Dirty Passions

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Dirty Passions Page 39

by Wright, Kenya

  “Wow. Our break is going to be finding out if a traitor is hiding in Italy among either the Italian mafia or a Nigerian gang? That’s our vacation?”

  “Yes. We’ll take our time to get to Italy. And we’ll go in style. We both need a break, and we both like to kill people.”

  “What are you thinking?”

  “Pack for fun in the sun, mysh. But definitely bring your knives and gun.”

  “Fun in the sun, but also a little death. I don’t know, if we should do this. I think you need a break, Kaz.”

  “Pack. I want several bikinis in your bag.”

  “Okay, but Pavel could—”

  “And bring Xavier with you.” He let me go. “I have to call my sister.”

  “Valentina? Why?”

  “I need her help for something.”


  “Pack.” He left me in the bedroom with my mouth open and utterly confused.

  I guess we’re going to Italy.

  Two hours later, Harlem, Kaz, and I boarded his plane. Along with Kaz’s top security, our most loyal people came with us—Max, David, Blue, and Boris. They’d all brought luggage unsure of what they would need.

  Kaz had planned everything and his maids put together his luggage. I packed everything I could think of in my suitcase, unsure of what could be in store—suits and gowns, casual, as well as all black combat to kick someone’s ass.

  And of course I included several sexy bikinis, hoping I would get the chance to wear at least one.

  This trip is going to be insane.

  In the end, we were going to find Pavel and the people who he was working for.

  The Italians or Nigerians.

  It made more sense that it would be the Nigerians. Black Axe. It was in their best interests for Kaz to keep his nose out of all affairs in Sicily and Calabria. With Kaz busy and distracted, Fela could dominate the region and have full control of all drugs going into Europe. That would make him an extremely powerful man. All would have to bow before him.

  But was Fela behind the monkey heads?

  I believed he was responsible for it all—monkey heads, chimpanzee, and gorilla. He had a history with the brotherhood. One stained with hate and racism. Zahkar’s father, Adrik treated him like an animal, beat Fela, put him on a leash, shed his clothes, and had him pretending to be a dog.

  That sort of hate wouldn’t have gone away too easily for Fela. He might have made it his overall lifetime mission to destroy the brotherhood. I would have. It didn’t matter that many of the men were dead. I would have kept them close, pretended to be friends, slowly found their weakness, and then exploit them.

  Or maybe he had somehow made his peace with all of that, and simply yearned for his people to be powerful. He’d created a movement in Nigeria and did his best to uplift black people. He seized the opportunity with the drug trade and gave the Nigerians a seat at the global domination table.

  It was him. It has to be. And I must say, the plan was genius.

  Fela placing the monkey heads around was the perfect misdirection. Who would have thought to have us focus on the ugly part of the brotherhood—the possible racism and disgust for the lion’s new girlfriend? Fela probably guessed that Kaz would have done anything to figure out who would be terrorizing me. And the lion had exhausted all resources and energy. Meanwhile, every dead animal signaling racism would force me to despise the brotherhood, trust them less. It was Fela’s own messages to me—don’t trust them, they’re a bunch of racists, and they’ll never except you.

  One thing kept me calm as I considered this whole situation more.

  Pavel and Fela didn’t want me dead. They just needed Kaz busy.

  They could have killed me. There was no way to ignore that fact. Pavel had many chances to slit my neck, put a bullet in my head, or even place a bomb in a place that I frequented. Pavel not only could have murdered me in Moscow, but him and I had been alone in Paris, planning dates for Kaz and me. There were tons of opportunity.

  I will have to talk to Kaz about what to do with Pavel and Fela. Can we truly kill people that didn’t try to kill us? Or can this be handled a different way.

  Here was another situation within the brotherhood that I was sticking my nose in. Just like with the Corsican, I believed Kaz could solve this without violence and death.

  I thought about the childhood friends Kaz and I had killed. Zahkar should have died. He murdered Yuri over a damn picture. He had been innocent, but a dumb ass. Had he only brought the photo to us and been truthful, everything would have been fine. Instead, he plotted and hid things behind Kaz’s back. He proved to be disloyal. But once he took out Yuri and then his mother, I sentenced him to death.

  We don’t kill innocents.

  Clearly, Kaz had reached the same thinking with Abram. We knew the man had nothing to do with the monkey heads, but the underage brothel was enough for him to die. His death served as common sense.

  But Pavel? Is it wrong for me to want to save him or even Fela? Why can’t I yearn for both of the men’s deaths, like I did for the others? How did they make me feel bad for them?

  Innocent death was present in this situation. While they hadn’t murdered people or tried to take me out, they had killed the monkeys, a chimpanzee, and gorilla. Two of the animals had been pregnant which meant that there were little orphan baby animals. So, Pavel and Fela’s hands weren’t completely clean of blood.

  But still. . .I hesitated when it came to plotting their deaths.

  Kaz and I will have to discuss this on our way to Italy.

  I pushed the mental war out of my head and joined everyone for our trip.

  On the plane, everyone held somber expressions. I didn’t know how close everybody had gotten to be with Pavel, but many looked to be feeling down about his guilt. Even Boris shook his head a few times at the realization. For a few minutes, he took me to the side and tried to argue that maybe Jean-Pierre was tricking us.

  Thirty minutes into the plane ride, Kaz instructed us to meet in his conference room. Morale was down, but I doubted Kaz would be motivating or lifting anyone’s spirits. He looked exhausted and disappointed. The last time I’d seen him like that was after my miscarriage.

  At least he doesn’t want to bomb all of Italy. But poor Pavel. What will happen, when Kaz sees him?

  Kaz pointed to the monkey head situation as having something to do with my miscarriage. Had they not appeared, we would have never gone to France. There would have been no kidnapping or current annoyance of Jean-Pierre. Things would have been business as usual. For that, I knew Kaz would crush Pavel’s windpipe.

  But would he do it without any remorse?

  Without Kaz, I entered the conference. Harlem trotted by my feet. It appeared he liked to fly.

  I studied the convenient workspace. Weeks ago, I had kicked Kaz’s butt in this same room, trying to show him that I could handle myself. Neither of us knew for sure that I was pregnant. Now everything had changed. I carried our son in my womb. Kaz and I were closer than ever. And we both trusted each other more. He knew when to let me go. He understood that I was a boss in my own right. And I knew when to stand behind him, when to listen to his common sense, and when to let him simply take care of me.

  Noise sounded.

  I turned around.

  Blue and King David chatted as they entered. His arm was in a sling. Scratches covered his hands and there were bruises on his face. But overall he appeared just fine.

  Blue flipped him off. “You should have brought me along for that brothel. You wouldn’t have a sling on, if you did.”

  King David chuckled. “No. I would have been too worried about my buddy. We don’t want to make that blue hair, purple. I like it just the way it is.”

  Blue smirked. “I would have loved the idea of shooting pedophiles in their dicks. It helps me sleep better at night.”

  “This way is better.” He winked at her. “Now, when you sleep, you’ll know that I’m the one that gave you the rest.”<
br />
  “Whatever, King David.”

  Harlem jumped on my lap.

  I scratched his ear and continued to listen to the banter in front of me.

  Blue twisted her lips. “I heard you have to bust a nut, before you can go out and fight.”

  King David widened his eyes. “Bust a nut?”

  “Have an orgasm. Cum.”

  “Oh. Yes. Always. It’s not even something deviant. It’s kind of a spell.”

  “A spell?”

  “Yes. Sex is magic. You’re exchanging more than bodily fluids and pleasure. You’re transforming energy. Sex can give us strength as we expel our weaknesses. So I always bust a nut, before I go fight.”

  “Sex magic? Where did you get that from?”

  His face reddened with embarrassment. “My grandmother.”

  “Whoa. My grandmother never gave me cool advice like that.”

  “My Baba is an interesting soul.”

  Max and Boris barreled in afterwards.

  Boris frowned. “It’s not necessary.”

  “It is. You have to let it out, man. Or you’ll die.” Max sat down next to me. “You want to die, Boris?”

  I turned to Boris. “What’s wrong? Were you shot or—”

  “No,” Boris grumbled.

  Max tapped my arm. “This motherfucker hasn’t had sex in four years. What kind of shit is that?”

  Boris gritted his teeth. “My family and I were starving and barely getting by—”

  “That doesn’t mean you don’t fuck.” Max shook his head. “That shit is crazy, man. You can die from that shit. I bet all types of poisons and stuff are inside your body.”

  Looking at Blue, King David gestured to Boris. “You see what I mean?”

  Boris eyed him. “What are you two talking about?”

  Blue laughed. “We just happened to be talking about the importance of releasing your sperm.”

  Max nodded. “See. Even David and Blue know you can die from it.”

  Boris frowned. “I release it.”

  “But not really.” Max shook his head. “You can’t tickle yourself, man.”

  “What?” Blue laughed.

  “Okay. Okay.” I waved my hand in the air. “Let’s get off this topic.”

  Max muttered. “Fine. But know that his ass is going to die.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Would you stop?”

  Valentina entered next.

  Shock hit all of our faces.

  “You’re here?” I was about to stand to greet her. Granted, Harlem lounged on my lap. But it was all unnecessary.

  She shook her head as she came over, lowered, and hugged me. “Yes. I had to come. My brother needs to be surrounded by those who love him.”

  I hugged her back. “You’re right. I’m glad you’re here.”

  Valentina winked at me. “We’ll take care of my brother. He doesn’t need so many men around him anyway. Good women make a leader unstoppable. Good men make a leader pretty decent.”

  Max groaned at that.

  Valentina ignored him and sat next to me.

  Now I was between Max and her.

  Valentina leaned my way, “Who is the old woman on the plane? I just saw her. A bunch of men carried boxes.”

  “Oh. I had no idea Kaz had invited her,” I whispered. “That’s Baba. I guess he’s bringing her along.”

  Valentina kept her voice low. “Is she a good person? Smart?”

  “Yes. I think she has a good heart and she. . .tells the future or. . .more like she provides very helpful guidance for the future.”

  “This is great. Kazimir needs that.” Valentina nodded. “And I’m glad that it is another good woman around him. Too many penises cause corruption and war.”

  We waited a few more minutes.

  What is Kaz doing?

  After a while, Harlem fell asleep on my lap.

  Max stared at the puppy. “That furball has traveled more than me at his age.”

  “Dog years are different.”

  “He’s a spoiled little creature.”

  “Leave him alone.” I directed my view to my fur baby. Max did have a point. The airplane probably felt like home to Harlem. Although just a puppy, he had flown often. Already, Harlem had curled in a ball on my lap and slept as if dozing in the penthouse. The engine roared under my feet as the plane moved toward the runway. Harlem’s sleep remained undisturbed as he rested in his sky-born cradle.

  Kaz entered.

  We all stopped our chatter and turned his way.

  Although Kaz offered everyone a sad smile, he looked even more exhausted. I hated to see him so out of it.

  Regardless of what we have to do, I’m going to make sure he relaxes. Enough is enough.

  Unbuttoning his suit jacket, Kaz sat down and leaned back in his seat. And then, he gave me an intense stare, one filled with heat. “I’m sorry. I kept you all waiting.”

  I smiled, knowing those words were mainly for me. “That’s fine. Is everything okay?”

  “It is.” He rubbed his eyes. “I just had to get this trip approved by Baba. She was a wealth of information. Everyone on this plane is supposed to be here. It appears you are my most loyal.”

  “I’m glad you talked to Baba.” David grinned. “That’s the only way I do things.”

  “That’s how I will be doing big moves from now on.” Kaz placed his hands on the table. “However, let’s get to the topic of this meeting. For those that don’t know, we are going to Italy.”

  Max exchanged glances with Boris. Shocked, Blue sat up in her seat. And poor King David who had been on a non-stop ride since Paris, blinked several times as if unable to comprehend that more adventure was too come.

  Yeah. Being next to Kaz is not boring at all.

  I checked the window. The plane had positioned itself to prepare to take off. I turned back to the meeting.

  Kaz looked at David. “Is the brothel still running?”

  “No. I did as you requested with not too many bruises.” David showed his arm. “The disgusting place is closed for business. Frankly, it’s not even a building anymore. More broken brick. Shattered glass. And by morning, it will be just ash..”

  Kaz appeared pleased. “And the clientele?”

  “All that were there today are no longer alive. It was about thirty men. We cut off their heads, took their wallets, found the home addresses, and placed their heads on doorsteps.” David cleared his throat. “I went a little further. After I killed the brothel’s accountant who lived on the property, I grabbed the business’s books. They had the addresses of other clients.”

  The plane took off, rising high and leaving the ground.

  They’re dead.

  I stared out the window, wishing I could see Kapotnya from here, especially the destroyed brothel.

  Maybe, Kaz will let me kill some of the clientele. It sure would be fun.

  Moscow appeared small below us like a train city track, but I couldn’t spot Kapotnya.

  When we get back, I’ll go to the ruined brothel and dance on all those pedophiles’ graves.

  Excited, I returned to Kaz.

  “We’ll handle the rest of the brothel’s clientele, when we return.” Kaz scanned all of our faces. “It’s been a long road of bombings and shootings. Traitors and kidnappings. From New York to Prague. Moscow to Paris and back. Somehow we united into this weird band of friends who don’t mind a little death in our day.”

  An odd sensation hit me. I had forgotten how much had occurred since meeting my lion.

  Kaz continued, “At this moment, I believe that all of you are loyal. Baba confirmed it. But she added that all of you are here to protect each other as well as my interests. Is that true?”

  Everyone all nodded.

  He deepened his smile. “Then, a vacation is in order.”

  Blue widened her eyes.

  “We’re going on a trip. In four hours, we will arrive in Venice.”

  I swallowed.

  “From there we’ll get on
a yacht and wander down Italy’s east coast. It will be a beautiful affair. The yacht is a castle on the sea with a staff that is there to spoil us. Elegant food. Expensive wine. And lots of sun and water for you to enjoy.”

  I raised my eyebrows.

  “We’ll take our time.” Kaz threaded his fingers. “I’m sure everyone needs the rest. And then we’ll hit Palermo, Sicily. That’s when the vacation is over. There, I want everyone on the lookout for Pavel.”

  David sat in shock as if just realizing why the man had not been there. “Pavel? Why?”

  Poor King David had been busy with the brothel and didn’t hear about our new traitor.

  I turned to him. “Pavel is behind the dead animals in our bedroom.”

  “No.” David shook his head. “I like Pavel.”

  “We all like Pavel.” Kaz pulled out my phone, put it on the table, and slipped it to David. The screen was already on the video. David picked the device up and pressed play. Although across from David, Blue leaned over and checked out some of the footage. The whole room filled with the tortured men’s screams and their yelling Pavel’s name.

  When the video finished, David pushed the phone to the center of the table. “I can’t believe it.”

  Kaz continued, “Emily and I have a meeting in Palermo. During that time, you all search for Pavel. Keep it to just the people in this room.”

  Boris frowned. “When we find Pavel—?”

  “Don’t kill him.” Kaz raised one finger. “Bring Pavel back to the yacht. I want to talk to him.”

  Max spoke, “Do you think Pavel will be in Palermo?”

  Kaz shook his head. “Misha had Pavel tracked. Although Pavel hid himself well and was under a fake name and wearing a disguise, it was the two hairstylist that Misha spotted.”

  Even when you’re fleeing, you’ve got to look good?

  I shook my head.

  “Pavel and his hairstylists flew into Rome, Italy and then they got on a train heading south. After that, Misha lost them. There’s only two possibilities—Palermo or Calabria.”

  Clouds floated by the window.

  Blue raised her hand.

  Kaz frowned. “Just ask the damn question.”

  “Sorry.” She gave him an uneasy smile. “Can I get the tracking information from Misha? That could help.”


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