Flirting Games Trilogy Edition: Books 1 - 3

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Flirting Games Trilogy Edition: Books 1 - 3 Page 17

by Wilkinson, Stella

  She went back to her room, put on her gym kit and snuck out to the school playing field. It was already dark though it was only early evening and she shivered in the cold February air as she did five laps. At dinner that night she ate a tuna salad.

  Much later as she lay in bed, she closed the book she was reading and re-opened her diary.

  As I was saying dear diary, today is the first day of the rest of my life.

  My father was fond of the phrase: “The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.”

  It’s lettuce all the way from now on. This isn’t for Owen or I would have done it a long time ago. This is for me now, I have an opportunity and I want to be the best Beatrice I can be. Of course if I am at all successful and Owen happens to notice, well that’s just an added bonus.

  She drew a little smiley face, returned her diary to its place under her pillow, turned out her bedside light and went to sleep.

  Chapter Five

  “Oh, why must a man like that be made unhappy when there are lots of girls about who would worship the very ground he trod on?”

  Bram Stoker, Dracula

  “Hi.” Grace stood next to Ben and tried to resist touching him.

  “Grace.” His voice was warm and deep and she liked it when he said her name. “Have a seat.” He snapped his laptop shut and indicated the chair opposite him.

  She sat down, twisting her hands in her lap, until she noticed she was doing it and stopped abruptly. No one else ever made her this nervous.

  She smiled at him. “You got the part of Quincey. Your Texan accent was good and you have the right look, I think.” She allowed her gaze to roam very briefly over his broad shoulders and chest. She bit her lip thinking how lucky Sophie was to be able to grope him as part of her role in the play.

  He unconsciously tousled his hair as he smiled back at her, and she longed to reach out and run her fingers through it. It needed cutting, and was starting to curl, but she thought it had never looked so inviting. God, she had it bad.

  “That’s great news. I didn’t think I’d get the part with Clem and Clarke messing about on the stage the way they were.”

  “Yeah, they weren’t the only ones. I’m running out of places to hide the bodies of all the people who wound me up,” Grace said jokingly.

  Ben was sympathetic. “It must be tough being Director, a lot of responsibility.”

  “It’s a thankless job, but I’ve got a lot of karma to burn off.” She hoped she was coming across as funny and not too spiky, but she was very tired.

  Ben leaned closer and she could smell his aftershave. He smelt like sage and leather. She tried to remember if she was wearing perfume today; probably not. She inhaled deeply and then wondered why she was torturing herself. Fancying Ben, and doing nothing about it, was something she had learned to live with a long time ago.

  “Um, Grace. Can I ask you something personal?” He lowered his voice.

  Her breath caught, “Yes?”

  “It’s about Rose. Are she and Leo a long-term thing?” Ben’s eyes watched her carefully and she saw just how much he cared.

  Damn, damn, damn! She hadn’t realised until now that he had been all that serious about Rose. Their relationship had seemed very casual, sometimes weeks had passed between their spending time together. Rose always said that it was more a relationship of convenience, a partner to events, someone to dress up for, that kind of thing. She even said that he had been unbothered when she had told him that she was with Leo. Now Grace wondered if Rose had really known Ben very well. One look into his big brown eyes had shown Grace they were filled with longing. He must have been too shy to push his way further into Rose’s life.

  “Sorry, Ben, but you need to move on.” She didn’t mean to be harsh but the last thing she wanted to do was get involved in a conversation about his chances with Rose.

  “Right. OK, thanks. Plenty more fish in the sea and all that.” He shifted away from her in his chair. She saw the shutters come down on his emotions. He hid them well. Much like herself, she thought.

  She wanted to make him smile again. She wanted to be the one who comforted him, but it wasn’t appropriate. She hoped he would get over Rose quickly, but she didn’t really want him to find someone else. She stood up. “I’ll see you at rehearsals then?”

  He nodded, but his attention was already lost. He reopened his laptop, so she walked away. He wasn’t the only one who needed to move on. She was determined to find someone new to fixate on as well. It was working for Sophie. Sophie hardly mentioned Jack’s name anymore. It was Torrin says this and Torrin says that all day long. Grace felt she could cheerfully strangle Sophie if she mentioned once more Torrin’s perfect “bod”. Rose was even worse; she didn’t say much but she was just so bleeding happy all the time. She never concentrated on anything Grace said to her, she was always staring off into space with a dreamy look on her face, and she lit up like a Christmas tree whenever Leo walked into a room. When would it be Grace’s turn to have a boyfriend she could obsess over? When would anyone else compare to Ben Everest?


  Beatrice could hear Jenna coming all the way from the East Tower Common Room. Jenna’s footsteps pounded as she evidently took the stairs two at a time, before she whirl winded into their dorm room.

  “Crumbs, Bea. Why didn’t you tell me you were auditioning for the play? I’ve just checked the cast list, you’ve got the part of Mina! You!”

  “I know, Grace told me already.” Beatrice was too happy to be upset by Jenna’s obvious shock.

  “But this is fantastic! I got a part too, Dracula’s tart. You know, the vamp who seduces Harker?” Jenna was clearly ecstatic, though it wasn’t a role Beatrice would want, never in a million. She tried to be pleased for her roommate.

  Jenna and Beatrice gave the outward impression that they were good friends. But they weren’t really. Beatrice had stumbled in on Jenna crying in the bathroom during their first year and had been so kind that Jenna had confided in her. Her secret was that she was at Compass Court on a scholarship. Her parents had no money and she thought the other girls would tease her. Beatrice had been surprised; surely Jenna ought to be proud that she was so clever? Wasn’t a scholarship something to brag over? But Jenna had been adamant that she didn’t want anyone to know. Beatrice had considered sharing her own secret, that she was extremely rich, but it had seemed rather inappropriate so she had kept quiet. However, she was sure that Jenna suspected she had money. Beatrice had only one expensive weakness (apart from chocolate) and that was clothes. She deliberately chose designers that were not flashy with logos, but there was no hiding the fact that her clothes were extremely high end. Most people didn’t pay enough attention to Beatrice to realise what she was wearing, but Jenna was constantly pinching stuff from her wardrobe at the weekends, and there was no way she wouldn’t have noticed.

  Not that Beatrice’s clothes fitted Jenna anymore. Jenna had a figure that Beatrice could only dream of. It was funny because Jenna had been short and skinny and had dark greasy hair when they started school, but over the years she had shot up in height, her hair had thickened, her eyes were almost feline and her face had become rather spectacular. Jenna had turned into a look-alike for Megan Fox. She was now very popular, especially with the boys, and was dating a boy from London who would turn up for her every other Saturday on his motorbike.

  Beatrice had also treated Jenna to things all the time. If they went into the village then she paid for lunch. If they took a bus into town or went to the cinema then Beatrice got the tickets. Jenna didn’t merely take her clothes, she borrowed her sunglasses, her shoes, her makeup, even her iPad. Beatrice hadn’t minded, she had thought Jenna was her friend, but one day she overheard someone ask Jenna why she hung around with Beatrice. Jenna had laughed and cruelly said that standing next to Beatrice made her look taller and thinner.

  That was the end of their close friendship as far as Beatrice was concerned, but she and Jenna still had to share a ro
om. Jenna continued to be nice to her face, so Beatrice didn’t say anything, but she didn’t pay for anything again either.

  Jenna handed Beatrice the cast list. “Take a look at who else is in it! You get to kiss Gabriel Brenner, you lucky lucky git! And we both get to kiss Alex Parkhurst – he’s pretty cute. In fact I get to rip his shirt off.”

  Beatrice couldn’t help laughing along with Jenna, she was so shameless and made everything sound more fun than it probably was.

  “I went and had a look at some of the costume designs. Yours is going to be rank. A Victorian dress, ankle length with a high neckline, you poor thing. Mine is totally revealing. I wonder if there is anyone I could seduce in it?” She ran her finger down the cast and crew lists.

  “Ooh, what about Bradley Delacroi? I’ve always fancied him. Just like coffee and chocolate, some things are better black. And he is delicious.”

  “What about Nick? Aren’t you seeing him anymore?” Beatrice said.

  “Yeah, but I might dump him. He works as a waiter, for cripes sake. The boys here have a lot more money.”

  Beatrice hid her disgust. She understood that Jenna was really just very insecure about being poor. “I thought you liked Nick. He’s crazy about you.”

  Jenna sighed theatrically, “So many men, so few who can afford me. Just like coffee or chocolate, some things are better rich.” Jenna stopped at another name. “Oh, here we go. What about Ben? He’s not going out with Rose Falcon anymore. Plus he’s on the rugby team and fairly yummy. His dad works for Formula One, doesn’t he? He could invite me to Silverstone or something.”

  Beatrice rolled her eyes. “I doubt it. But Ben doesn’t strike me as easy to seduce anyway.”

  Jenna smiled wickedly, “Ah, that’s what you think. I think I can get anyone if I put my mind and body into it. Do you think you could subtly ask him if he’s seeing anyone else yet?”

  “No way, my powers can only be used for good.” Beatrice shook her head firmly, glad at least to hear that Jenna wouldn’t try to steal anyone else’s boyfriend.

  Jenna looked unperturbed. “I’m going to go and have a crack at warming him up now, he’s down in the Common Room. And just wait until you see my costume. It won’t be a question of if, but of when!”

  Chapter Six

  “I want to cut off her head, and take out her heart.”

  Bram Stoker, Dracula

  Grace was in a bad mood. Rehearsals were a nightmare of mistakes and her conversation with Ben had depressed her beyond belief. But now something far worse seemed to be happening. Ben must have taken her at her word. She had told him to move on but she didn’t want to see it happening right in front of her!

  Grace had arrived at rehearsal early to discover a costume fitting in progress for Ben and Alex. Ben looked gorgeous in a cowboy hat, but draped all over him was Jenna Mayhew. She was helping him into a tight fitted jacket, stroking the fabric down his arms and across his wide shoulders.

  Across the room, Alex was standing on a chair and Diana Carmel, who was in charge of costumes, was pinning his cuffs. At least that’s what she was supposed to be doing. Instead she and Alex were just staring into each other’s eyes, like lovesick puppies. Grace groaned inwardly. Not another couple getting together. These two had been giving each other signals for weeks, but were both too reserved to make any kind of move.

  She coughed loudly and all four of them jumped.

  Diana quickly grabbed a pincushion and dropped to her knees to work on the bottom of Alex’s trousers. At the same time he broke eye contact as well and took a great interest in the view out of the window.

  Ben looked uncomfortable and tried to step slightly away from Jenna but she didn’t let him go; instead she put her hand on his chest in a gesture of possession. Her eyes issued a silent challenge to Grace. Grace looked away first – she didn’t want to give any indication of being interested.

  “How are things going?” Grace directed the question at Diana.

  “The costumes are marvellous.” It was Jenna who answered. “Mine is really sexy and full of evil intent.”

  “See no evil, hear no evil, date no evil.” Grace couldn’t help herself from sniping a little. “Guys, are you nearly ready to change back? The others will be here for rehearsal in a minute.” Both Ben and Alex nodded and Jenna reluctantly released her hold. “We don’t need you today, Jenna, thanks,” she finished pointedly as the other three left the room.

  “See you later, stud.” Jenna called out to Ben as he went out the door. Jenna paused as she reached Grace and eyed her clothes with mock horror. “Grace darling, whatever look you were going for today, you missed.”

  Grace’s eyes widened slightly. She and Jenna hadn’t crossed paths much in the past, but she had no idea that the other girl was quite so catty. She was aware some girls did that to assert dominance, but why would someone as stunning as Jenna feel the need?

  Grace kept her voice calm. “If I throw a stick will you leave?”

  Anger flashed in Jenna’s eyes for a moment as she took in the implications of the comment. “I know he likes you, Grace, but do you really think you can get him if I want him?” Jenna laughed nastily and walked out.

  Grace sat down on the nearest chair feeling bewildered. Firstly, what was wrong with her outfit? She had changed out of uniform into jeans and a tank top over a shirt after her last class, and didn’t think she was trying to achieve any particular look. Of course compared to Jenna, who had been wearing a black polo neck over black jeans, with her almost black hair in sharp contrast to her deep red lipstick, Grace supposed she did look a bit blah.

  But that comment, I know he likes you, she had that all wrong. Had she meant, I know you like him? That would make more sense. But how would Jenna know? No one knew, unless she had been seen staring at him and obviously drooling. How embarrassing. Surely not?

  I know he likes you. Jenna and Ben were both in the same Schoolhouse, East Tower. Maybe Jenna knew something she didn’t, or maybe she just meant “like” as in friends, nothing more. But then why issue a challenge? It certainly made Grace want to test whether Ben liked her liked her, and if Jenna was going to be such a piece of work then maybe she would enjoy competing with her.

  For a moment Grace considered how she could get Ben before Jenna did. If he was going to rebound, then she would far rather it was with her. But then reality struck. It was Rose that he was rebounding from. One of her best friends. Grace couldn’t get involved in anything to do with Ben.


  The rest of the cast began to trickle in and soon they had everyone who was scheduled for the scene. Year Six was generally considered the “doss year”. GCSE Exams were taken in Year Five, and then the pupils dropped most of their subjects to focus on only three or four that they would sit exams for at the end of Year Seven. Having fewer subjects meant a lot less classes to attend, leaving lots of “free periods” or “study periods” as the teachers called them. No one got serious about their A-levels until Year Seven, which meant that a lot of the Year Six pupils had the time to invest in the play. It was also a great way to gather extra credits if you were taking Drama or English A-levels.

  Though everyone needed had attended, for once, the rehearsal was yet another shambles of unlearnt lines and Grace felt her fuse getting shorter and shorter. Everyone’s excuse was that they had the Easter holidays to learn their part and that the play was ages away. She felt all wound up with no one to choke, though she fantasised about choking Jenna.

  Gabriel too was getting irritated. He finally rounded on Beatrice as she stumbled over a poignant passage. “It’s all so bloody amateur. Mina would be in tears here. Can’t you express some kind of genuine emotion, you stupid girl?”

  Grace jumped to her feet, ready to rip into Gabriel, but Jerry beat her to it. He had been sitting at the back of the hall but stormed up to the stage.

  “Get a grip, Gabe, or I’ll get a grip on you, OK?” Jerry was pretty menacing when he wanted to be.

didn’t interfere, much better that Gabriel should hear it from one of his friends; she didn’t fancy incurring his wrath as well, unless she had to.

  Gabriel nodded at Jerry, indicating he acknowledged what he was saying, but Beatrice was gone.

  Gabriel stepped towards the wings to go after her. But Jerry pointed at him and said, “Stay! I’ll go, I expect you’re the last person she wants to see.” He left the room.

  Gabriel shrugged and looked at Grace for direction. She jumped up. “OK, let’s use the fact we have most of you to work on the scene outside the castle instead. We don’t actually need you for this, Gabriel. Can you make it on Thursday? If Beatrice is OK then I’d like to see the scene with just the two of you, the one where Dracula and Mina meet again for the first time.”


  Jerry found Beatrice crying in an empty classroom at the far end of the main corridor.

  Without thinking he walked over and put his arms around her. She was a big girl but he was much bigger. He played prop in the front row of the rugby team and was hard-packed muscle on more hard-packed muscle. In fact, as she wept on his shoulder, to him she felt almost fragile and thin. He patted her back and realized her clothes were made up a lot of her bulk.

  “You’re losing weight,” he commented with concern. In surprise, Beatrice stopped crying. She hardly knew Jerry, except as Owen’s best friend; how would he know she was losing weight? Boys didn’t notice stuff like that, at least not about girls like her who weren’t popular or anything.

  She sniffed a little. “Yes, I’m on a diet.”

  “OK, well, as long as it isn’t Brenner stressing you out too much. I know he’s being a tosser, but he split up from his girlfriend recently and he’s a bit down about it.”

  “You’re really nice.” Beatrice looked at Jerry through wet lashes, noticing for the first time his slightly broken nose, his straight teeth and nice smile. His hair was like a thatch roof of dark red, and his ears had seen better days after being battered on the playing field, but the freckles all over his face were adorable. And he was really beefed out; he made her feel positively dainty. Not like Owen – he made her feel like an elephant – but Owen was the one she still dreamed of, though she wished she didn’t.


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