Pretend for Me

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Pretend for Me Page 12

by Sam Crescent

  His troubles evaporated with her smile.

  “You’re still awake?”

  “I couldn’t sleep,” he said.

  “You should have woken me sooner.” She rested her hand on her elbow smiling back at him.

  “I like watching you sleep. You look so peaceful.”

  Her hand pressed against his chest to where his rapidly beating heart lay. “What’s the matter?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” he said, responding easily.

  She shook her head in denial. “I know you. Something is bothering you. We’ve never had secrets before. Why are you keeping something from me now?”

  He sighed. It was hurting him as much as it was hurting her.

  “I don’t want to talk about anything. I want to spend the night with you in my arms and all the worries to fade away.”

  Sara stared at him for several moments before her hands wound around his neck. He closed the short distance between them. The clothes they wore were easily gotten rid of. Andy pulled her close feeling her naked body brush against his own. Closing his eyes, he relished the feel of her. Her scent was stronger than ever before.

  She moaned even as her fingers held him closer. Andy ran his hands down her body touching every inch of skin he could. Her legs opened for him, and he searched her heat.

  He slid inside her warmth easily, their eyes widening when they realized they’d forgotten a condom.

  Licking his lips Andy made to move away from her. Sara tightened her hold.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “I need to protect you,” he said. The strain of trying to stay in control was killing him.

  “Don’t leave me.” She begged. There were tears shining in her eyes. He didn’t voice his words. Instead, Andy wrapped his arms around her pulling her in close.

  He took possession of her lips and plunged into her body. She matched him thrust for thrust. The naked warmth of her took over every part of him. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for this woman in his arms.

  How could he do anything for Sara? His clubs were a mess, and he couldn’t provide for her like Dylan could. Andy pushed the negative thoughts away. He made love to the woman in his arms with a fierceness that shocked him.

  They reached climax together in silence. The tears in Sara’s eyes falling freely down her face. He pressed his head in the crook of her neck. His own tears were silent.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sara sat in her sister’s chair while Tracy arranged her hair and finished off her makeup. She wore the pastel pink bridesmaid dress Bethany had picked out. Andy waited at the church. The men had left earlier to get everything prepared. Harmony was dealing with the caterers as Bethany panicked over the cake and everything else.

  All of the other bridesmaids were ready. Tracy was finishing her off to make her look the part.

  “Why haven’t you told Mom and Dad about Dylan?” Tracy asked.

  She let out a sigh. Her thoughts were filled with Andy. The way he’d claimed her last night had been heavenly. But her doubts about his troubles made them feel more real. Andy never reacted like he did last night. Something was the matter with him.

  “I don’t think they need to know every last detail of our time together,” she said.

  Tracy applied her lipstick then got her to dab the excess on some tissue. “If you told them they might leave this crap about Andy behind.”

  “Why can’t they just accept him because I love him? Why do I have to tell them something so personal? They’ll still find some reason to make life hard.”

  Her sister nodded then finished her makeup. Once her face was done Tracy added the daisies into her hair.

  She stared at her reflection wishing she was back in the city in Andy’s apartment watching television.

  “I can’t believe they wanted him to stay in a crummy motel. I know it was Dylan’s doing. He all but told me to ditch Andy because our families want us to get married.” She growled the last words out. Whenever she thought about Dylan her anger spiked.

  “You’re showing your fiery red-headed temper,” Tracy warned her.

  “I’m sick of it. They don’t cause trouble for you. I bring home one man, and they treat him so badly. This is why I never want to bring anyone home.” Her hands shook with her temper.

  “I don’t bring dates back home, Sara. They would be the same with me. In fact, they have been,” Tracy said.

  “What?” This was news to her.

  “Jake ran a background check on a boyfriend some years ago. They sent him a check, and the guy disappeared from my life. I know what you’re going through, and I know why you kept him to yourself all these years.” Tracy smiled down at her. “I just don’t take as much crap as you do.”

  Her sister cupped her face lovingly.

  “I’m not the baby of the family. I love you deeply, Sara. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  Sara batted away the tears. If she started crying she’d ruin her mascara. “If you keep protecting me I’ll never get a chance to live my life. I’ve got to be hurt to feel. I put myself out there and run the risks.”

  Tracy nodded. “There, all finished. You look good enough to be the bride.”

  She laughed and followed her sister down the stairs. Harmony kept trying to talk to her. She tried her hardest to steer clear of her mother. Her family members were not her favorite people at the moment. After this weekend, she wasn’t coming back until they accepted Andy. She was done with her family.

  Bethany looked stunning in the white wedding dress. There were several people muttering appreciative words. They climbed in the back of the waiting limousine that would take them to the church. She stared out of the window during the whole journey. Bethany talked about her honeymoon.

  When they got there Sara allowed for the chaos to rain down. She was pulled into place before the bride. The priest stood at the altar while Bethany arranged everything with her father. When the music started, she began her walk down the aisle. Sara searched for Andy amongst the crowd. He sat on her family’s side on the third row from the front. Andy smiled at her, and it brought a smile to her lips.

  She stood on her side and saw Dylan was one of the men standing next to her brother. He wasn’t the best man, but he’d made the grade to stand next to her brother. Her gaze fell on Andy throughout the whole ceremony. No one else held her attention the way he did.

  The words droned on, and she listened with half an ear.

  Andy stared at her as well. She smiled at him, and when the ceremony was completed she went straight to him. Everyone made their way outside. He opened his arms to her.

  “You look stunning,” he said. His gaze wandered up and down her body.

  “What do you think?”

  “I wish your hair was down.” He picked one of the daisies from her hair to inhale. “You don’t need these flowers to enhance your beauty.”

  She chuckled feeling the heat of a blush fill her cheeks. “We better go outside. They’re waiting to take pictures.”

  He offered her his arm, and she took it without hesitation. The photographer was flashing away. Dylan stood with the groomsmen. The bridesmaids signaled for her to go.

  “Go,” Andy said.

  Sara moaned in pain then left his side.

  The bridesmaids and the men were taking photos together. Dylan wrapped his arm around her waist. She hated his touch. The moment the picture was finished she extracted herself and went to Andy.

  When the pictures were finished everyone made their way back to the house. She stayed by his side, and they walked to his car. “You came in your own car?” she asked.

  He nodded. “There was room in the limo, but I needed to think.”

  She climbed in the passenger seat. The drive was short and quiet back to the house. Everyone made their way to the garden where the happy couple sat in the main seats overlooking the other tables. She took her seat next to Andy. The speeches came and went. The champagne flowed. Neither she nor Andy drank any of the alco
hol on offer. She saw he kept looking at his cell phone.

  “Are you waiting for a call?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it’s nothing. I’m just being impatient.”

  Smiling at him she followed the other women when Bethany decided to throw her bouquet.

  She felt Andy’s eyes on her the whole time. The bouquet was thrown into the air. Sara didn’t even reach out to grab it. In fact she’d started walking away when the red roses fell into her arms. She gasped.

  Her family embraced her, and there were whistles that followed her to the table. “They look beautiful,” Andy said.

  Sara put them on the table then pulled him to the dance floor. “I know something is bothering you.”

  Both of his arms wrapped around her waist. She stared into his eyes. On the dance floor, in his arms was the only space they were free to talk.

  “Don’t spoil the day, Sara. It’s nothing.”

  Her frustration grew. “It is something. It’s changing you, Andy. I’ve not seen you smile properly all day. This isn’t like you, and I refuse to let you go another minute until you tell me what it is.”

  Andy paused and opened his mouth.

  His cell phone went off interrupting them.

  “Don’t answer that damn thing,” she said.

  “I have to.” He cupped her face, kissed her lips and walked off leaving her on the floor. Closing her eyes she watched him walk away. A chill settled over her.

  She rubbed her arms when Dylan appeared. “Let me have this dance.”

  Not wanting to cause a scene on her brother’s big day she let Dylan take her in his arms. When he pulled her close she gave him a look, which forced him to put some distance between them.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  His question took her by surprise. She’d asked Andy the exact same question.

  “Nothing. I’m perfectly fine.”

  It’s my best friend and the man I love I’m worried about.

  She looked out to see Andy on his cell phone. His expression was unreadable.

  “Trouble in paradise?”

  “What did you do?” she asked.

  “I’ve done nothing.”

  He stayed quiet for several minutes and then started to talk about some of the old times they’d shared together. Sara couldn’t escape the worry for Andy even as Dylan kept talking about old but good memories of summers spent without worries.


  Andy flipped his phone shut and glanced out on the dance floor. Dylan was close to Sara, talking with her. She wasn’t smiling, and he saw she was simply being amicable for her family. Staring at her with her family and knowing he was ruined, he finally saw where she belonged. For all this time he’d been living a pipe dream when it came to Sara. He’d never be part of this world. She’d been asking him what was wrong, and he held it back from her worried in case his fears weren’t realized. That call had ended everything for him.

  He watched Sara on the dance floor for several more minutes. Her head was thrown back as she laughed at something Dylan said. The man looked over at him. The look sent his way let him know what words couldn’t.

  See who she is meant to be with. You’re not part of this world. Let her go.

  His hands fisted at his side. The desire to walk over and punch the smarmy bastard was strong. He ignored it and took the time to look at Sara instead. Dylan and the Carroll family had won.

  Sara glanced over in his direction, and she broke away from Dylan to walk over to him. Her hips swayed with every stop she took. The image of her tantalized him. Andy watched her pick up the bouquet of roses and then finish walking over to him. When she’d caught the flowers he’d been tempted to get down on one knee, but something had held him back. Then on the dance floor he’d been tempted to tell the truth, and he’d been interrupted with his phone call. The phone call he received had ended his dreams. There was nothing more for him. The dream he’d been living had gone up in smoke.

  Who would have thought that falling for a woman and meeting her family would result in the end of his future?

  “What’s the matter?” she asked. How many times had she asked him that question over the last few weeks? It must have been over a dozen, and he’d put it off.

  He frowned then glared down at his cell phone. There was no point in hiding the truth anymore. She’d find out eventually. “They closed down Cube.” The words sounded bitter as they left his lips. The reality of his predicament settled deep inside his gut.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  “I’ve been keeping a lot of shit from you, Sara. You were right. Your family would find some reason to keep us apart. You warned me they’d do whatever it took.” His voice grew louder as his anger finally caught up with him.

  Staring past her shoulder he saw her family grouped together with Dylan in the mix. The only person missing from the group was Danny. He stood with his wife wrapped in his arms. “You were right. They only want the best for you, and that’s clearly not me.”

  “I don’t understand what’s going on, Andy. You never said there was anything wrong with the club. Cube was your biggest success yet.”

  His lies caught up to him.

  “Since we stayed with them, my clubs have been facing inspection for everything a club could face: food poisoning, the liquor license, and even rodents.” He chuckled staring down at his phone. “Well, they won. I’ve lost Cube. The chances of me getting it open again are slim. I’ve been warned that the other four clubs will follow this one. It’s over for me.”

  “You never said anything,” she said. Her eyes were filled with tears once again. Andy hated being the one responsible for putting the tears there.

  “I kept it from you. I should have told you. I see that now, but I wanted to handle this on my own.”

  “What exactly is going on?” she asked, reaching out for him. Andy took a step back. If she touched him now he’d fall apart. The love he felt for her was too hard to ignore. In the step back he took, Andy saw the pain he caused her.

  She was clearly baffled by what was going on. “I don’t understand.”

  “The bank refused to extend my loan. I can’t afford to keep Cube open. Then I was told the health department had received some complaints about my establishment. They closed Cube down. It’s only a matter of time before everything goes down.”

  Now that he looked back at what was happening he saw he’d never stood a chance of winning.

  He felt his whole world crumble around him. The love he felt for Sara consumed his every waking moment. He couldn’t care for her when his future and security were down the toilet. Her money meant nothing to him. Being with her was a pleasure he could no longer give himself. He’d failed to be the right man for her. Andy couldn’t even fight the simplest things that Dylan could do. Her ex wouldn’t need to go to a bank or worry about his club being closed. No, this he’d lost. The anger inside him curdled and threatened to get out. He looked at all the dancing faces and knew it was a lie.

  Her family approached, and his anger refused to be controlled.

  “You’ve won,” he said, yelling for them to hear.

  Sara gasped and turned on her family. The bouquet of roses she’d caught was in her grasp.

  “What’s going on? What do you have to do with his club?” she asked. The hysteria could be heard throughout the garden. The music lowered, and all the gazes of the people turned toward them.

  “I think this should be taken inside,” Martin said.

  “No, I’m not going inside. I didn’t cash the check you put into my case, Martin. I care about your daughter, but it doesn’t matter now. You’ve showed me more than once that Dylan can take care of her. I’m done with this. You have no idea who your daughter really is.” He threw his hands up in the air.

  Andy walked away throwing his tuxedo jacket to the floor. Another cost he’d have to bear when the time came.

  “Andy, don’t go.” He heard Sara chasing after him. “Please, stop
.” The sound of her heels hitting the pavement filled his senses. She shouldn’t be running after him.

  He turned to her. Tears shone in her eyes, and they broke his heart to witness. Andy caught her face between his palms. “I need you to go back to that party, Sara. It’s over between us.”

  “We can fix this. I can fix this for you, Andy. I swear.”

  Closing his eyes he rested his head against hers. “I can’t let you do that.” He bit the words out. He needed to do this on his own. No more help from others. It was killing him to walk away. The roses in her hands stopped her from reaching out to him. He kissed her lips knowing it would be the last time he touched her. It hurt to know he’d never see her again. Andy loved her so goddamn much.

  “I’ve got to go.”

  Andy turned away and walked. He kept walking without looking back.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Watching Andy walk away was the hardest thing Sara had ever done. Every word he spoke echoed around her head. They’d ruined his dream. Her family had ruined the dreams of the man she loved. His clubs were gone, and the loan he’d never be able to pay back. She spun on her heel to stare at each one of them. “I can’t believe you all did this. There was nothing wrong with Andy. He didn’t have a clue about the money or who I was. He liked me. You’ve ruined his dream, and for that I can never forgive any of you.” Staring at the bouquet of roses she inhaled their sweet scent. She’d held so much hope when she’d caught them. Now, she knew things were completely over. Sara threw the bouquet of roses on the floor then stepped on them on her way down the driveway. She couldn’t be at the house watching her family and acting like nothing happened. They’d pushed away the man she loved.

  “We did what we had to,” Martin said, shouting the words to make her stop.

  “No, I love him, Dad. You forced him away. I loved him.” She took a step closer slamming her finger against her chest. “This is what I wanted, and you can’t stand it. Why can’t you let me live my life how I want?” she asked, yelling.

  “He’s not the right man for you,” Jake said.

  She looked among all of her family.


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