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Teacher Page 7

by Ella Emerson

  This made me wonder if the reason she was into me was some kind of daddy issues, which in that case this would end right now. “So, I guess you miss your dad a lot. Must be hard for you.”

  “No, actually I don’t miss him. I don’t know life any other way, so I’m used to it. It doesn’t bother me. Him trying to control my future is what bothers me,” she said, sneaking a glance at me.

  Alright, maybe not daddy issues. “Well, what do you like to do?” A pink blush lit up her face so bright I could see it through the curtain of hair that shielded most of her face. Smirking, I reached for her hand. “Hey, don’t be embarrassed. I’ve thought about nothing else all day. Sex is nothing dirty. It’s the ultimate form of giving yourself to another person.”

  This was a conversation I’d like to have when she was more relaxed so I changed the subject. We talked about our favorite movies, music, and TV shows. Surprisingly, we enjoyed a lot of the same things.

  I cleared our plates, noting she hardly ate anything. I’m sure it was nerves, so I didn’t say anything. We sat down on the couch, and I turned to face her. “I want to get back to what we started talking about at dinner. You know, everything we’re doing or thinking of doing, is completely unethical on my part.” She bit her lip, and I pulled it out of her teeth again. “That’s what my head tells me, but my body tells me something else. So even though we would be lying to everyone, we have to be honest with each other. Understood?”

  Nodding her head, she said, “Yes.”

  “Good. I know you told me you aren’t a virgin, but you definitely felt like one. Don’t just tell me things because you think it’s what I want to hear.”

  She gave me a pissed off face and straightened her back. “I’m not lying. I had sex with this guy I used to date. He was in college and after we had sex, I never heard from him again. So yes I’m not a virgin, but I only had sex once.”

  Fuck, it should scare me that she’s only had sex once, but it’s a turn on. Older guys must be her thing, and I like that. Knowing what I could teach her, show her, and do to her that’s she’s never experienced. I wouldn’t be able to do anything rough with her for a while, her barely touched body wouldn’t be able to handle it.

  “What about you? How many girls have you been with,” she asked breaking my thoughts.

  “First, I don’t have sex with girls, I have sex with women. As far as how many, you need to remember I’m a little older than you, and the number isn’t important,” I told her then waited for her to answer.

  “You’re avoiding my question.”

  “Hell yeah I am,” I said with a smile.

  She looked at me with those baby blues and cleared her throat. “Your experience scares me, but not because of the number of women. It’s because I don’t think I’ll be able to be as…ummm….” She looked down at her lap and twisted her hands.

  “Hey.” I placed my one hand on hers and lifted her chin with the other. “You don’t think you’ll be able to what?”

  “Satisfy you,” she whispered before looking down at her hands again.

  “Trish, I told you when you got here nothing was going to happen tonight. I’m not a man who breaks his word, but fuck, it’s hard right now.” I swallowed a few times, trying to get my body under control. I needed to know she wasn’t going to say a word to anyone before anything else happened with us. Trust, we needed to gain each other’s trust.

  We spent the next hour talking about my family, our hobbies, and friends. Not that either of us would ever meet the others family or friends, but it was still a way to gain trust. The more we knew about each other, the more we understood, the better.

  However, the longer we talked, the harder it was for me to keep my hands off her. The more comfortable she got, the more I wanted to explore her tight body. Every time she shifted on the couch and her knees brushed up against mine or when she playfully touched my chest, it was all I felt. My cock was like a damn rock, and I realized she either needed to leave or I was going to need to touch her.

  “I was so glad when that party was over,” she said laughing, and I wished I’d payed attention to her story. She noticed I wasn’t saying anything and searched my face. “What’s wrong?”

  I ran my hands through my hair and shook my head. “What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Christ, Trish. I’m having a dinner date with one of my students. The same student that I made come in my classroom. Do you have any idea how fucked up this is? How screwed I am if anyone knew what happened today or that you are here right now?”

  She got up and walked toward the door. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  I jumped up, raced to get in front of her, then picked her up tossing her over my shoulder. She screamed out in surprise, but I carried her like that to my bedroom. Kicking the door closed I dropped her on the bed and climbed on top of her. I brushed the hair out of her face and looked into her eyes that were filled with questions. “You didn’t let me finish. This whole thing is completely, utterly fucked up, but I can’t help myself. I can’t stop thinking about you and when I see you, I want to touch you, kiss you, make you come over and over. I know what I’m thinking and feeling is wrong, but I can’t help it. I want you.” I pressed my lips to hers and then whispered, “I want you so bad.”

  I kissed her again, this time deeper. Her taste consumed me and made me want to know what every part of her tasted like. Not tonight though. I broke the kiss and grinned at her.

  She reached up and touched my face with her hand and her eyes widened. “Oh fuck!” she yelled pushing on my chest. “I need to go. My dad is supposed to be home early tonight, and if I’m not there, he’ll freak out.”

  I helped her off the bed and pulled her into my arms. “Be careful driving home. Don’t speed, I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “I won’t,” she said muffled in my shirt. I walked her into the living room and she got her purse then turned to look at me. “Thank you for tonight. I had fun.”

  Smiling, I leaned over and kissed her sweet lips. “I did too. Text me when you get home, so I know you made it safely.”

  She agreed and rushed out of the apartment. When I saw her drive away I closed the door and took a quick shower before climbing into bed for the night. I had a ton of things running through my head. Mainly, I couldn’t wait to see Trish again. Was it wrong, fuck yes, it was. Everything that had happened from the moment I met her was, but I was starting to be alright with that. And it was that thinking that was going to make this one hell of an exciting ride straight to Hell.

  I couldn’t understand what was happening to my body. Every time Levi breathed his hot breath into my ear and whispered about taking me, I turned into a pile of desire-ridden madness.

  I wanted him, and yet I knew this was so wrong. He was my teacher for fuck’s sake. What would my father think? What would everyone think?

  Yet, when he was near, I didn’t care. I didn’t care about the women on the PTA and the overbearing snooty teachers who turned their noses up at me whenever I walked down the halls. I didn’t care about what my friends would think, or worry they might call me a slut. I didn’t care about anything but having Levi’s strong, sturdy hands on me.

  At first I thought I could control his advances and control the outcome. Flirt just a little, just enough to be desired. Just enough to make my father wonder about our intentions.

  I’d never actually planned on ever doing anything with him. Until that first moment in the classroom, where his eyes caught me on fire. A fire that was quickly burning through me, erasing all of my morals. Everything I’d learned as a child in Sunday School about this being a bad situation was drowned out every time he stared at me.

  I sat in my room, glancing again at the acceptance package to Columbia University and wondered again how I would be able to pull this off.

  I didn’t mind finding a job, and making my imprint in the world. My whole life things had been handed to me. So even though the thought of doing things on my own was frightening, I kne
w somehow I could do it.

  The hardest part was what to tell my father. Would I lead him to believe I was going to Michigan? Let him pay the tuition and then just never show up to class?

  My father yelled at me from downstairs.

  “Yeah,” I shouted while running down the plush carpeted stairs leading to the main level of the home.

  “Here’s your forms and check for your senior trip.” He handed me a packet of papers sealed in a manila envelope.

  “Thanks, Dad.” I kissed his cheek as I grabbed the envelope.

  “Paris. Are you excited?”

  I shrugged my shoulders, not letting him know how excited I’d been about this trip since they’d announced it at the end of my junior year.

  We were in the school gymnasium during a school pep rally when Principal Miller announced the senior trip for the following year to Paris, France.

  It was a big deal, and the moment she’d announced it mine and Kerrie’s eyes grew huge with the idea of shopping and experiencing all the fashion Paris had to offer. This was my chance to run the streets, checking out the latest fashions while still getting to miss a week and a half of school.

  Now that Mr. Wild was scheduled to attend, I was even more excited for different reasons.

  Which, of course, I would never let my father know. So, when he asked how excited I was, I did the typical teenaged eye roll with the shoulder shrug so he wouldn’t know I was actually dying inside with anticipation.

  My phone rang in my hand, giving me a reprieve from my father. I glanced to the number and smiled when I saw Kerrie’s name on the screen.

  “Hey, are you busy?” she asked after I said my hello.

  “No, not really.” I nodded to my father and ran the envelope up to my room while listening to Kerrie on the other end of the phone.

  “Can we talk?”

  “Sure, what’s up?” I asked.

  “Let’s meet at the mall so we can talk face to face. Say, in an hour?” Her voice sounded small, and I knew this wouldn’t be a carefree visit of two friends just shopping; no this was more. Kerrie was worried about something, so of course I agreed and hung up after I assured her a spot to meet.

  Restless, I grabbed my sweater and headed downstairs and told my father I was running to the mall.

  I parked my car in the near empty lot and didn’t see Kerrie’s car anywhere.

  Was she and Hunter having problems? I hoped not, I thought they were perfect together.

  I knew Kerrie was born to a mother who’d given birth to her at the age of sixteen. Her mother was forced to marry Kerrie’s father who was seventeen at the time, and together they struggled when Kerrie was young.

  I always knew Kerrie was afraid to end up like her mother, and that is one of the reasons she and Hunter had waited so long to have sex.

  I moved along the parking lot making my way through the swinging doors of the mall entrance. With still a while before I needed to meet Kerrie at the food court, I walked around aimlessly until I saw the bookstore and wandered inside.

  I glanced through the discounted books, nothing really catching my eyes.

  A title grabbed my attention. “The Taming of Alexandra Godfrey” The cover had a blonde-haired girl on the cover with her hands bound behind her back. Picking it up, intrigued by the picture staring back at me, I thumbed through the pages.

  “Fancy seeing you here. A little light reading?” Levi said as he grabbed the book from my hands with a knowing smirk.

  I blushed as he stared at the cover. “Uhh, I was just umm.” I had no reply for him.

  “I see. Does this intrigue you, Trish?” he asked, thumbing through the book, stopping at a random page halfway through the book.

  “Umm, I don’t know,” I replied.

  He began reading…

  “Alexandra was spread out for her master. Just the way he liked her. Hands bound behind her back, with a black ball jammed in her mouth. Alexandra’s eyes were wide with fear and excitement as her master leaned closer to her nipple and sucked hard.”

  “Oh my God, stop,” I protested. I glanced around to be sure no one had heard him throughout the store.

  “No wait. I was just getting to the good part,” Levi said, under his breath. His body inched closer to me as he gripped the book tightly between his fingers.

  My back was pressed against the solid wood bookcase as he continued.

  “Alexandra moaned, unable to contain her impulse to scream out. Her muffled cries did not go unnoticed by her master as he suckled her other nipple. His hands traveled south down her body as she tried to succumb to the sensations skyrocketing through her body. Her orgasm was close, and she wanted her master to be the one to give it to her, to lead her to that brink of coming completely undone around him.”

  I laughed as Levi tried not to break his serious expression as he read. Finally, he closed the book and a huge smile spread across his gorgeous face.

  “Do you like that, Trish?” he asked, returning to his seriousness he was moments before while reading. His voice was low, husky, and breathy.

  “I d…don’t know. I’m not very experienced with that,” I confessed. My cheeks heated up as I kept my gaze focused on the book in his hands.

  He twirled it around and grinned. “Well, I guess no more Spencer Prescott for you then. Not until you’re ready,” he said, placing the book back on the shelf.

  “Spencer who?”

  “The author of that book. His name’s Spencer Prescott. Have you ever heard of him?”

  “No.” I shook my head, glancing back to the book.

  “Let me ask you, Trish. Does the idea of someone controlling you excite you?” His body was mere inches from mine as he gazed into my eyes.

  “Umm.” I could feel my jaw go slack as he grabbed my chin.

  “I think it does. I think you want someone to take control. Make you feel so much pleasure.”

  My mind was slowly entering a great cloud of confusion. Sex was there front and center, and my body heated. My pulse picked up as he kept his fingers gripped tightly around my chin.

  “Tell me, Trish. Tell me you want me to control you. Tell me you want me.”

  I did. I told him. I couldn’t fight it anymore. His voice played the right chord in my ears and his fingers rubbed along my jaw, tracing my cheek. “I want you,” I whispered.

  “Trish, when I fuck you, when I finally sink my cock deep inside you, I’ll show you who’s in control,” he promised, or so it sounded like a promise to me.

  My nipples hardened instantly under my light sweater, and his eyes noticed as he dropped his head down to my chest.

  We were tucked away in a secluded corner in the erotica section of some random bookstore, as his hand moved closer to the top of my chest. My breathing was uncontrollable as his eyes grazed over my body as if he was memorizing everything about me. Like he could no longer control himself from taking me right here in the store. It made me think about his promise to me, about who was in control. Even though I didn’t feel it, I felt I held some power over him. If even only a little, he wanted me. I wanted him, and I needed to just go with the feelings I could no longer deny.

  “When? When will you and me?” I asked, not knowing how to finish my thoughts.

  “Soon, I can’t wait any longer. And as soon as I have you Trish, I don’t think I’ll be able to let you go.”

  I smiled at his words, and then I remembered I needed to meet Kerrie soon.

  Grabbing the book by Spencer Prescott off the shelf, I shoved it into his chest, saying, “Well, I guess this can keep you company late at night until we can be together.” I walked away from him. He didn’t come after me, just chuckled as he placed the book back on the shelf.

  I blew him a kiss as I walked out of the store and headed toward the food court to meet Kerrie.

  I saw her instantly, her light brown hair down, lying flat against her head. She wore sweat pants and when I saw her eyes it was clear she’d been crying.

  I rushe
d over and wrapped her in my arms. “What happened?” I asked then sat down.

  “Hunter and I broke up,” she said between sobs.

  “What? Why?”

  She took a deep breath and with sad eyes took a drink of her soda I hadn’t noticed sitting next to her on the table. “I got into NYU, pre-med. I’m so excited. But, Hunter is going to state. I don’t know, I’ve wanted to be a doctor for as long as I could remember. I just feel like he would hold me back.”

  “What does he think?”

  “He wants to go to New York with me. Or stay here and just do the long-distance thing. But, I know it won’t work out.” She sniffled into a tissue as tears leaked from her eyes.

  “You don’t know that. You can’t predict your future.”

  “I’m going to be so busy. I just don’t know,” she breathed.

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Levi watching closely. Like he didn’t know what to make of the situation. I wrapped an arm around Kerrie as I comforted her, my eyes never leaving Levi’s.

  Kerrie rested her head on my shoulder as I ran my fingers through her brown hair. When I glanced back up to where Levi was standing, he was no longer there.

  “Kerrie, you’re young. Don’t make any rash decisions yet. Let’s just get through this school year. Besides, I personally think you and Hunter are perfect for each other.”

  She laughed as I smoothed her hair out of her face, then she took a sip from her drink.

  We decided to walk the length of the mall, shopping to fight off her troubled mind. I kept glancing over my shoulder, wondering if Levi was still lurking around. My thoughts drifted back to the promises he made, and my body tingled with excitement.

  Kerrie didn’t mention any more about Hunter, although I knew he was still on the tip of her mind.

  When I finally headed home for the evening, I worried about what would happen at school tomorrow with Mr. Wild. Would he take me in his classroom? Would he invite me to his house again?

  Either way, I couldn’t wait to find out.

  The next day, I walked into class to find a substitute. Mr. Jenkins, an old man with a receding hairline tried to talk Romeo with the class but failed miserably.


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