Lorenzo & Lily (Royals of Valleria #8)

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Lorenzo & Lily (Royals of Valleria #8) Page 11

by Marianne Knightly

  His father nodded. “Are you working on the press release?”

  He nodded. “I told my admin, Rio – you’ve met him, yes? – and he’s preparing one now. I’ve asked him to coordinate with Corrado, Tavin, and Mara, and Finn’s staff in Brazenbourg,” he said, referring to the chiefs-of-staff for his father, Alex, and Rebecca, as well as his sister Arianna’s husband, who was crown prince and ruler of Brazenbourg, a small country far north of Valleria. “He’s just waiting on my go-ahead to contact them, which I’ll do after I let Alex and the rest know.”

  His father exchanged some unspoken communication with his mother. “We’d like to meet them, both Cecilia and Liliana.”

  “I figured as much. If you’re feeling good enough to travel, come down the day after next.”

  “Of course, I’m feeling well. Haven’t I been traveling to visit Arianna, Finn, and Eloisa? And Brazenbourg’s quite a bit farther than Masillia is.”

  They had made several visits to their youngest granddaughter. “Poor Eloisa; she’s no longer the first grandbaby in the family.”

  “No,” his mother said softly. “No, she’s not.”

  Lorenzo’s grin faded. “I know this is a shock. It is to me, too, but I hope it’s not a bad one. You’ll love Liliana, I promise you.”

  His mother smiled. “I’m sure we will.”

  “I know you probably have more you want to ask me, or talk to me about, but could it wait? I really need to tell the others.”

  “Of course, my son. We’ll talk soon.”

  After their farewells, Lorenzo took a minute out on his balcony, and let the sea air steady him. It was done. His parents knew. They hadn’t congratulated him, not like they had Arianna or Finn when they’d seen Eloisa for the first time. It was just the shock of it, he told himself. Their reactions had been subdued, and he wondered again if they’d been involved in breaking them apart, or knew who had.

  They hadn’t asked about a DNA test, either. Would they ask for that in the future? Or never bother to ask because they already knew the results?

  Regardless of the answer, after they all met Liliana, everyone would come around. If he could prove he could be a good father, maybe everyone would believe in him again.

  He let out a breath, then left his rooms and walked down the hall knocking on various guest room doors. “Family meeting in the sitting room. Three minutes.” He heard a lot of grumbles and curses, but no one objected.

  Alex’s door clicked open and he stood there in a hastily-tied robe. “Is this urgent?”

  “Alex?” a wobbly voice called out.

  Rebecca. Lorenzo would wager she’d been crying. “I’m sorry, but it is. Is Rebecca all right?”

  Alex ignored the question. “Does Rebecca need to be there?”

  “She’ll need to know, but you can tell her afterwards.”

  “And it can’t wait until morning?”

  Lorenzo shook his head. “If it could have, I wouldn’t have just spoken to Mama and Papa about it.”

  Alex’s lips tightened. “All right. I’ll be there.”

  “Thanks, Alex.”

  Lorenzo headed to the sitting room, and started a fire while he waited for everyone else. He thought about calling for some coffee but decided drinks, which were already in the room, would be best if anyone wanted something. He wondered if his siblings would react the same way as his parents had. He wondered if any of them had interfered all those years ago.

  One by one they entered, giving him an irritated, frustrated look, with Alex entering last. “What’s going on?”

  For some reason, Lorenzo was more nervous facing his brothers than his parents. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that his parents were many miles away, whereas his brothers were mere feet from him. Lorenzo flexed his fingers, stretching them to warm by the fire at his back, then curled them into fists. “I have big news.”

  “The strike?” Alex asked.

  Lorenzo shook his head, then cleared his throat. “Personal news. I’m a father.”

  There was silence except for the crackling of the fire, each of his brothers uncommonly still. Nate shifted first, rising from his seat and walking over to him. “You said you are a father. The child’s been born?”

  “Yes.” Lorenzo gave the others a quick glance; shock on everyone’s face but Marcello’s, who often wore a poker face. “You have a four-year-old niece. And before you say anything, I didn’t find out about her until this morning.”

  Eddie sucked in a breath. “The beach. It was her you met, your daughter and the mother.”

  “Yes, though that meeting was accidental. I’d only recently run into the mother, who I call Lily – her full name is Cecilia Brionne – at Alex’s wedding. She told me there was something she needed to discuss with me. When I saw her with Liliana – that’s my daughter – at the beach, I knew. The resemblance is unmistakable.”

  Nate huffed a laughed. “A resemblance doesn’t mean anything.”

  He knew someone would fucking saying that. “I had a feeling someone might say that. There was a DNA test done which confirms it. When you meet her tomorrow, however, you’ll see that it was unnecessary.”

  “If you only found out this morning, how did a DNA test get done so quickly?”

  “I didn’t say the test happened today, Nate.”

  Alex had kept his face even since the news. “Did Cecilia have it done? If so, why didn’t she tell you earlier?”

  Lorenzo told them the same thing he’d told his parents, and watched his brothers’ reactions while he did. “I’m looking into it.”

  Marcello rubbed his mustache with his index finger. “Do you need some help?”

  Marcello’s post meant he often did investigations where family members were concerned. Lorenzo just couldn’t shake the feeling, however, that his interest went beyond just brotherly concern. “Sure. I’ll let you know what I need.”

  “Do you want me to look into Cecilia’s background? Shouldn’t take me long to dig some things up.”

  “No, though I do want some information on her family: where they are, what they’re doing, their financial and social status, things like that.”

  “That won’t take long. Anything else? How about what she’s been doing the last few years, or something like that?”

  Marcello’s eagerness was a little surprising, but maybe he wanted to know as much about his new niece as possible. His fiancée, Grace, couldn’t really have children of her own, and Lorenzo recalled how much Marcello loved Eloisa. “I’ll let you know. Thanks.”

  Lorenzo turned to Alex, who was looking absently into the fire. “Alex?”

  Alex’s inky black eyes turned to him. “Yes?”

  “I’m having Rio draft some press statements. I’ll want him to coordinate with Tavin, Mara, and Corrado. Do you want to give them the heads up? I’ll let Finn and Arianna know they may get some questions from the press about it.”

  “I’ll let them know. When do you want to statement to go out?”

  “Late tomorrow morning. Lily and Liliana will both be at the castle by then, and mostly moved in I hope, so they’ll be protected by the castle walls. They’ll need it once the press start camping out.”

  “You’ll need to start locking your balcony door,” Marcello noted.

  A chill of unease crept down Lorenzo’s spine, but he nodded. “I know. I’ll deal with it. In the meantime, I’ll need you, Marcello, and Eddie to move rooms tomorrow. Lily and Liliana will be moving into those rooms.”

  At their raised eyebrows, Lorenzo raised his back. “Is it such a chore to change rooms?”

  Nate smiled softly. “I think we were more surprised by separate rooms than by switching them.”

  “Lily’s not ready for that and, quite frankly, I don’t think I am, either.”

  Ethan grinned. “How long until you will be ready?”

  Lorenzo shrugged. “Three days, give or take a few.”

  They all chuckled, except Alex.

  “You’ll meet them
both for dinner tomorrow. Mama and Papa are coming day after next – and I have no doubt they’ll tell our sisters, who will also insist on coming – so we’ll do a family dinner that night.”

  Before their father’s heart attack, they’d all viewed family dinners with trepidation, as most of the meal was spent torturing each other. Underneath, they’d all loved them, loved spending time with each other. Now, however, with a greater sense of the fragility of life, no one complained. Time spent together was a gift, and they knew it.

  Ethan groaned. “I’m shipping out day after next. How is my niece going to remember me if she only meets me once before I ship out for six months?”

  Lorenzo gave a wry laugh. “She’s not going remember anyone at this rate. If she meets most of us all at once, she’ll likely be overwhelmed or confused. That’s why I asked our parents to wait another day, to give her a little more adjustment time.”

  “Rebecca and I will stay through tomorrow,” Alex said. “However, we’ll need to head home tomorrow night. I know the timing can’t be helped. We’ll make sure the press release reflects how excited we are, but the Royal Council is fighting us on next year’s budget again, and Rebecca has some business in Valentia as well. Not to mention, it also wouldn’t look good if the entire palace sat empty while we all congregated here.”

  “We all left the palace for Arianna and Finn’s wedding over Christmas last year,” Nate pointed out.

  “And we all came back the same day. It was different. The press was overjoyed at a surprise royal wedding.”

  “And they won’t be for Liliana. I understand.”


  “I get it.” Boy did he. A press release stating the royal family was ‘excited’ by the new addition was all he’d get from them right now. He’d cut them some slack for their lack of excitement – being surprised at this late hour could be at fault for their reactions – but if their attitudes didn’t change soon, something more would need to be done.

  He sighed. “It’s late, and tomorrow’s going to be quite busy. Get some rest.”

  Nate gave him an assessing look. “Are you going to sleep?”

  Lorenzo shook his head. “I’ve got some arrangements to see to first. Night, boys.” He heard his name being called, but ignored it and walked out of the room.

  He called a maintenance staffer to douse the fire whenever the room emptied, then set about calling other staff including the castle’s head housekeeper. She’d managed the castle and grounds for twenty years, and the addition of two more permanent residents was something she needed to know about. She was also someone he could count on for discretion. They arranged for her to tell the staff just as the first press releases began going out, so the staff would also know and be on their guard should the press ask any questions or try to slip inside.

  He contemplated going to his office, or going for a late run. He needed sleep, but feared it tonight. His nightmares came infrequently, but they came all the same. They left an acrid taste in his mouth that was hard to shake.

  He didn’t want to wake from a nightmare, not on the day his daughter was coming to live with him. And definitely not on the first day he’d have to prove to everyone that he could handle being a father, as well as managing the MARC and his royal duties.

  His breath became shallower and shorter. His blood began to race faster. He walked swiftly to the balcony, gulping in fresh air and letting it calm him.

  He needed help. He was man enough to know it, and man enough to ask for it. He couldn’t break down like this with Lily and Liliana. He withdrew his phone from his pocket, and dialed his therapist. “Doctor? Yes, I’m very sorry to bother you so late, but I need some help. Do you have time to talk?”

  Alex, inside his rooms once again, shook off his robe and tossed it on a chair. He’d left his wife in a hot bath, but as he walked further into their suite and into the bedroom, he saw her lying on the bed. With only a soft light from a nearby lamp to guide him, he walked to the bed and slipped under the covers.

  She immediately turned and curled into him. Though she wasn’t crying anymore, her face was still a little damp, and her voice was a little shaky. “What’s going on?”

  He wrapped his arms around her, one delving into her hair, one holding her at her back. “It seems I’m an uncle again.”

  She gasped. “What?”

  “I know. There’s more, much more.” Alex told her what Lorenzo had said. He also told her what his brothers had discussed after Lorenzo had left the room. “His emotions are still extreme at times. Ethan told us he’s seeing a therapist. We’re wondering if we should have a family session.”

  “I’d leave him alone.”


  “Just think about this way. For the last several years, all of you have been hovering over him. Even before we got together, when I was still Cat’s chief of staff, I could see it.”

  Alex thought back over the years since Lorenzo had first returned. They had kept an awfully short watch on him, particularly after his relapse into depression, which they now guessed coincided with Cecilia leaving him.

  Rebecca cupped his cheek. “He went through a traumatic experience and made it through. He started what’s becoming one of the best – if not the best – treatment centers in Valleria, and I’m sure he’ll make it even better. He’s done quite a lot, and a lot of it’s good.”

  “What about all the women? He’s slept around quite a lot. Even Nate once accused him of being inappropriate with the servants at the palace.”

  Rebecca giggled; a sound that was music to his ears considering her recent state of mind. “I’ve heard about that. Nate was falling in love with Charlie at the time,” she said, referring to Nate’s love, Charlotte, who was also head of the palace kitchens. “Not to mention, you’re one to talk. You’d slept with plenty of women before you fell in love with me.”

  “Not like that.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. Lorenzo dated a lot before he left for the army. Maybe he just kept up the pretense because he thought that’s what was expected of him. How many times have you actually seen him out with women, as opposed to him just talking about seeing other women?”

  She was right, which was not an unusual occurrence. “You’re very astute.”

  “I’m an outsider. I have a different perspective.”

  He emitted a low growl. “Did you forget that ceremony a few months ago, when you became my wife? Those two ceremonies actually? You’re not an outsider in this family.”

  She shook her head against the pillow. “That’s not what I meant. I grew up on the palace grounds and I’ve been friends with Cat since we were little, but I was never very close to the rest of you growing up. I have a little more distance from the situation, is all I meant, which gives me a different view of it than you might have.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean–”

  She put her fingertips over his lips. “I know you didn’t.”

  He kissed her fingers, then covered her hand and placed it against his chest, over his heart. “I’ll talk to the others about Lorenzo. We’ll stop hovering so much.”

  “It might also be good to tell him you support him, and believe in him and his abilities.”

  “I’ll do that, too.” He took a deep breath. “You know that the family will support you, too, no matter what happens with your health, don’t you?”

  “I know that. I’m still reeling from what the doctor said. He thinks it’s my thyroid, can you believe it? After all those tests – including several painful ones – they want to check my thyroid again.”

  “But if it’s the answer–”

  “I’ll be thrilled. That doesn’t excuse the fact that I’ve seen several doctors and none of them considered the possibility. Dr. Safar mentioned it, but she decided against further testing based on the royal physician’s results.”

  “Papa respects the royal physician. He does have a lot of experience.”

  “Not enough. My thyroid stimulating
hormone was ‘within the normal range’, he said. He never considered that normal for someone else was not normal for me.” Tears pooled in her eyes again. “Could it really be this? Are we really so close to the end of this hideous health journey? I’m afraid to believe it.”

  “We only need to wait a few more days for the blood tests to come back. I hope that’s the end of this.”

  “That a thyroid issue can cause pain during my period, that it can cause the weight gain and exhaustion and other problems I’ve been having.” She let out a choked sob. “I’m so afraid this won’t be it. That something else is going on here.”

  His heart twisted, as though someone were wringing it like a wet cloth. “We’ll figure it out.”

  She buried her face in his neck, her wet tears coating his skin.

  “And another thing, Mrs. Santoro.” He cupped her head and tilted it slightly back so their eyes met. “I don’t care if you gain weight. I don’t care if your hair gets thinner, or it falls out entirely, or starts growing places you wished it didn’t. Your body would be no less beautiful to me. What I care about is you, and your health. I need you for a good, long time, darling. I won’t settle for anything less than you being beside me for the rest of our lives.”

  She gave him a wobbly smile. “Thanks, Alex.”

  He gave her a chaste kiss, and tasted the salt of her tears. “You’re welcome, darling.”

  She sighed. “I’m so tired. I don’t know how I’m going to get up in the morning.”

  He groaned. “I forgot to tell you. We’re not leaving in the morning. Lily and Liliana will be moving in tomorrow so we’re staying through dinner. Do you have anything pressing tomorrow?”

  “I think I’ve got some meetings, but I don’t think they’re pressing. With how I’ve been feeling, I’ve cut back on my schedule where I could.”

  “Call Mara and have her reschedule, and ask her to coordinate press releases with Rio. I’ll do the same with Tavin.”

  “Calling them now means we have to stop cuddling.”

  He grinned. “We’ll do some more cuddling later.”

  “Just cuddling?”

  “I could be persuaded otherwise, if you’re feeling up to it.”


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