Pretend for Me

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Pretend for Me Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Andy closed the gap between them sinking his tongue into her mouth. Her moans echoed off the walls. She didn’t care. Her heart pounded inside her chest. The need to be close to him consumed her unlike anything she’d ever known.

  The bed in the far room felt too far away. Andy took her down to the floor. “Our first time together should be in a bed,” he said.

  “I don’t care. I want you, Andy. A bed, the wall, the floor, I don’t care as long as you’re inside me. I need you.”

  She reached for the buckle of his belt as he worked on ridding her of her jeans. They worked together until they both lay on the summer house floor without any clothes on. Andy tore the underwear from her body and simply gazed down at her. She didn’t hide from him. He was perfection as far as she was concerned. She glanced down to see his cock was thick, pulsing out in front of him. Her stomach tightened with need. She wanted to feel him inside her, and she’d waited long enough.

  “You’re more beautiful than I imagined,” he said. His fingers glided over her skin making little goose-bumps erupt all over her body where he touched. She never thought she could feel so alive from his touch alone. Sara craved his touch more than she craved her next breath.

  Her arousal tightened deep into her core.

  “You’ve imagined me naked?” she asked, teasing him.

  “Sara, baby, you don’t want to know how many times I’ve imagined you spread out on my bed waiting for me.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  His mouth possessed her as his words possessed her mind. She’d never for a second thought he’d wanted her, and hearing him admit the truth was a thrill she never wanted to forget.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck she pulled him in close excited with the new feelings she was discovering.

  One of his arms wandered down her side grazing her hip and pulled her in tightly against him. She felt the heat of his erection pressing against her stomach. Gazing down to look at him she was struck by how long and thick he was. Andy tilted her head back to look at his face. He brushed his lips against hers. The instant change within them shocked her. She’d felt the attraction bubbling between them for some time. Never had she thought it would be this powerful. She felt consumed with her desire for him. Nothing was enough. She couldn’t touch him enough, feel him enough.

  “I want you, Andy,” she said, whispering. She was afraid of what her words would mean. Even though she desired him, she also loved him.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long.”

  His hand stroked her body. His touch ignited a fire within her. She used all of her strength to push him to the floor and deepened the kiss. The pleasure from his touch made it hard for her to think.

  He pushed her hair out of the way and then moved his hand down her back caressing over her butt.

  She stared down into his eyes. “We’re really doing this?”

  “Only if you want to, Sara. I’d never force you to do anything you didn’t want to.”

  Sara smiled. “You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met.”

  He rolled her underneath him, taking control once again. Her legs fell on either side of him as he claimed her lips once more. His kisses were like a drug. She knew she’d become addicted to them in no time.

  “We haven’t got any protection,” she said. He nibbled her neck, sucking on the point where her pulse lay. She gasped as the sensation went between her thighs. Her need for him had already made her wet.

  “I’ve got it covered.” He reached for his jeans and pulled out a condom. “I was a Boy Scout when I was young. I’ve learned to always come prepared.”

  She wasn’t insulted. If he’d not had the condom they wouldn’t have been able to go further. “I’ll let you off this time. Don’t think it’s a sure thing with me,” she said.

  He tore the foil, and she watched him put the condom over his dick. Her mouth watered at the beauty of him.

  Andy went over her. “When it comes to you, I never assume anything.”

  Sara felt him rub the tip of his cock against her opening. She tensed as she recalled the first initial hurt when she’d lost her virginity.

  “Don’t tense for me, baby. I’ll make it good for you. I promise.”

  She relaxed in his arms trusting him completely. Andy took his time. His fingers slipped through her slick folds. Sara gasped arching up to him. He caressed her bud drawing out her pleasure.

  “You’re so wet,” he said. He brought her to the brink of climax only to leave her teetering on the edge of bliss. “I can’t wait. I’ve got to have you.”

  Andy slammed his lips down on hers. His hand gripped his impressive cock and pressed the length against her slit.

  He eased his way inside her. The feel of him stretching her made Sara moan. She was more than ready for his penetration. This was it. Andy was finally claiming her as his.

  Wrapping her arms around him she pressed herself up against him, urging him on with her body.

  He let out a curse. His hand steadied her hip. She felt his hand shake on her body.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “You feel perfect. I knew you would be, and I’m not even all the way inside you yet.”

  His words meant the world to her. She stared up into his eyes and allowed herself to be taken to heaven. Her lips were swollen from his kisses, and his fingers bit into the flesh of her hips and ass where he gripped her tightly.

  Andy seated himself to the hilt inside her. She felt him pulse, and he gave her time to accommodate his wide girth. He touched her body all the time bringing her more pleasure with his hands than she could have ever imagined possible.

  When she couldn’t stand the torture anymore, Sara started to move. She needed him to move or to do something. In the back of her mind she was screaming for him to fuck her. For once she wanted the consuming pleasure she wrote about. Sara craved for Andy to simply grab her and to fuck her hard.

  He pushed the hair off her face and gazed down into her eyes. There was something different in the way he looked at her, something primitive.

  “This will change everything between us.”

  “I don’t care. I want you, Andy. I lo—” He cut her off with his lips before she got the chance to say anything more. His body took over in the conversation forcing her to feel rather than talk.

  No words were suitable enough to describe what he was doing to her body. He thrust inside her to the hilt over and over again. Each thrust rubbed against the walls of her pussy, turning her on more. Andy made her watch his cock slide in and out of her as he claimed her. She watched him forge inside her. The sight and feel of him were unlike anything she’d ever experienced. The possessive act made her beg for him to do it again.

  Andy captured her hands and pressed them above her head as he took control of her aching body. He was in charge, and only he could give her pleasure. His dominance startled her.

  Never had she felt so raw or exposed. He gave her so much pleasure with his short shallow thrusts. She closed her eyes unable to take the intense pleasure he was giving her. Nothing could have prepared her for this. He caught her face and kissed her, his tongue plunging into her mouth as his cock did the same inside her body. His other hand went between them to play with her clit. She felt his fingers stroking her swollen bud. There was nothing more for her to do but feel.

  When her release came he swallowed her cries down with his kisses. Only when her release claimed her did his pace increase. The thrust of his hips was sharp and forceful as he neared his own climax.

  His grip tightened on her hips, and he slammed his lips down on hers. She felt the jerk of his shaft inside her, and the connection between them was complete. His orgasm released, and Sara never wanted their time to end.

  Chapter Ten

  Andy didn’t want to let her go. She felt amazing around his cock. His orgasm slowly ebbed away, and still he held her in his arms. Most of the time, Andy was the first one to pull away from any emotional entanglements. Now he couldn’t bear t
he thought of leaving her. She stared up at him. Her eyes were wide, and she was taking deep gulping breaths.

  “Wow,” she said.

  He stroked her hair back from her face. Andy didn’t want anything to obscure her green expressive eyes from him. No words were necessary.

  What was happening to him? He’d never felt anything like this with another woman before. Andy stroked her cheek watching the way she leaned into his touch.

  “Say something.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” Words failed him, and he didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  “Was I awful?”

  He frowned. “No, you were perfect.”

  Kissing her lips he rested his head against her tits. Her heart was beating against his head. If he could he’d gladly stay in this position for the rest of his life.

  “You said you needed the practice. I’d be more than happy to give you the practice.” Andy couldn’t let her go now. She meant to damn much to him. They were destined for this. After all this time, Andy had known they were meant for more.

  How had an innocent weekend away, of him playing her pretend boyfriend, turned into this?

  She stroked his hair, and Andy allowed himself to relax in her arms. He was a goner. Travis was right. Sara was different from all of his other women. Keeping his eyes open he stared across the room. He’d gone and fallen in love with Sara Carroll. His best friend had become the woman he loved. The knowledge rushed through him shaking him to the core.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked again.

  “I don’t want to let you go,” he said, admitting the truth. He leaned down and kissed her lips. The impulse to take her again was strong within him. He didn’t want the moment to ever stop.

  She responded to him as if she was born to do so.

  The rain and thunder continued to rain down around them. Andy held her close. Her naked tits pressed against his chest. He pulled out of the tight heat of her pussy to rid himself of the used condom. Once he tied the latex and moved it out of the way he went back to making love to her mouth. There was no stopping him. Her taste and the feel of her surrounding him drove him insane. Having her in his arms was better than anything he’d ever realized.

  Sara whimpered, and her nails raked down his back. He’d wear her nails marks with pride.

  He ran his fingers through her hair to capture her head in his hands. Andy deepened the kiss, and with his other he caught her hip pulling her against him. He needed to feel her close. The urgency surprised him.

  Andy broke the kiss and stared down into her eyes. She covered his mouth with her fingers before he got chance to say anything. “I can feel it, too.”

  Not knowing what it was, he kissed down to her neck inhaling her sweet scent.

  You can’t let her go. She’s not the kind of woman you love and leave.

  She’s a keeper, Andy.

  His thoughts wouldn’t stop no matter how many times he tried to push them to the side. No woman made him feel this wanting. He loved women. Sara was just another woman in a long line of them.

  No, she’s not.

  Closing his eyes he kissed down her body to her breasts. Her pebbled nipples called to him. They were so ripe. He licked the first bud then moved onto the next. She moaned, and her chest pushed up against his searching mouth.

  Her fingers ran through his hair as he kissed his way down her body. She let out a giggle when he dipped his tongue into her belly button.

  Gazing up into her sparkling eyes he opened her thighs and went farther down her body.

  “Oh, Andy,” she said. The breathless gasp left her the moment his tongue circled her swollen bud. Her taste exploded on his tongue. He ran his hands up the inside of her smooth, creamy thighs.

  Her legs fell open inviting him in. Andy plunged two fingers inside her wet heat increasing the pleasure with his tongue. Her hands fisted at her sides, and her head moved from side to side as he continued to lick her with his tongue.

  Moving his hands up to grab hers Andy held her as she came apart under his tongue. Her cries of pleasure filled the room, and he refused to let go of her naked bud. He sucked the nub into his mouth prolonging the pleasure.

  She shook and cried with each passing second. Watching her come apart was the most wondrous thing he’d ever witnessed. Her pale skin took on a rouge look with her orgasm. She splintered apart, and throughout it all Andy held onto her. Nothing was ever going to change his feelings for her. Their relationship was only just beginning.

  “No more. Please, Andy, stop,” she said, begging him. He released her then crawled up her body. She cupped his cheek, her chest heaving with each indrawn breath. “That was amazing.”

  He collapsed on top of her. Words once again failed him. His head rested on her breasts. The soft mounds were a comfort to him in his moment of uncertainty. For five years he’d wanted her. That want had begun to get harder to handle within the last year. Now, he’d had her Andy didn’t want to stop. This was real for him. How could he put his needs into words without sounding like a bastard? He’d not been lying when he said he didn’t believe in marriage. He knew it was crazy considering his parents had a wonderful marriage.

  They’d been dependent on each other, and at times growing up, Andy had felt like an outsider to their love. His parents had never said anything different or made him feel like an outsider. Watching the way his parents looked at one another had been evidence enough. There had been silent signals between them.


  Sara was speechless. What words were necessary? She stroked his head where he lay nestled against her breasts. The weight of him crushed her to the floor, but she didn’t mind. Moving him wasn’t an option. She loved the feel of him above her, and it prolonged the experience of him in her arms. All of the experience she had with other boyfriends, none of it, could have prepared her for this. Andy possessed her body, and he possessed her heart. There was no denying the way she felt any longer. The instant she’d seen him five years ago she’d fallen for him. Out of all the men that passed through her life, he was the only one to offer his help. She’d been caught in his web that day.

  Their friendship was blossoming into something she couldn’t control. Every time she’d thought about changing the parameters of their friendship something would happen that made her happy they were friends instead of lovers.

  “I can’t go back,” Andy said. His breath brushed across her nipple making it tighten.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’ll always be my friend, but I don’t want this to be a mistake, Sara. This means something to me.”

  She held her breath waiting for him to speak.

  “I don’t know what it means. I wish I knew.”

  Her heart pounded against her chest. The rain and thunder started to die off outside the summer house.

  “I think we need to get dressed. They’ll be outside looking for us.”

  He leaned up with his arm near her head. “Promise me nothing’s going to change between us.”

  She frowned. “I thought you said you didn’t want to go back to the way things were.”

  “I know. What I meant is, could we change it?”

  “What? Like friends with benefits?” she asked.

  Andy nodded. She nibbled her lip thinking about what he proposed. For him, she’d be happy to have a relationship that didn’t depend on commitment.

  “Yes, that would be best,” she said.

  He kissed her lips and then helped her to her feet. They dressed in silence. The more she thought about their new arrangement the more she liked it. So many relationships were headed for disaster because of the constant need for love.

  She loved Andy. There was no denying her feelings for him. She could settle for a friendship with sex.

  By the time she pulled on her blouse Dylan and Danny were opening the door to the guest house. Andy claimed her lips with his before anyone could say anything.

  Danny cleared his throat. She ignored her broth
er and kissed the man she loved, the man who had the power to break her heart with a few choice words. Sara felt like one of the heroines in her novels.

  Thinking of her novel, she wondered how Andy had gotten hold of a paperback copy. He’d been reading one of her romantic suspense novels throughout the rehearsal. The book had done really well and was what had given her the chance to fulfill her dream of writing full-time.

  He broke away from the kiss with his hand still tangled in her red hair.

  “I take it you survived the storm?” Danny asked. “Bethany is having a fit. She’s thinking of suing Mother Nature if she dares let it rain on her wedding day.”

  Sara chuckled. She saw her sister-in-law arguing her point in a court of law. In her mind she saw the jurors as a load of disgruntled brides.

  “I’m sure it will be one for the record books, the bride that sued the weather.”

  Andy grabbed her hand, and together they walked out of the summer house. Most of the cars had gone from the driveway.

  “Is the rehearsal over?” she asked her brother.

  “Bethany has decided to let fate take its course. We’re the only couple who’s going to have a rehearsal one month before the actual date.”

  She looked over at her brother with sympathy.

  “Why are you waiting a month? I thought you had the rehearsal a few days before the actual big day?” Andy enquired.

  “Work schedules. Neither of us had the space to accommodate a wedding and a honeymoon. The extra planning gave us the time we needed.”

  Sara hated it when her family let business overrule love.

  She extracted her hand from Andy’s. “I’ve got to go and check a few things. I’ll see you at dinner.” She leaned up and kissed his lips then ran off to her room.

  Inspiration had struck. Ignoring the calls from her family she went to her laptop, flicked open a new document, and then started typing away. Her mind kept drifting over their lovemaking. She started her document off by writing plenty of notes.


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