediately firmed up and filled out completely. She took a sip from her glass then bent his dick downwards and dipped it in her delightfully decadent drink. The cold, fizzy feeling was new to him. Taking out the now Champagne coated and dripping member she engulfed the end, sucking off as much liquid as she could before licking him up and down his shaft to complete the clean up operation. Jody repeated the process of cold fizz, followed by warm tongue, and he jerked a little in appreciation. She put her glass down and got to grips with her stroking, and licking, and sucking, and gorging.

  Vincente moaned loudly.

  The speed intensified, her hands were hard at work and her tongue was swirling magically around his throbbing head inside her warm welcoming mouth. It was his turn for the shortening of breath and the gasping to start. Realizing the impending nature of things Jody pulled out his knob and stroked methodically, two handed. With his own hands on his hips Vincente erupted triumphantly upwards and out to sea, missing her by inches. She drained his still pumping testicles till the spurting stopped and the monster subsided.

  Jody started laughing as she pointed at the glass and said, "I nearly got some over the railing for you."

  "Maybe you need more practice?" He replied, openly challenging her, before bending for a kiss.

  "Cheeky bugger!" Came the response, after she turned her head in mock disapproval, leaving him no option but to peck her on the cheek.

  Jody's already pleasurable task of testing out the ship and the cruise line hospitality, had, over the last twenty four hours, doubled in value. She now had company and conversation, wit and rapport, and a sexual adventurer on tap for the duration. Vincente was to leave the ship in San Diego, his home town, just prior to her own departure in Los Angeles.

  They showered one at a time and whilst Jody waited for Jomari to bring her some appropriate day time clothes for a dignified journey back to her own cabin, she took a good look at the very interesting and rather special apparatus Vincente had pleasured her with some moments before.

  It was an exquisitely designed phallic object, around ten inches long, with a slender yet not inconsiderable girth. What made it different was the two hundred or so hard knobbles which swirled, maypole fashion down its whole length, from swollen end to twist-grip control. It was big, it was classy and it was smooth as silk. But it was an aggressive little beastie. Built to last, designed for pleasure and would be instantly craved by all.

  "It’s new!" said Vincente as he emerged from the bathroom in a white towel sarong, which served only to show off his fine physique and his skin tone to best effect.

  "Is this what you do? I mean what your business does?" She asked.

  "Yes, we make toys. Adult toys. Dildos, Vibrators and such. This one is my latest creation. I saved it for you."

  "Yeah right! You smooth talking womanizer. This was saved for the first girl you could get your filthy hands on. Or whoever’s pants you could get into first."

  "But Jody, this was you. It was for you all along." Vincente pleaded with her to soak up his bullshit, before he smiled at her with his pathetic, suggestive, sexually corrupt, wickedly deceitful, lovely big brown 'lying' eyes.

  "Bollocks!" she said. "Tell me all about it, them I mean, and what you do. I'm intrigued now."

  Just then there was a knock at the door. It was Jomari with her clothes.

  "Later," said Vincente. "How about lunch time, I can tell you then."

  "Sorry, I can't do lunch, I'm getting a tour of the Bridge and a few other places. But we can catch up later this afternoon. How about a drink by the pool around five?"

  "No problem," he said, "should I wear this towel, like this?"

  "Best not. You don't want to frighten all the old ladies. You know what the sight of me does to you." Jody added, pointing to the slight protuberance at the front of his towel.

  "Ah, yes." He said smiling and not the least bit embarrassed or self-conscious.

  Five o'clock eventually came around. It's not that she wasn't interested in the 'Sick Bay', the 'Radio and Comm's Room', the 'Bridge' and all the other gadget filled worlds of wonder the ship had to offer. It was just that she'd now got a bee in her bonnet about Vincente's line of work and the potential his products could offer to her long term plot.

  Sam, the world's best barman, and the one with the biggest smile for Jody, came up with a Tequila Sunrise this time, to entertain her tonsils and taste buds. It did the trick admirably and contrary to its name was going down very well with the last of today's Caribbean sunshine.

  "Would you like another drink to chase that one down?" Sam asked her. She spun around on her barstool. "Only the gentleman at the far end insists on buying you a drink." As she looked over, Vincente dipped his sunglasses and captured her attention with the whites of his eyes and a big silly grin.

  "Tell him he can't buy me that easily and anyway I'm spending the evening with you, Sam."

  Sam did as he was told.

  Vincente crossed his palm with something green and paper like as they enjoyed a joke and a good look back at Jody. She couldn't tell what they said but it was probably something dirty or naughty, or both.

  Vincente came over to her carrying a large, crisp, cold beer and as Sam produced a fresh cocktail to replenish Jody's now empty glass he put his arm around her and asked, "Have you met my best friend Sam? We go back a long way."

  "Seduced a lot of gullible young girls on these stools, have you?" She replied.

  "Only the dumb blondes with big tits." He burst out laughing, as she struck him on the arm in defence of all women, but got the joke.

  "They're not that big," said Jody slowly juggling with her breasts and looking down to inspect her pride and joy. "Quality,
not quantity." She added.

  "Of course my dear. Can I tempt you to a table and some stimulating conversation."

  They found the only empty rail table still available, Starboard side, to watch the sunset and talk about the first thing that came up, which was surprisingly not Vincente's dick but his fake ones.

  "So you really do manufacture my favourite little toys, and big ones?" Jody began.


  "Did you make all the ones in the selection box?"

  "It is a presentation case for sales and business calls, and yes, my company makes them all."

  "I assume you must sell internationally since you have the case with you, and we've already established you didn't know I would be here, although I suppose you always think you're going to get lucky, eh?"

  "Would you like a little spot light to shine in my face whilst you conduct your interrogation, Madame?"

  "If you please, Mister Moreno, I will be asking the questions." Jody slapped him down with her authoritative sarcasm. "Now, you have still not answered my question."

  "Yes, yes, okay yes," he played along. "I always get lucky, on account of my incredible manhood, or could it be my little electric friends? No matter, it seems to work."

  "I meant the sales, you plonker. Do you sell them in Europe or the U.K.?

  "Not currently, they seem to get most of their products from the Far East and we tend to supply the U.S. and South America. Why are you so interested?"

  "I like them. I like them a lot. But putting my personal preferences aside for a moment, I know someone who's always on the look out for additional business opportunities and having never seen such a fantastic collection or presentation, or tried out such a good one, I just know he'd be interested if he gets a little persuasion. There's definitely a market for them."


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