Chasing The BallGirl (FanGirl Series2)

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Chasing The BallGirl (FanGirl Series2) Page 4

by Trish Williford

  One more minute with you is essential for my existence.

  I had been “needed” by guys before—as in, “Hey, Sam, I need a ride home from the bar because I’m drunk,” or, “Sam, I need to copy your math homework, so I don’t get kicked off the football team.”

  But I had never felt “needed” in the way Ryan had just said. The way his voice had begged, how his arms had tightened around me a little more, and how his breath was heavy along the side of my neck.

  It was all too much.

  My brain and hormones joined forces and defeated my common sense.

  I pulled back enough for him to look at me, and I said the words I’d been dying to say for two years, “Kiss me.”

  His pupils dilated at my request, and it took him less than two seconds to brush his perfect lips against mine. His tongue slid along the seam of my mouth, and once I parted my lips, I was gone.

  Oh my Lord … I should have let Ryan Cruz kiss me a long, long time ago.

  Of all the times I’d daydreamed of kissing him, I’d always thought Ryan would be assertive and rough, taking exactly what he wanted.

  But, holy crap, it was the complete opposite.

  His tongue softly and slowly danced with mine, making me feel like he was savoring this moment just as much as I was. When a quiet moan came from his throat, my entire body lit on fire. My fists balled into his jacket and pulled him closer to me. His arms untangled from me, and one of his callused hands cradled the side of my head.

  “Please come home with me,” he begged against my lips in between kisses. “No sex, but goddamn it, I can’t let go of you tonight. I need more time with you. Please, Samantha.”

  There wasn’t even a debate in my mind. “Let’s go. Now,” I told him.

  He laced our fingers together and led us toward the coat check. As we stood in line to retrieve my coat, he was unable to stop kissing me. My lips. My neck. My face.

  “What in the hell is going on?” Melody demanded behind us.

  “Mel, everything is fine,” Ryan told her.

  Carson joined Mel, frowning at the pair of us. “Oh no, I don’t think so.”

  Ryan practically growled at Carson. “Fuck off, Lawrence.”

  Carson stepped in between Ryan and me. “Fuck you, Cruz. There are tens of thousands of other pussies in this city that can give you a willing home for the night but not hers. Come on, Sam. Let’s go.”

  “Carson, Mel, I’m fine,” I declared, trying to give Melody the eyes. You know, those I’m fine. Now, go and leave me the hell alone, so I can go home with Ryan Cruz eyes.

  Melody put her hands on her narrow hips. “Don’t give me that look. You’re drunk off lust right now. You made me swear earlier that, no matter what, I would not let Ryan Cruz try to sweet-talk his way into your panties tonight. I’m being your friend and holding up to my promise.”

  For a moment, I wanted to tell Melody to go away … but she was right. My hormones were doing the talking, and tomorrow morning, I’d likely regret everything that happened between Ryan and me.

  I inwardly cried, and as much as it sucked, I kissed Ryan one last time to hold me over. “I’m sorry.”

  His face fell, and for a moment, I thought he looked disappointed. “I’m sorry, too, Sam.”

  Melody grabbed my coat from the attendant and held it open for me while I shrugged it on. Ryan watched the entire time, and when my shaking hands fumbled with the buttons, he fastened them for me with ease.

  When the last button was done, he gave me a half-smile. “Can I drive you home?”

  “The limo will take her home. Forget it, Ryan,” Carson warned. “Go find someone else to occupy your bed tonight.”

  Ryan’s jaw clenched, and he gave his friend a hard glare. “You’re right, Carson. I could have just about any girl in the city. Thanks for reminding me. Why spend time inside one woman tonight when I could be inside two … or three?” He turned on his heels and walked away.

  My heart and stomach collided in my throat, making me want to vomit and cry.

  Point proven. You’re just another female, and he’s just another player.

  Apparently, Melody realized I was upset because she put a reassuring arm around my shoulders. “I’m sorry, sweetie. It’s better off this way. You deserve more than that, and one day, it will come along.”

  “I know,” I agreed.

  But my heart wasn’t so sure.

  Chapter Seven: Ryan

  I was an ass.

  The look on Sam’s face last night had torn into me, and since then, I hadn’t been able to see anything but the image of her about to cry.

  I’d acted like a goddamn asshole because I was disappointed and embarrassed.

  Sam had told Melody and Carson before coming to the gala to not let her leave with me, and that had hurt like a motherfucker. She knew my reputation and was looking out for herself, and I couldn’t blame her. If I wasn’t a selfish prick, I would have been looking out for her, too.

  God … I’m such a fucking dick.

  “This is not breaking news. What did you do this time?” my brother, Zac, asked from the opposite end of the couch, watching the football game on TV.

  Shit. I hadn’t realized I’d said that out loud.

  We were at our parents’ house for Sunday dinner—our usual family weekly event.

  Zac was younger than me by four years but definitely had his shit together more than I did.

  “I was an ass last night to this girl.”

  “Again, this is not unusual for you. What makes this different?”

  I focused my eyes on the television, although I wasn’t watching the game whatsoever. “She’s not the kind of girl you should be an ass to.”

  Zac turned the TV off and focused his attention on me. “I’m sorry. I must have been hearing things. Are you implying that you are actually interested in a girl? Singular? Uno female?”

  Fucking shit … am I?

  I’d never wanted anything more than a hook-up, but I had been willing to take less than that just to be with Sam last night. So, did that mean I wanted more?

  “Fuck off.” I threw the pillow that had been under my arm at Zac.

  “Thanks.” He caught the pillow and tucked it behind his head. “What’s the deal? What did you do?”

  “Long story short, I’ve had a thing for her for a while, and last night, things started to go in my favor. We were about to head back to my place, and a mutual friend of ours cockblocked me. It was because she’d asked our friend to do so if she saw me with her. Instead of being patient and proving that I wasn’t just interested in getting in her pants, I was a fucker and said it wasn’t a big deal, that I could go get someone else to keep me occupied for the night.”

  Zac blankly stared at me. “You really are an idiot.”

  “I know.” I sighed. “I want to call her, but I’m not sure what to say.”

  A clearing of a throat came from behind us, and when I turned around, my mom had her arms crossed over her chest.

  “Ryan Michael Cruz, what in the hell is your problem?”

  “Mom.” I groaned, knowing that I was really in for it now.

  “When you screw something up, you apologize, plain and simple. There is no question in the matter. You call this girl and tell her how big of an idiot you are and that your mother raised you better than to treat a girl like that.”

  “So, I just call and apologize and look like a—”

  “A what, Ryan? A gentleman? Like a guy who is asking for forgiveness from this young lady? Yes, that’s exactly what you do.”

  “I don’t have her number.” I shrugged.

  Mom’s hand connected with the back of my head. “I swear, I would have rather raised three girls; you boys are dumb as rocks.”

  “Hey!” Zac frowned. “I take offense to that. I’ve been on the Dean’s List every semester since starting college, thank you.”

  “Just because you’re going to have a degree doesn’t mean you have common sense, sweethear

  “Burn!” I laughed.

  My mom shot me a death glare, and I knew to shut the hell up.

  “Okay, Mom, so what should I do?”

  She sat down on the couch and thought for a moment. “How did she react to your appalling behavior?”

  “She didn’t say a word, but she looked pretty disappointed. Kind of like she might be sick.”

  Mom sighed and grabbed my hand. “It sounds like this girl really likes you, Ryan. And not because you’re a professional baseball player, but because you’ve shown her the part of you that I know, and she was genuinely hurt.” She thought for a moment before she continued, “Give her some space. Let her cool off for a bit and then try to reach out to her. But, in the meantime, try not to date as much as you do, if you decide she is someone worth taking a chance on. Prove to her that she is different.”

  My dad walked into the living room and took the remote from Zac. “Why aren’t we watching the game?”

  “Because Ryan here just admitted that he is interested in just one girl, and he treated her like shit. Mom laid into him,” Zac explained.

  Dad’s eyebrows shot up. “Huh. Good enough reason to not watch the game.” He sat down in his recliner and pulled the lever to prop his feet up. “Tell me about this girl who must be magical or some shit.”

  I wanted to smother Zac with a couch cushion. “She’s our team’s ball girl. She’s in college, and she will be graduating in the spring. She’ll be a pharmacist.”

  Mom looked impressed. “It sounds like she has a good head on her shoulders and is a very bright girl.”

  “Can’t be too bright if she’s interested in this asshole.” Zac laughed.

  “Fuck off, dickweed.”

  “Boys, enough,” Dad grumbled. “If you make things right with her, you should bring her to Sunday dinner sometime. Now, if we’re done here, I’d like to turn the game back on.”

  Without giving anyone an opportunity to answer, Dad turned the TV on and immediately lost himself in the football game. Zac and Dad discussed plays as they happened, but I still couldn’t focus on the game.

  I thought I was going to take Mom up on her advice. I was going to take time to figure out what in the hell I wanted, and if it was Sam, then I had a lot of groveling and growing up to do.

  I’d never thought I would be interested in just one female, but then again, girls like Samantha Sterling didn’t come along every day.

  Chapter Eight: Sammie

  Two Months Later

  Point North, one of Fell’s Point’s most upscale bars, was the hot spot tonight for most of the students in my pharmacy class. We were celebrating the end of a semester and the beginning of winter break, and most importantly, we were celebrating that we only had a few months left before graduating pharmacy school. Only three rotations stood between me and my diploma.

  “I’d like to make a toast!” Mia, one of my roommates, yelled over the loud music.

  My four roommates and I lifted our glasses.

  “To my roommates, who have survived this crazy-ass ride known as pharmacy school. Three and a half years down, one semester to go. Let’s make these last rotations our bitches!”

  We all clinked glasses and wooed, squealed, and whistled before downing the remnants in our cups.

  A waitress stopped by our table and dropped off five shot glasses. “Ladies, this round of shots is on the man sitting at the bar. Double shots of Patrón Silver.”

  Double shot of Patrón Silver.

  A shiver ran up my spine. I had a feeling it was Ryan without needing to look.

  I took my shot and downed it without hesitation. Since Mia was too busy trying to figure out who the mystery alcohol supplier was, I grabbed her glass and emptied it also. I was going to need the extra courage.

  Listen, Sam. You’re going to turn around, smile, and thank Ryan for the shots. You’re going to tell him merry Christmas and happy New Year and that you’ll see him in the spring. You’re not going to look at his lips and remember how they taste. No. Because you don’t like the player, and you have witnessed his game firsthand. You deserve more.

  After my pep talk with myself, I turned around.

  My eyes connected with the dark blue eyes that I’d been fantasizing about for the last few years, and the sudden thumping of my heart against my chest reminded me that I was still insanely attracted to Ryan, no matter how hard I tried to deny it. He tipped his glass to me and slowly brought it to his lips.

  Those lips felt so good.

  I quickly turned my back to him, hoping he wouldn’t come to the table. I hadn’t seen him since the Blue Birds Organization’s end-of-year gala a few months ago when he kissed me and then destroyed any hope I’d had of him becoming anything more than a man-whore.

  Vanna, one of my roommates, nudged my arm. “Holy shit! That’s—”

  “We know who it is,” Katie cut Vanna off.

  Katie was the roommate I was closest to, although I wouldn’t say we were fantastic friends either. We were all too busy with school and work to really hang out often, but Katie was the one I confided in most.

  Katie looped her arm through mine and leaned over to me. “Do I need to find us an escape route?”

  “No.” I exhaled a shaky breath. “I think it’s a little late for that because I’m almost certain he’s coming over to our table. Am I right?”

  “Actually, he’s already at your table.” Ryan’s smooth voice came from behind me.

  My body stiffened, and that stupid, traitorous heart of mine went from thumping uncontrollably to skipping entire beats.

  Ryan spun my barstool around until my eyes met his chest. “I’m up here, sweetheart.”

  My gaze slowly moved up his hard chest to the tan skin of his neck and over his lips that I’d dreamed of kissing a thousand times since October to his smiling blue eyes.

  “Now, I know how women feel when guys catch them looking at their tits.”

  “Sorry.” My cheeks burned at getting caught checking him out. “Hi, Ryan.”

  “Hey, Sammie.” His smile held promises of melting panties straight off a bum.

  My bum, to be exact.

  Stay strong, Sam. He might be excruciatingly beautiful, but he’s also the biggest player in this city. No matter how often you’ve fantasized about being with him, under him, on top of him … you can’t. You’d just be another notch on his bedpost, and he blatantly admitted it. You’re not a one-night girl.

  “I don’t hook up!” I shouted right in his gorgeous face.

  “I remember.” A deep chuckle passed his lips, and then he was all-out laughing.

  “What? You think it’s funny that I respect myself enough not to just hop into your bed per your request? That buttering me and my roommates up with my favorite shots will change my mind about sleeping with you?”

  Katie’s head dropped to the table. “Oh God.”

  He bit his lip in an attempt to hide both his smile and laughter. “No, Sammie. I know you’re not that type of girl. I actually came over to say hello and congratulations on a successful semester. Just one more to go, right?”

  “Yeah … I’m surprised you remember that.”

  He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, and maybe it wasn’t, but it felt like it was. Maybe it was the alcohol taking effect, but a warm feeling spread through my chest. He actually had been listening to what I was saying when we danced.

  “Sammie, aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” my other roommate, Jenna, practically purred from across the table.

  Jenna was the type of girl usually seen with Ryan—tall, dark hair, and a body that screamed sex.

  His eyes remained on me. “Gonna introduce me, friend?” he teased.

  “Girls, this is Ryan Cruz. He’s one of the pitchers for the Birds. Ryan, these are my roommates—Katie, Mia, Vanna, and Jenna. We are all in the same pharmacy class.”

  He nodded at them and gave a polite smile. “Ladies, it’s nice to meet you all. Good luck wi
th your last semester of school.”

  My head was feeling fuzzy and my body heavy from the back-to-back double shots. Maybe it hadn’t been such a fantastic idea.

  Jenna leaned her elbows onto the top of the table, pressing her cleavage together. “Why don’t you pull up a stool and sit with us, Ryan? I’m sure Sammie would love to catch up with you.”

  “Well, that’s up to her.” Noticing my quickly deteriorating state, Ryan put his arm around me and rested his hand on my hip to hold me up. “Feeling those double shots?”


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