Pretend for Me

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Pretend for Me Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  “We’re friends, guys, and nothing else is going on.”

  Why do you keep lying to yourself?

  “Why do you keep lying to yourself, Andy?” Wade put his own thoughts into words.

  He turned to watch her dance. The short heel was a good choice. He’d seen the way she walked in anything higher than a three inch. It was a horrid sight, and he’d felt he needed to call an ambulance watching her fall. Her arms went up in the air. She swayed her hips from side to side. He watched her butt move. Later tonight he’d be kissing that rounded butt.

  “How was your weekend being the pretend boyfriend?” Austin asked, pulling his thoughts away from the tempting sway of her ass.

  “Creepy. Her family has plenty of cash, and I mean they pretty much own the town where they live. I met all her brothers and one of them did a fucking background check on me. Her father tried to buy me off. He wants me out of her life, and I got the pleasure of meeting her sleazy ex. It was an awful weekend.” He summarized the weekend for them.

  His friends remained silent then stared at the dance floor. “You’re still friends with her?” Wade asked, clearly amazed.

  “Her family is not going to scare me away. She’s a friend, and I like her. I’d never hurt her.”

  “Are you even listening to yourself? You’re a fool if you think this is anything other than what it is.” Travis pointed out.

  He returned his gaze back to the dance floor. Several guys had surrounded Sara and her friends. He glared at the scene before him.

  “See, you’re turning her into something more than a friend, Andy, and you don’t even see it happening.”

  Andy knew what they were trying to say. “Nothing is going to happen between Sara and me. We’re good friends enjoying the mutual pleasure of each other.”

  “And you want to go and pummel those guys for even thinking of touching her,” Lenny said.

  Shooting him a glare Andy walked out to where Sara was dancing. Her eyes lit up the moment she saw him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to his side. The men stared at him, and he glared back. If looks could kill, those men would be on the ground in a pool of their own blood. Her hands wrapped around his neck. The rest of the world faded away. They were the only two remaining. Pushing away his desire to hurt the men for even attempting to touch her, Andy danced with her. His palm covered her stomach while his other stroked her hip.

  “I was wondering when you were going to come and rescue me,” she said.

  He spun her in his arms so he saw her face.

  “I didn’t realize you needed to be saved.” Andy cupped her ass in his palms and pressed her against his raging arousal.

  She moaned. “You’re always hard,” she said.

  “Only for you.” He kissed her temple and felt the words deep in his soul.

  They danced together for several songs. He stared down into her eyes relishing the way she looked back at him. With her in his arms he felt he could do anything.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  “About you.”

  She smiled. “What about me?”

  “Without you I’d never have opened this club.”

  Her gaze drifted over the club, but then she shook her head. “You’d have gotten this club.”

  “Why do you sound so sure?”

  “I sound sure because you wanted it. I know what it’s like to dream. The doubt is always there, but you can’t stop the dreaming. If we can’t dream of having something then what is the point of living?”

  He kissed her lips, the plump flesh too hard to ignore.

  “I like kissing you.”

  “I like you kissing me, too. We’re ignoring your friends,” she said.

  “We’re ignoring yours as well.”

  She let out a sigh then rested her head against his chest.

  “I want you, Andy.”

  Her words froze him to the spot.

  “I’ve got an office we can use.”

  Sara glanced up at him. Her lips turned up in a smile. “Is that an offer of ravishment, Mr. Green?”

  “Only if you wish to be ravaged?”

  She gave him her hand. Without looking over to his friends he took her to his office. He couldn’t wait another minute to be inside her. Sara had awoken a beast that refused to be put to sleep.


  Her heart pounded inside her chest when he closed the door. The sound of the lock turning into place made her heart leap. She’d never done anything like this. Andy made her want to experience so much.

  He turned to her. His eyes were almost black in the low light of the room. The music vibrated through the walls. “This is your office?” she asked.

  The office held a desk with a computer on it and several filing cabinets. The simplicity of the room was not lost on her. What took her breath away was the single picture of them together on his wall. She hadn’t even known he’d taken a picture of her.

  “I’ve got one in every office,” he said.

  Andy walked farther in the room. She stood with her hands by her sides. What was a girl supposed to do with her hands? Put them on her hips or open them wide to receive him? Writing a love scene was far easier than living through one.

  “Stop thinking everything through. Let it happen,” he said. One of his hands went into her hair. The clips she’d placed in her hair sprang free. “I love the feel of your hair loose like this.” His fingers combed through the length making her moan.

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked.

  Andy didn’t say a word. He caught her chin in his hands and stared at her. The depth of his gaze made her feel on display. The hand in her hair remained while the other travelled down the length of her body. She gasped when his hand slid over her breast. He cupped the tender flesh in his palm. Her thoughts turned to mush with the onslaught of his touch.

  “Giving you what we both want. What we both need.” He pressed his lips against hers. Andy ran his thumb over her taut nipple. The bud tightened at the first contact of his fingers. All too soon his hand moved down over her hip. She moaned as his fingertips grazed the edge of her dress brushing across her thigh. He moved his fingers up the dress following a path to her sex. His palm cupped her mound making her gasp. Her gasp provided him with the perfect access to plunge his tongue inside her mouth. She reciprocated the move.

  “You feel so damn good. I could taste you forever.” His fingers moved through her slit, and he explored her sex.

  Sara felt his digit glide through her wet heat. She wrapped her hands around his neck in an effort to keep herself upright. Her thoughts were no longer her own and neither were her body’s reactions to this man. Andy did something to her that she didn’t understand.

  He walked her back until her ass hit the edge of the desk. In one easy action Andy pushed the papers and computer adorning his desk onto the floor.

  “Andy,” she said, shocked by the passion he displayed.

  “I don’t care. I can buy a new one.” He opened her legs then stepped between them. “I want you.”

  Her dress was pushed up to her waist. His hands slid up her thighs while she clawed at the buckle of his jeans. She needed him with a desperation she couldn’t describe. It didn’t matter that they were inside an office in a busy nightclub or that their friends waited outside. All that mattered to Sara was getting him naked and inside her.

  Fuck me, Andy.

  She couldn’t find the words to say to him out aloud. Saying the words inside her head would have to do.

  He tore open a condom—where he got it from she had no clue—then placed the rubber over his rock hard cock. She watched him protect them both, and then he guided himself to her entrance. His other hand curled into her hair once again.

  Sara couldn’t breathe as he eased the tip of his cock inside her. Every time she felt him inside her, she thought she was going to wake up from a perfect dream.

  “Please,” she said, begging. No longer could she take his tor

  Andy plunged inside her to the hilt. His head rested against her own as they both gave themselves time to appreciate the pulse of their bodies humming together.

  “You’re so tight,” he said.

  She cupped his face and kissed him. “No more talking.”

  His hands went to her hips. She cried out when he started to pull out of her body. When only the tip of him remained inside Andy forged his way back in. Sara felt taken over. Not an inch of her body was left untouched by his possession. Andy claimed her body as easily as he claimed her heart and soul.

  She held onto him unable to hold anything else. There was no one else for her. Andy was her everything. His thrusts increased, and so did the pressure inside her heart. She couldn’t bear for him to walk away. Sara knew she was too involved with him.

  Their connection deepened as he stared into her eyes. She felt him possess her down to her soul. This was far more than two friends finding mutual satisfaction. This was the start of something far deeper and fundamental than she could have ever imagined.

  “Make yourself come, Sara. I want to feel you ride me with your release.”

  Sara eased her hand down between them to stroke her nub. He never broke eye contact. Andy’s hypnotic brown gaze held her captive like his cock did inside her.

  She licked her lips refusing to close her eyes. All she needed was to look at him for the pleasure to consume her.

  “That’s it, Sara. Let me feel you. I want you to shout my name when you come so you know who is inside you.”

  His words penetrated her foggy brain. She didn’t need to shout his name. His name would be forever imprinted on her mind.

  There would be no turning back from this. Andy owned her completely.

  He plunged inside her as the wave slowly began to build. She felt the first tinges of her release start in the pit of her stomach and grow outwards. Her nipples hardened to painful buds as her sex tightened around his thrusting shaft. She bit her lip trying to stem her screams. None of it worked. She climaxed around him, and her screams echoed off the four walls of his office.

  Andy’s low growl followed her completed cries. She felt the kick of his arousal inside her and knew he’d reached his own release.

  The only sounds that remained in the office were the sounds of their deep breathing. Andy’s head rested against her own. The perspiration dotted their skin. She still held him around the neck while his grip remained tight on her hips. The hand in her hair loosened. He let her hair go to stroke the length.

  “I can’t live without you,” he said.

  His words confused her.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she said, in answer.

  She watched him lift his gaze from her lips to her eyes.

  “This is more than a quick fuck to me.”

  Sara gasped. She knew enough about Andy to know he didn’t voice his emotions—not even with her.

  Cupping his cheek she stared into his eyes. The look of desperation in his depths made her gasp.

  “This is more than a quick fuck, Andy. You mean the world to me.” She couldn’t tell him that she loved him. Her feelings right now would be too much, and a part of her knew he would find a reason to run away. Their physical relationship was all new territory for the pair of them.

  “I want you to know I won’t be giving you up without a fight.”

  Sara smiled. His words were enough for now.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Several days later

  Andy stared down at the notice in his hand. The notice in his hand was for an inspection to see if the club was up to a standard so he could serve to the public. He needed to close the club down for several days while they inspected the place. His hands shook as he thought about what it would do for his business. No complaints had ever been made about his clubs before. Cube in particular was doing really well. The live band and the expanse of dance floor made it his most popular venture yet.

  He knew Sara’s family had something to do with his current problems. Before he met her parents he’d been doing great. Now he was being handed problems at the bank with regards to his loan along with constant inspection notices. Sara asked him how things were going at his clubs. He kept things light and avoided the problem at hand.

  When Sara wasn’t with him she spent most of her time at her computer. Her publisher loved the sound of the new book she’d been writing. He had sat with her once, waiting for her to finish, and had seen the way her fingers buzzed over the keys. She should hold the world record for the number of words typed in a minute.

  Andy didn’t tell her about the problems he was having at the club. He knew he should talk to her about it seeing as it was either Dylan Cross or her family who were causing the problems. Their relationship was already strained enough without adding to the pressures from his work. His feelings for Sara had deepened in the last few days. When they’d started sleeping together he’d thought he could compartmentalize their relationship. On the one hand, he slept with her, and on the other they were best friends. When he was with her, he wanted both parts to meld together like some kind of sticky glue. His friends advised him to try out a relationship with Sara. They were convinced he and Sara would be a brilliant match. Gazing down at the notice in his hands he was no longer sure. Never would he have the kind of power to cause trouble.

  They were making things difficult for him, but he couldn’t let Sara go. He wanted to be with her. In his head and his heart he knew he loved her. Saying the words had finality to it and a sort of depressing end that they didn’t need in their lives. Sara hadn’t demanded any more from him. She seemed content to spend time with him.

  He thought about her book and wondered how things were progressing with her. After finding out about her pen name he’d gone and bought an e-reader. Most of her books were in e-book format. He’d not told her about his obsession with her work. All of her works in paperback were hidden in a box under his bed. The e-reader he’d purchased was stashed away in a drawer under a light box of condoms.

  Should he tell her about the notice?

  He pushed his doubts aside and made his way up to his floor. The notice, he folded and placed in his back pocket. She didn’t need to know the problems he was having. The last thing he wanted for her to do was to run to her parents and tell them off on his behalf. He would handle his business in his own way.

  Champion was barking as he entered the apartment. Sara stood behind the hot stove stirring a sauce. He scented onions and garlic and knew it would be good. Andy closed the door and simply admired the view. Champion sat with his tail wagging looking over the counter at Sara. She stood with her hand on her hip smiling.

  “Hi, honey, I’m home.” He heard her laugh and made his way over to where she stood.

  “Long day at the office, sweet-pea?” She put her hands together, batted her eyelashes before going back to stirring her sauce.

  Long day, long week, and I may not have much left of my life if your family is determined to get rid of me.

  “A productive day.” He kissed her head then made his way to the fridge to grab a beer. “How did the writing go today?”

  “Excellent. This is the fastest book I’ve got done from start to finish. I couldn’t stop. The words came easily to me. I’ve got to go through it several times and then send it to my publisher. I should have everything done before we have to go back for my brother’s wedding. Speaking of a wedding, do you have your tux?”

  He handed her a soda and nodded. “I rented one if that’s all right?”

  “I don’t care as long as you fit in. The last thing I want to deal with is how hysterical Bethany would become if someone dared to go to her wedding not looking perfect.” She flicked her hair in mockery of her sister-in-law.

  Andy chuckled. “Can I help?”

  She pointed to the back pot. “You can drain the spaghetti while I finish the sauce and then toast the pine nuts.”

  They worked around each other fixing dinner. He spooned the
pasta onto the plates then waited for Sara to spoon the sauce onto the waiting plates.

  He sprinkled the pine nuts, and she grated over the parmesan. Dinner was served. They sat in front of the television watching a movie and eating.

  “I got a call from Dylan today. He asked about you, which I found odd.”

  Andy tensed. “What did he want to know?”

  “He asked if we were still together and if you were going to the wedding with me.”

  “Dylan wants you back.”

  “He’s not getting me back. Oh, Travis called and asked if you were still on for the game Saturday. They want to crash here, and they’re going to bring some beer. I said that was fine and that I’d cook for you guys if you want.”

  Nodding his head, he twirled some pasta onto his fork. His friends would ask questions about his closed club. “I’ll give them a ring or meet them for lunch tomorrow. What do you have planned?” he asked.

  She wrinkled her nose. “I’ve got to get back in my writing cave. I’ve got to go over the story to see if they’re any holes or words I’ve missed. I’m, like, the worst editor in the world. I wonder how I managed to get a publisher to actually publish me.”

  He laughed. “You’ve got the stories up there in that mind. They have other people for editing. You keep that locked up there, and you’ll do well.”

  “Thanks, Dad,” she said, chuckling.

  “None of my thoughts about you are parental, Sara.”

  Andy loved hearing her laugh. “I bet they’re not.”

  They finished their food in silence. Champion lay sated at their feet. Andy placed his arm around the back of her. She locked her fingers with his and curled in against him. Her heady scent invaded his senses. All of his troubles melted away. He had Sara in his arms, and that was all that mattered to him.

  “I’ve got to go and finish up a few points. Can I bring my laptop up here over the next couple of days?” she asked.

  “You never need to ask. I’ll see you soon.” He watched her leave his apartment. Andy sat back staring at his dog. “I can’t tell her. I don’t want her standing up for me. It’s up to me to fight for her, and I will.”


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