That Unbreakable Love

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That Unbreakable Love Page 10

by Tynessa

  “Yea, I’m good. I just don’t know where we went wrong with that child.”

  Ronny kissed the top of Shaniqua’s head because the pain she was feeling could be heard in her voice. “I know and I’m going to have a talk with her. I didn’t know shit was this serious.”

  Chapter 15

  “So what’s up with this attitude I been hearing about?” Asked Ronny as soon as Shaniyah got inside his car. He’d just gone to pick her up from her grandparents’ house and though he didn’t really care, he wanted to hear her side of the story. It was the day after Shaniqua had given her that powerful pop in the mouth and her lip was still semi swollen. Ronny didn’t feel sorry for her at all.

  Smacking her lips, she said, “Man daddy, I didn’t even do nothing. She asked where me and Destiny had been and I said ‘walking’ and she went off. Every time I say something to her, she thinks I’m getting smart with her. I don’t know what’s wrong with her.” Shaniyah was rolling her neck and everybody that knows Ronny, knew he didn’t tolerate all that neck rolling, especially from a child; his child at that. He waited until she was done talking before checking her about it.

  “Okay, first of all, you need to check all that damn neck rolling shit before I give you something worse than what yo’ mama gave yo’ ass. And secondly, your mama got a name and it damn sho’ ain’t no damn she or her! I don’t know what’s wrong with ya’ll kids but ya’ll better get those attitudes in check, especially you Niyah. I hate to take that damn phone from you but I will.” Ronny knew how much she loved that phone and that was the only thing he could think of at the moment to get some act right in Shaniyah.

  “But why my phone though daddy?” she pouted.

  “Because you wasn’t acting up like this before I got you that damn thing. And what’s this I hear you been talking to some knucklehead ass boy?” Ronny haven’t heard that until Shaniqua brought it to his attention the previous day. He couldn’t even sleep that night for thinking about the possibility of Shaniyah talking to a guy. If she was, Ronny needed to know as much as he could about him.

  “Man, who said I was talking to somebody?” She asked innocently. If Destiny told them that shit, Shaniyah had already made up in her mind that she was going to fight her sister when she got home.

  “All that is irrelevant! Are you talking to a boy or not Niyah? And you better not lie to me lil girl,” Ronny said firmly. Ronny’s voice let her know that she better not have even thought about lying to him or she would be in some serious trouble.

  Once again, she smacked her lips and just as she was about to speak, Ronny spoke up, preventing her from doing so. “I dare you to smack yo’ lips at me one more time. Go ahead and see if you don’t be walking around here with them both swollen.” Ronny didn’t know what was wrong with that little girl of his but she better have fixed that damn attitude because he wasn’t shit like Shaniqua, and Shaniyah definitely didn’t want him to get in that ass. Her butt straightened up, quick, fast and in a hurry.

  “I’m sorry,” she apologized. Now, that was more like it. Ronny really hated seeing her pouting but he had to let her know that he wasn’t the one for all that back talk and she wasn’t running shit.

  “Now, who is the little knucklehead I’m hearing about?” He asked a little calmer.

  “But Destiny is talking to someone too, so it ain’t only me.” Ronny damn near swerved off the road when she informed him on that. That was a shocker to him because Destiny was more of the quiet, shy, type. Then again, those were the ones that you had to lookout for.

  Star for example; her ass was a little quiet at first until she started fucking around with Cornell and once he broke that shell she was shattered in, the rest was history. Ronny couldn’t have his babies running around fucking any and everybody; not his daughters.

  “What the fuck you mean, Destiny is talking to someone too?” Their asses weren’t nothing but thirteen and fourteen; way too young to be interested in boys.

  “See, I knew you was going to be mad. That’s why we didn’t wanna tell you,” that child had the nerve to say as they were pulling up to their home.

  “You damn right I’m mad. Ya’ll young asses ain’t got no business talking to no damn boys. Ain’t no telling what ya’ll hot asses doing. I’ma end up fucking somebody up. What’s their name?” Ronny was dead ass serious, too.

  “I’m just playing daddy, geesh! Ain’t nobody even talking to no boys. I just said that to see what you was going to say and I got the reaction I was looking for. You was about ready to nut up, wasn’t you?” Shaniyah fell over laughing at her own lie. Ronny on the other hand, he didn’t see shit funny, nor did he believe that she was just playing.

  “Don’t fucking play with me Shaniyah! Now give me those lil niggas name,” Ronny wasn’t playing with her behind.

  “Daddy, I promise I was just playing. You really think me and Destiny would be crazy enough to be talking to boys. You and mama is both crazy and will beat our butts. See, look.” Getting her phone out, Shaniyah strolled through her texts messages and call history showing Ronny that there was nothing in there indicating that she had been talking to any guys. “And I’m pretty sure you could check Destiny phone too if you don’t believe me.”

  At that moment, Ronny thought he was tripping. He was pretty much in a dilemma because a part of him didn’t want to believe his daughters would betray his trust but another part of him was dwelling on there were some young niggas in his babies lives. He didn’t say anything as he continued to give Shaniyah the evil eye as they remained parked in the drive-way.

  “What daddy?” She whined. She knew damn well why Ronny was looking at her that way. “I promise you, I was just playing with you. I just wanted to see what you would say.” Once again she lied.

  “Aight,” Ronny finally said. Shaniyah breathe a sigh of relief that her father fell for her lie as she opened the passenger door. She was just about to get out when Ronny called her name. “Aye Shaniyah. You know if I find out you lying, I’m beating your ass, right?”

  “Yes sir. I know dad and I promise I’m not lying.” Leaning over, she kissed his cheek and got on out and Ronny did the same. He knew if she was talking to someone, it would come to light sooner or later, Ronny just hoped that when it did, Shaniyah would be ready for the consequences.

  Hearing the alarm system announce that the front door had been opened, Shaniqua continued to watch TV and not even bother to look that way. Ronny had already informed her before he left that he was heading to pick Shaniyah up. Though Shaniqua was still a bit upset with her, her little disrespectful ass was still her daughter and that was still her home. Shaniyah belonged there and not at her grandparents’ house.

  When Shaniyah walked in, RJ ran right up to her and jumped into her arms. That boy loved his siblings.

  “Niyah. I missed you,” he said as he laid his head on her shoulder. He’d just saw her the day before, but that didn’t matter to little RJ. Shaniyah kissed his cheeks and was in awe. He might’ve gotten on her nerves but he was her heart.

  “I missed you too, bad boy.” Shaniyah tickled him then flipped him upside down before putting him down. Though Shaniyah kept her eyes on the TV screen she could see them out the corner of them. She prayed that RJ wouldn’t have an asthma attack and while she sat there worrying, he took off up the stairs. She told him about all that running but his little hardheaded butt wouldn’t listen.

  “Hey ma,” Shaniyah finally spoke. Shaniqua spoke back, dryly, as she now scrolled through her phone, on Facebook. One thing about her, when she was mad at a person, she could hold a grudge until she felt it was time to let go of it. Whether it was her kids or not, she was just stubborn like that. That was about the only childish shit about her that Ronny disliked.

  “So, you just gon’ be rude like that Shan?” Ronny spoke up. He wasn’t feeling her rudeness towards his baby girl. Yeah, she might’ve disrespected Shaniqua, but beat her ass and keep it moving. Don’t ignore the damn girl.

  “I spoke. Wh
at the hell you want me to do, reward her for being disrespectful and running her mouth so much?” Shaniqua’s attitude was through the roof. She couldn’t stand no disrespectful kids and hers was no exception.

  “I ain’t say all that, but ya’ll need to talk this shit out. I mean, she is your daughter so ain’t no need in walking all around here acting all childish about the situation. If you feel like you need to beat her ass then whoop her and get it over with. Just do whatever you gotta do and get it over with so ya’ll can move forward and let it go,” Ronny demanded. There was no need for Shaniqua to walk around there acting as if she was a teenager and she and Shaniyah was having some type of school beef or something.

  Unfolding her leg from underneath her, Shaniqua stood from the couch. She pulled the size too small booty shorts that she was wearing down and adjusted her tank top. She then looked at Shaniyah through narrowed eyes.

  Looking from Shaniqua to Ronny, Shaniyah returned her gaze back to her mother. She took a step back because she didn’t know what was running through Shaniqua’s head. She’d heard all about her mother’s hand game and knew she was sick with them; so Shaniyah didn’t want any parts of that.

  “For two weeks, I want my whole damn house cleaned and scrubbed from top to bottom. You ain’t leaving this house so don’t even think about asking to go nowhere because the answer is, No!” Holding out her hand, Shaniqua continued to talk. “Turn that phone off and give it to me. You ain’t getting it back until I say so.” That was the deal breaker right there. Then on top of that, Shaniqua emphasized I; meaning that even if Ronny said Shaniyah could get it back, she still couldn’t unless her mom said she could.

  Shaniyah wanted to object but she knew better. Not only would she have to worry about her mom but her dad would get in her ass also.

  “Yes ma’am,” she mumbled. It took all she had to not smack those lips of hers. Turning off the phone, she did as Shaniqua said. Thank God she had a lock code on there.

  As Shaniyah was walking off, she smiled to herself. They didn’t say anything about using Destiny’s phone and she knew she could always call up Kush on there. She couldn’t get up the steps fast enough.

  “And if I catch you on Destiny phone I’m whooping yo’ ass myself,” Ronny hit her with that before her foot could hit the top step.


  Shaniyah froze dead in her track and turned around and smiled. “I’m not daddy.” With that, she ran up the stairs. She had to get Destiny to text Kush and informed him on what was going on. She would be dead if just so happened her parents did turn on the phone and see Kush’s name and picture pop up, indicating that he was calling. That was something Shaniyah just couldn’t let happen.

  Chapter 16

  Cornell wasn’t feeling this whole double date bullshit Star had set-up for them to attend. She says it was for everyone to catch up with one another, but what was there to catch up on? Shit, they were living their lives and he and Star was living theirs. Everything was good on his end and he really didn’t give a fuck about Tykise or Theodore. Point blank, period!

  “Nell baby, are you about ready?” Star asked. Cornell was sitting on their bed putting his shoes on and Star was in the bathroom applying her make-up. Debbie and Daddy Willie had the kids for the weekend so they were in good hands.

  Blowing a frustrating breath, Cornell said, “Man, I guess so. I don’t know why you trying to hang out with those folks anyways.”

  “Because, I think it’ll be fun to see what they have been up to after all these years. You don’t?” after applying her cherry lipstick, Star walked out into the bedroom to find Cornell laid back on the bed. After he didn’t answer her question, she straddled him. “I asked you a question,” she said.

  Placing him hand on his wife waist, Cornell guide her as she grinded on his semi harden dick. It didn’t take long for it to become hard as a rock. Star had that kind of effect on him.

  “Who cares what they’ve been up to? They’re married with kids and so are we. What the fuck are you trying to do, keep up with the Jones?” Cornell was dead as serious. He didn’t understand why Star was so hell bent on that damn double date.

  Star begin to plant soft kisses on Cornell’s lips before sucking on his neck, not caring that she was smearing her make-up. In no time she had done place a passionate mark on the spot she’d been sucking on. That was to let Tykise and any other bitch know that Cornell was her territory. She wasn’t worried about Cornell stepping out on her but she still wanted hos to know what was up.

  “Babe, we are the Jones! They asses better be trying to keep up with us,” Star giggled. Hubby didn’t find anything funny, though.

  “Well help me understand why you trying to meet up with them because I’m not getting it, Star. It could only be two reasons, why. Either, you wanna brag on shit that we ain’t got or you still want that nigga. Which is it?”

  See, what Cornell meant by bragging on shit that they didn’t have was, he worked a regular nine to five like the next man. People often assumed that he was sitting pretty because of his older brother, Ronny. Don’t get it twisted though, Cornell had money in the bank but he was a working man. He didn’t touch that money unless it was necessary. It wasn’t nearly as much as Ronny’s but it was his; and it damn sure wasn’t shit to be bragging about.

  “Bragging on shit that we don’t have?” Star repeated as she eased off him. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know that she was pissed. Cornell had definitely struck a nerve. “The key word: that we don’t have! So why would I be bragging on it if we ain’t got it?!” She clarified.

  “So, we got that out the way. Do you want the nigga back, Star?” Star wasn’t even about to entertain Cornell’s bullshit.

  She just shook her head and said, “Whatever!”

  “I’m just asking a fucking question. You trying to go hang out with the nigga like we all one big happy family and shit. I don’t wanna be sitting with nann mothafucka that done fucked my wife. What type of lame you take me for?” Cornell vented.

  “You being real childish and petty right now, Nell. What is the difference between now and back then? Ya’ll used to kick it like ya’ll was mothafuckin’ best friends and shit. And I’m not only going there to chill with him. Nigga his wife, which is your ex will be there also, so I don’t know what the big deal is.” Star was really getting tired of him. Cornell was really acting like a bitch at the moment.

  “Because you wasn’t my wife back then!”

  “Well if anything, he should be the one that’s upset being that I left him at the altar. Don’t you think?”

  “Well how do you think Tykise would feel sitting across from the same woman that was the reason I couldn’t make a commitment with her? You not even concerned about everyone else’s feelings, are you? All you’re worried about is Starletta!”

  “I’m pretty sure if either of them had a problem with it, they would’ve let it be known. Now, are you going or not because if you not, I would gladly go by myself,” said Star as she grabbed her clutch purse and headed for the door. She really didn’t want to attend the dinner alone with them and if Cornell hadn’t grabbed his keys and walked out behind her, she would’ve went somewhere and chilled, alone. There was no way she would sit at the table with Tykise and Theodore without her husband.

  When Cornell and Star got to the upscale restaurant that Star picked out, Tykise and Theodore was already there waiting on them. They looked to have been in a heated conversation but once they saw them approaching, they quickly sat up straight and mustered a smile. Cornell knew Tykise and because of that, he knew something was bothering her. He didn’t know what, but it was something.

  “Hey y’all. Sorry we’re late,” Star apologized. She hugged Theodore then turned to hug Tykise. Cornell hugged Tykise and gave Theodore a fist pound. He didn’t have a problem with him, never have; it was just have didn’t see the point of going out with them. Shit, he had two brothers, Ronny and Bino; so if Star wanted to go out they could’ve with them an
d their wives. They didn’t need any new friends.

  “It’s okay. We actually just got here,” Theodore admitted. Everyone sat down and it was an awkward silence. Everybody was fidgeting with whatever they could find.

  “See, this why I didn’t wanna come. Shit feels weird,” Cornell whispered into Stars ear. It’s wasn’t a quiet whisper and she was pretty sure that the couple heard him as well. She nudged him and smiled.

  “So how do you like motherhood, Tykise?” asked Star. She was trying to lighten the mood. Star didn’t know why Tykise was sitting over there looking uncomfortable. From what Cornell said, she was the one that broke things off with him. She sent him back to her and Star was very grateful for that.

  “I love it. I have a wonderful husband and wonderful kids so things couldn’t better.” Looking over at Theodore, Tykise leaned in and have him a peck on the lips. “I love this man and so glad he’s all mines,” she said with smirk while looking at Star.

  Star wasn’t dumb at all and knew the bitch was trying to be funny, and little did she know, she had the right one.

  “I know the feeling because I might’ve lost this one right here before.” Star reached over and grabbed her husband’s hand. “But I can guarantee you it’ll never happen again.” This time, Star was the one smirking.

  Cornell believed every word his wife had said but he knew that was her way of getting to Tykise. And because he knew where the conversation was headed, Cornell gave Star hand a little squeeze. When she looked over at him all he did was shake his head, defusing the situation before it even got started.

  “So Nell, how’s the marriage life treating you? I know for me it could be a bit much. You know how Tykise mouth is. That shit can be reckless at times,” said Theodore. When he said that, Cornell was looking at him like, “Why this man had to bring me in this shit.” Before he could respond, Tykise spoke up.


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