Betrayed Honor: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Ivanov Crime Family Book 3)

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Betrayed Honor: A Dark Mafia Arranged Marriage Romance (Ivanov Crime Family Book 3) Page 13

by Zoe Blake

  Reaching between our joined bodies, I dipped my fingers into her cunt. I could feel the press of my cock through the thin wall between her cunt and ass. I stretched my arm over her body.

  “Open your mouth,” I commanded roughly.

  She obeyed.

  I pressed all three fingers into her mouth. “Suck them. Taste your own arousal. Taste how much you like the pain.” As her tongue swept between my fingers, lapping up her own come, I continued to thrust in deep, punishing her with my cock. Her body tensed as her legs closed tighter around my hips, grinding her core against me. Her orgasm spurred my own.

  My balls tightened as I pushed my fingers in deeper. Wanting to hear her gag and choke as if she were both sucking my cock as well as accepting it in her ass. Later, I would have to get her a dildo gag. The thought of her beautiful eyes looking up at me from over a black leather gag with a silicone cock forced deep into her throat brought my release roaring to the surface.

  Throwing my head back, I groaned deeply and completely as I spilled my seed in her ass. My breathing heavy, I waited till my cock had slightly softened before pulling free. Nadia immediately tried to lower her legs and curl up.

  “Don’t,” I ordered.

  I grasped her ankles and stretched her legs up high. I wanted to take in the view of her abused asshole, now dark pink around her slack entrance. My thick come slowly dripped out.

  Dipping my fingers between the folds of her cunt, I growled. “Let’s see if I can make you come one more time.”

  Nadia’s only response was a submissive moan.

  Chapter 19


  We could hear the screams from outside on the doorstep.

  Gregor opened the front door and ushered us inside. The screams and shouts got louder, except this time we could also hear pounding. I tilted my head to the side and listened. It was coming from upstairs.

  Gregor gestured with his head. “We locked the girls in an upstairs bedroom till the entire premises was verified secure. They are… not happy about it.”

  He then gave Nadia and me the once-over. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Did you get lost?”

  I deserved that. Under normal circumstances, after such a significant security breech, my ass would have raced straight here to secure the premises, instead of relying on my men to do so. I wasn’t worried. Gregor and Damien were more than capable of protecting themselves and their women. The fact was these weren’t normal circumstances. Everything changed the moment that black SUV drove up to Nadia’s jewelry store, because I knew in my gut what was about to happen. Never again would I deny my feelings for her. From this point forward, she was mine and no one, not even her brothers, was going to take her away from me. As soon as we had this mess straightened out, I was going to have a conversation with Gregor and Damien telling them just that.

  I loved them both as if they were truly my brothers, and I would always be grateful to them for taking a chance on me. It had been an honor working by their sides. My loyalty to them was as steadfast as it had always been. I just hoped they wouldn’t see my love for their sister as a betrayal. They had warned me off and on over the years of how impossible a match was between us. And until yesterday, I had respected their decision, but no more.

  Nadia would be my wife as soon as I could arrange it.

  The Devil himself would not stop me, and neither would the Ivanov brothers.

  My answer was evasive, for now. “I had to take care of a few things first.”

  Gregor’s gaze shifted between me and Nadia. He wasn’t a stupid man. In our business, instincts were always trusted, and I was certain by the set of his jaw and the narrowing of his eyes that he could sense something was different between Nadia and me.

  Before he could say anything, Damien strolled into the entryway from the kitchen. He jutted his chin out at me and repeated his brother’s same question. “Get lost?”

  Ignoring the jibe, I said, “I have an update.”

  Damien nodded. Then he crouched down and grabbed Nadia around the waist and hugged her close as he spun her around. Her blue eyes widened in surprise before she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him back. He placed her back on the ground and pulled her close, placing a kiss on the top of her head. “Never scare us like that again, okay, baby sis?”

  Nadia’s eyes teared up as she sniffed. She buried her head against his chest and nodded.

  A sharp stab of jealousy pierced me. It was ludicrous. The man was her brother. Still, now that I had finally decided to claim her as my own, I found I didn’t want anyone touching her or holding her close but me.

  Gregor pulled her to his side and ruffled her already tangled curls. His next words belied his tender actions. “You ever disobey me like that again, and there will be consequences, you understand?”

  My hand curled into a fist. The only thing worse than watching another man hug my girl was hearing one demanding her obedience. She would follow my rules from now on, not theirs. Something I would make very clear to them as soon as we'd handled today’s business.

  Setting Nadia aside, Gregor’s gaze slipped to my fist. With an effort, I unlocked my fingers.

  “Is Mother here?” asked Nadia. I could see the tension in her shoulders as she braced for the answer. Nadia’s mother wasn’t a bad person — just uninvolved in her children’s lives.

  Gregor rubbed his eyes. “No, thank God. She had a spa week in Arizona already planned so she could recover from all the wedding planning she didn’t do. We sent a car over to her house and hustled her out early on the private plane.”

  All three siblings visibly relaxed. Myself, as well. If there was one thing their mother loved, it was gossip drummed up by drama. It was the last thing anyone needed right now.

  The shouts and pounding, which had abated somewhat, started up again in earnest.

  Nadia swiped at the tears on her cheeks with the back of her hand. “You don’t really have Yelena and Samara locked in a bedroom?”

  Gregor and Damien exchanged a look.

  Her mouth fell open. “Are you both crazy?” Turning to Gregor, she said, “Samara is going to be mad as a wet hen at you,” then turning to Damien, she warned, “and Yelena is going to shoot you dead.”

  Damien pulled something out of his pocket and opened his palm, displaying six .38 caliber bullets. “Already thought of that. I took the bullets out of her gun.”

  Nadia shook her head as she placed her fists on her hips. “You both are impossible. They’re right, you’re hopeless Neanderthal cavemen.” She then tossed a meaningful glance over her shoulder at me.

  I smiled back at her.

  Guilty as charged.

  Damien gestured to the upstairs. “How about you be a wonderful sister and run interference for me when I let them out?”

  Nadia backed a step away as she waved her hands at him. “No way. You got yourself into this mess. You get yourself out.”

  Damien sighed. “Here I thought because you were dressed like a badass and all….” He let his words trail off.

  We all watched for Nadia’s reaction. Her shoulders swept back as she jutted out her chin. Smoothing the black turtleneck I'd given her over her abdomen, she asked, “You think I look like a badass?”

  “It’s a good look on you, baby sis.”

  Nadia relented. “Okay, I’ll go with you, but if Yelena wants to knee you in the balls, I will not stand in her way.”

  Damien placed a hand over her shoulders and guided her to the staircase. “Agreed.”

  We all shared a look over her head.

  He had no intention of letting the girls out. He was, however, going to lock Nadia in there with them.

  As I watched them ascend the stairs, Gregor clapped me on the shoulder. “You look like you could use a drink.”

  It wasn’t even noon, but then again, it was only vodka. “Hell yeah I could.”

  We both headed down the long narrow hallway to his study. As we crossed the threshold, Gregor angled off to the si
deboard to pour us both a drink. My gaze strayed, as it always did when I was in this room, to his desk. I never saw ledger books and pens. I saw a smart-mouthed, strawberry blonde bent over it with her bare ass on display as she prettily confessed to being a bad girl as I spanked her.

  I cleared my throat as I willed my hardened cock down. Accepting the glass from Gregor, I drained half the contents before speaking. “My men grabbed someone off the street I think is involved. They’re waiting at the warehouse with him. I’m almost certain this is the work of the Novikoffs. We’ll get confirmation soon.”

  Gregor crossed to the windows and looked out as he took a sip. He then turned to face me. “I agree. It has all the markings of their sloppy, half-assed way of doing things. They are also fans of hiring local idiots to do their dirty work. Still….”

  I nodded. “I know what you’re going to say. We had eyes and ears on Egor this whole time. If this was the Novikoffs, it wasn’t sanctioned by him.”

  Gregor put his glass down. “I paid him off. I settled everything. You think his sons would be rash enough to start a new war without their father’s permission?”

  I shrugged. “You mean Dumb and Dumber? In a word, yes.”

  Egor’s sons, Leonid and Lenin, shared the same half-brain. They were such stereotypically spoiled rich kids that they were a boring redundancy. If they weren’t drunk, they were high. If they weren’t balls deep in a whore, they were balls deep in some stupid mess of their own making. The only time they stopped shooting their mouths off about their family’s confidential business is when they were passed out. I could definitely see those two bloated tick egos putting together a half-cocked plan to come after the Ivanovs.

  Damien walked through the door. “It’s done. Can’t say you’re going to have much of a honeymoon night after this, Gregor.”

  Now that all three were locked in the bedroom, I could only imagine what hellish retribution they were planning.

  He winked. “It’s okay. It’s even more fun when she’s mad at me.”

  I thought the same about Nadia, but since she was both men’s little sister, I wisely kept my mouth shut.

  “To the warehouse?” I asked as I picked up the black duffel bag I had dropped on the carpet.

  Damien tossed over his shoulder as we all filed out, “I have a better idea. Call Ilya and tell him to bring the man to the jewelry store. Might as well kill two birds with one stone.”

  I agreed and pulled out my phone to contact Ilya, but something distracted my mind. I knew what we had planned for her jewelry store. It was too risky a possibility that a police detective not on our payroll would ferret out what had really happened and start asking unnecessary and dangerous questions. If I completely destroyed the crime scene, the evidence would tell a much murkier story. It would be filed away as a bungled burglary by some drug addicts who turned on one another. Case closed. So much of our power came from simply controlling the narrative. It was absolutely necessary, but at the same time, I knew it would devastate Nadia. I would just have to deal with the fallout later. My priority was keeping her safe, and to do that I had to send a clear message that going after my woman meant a slow and painful death to anyone involved.

  We drove one of the older Range Rovers to her shop. Now that it was early afternoon, people would be around. There was no point in drawing attention to ourselves by rolling up in some flashy, luxury car. Just as I had last night, we parked in the alley and entered through the back door. Three bodies were stacked on the floor next to her workbench, but behind the counter, out of view of anyone who may have tried to peek past the curtains drawn across the storefront windows. Stacked in the center of the store were two red plastic gas cans and several tarps. The shelves that once glittered with silver jewelry on crystal and moss displays were gone. They had cleared everything out.

  It was clear the cleaner crew had begun their work. Ilya and the rest of my men hadn’t arrived yet from the warehouse.

  Damien kicked at the stack of bodies till they rolled off of one another and lay sprawled face up on the floor. Neither he nor Gregor recognized the twitchy fucker I'd shot last. Gregor pulled the ski masks off the remaining two.

  Damien kicked the boot of the man closest to him. “This asshole has definitely done work for Dumb and Dumber. Low-level shit. Shaking down corner dealers, that sort of thing.”

  Gregor took out his phone and took a close-up picture of each face as Ilya and two of my men burst through the back door dragging another man by the upper arms, a black hood over his head. They shoved him down by the shoulders to sit in the center of Nadia’s secondhand sofa.

  Ilya tossed me the key to our captive’s handcuffs. “We have all of her things moved out of the apartment and all the jewelry stuff from here. A crew is bringing it to Gregor’s.”

  I nodded. “Don’t let any of the girls see them. Stash it all in one of the outer buildings.”

  Ilya said he’d make the call now, before leaving with the other men. They would wait outside for further instructions. We let no one see more than they absolutely needed to see.

  I leaned over and uncuffed the man. The moment I did, he yanked off the hood and glared at us. Without saying a word, he shifted his bulky frame forward and spit on the ground at our feet.

  Gregor raised an eyebrow. “Charming.”

  The man sneered. “Fuck you.”

  I gestured in his general direction. “Gentleman, this well-spoken man is Gary Glogowski, but he prefers his street moniker, Bruiser.”

  Damien let out a bark of laughter. “With a name like Gary Glogowski, so would I. Jesus Christ man, did your parents hate you even in the womb?”

  The man shot to his feet. Bruiser was almost as tall as Damien, but unlike Damien, his bloated frame was more fat than muscle. “Fuck you.”

  I shot the toe of my heavy boot into his left kneecap, unbalancing Bruiser and sending him sprawling back onto the sofa. “Sit your ass down.”

  Gregor leaned down to retrieve the gun Twitchy used to threaten me, then rose. Without looking up, he slid the release back and chambered a bullet. He said with deadly calm, “Bruiser, I’m going to need you to marshal what few brain cells you may have, and try to string more than two words together, because I need answers.”

  Damien placed his right fist in his left palm and cracked his knuckles. “Someone went after our little sister last night, and now someone has to pay.”

  Bruiser cocked his head to the side and rubbed the underside of his jaw with his knuckles. “You ladies are about to find out why they call me Bruiser.”

  I placed my palm over my heart. “Aw, baby’s first sentence.”

  Damien wiped away a fake tear. “They grow up so fast.”

  Gregor rolled his eyes.

  As Bruiser shot to his feet a second time, Gregor pointed the gun and fired.

  Bruiser screamed and clutched his thigh before falling back. “I’ll kill you for that. I’ll kill your entire family. I’ll kill everyone you—”

  I waved my hand in the air. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. We got it. You’ll kill everyone we love. We’re really scared. Now start talking.”

  White foam formed at the corner of his thick lips as Bruiser sneered, “Fuck you.”

  I took the gun from Gregor. It was important we used the same one these assholes brought to the scene and not our own, so if there was an investigation, the crime scene would make sense and nothing would lead back to us. “I guess we’re back to that.”

  Without saying another word, I fired a round into Bruiser’s other thigh. He screamed in pain. He pressed his hands to the tops of both of his thighs, and thick blood pooled over his fingers to drench his pants and the faded daisy fabric on the sofa. Images of Nadia curled up sleeping on those same cushions made my stomach twist with bitter bile. It may upset her when she learned what we had done to her shop, but there was no fucking way I could ever let her come back. I could never tell her what happened here today. There was equally no chance in hell I would let her unknowingly
, innocently curl up on that sofa again, no matter how clean the cleaning crew got it.

  I sank down on my haunches, dangling the gun between my knees. “Here’s the thing, Gary. May I call you Gary? I’m going to keep filling you with holes till you talk. Either way, you’re dying today. It’s just a matter of how painful you want your journey to hell to be.”

  Bruiser’s fat lips puckered as he inhaled air through his nose. I lifted the gun again.

  Bruiser blurted, “It was those two Russian idiots.”

  Gregor raised his phone and hit record. “You’re going to have to be more specific, Gary. We know a lot of Russian idiots.”

  Bruiser grimaced as he clutched at his thighs. “Lenin and Leon Novakiss.”

  “Could you mean Lenin and Leonid Novikoff?” asked Damien.

  Once Bruiser started talking, there was no shutting him up. “Yeah, those two. They asked me to arrange to kidnap the bitch, something stupid about family honor. We were supposed to take her to a crack house and juice her up good. The plan was to video her getting all kinds of nasty fucked by a bunch of guys for as long as it took her to die, then put it on the internet. I waited at the crack house”— Bruiser gestured with his head to the three bodies lying on the floor near the sofa— “but these fuckers never showed.”

  My entire body broke out in a cold sweat. Handing Gregor the gun, I took a few steps back, turned, and vomited the bile that had been roiling in my stomach. Fuck. Just the thought of that almost happening to my sweet babygirl made me sick with fear and disgust. Usually, I would have happily beat the man to death, but I didn’t even want to touch him after hearing something so vile. Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, I walked over to the gas cans and picked one up. I returned to where Bruiser sat bleeding and slowly unscrewed the cap.

  His eyes widened. “You said if I talked, you’d kill me quickly.”

  I poured the gasoline over his head. Bruiser howled in agony as the noxious chemical hit his open bullet wounds.

  I emptied the can over his body, and onto the sofa, then tossed it aside. “I said you had a choice on how painful your journey to hell would be. I said nothing about my choice on how painful it would be for you.”


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