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by Carson, Mia

  He had destroyed the only thing she had left in this world, and as much as he wanted to fight for her, if he lost her, he’d be ruined knowing he destroyed her life.

  When he got back to the city, he’d be sure she had enough money to rebuild the inn of her dreams or move away, as far away as she wanted. Maybe one day, she’d forgive him. Maybe one day, he’d forgive himself.

  Chapter 14

  Cindy parked the car outside the burnt-out shell of the inn and sighed. “Are you sure you want to do this now?”

  Mel stared at the charred timbers and the stone hearth still standing tall in the center. She didn’t speak but stepped out and walked closer. All three dogs hopped out behind her and took off across the yard, except Xena. She, like Mel, was still recovering from the smoke inhalation and moved slower these days. And, like her owner, she missed the one person who was not there when she woke up at the hospital.

  They wandered as close as they could to the structure deemed unsafe to enter by the fire department, and Mel waited for the tears to come, for the sadness to overwhelm her. Instead, a strange sense of relief washed over her body, and she smiled sadly.

  “Well, that’s not the reaction I expected from you,” Cindy murmured.

  “Oh? And what were you expecting?”

  “I dunno, maybe you throwing something, breaking things, you know,” she said with a wink.

  Mel ran her fingers along what was left of the front porch railing. “I always considered burning this place down and starting fresh. Guess if you think it long enough, it’ll happen.”

  If only it worked just as well with Danny. Every hour she thought about him, called him and his office in the city, but he never called her back. Cindy told her the last words he spoke to them all before he rushed out of town and the love he thought he’d destroyed between them, saying he’d be back in a few weeks, but she wasn’t going to give him a few weeks to hide. He’d dragged her kicking and screaming back into her life, and she would do the same to him if she had to. A check had arrived that morning for her—a million dollars to rebuild or move on, that was what his letter said—but she knew he’d wanted to say so much more to her. Why he hadn’t just come out and said it baffled her then, but now, staring at the prospects before her, it irritated her that he could just walk out of her life and not expect her to go after him.

  She rubbed hard at the back of her neck and glanced down at Xena. “What do you say? Road trip?”

  “Where are you going?” Cindy yelled as Mel marched across the gravel drive to her Bronco, untouched by the latest catastrophe. “Mel?”

  “I’m going to deal with a stubborn-ass man who is too much of a coward to come and face me,” she announced then whistled for the dogs. All three clambered up into the Bronco, and she shut the door. “Marty said he was going to buy a ring that night?”

  Cindy bobbed her head as a wry smile lifted her lips. “That’s what he said.”

  “Then I guess I’ll just have to buy it for him,” she announced as she started the Bronco.

  The two of them were meant to be together. Whatever had brought them together—fate, love, destiny—they were supposed to live out their days in each other’s arms, surrounded by the love that had blossomed between them in such a short time. As she left Westbend in the rearview mirror, her hands tightened on the wheel, a plan forming in her mind.


  The elevator doors opened, and Danny stepped out, rubbing hard at his forehead and cursing the late hour. He strolled down the hall towards his office and waved at Greg, his newly promoted assistant.

  “Meeting went well, I take it?” Greg asked sarcastically.

  “Could’ve been worse, but the investors are understanding, at least.” Danny sighed as he sank into a chair by Greg’s desk. “They’re giving me three months to track down and buy a new property that is the same type of location, and they promised to leave Mel’s property alone so long as she owns it.”

  “Good. I’ll have a list ready for you by tomorrow morning,” Greg informed him.

  Danny picked at his fingernail, not really hearing. All through the meeting, as he explained what had happened, his mind turned to Mel. Her laughter, her smile that lit up her once pain-filled eyes, the caress of his hands down her body as they made love into the wee hours of the morning. He gripped the arm rails tightly then stood.

  “Go home,” he told Greg. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Of course, sir,” Greg said lightly and hummed happily under his breath.

  “Did something happen I should know about?” Danny asked at his door, hand on the knob.

  “Nothing at all, sir, just a good day.”

  “Right,” he replied quietly. No day would be good again without Mel in his life.

  He swung the door open and a massive wolfhound leapt at him from the shadows, tackling him to the floor and licking his face. He laughed as two more bodies appeared over him, licking and snuggling against his body as he lay on the floor.

  “Greg! Did you know about this?” he yelled.

  “I might’ve had an inkling. Goodnight, sir,” he said as he stood and moved down the hall.

  “Greg?” Danny held Xena’s face in his hands and kissed her big black nose. “Is your mama here?” His heart shuddered. Mel was so close after so many days apart. He held his breath, wondering what she was here for. It couldn’t be for anything good, not after the way he’d left her. A whistle cut through the air, and all three dogs barked and charged into his office.

  “I think they missed you,” Mel said lightly as Danny rolled to his feet. She stood against the wall of windows, facing away from him, wearing black strappy heels and a long black trench coat emphasizing the curves he couldn’t get enough of in their time together. She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she turned, and the crooked grin on her face melted his heart. “Hello, Danny.”

  “Mel,” he whispered, pinching his arm to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. “What are you doing here?”

  “Came to see you about a business proposal,” she announced as she pulled an envelope from her coat pocket. “It seems we have unfinished business.”

  He stared at the envelope and licked his lips, buying time to find the right words to explain. “I know I should’ve stayed, but I couldn’t stand the look of disappointment on your face again,” he admitted. “I’ll understand if you want nothing to do with me, but at least take the money.”

  She raised the envelope and tore it in half, tossing the pieces to the floor. “No.”

  “No?” he asked, exasperated. “What do you want from me? Why are you here?”

  “You think you can just run away from what we had that easily?” She stepped closer. “You can’t start something with me and not expect to finish, no matter the outcome.”

  “I hoped I would,” he whispered. “I caused you enough pain and can’t bear to do it again.”

  “Then don’t,” she told him simply. “Danny, you didn’t cause the damn fire. It was a fluke and honestly, it was a good fluke.”

  His pulse racing, Danny took a step closer to her. “I lied to you about who I was, why I was even there.”

  “Again, another fluke that I can’t argue I’m not thankful for.” She moved closer to him, a grin playing at her lips. “Danny, do you realize what you did for me? You brought me out of the shadows, you helped me feel again, let me love again. I can’t bear to think of my days without you in them.”

  His breath caught in his throat when she locked her gaze onto his and he saw the amount of love for him in those blue depths. “I can never be sorry enough.”

  “Actually, you can,” she whispered and pulled another envelope out of her pocket.

  He took it when she handed it over and pulled out the slip of paper inside. “This is a business proposal,” he said quietly after skimming the letter. “For your land?”

  “The inn needs to be rebuilt, and I’m in need of a new partner,” she stated. “A partner I know I can trust, who
has my best interests at heart.”

  Danny sighed and folded the letter back up. “That’s not me.”

  “Yes, it is,” she insisted. “Stop beating yourself up for doing what you did. I understand, Danny, I do. I might’ve hated you at first, but if you hadn’t lied… We wouldn’t have realized how right we are for each other.” She reached for his hand, barely brushing her fingers across his skin, and they both shivered with need. “You are my life as I know you wanted me to be yours.”

  “And if I fuck up again? If I hurt you again?” he growled.

  “Then you fuck up again,” she announced. “This is what a relationship is. They’re not easy, trust me, and there’ll be days when we might hate each other, but can you honestly look me in the eye and say you want me to leave? That you never want to see me again?”

  Danny clenched his eyes shut and breathed in deeply. When he opened his eyes, he stared straight into the very heart of Mel. “You take my breath away when you leave me,” he whispered. “How could I ever hope to survive without you?”

  She grabbed the front of his suit jacket and dragged him against her body. Their lips met in a rush of passion as he clung to her, holding her as close as he could against him. He ran his hands through her hair, relishing in the feel of the silkiness of each strand as he kissed her neck, sucking at her earlobe until she let out that quiet moan he’d missed each night they’d been apart. Her hands shoved at his jacket, and he shrugged out of it. She went to work on his tie and shirt next, desperation and love in every touch of her hands on his body.

  “I’m sorry,” he muttered in her ear. “I’m sorry I left you.”

  “I forgive you,” she replied. “But if you ever do it again, I’ll kick your ass. Got it?”

  Grinning, he cupped her face in his hands and slanted his lips over hers in a lingering promise. “We still have terms to discuss,” he mentioned.

  Mel removed his tie and tugged his shirt out of his pants. “Easy terms. I will never live in the city, it won’t happen.” She ran her nails down his chest until he bit his lip hard and his head fell back. “But thankfully, I’m used to long distance relationships and five hours is better than half way around the world.”

  “I think I can handle living in Westbend most of the time.” His hands reached up to tug at the belt holding her coat together. “What other conditions do you have?”

  Her breathing ragged, she helped him out of his shirt and kissed from one shoulder to the other, raising the hairs on his arms and the back of his neck. He growled deep in his throat, and she cackled as her lips moved higher to his neck.

  “I want the new inn to remain small. We can add a spa, but I don’t want it to be one of these crazy luxury resorts that cost guests an arm and a leg,” she said sternly. “And I’m still in charge of everything.”

  Danny dragged the belt free and reached for the two buttons as he whispered, “I think I can handle that. Anything… else—dear God, woman,” he groaned as her coat parted. “Were you trying to kill me tonight, too?”

  She leaned back as he removed her coat delicately from her shoulders, revealing nothing but a black and red corset that zipped up the front and shoved up her cleavage, black lacy panties, and the necklace he’d given her for Christmas resting between her breasts. The coat hit the floor, and Danny swallowed hard. His stomach fluttered before he captured her mouth with his lips, conquering her mouth with his tongue as he ground his hips against hers. She moaned with want, and he maneuvered them back towards his desk, needing to be buried inside the woman he’d almost lost. The woman willing to come after him and tell him how much of an idiot he was, and damn, was she right.

  He kissed down her neck, nibbling the sensitive flesh at her shoulder as he backed her up against his desk. He wanted it to be slow so he could enjoy every inch of the body he’d missed, but she undid his belt and her hand gripped him hard a second later. Hating to do it, but knowing he wouldn’t be able to last too long with the way she ran her hand up him, caressing the soft crown of his swollen length, he shifted her hand away and lifted her onto the desk. His fingers skimmed the tops of her breasts before dipping lower to drag down the zipper holding the corset. Her breasts fell free as the tight piece fell away, and he marveled at their perfection again. He wanted her completely naked with her legs wound around his body, dragging him close. He reached for her panties, and as he lifted her up with one arm, she helped pull them off, giggling as she did so, until she was bare before him, leaning back on his desk.

  Danny’s eyes raked over her as she ran her hands up to cup her breasts, tugging at her nipples until they hardened. He leaned over, suckling at them hard and hot, wanting to hear her cry out, while his fingers slipped down her belly. They glided up her inner thigh, caressing her swollen, wet lips begging to be parted for him. Her hand gripped his head, pressing him harder against her breast, and his fingers gripped her clit, rolling it between his fingers and relishing the quiet moans escaping her lips. His mouth switched to the other nipple, and his fingers spread her luscious depths and penetrated her warmth, delving deep within her core. Mel gripped his shoulder and shifted her hips, raising them to adjust the angle as her head fell back.

  His thumb rubbed hard on her clit and his erection grew, pressing against his pants, wanting to claim his woman. He waited as Mel’s inner muscles trembled and her breasts grew heavy, waited until she was on the brink of reaching the center of the storm before he pulled his fingers back, shoved down his pants, and spread her legs wider. His hand smoothed up from ankle to thigh, gripping her flesh as she moved closer to the edge of the desk.

  When his tip pressed against her seeking entrance, she quivered and he grunted, his body jerking forward as his hunger grew. Mel dug her nails into his arms as he held her hips, and as their gazes zeroed in on one another, he thrust in to the hilt. They gasped together, gripping one another hard as he moved within her. She sat up, and he carried her across the room, pressing her against the wall as he drove into her. He kissed her neck and her shoulders as she held tightly onto him, her breasts pressed against his chest. Danny needed her to know how much he needed her in his life, how much she meant to him. With each shift forward, with each moan he drew from her lips, the truth of their future together unrolled before him. He’d never run from this again, run from her again.

  He swelled even more inside her as her muscles clenched him tightly, holding him within her as she cried out, every muscle tightening and trembling in his grasp as he groaned his release, shaking so hard he pulled her away from the wall. They fell onto the couch in his office, landing in a heap of tangled limbs.

  Danny kissed Mel’s cheeks then her lips, smoothing his hands down her body to hold her close. “So, did we just solidify our new partnership?”

  She snuggled closer, her hand reaching between them to run down his throbbing length, growing so easily again at her heated touch. “Almost.” She kissed him quickly, and with a laugh, rolled off the couch, the dogs happily following her around his office.

  “What are you doing?” he asked as she dug around in her jacket. “Come back to the couch.”

  “One second,” she said and pulled a small, round object out of the pocket. She leapt back into his arms, and he caught her, kissing her fiercely as she straddled his lap. She took his left hand and slipped the metal band down his ring finger. “Since you didn’t get a chance to ask me, I’m asking you.”

  Danny turned his hand, and the dark metal band glinted in the lamplight from his desk. “You’re proposing to me?”

  She held his shoulders and rubbed her wetness along his rigid shaft. Before he could answer, she lifted herself up and took all of him inside her, sliding down easily as he groaned and her legs shuddered. “Yes,” she whispered in his ear as she lifted her hips and rode him slowly, rolling her hips. “Yes, I am.”

  Cupping her breast in his palms, he settled back against the couch as she leaned down and kissed him. “I’ll marry you,” he grunted in reply. “You’re my heart,
damn it, and I’m never letting you go again.”


  Six Months Later

  Mel stared at the blueprints and lifted her gaze to the building going up where the old inn used to be and grinned. It had the same barn structure as before, but spread out more over the property with a spa going up in the trees and a stable on the plans for next week. She set the plans down, and the sapphires sparkled on her left ring finger, catching her eye. Smiling, she looked around for the man who’d placed the ring there.

  “Where is he?” she muttered aloud as she searched amongst the construction crew for a familiar head of jet-black hair. Her stomach rumbled, but she ignored it for the moment until she could track her husband down.

  Xena barked and rushed towards her as she neared the new inn, followed by the man in question. “There you are,” Danny said, and hurried to wrap an arm around her waist as he kissed her hotly. “Why aren’t you sitting down?”

  “I don’t need to sit down, I’m fine,” she said and smacked his arm playfully. “I’m walking down to Donna’s for lunch.”

  “You sure it’s safe?”

  She sighed and cupped his face in her hands. “The doctor said we’re fine, Danny, so we’re fine.”

  His pursed lips said he wasn’t going to let go of the issue that fast, and his hands held her pregnant belly between them. “How’s our little guy doing?”

  “Our little guy is doing fine,” she said and leaned in closer. “So is our little girl.”

  His eyes widened, and he glanced in a panic at her belly. “What?”

  “You heard me. They’re both doing just fine.”

  “Twins… It’s twins? When did you find out?”

  He fell to his knees on the drive and stared, dumbfounded, at her belly. “Yesterday, at the ultrasound. I was going to wait until dinner with everyone tonight to spring the surprise, but I can’t keep anything from you.”


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