Precious Moments

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Precious Moments Page 5

by Casper Graham

  “Do you think Tony will want an omega mate?” James inquired all of a sudden.

  Blake stared at James. “I don’t know. Have you talked to him?”

  “I wanted to do that so many times, but I was terrified of hearing the reply.”

  “Why? Are you concerned Tony will stop loving you? Your alpha loves you, you moron. I like Tony, but his love for you borders on obsession. I could never be happy with an alpha like Tony. He’s too…too clingy. He calls or sends you text messages at least once every twenty minutes. He puts his arms around your waist every time we hang out together. He’s always tense when the three of us are in a bar, a diner, or anywhere else outside of your house because he doesn’t like the scents of so many other alphas and betas anywhere near you. He’s so into you his eyes are practically glued to you most of the time. I think it’s creepy.”

  James sighed. “You’re right. Maybe I’m just being stupid.”

  “No, you’re not. You love him just as much. The two of you are made for each other. The kind of relationship you share with him would never work for me, though.”

  “He thinks you’re pretty,” James teased.

  Blake laughed. “Alphas are biologically programmed to admire omegas, and vice-versa, but it doesn’t mean that alphas and omegas all want to fuck one another. Scents and looks are just part and parcel of the basic level of attraction between those two secondary gender designations.”

  “True,” James conceded. “But I’m unable to get pregnant.”

  Blake shook his head. “So, that’s the crux of your insecurity. You’re an idiot. Talk to Tony. You have to figure things out together.”

  “We’ve touched on the subject once or twice. The only thing we’ve agreed on is not to add another alpha to our bond, but that’s mainly because Tony is too much of an alpha. I’ll go crazy if two alphas start asserting their dominance over each other. The fights will drive me insane.”

  Blake snorted, but he wasn’t disagreeing. “For real. Just for your information, an alpha female’s chances of pregnancy is nearly zero, and when they’re pregnant, the possibility of a miscarriage is more than ninety-five percent. If you yearn to have children of your own, the two of you may want to consider adding a beta female or an omega of either primary gender to your bond.”

  James nodded. “I’ll have another chat with Tony.”

  “You do that. Anyway, I’m done with the final box.”

  “That’s it?”

  “Of course. I’m not a hoarder. You know that. I always donate anything that I don’t use. If it’s damaged, it belongs in the trash.”

  “But your life is so…so…compact. All of your belongings, including your clothes, can be put in one huge suitcase and two large boxes. Most people our age own a whole lot more than these,” James remarked while gesturing at the boxes and suitcase. “What about the furniture? Kitchen appliances?”

  “I’m going to donate everything else. I contacted a charity earlier this morning. The person I spoke to on the phone promised that someone would stop by at three o’clock to pick everything up. We have about ten minutes before he or she arrives.”

  “Cool. So, what’s it like being mated to Kee and Mase? Lovemaking and breakfast in bed?” James asked before winking at him.

  Blake became flustered as the memory of the things he and his mates did that morning appeared in his mind. The three of them had started the day with a round of lovemaking, which was followed by two hours at the gym and a nice, warm shower. After that, they soaked for about half an hour in the hot tub before breakfast. Blake had been concerned about the diner, but Mason reassured him the duty manager could handle everything.

  “It’s wonderful.”

  “Judging by the faraway look in your eyes, it must be much better than that.”

  “I don’t kiss and tell, asshole.”

  “Whatever, ass-breath. I’ll stop prying,” James retorted. “I’m delighted you’re mated, though.”


  “Uh-huh. You’re no longer as miserable and bitchy as you were in the past.”

  He gave James the middle finger. Blake was about to say something when he heard someone knocking on the apartment door. He answered it in a hurry. He noticed several people standing outside. They informed him they were from the charity, so he led them into the apartment. He pointed at all of his furniture and anything else that he could donate. With the number of volunteers available, they cleared his entire apartment within twenty minutes. They thanked him before driving away. Blake checked his apartment one last time to make sure there was nothing left in it, except the suitcase and two boxes.

  “I think that’s it,” he piped up a few minutes later. “I appreciate your help, James.”


  “We should all have dinner tonight. My treat.”

  “Can’t. Tony and I have other plans. Rain check?”


  “Great. Come on. Let’s put all your stuff in your car. Then I’ll walk with you to the management office to drop off the keys.”

  When the apartment was finally empty, Blake took one final glance at it. He wasn’t a sentimental person, but there had been some incredible memories while he lived there. It was a bittersweet feeling to leave the place, but he had no regrets. He would be living with his alpha mates from that point onward. The three of them were about to embark on a brand-new adventure together as mates. He couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for all of them. He envisioned lots of cuddling everywhere around the house. Unfortunately, fate had a different plan for the three of them, which he certainly didn’t expect. At all.

  Chapter 10

  Mason was one second away from snapping at Kian. He loved the other alpha so damn much, but Kian was getting on his last nerve. The two of them were trying to be as quiet and discreet as possible while they turned one of the extra bedrooms into a nursery. Blake wasn’t pregnant, but he and Kian thought it would make for an incredible surprise for the omega someday.

  It had been three weeks since they bonded with one another, but he and Kian were determined to go through with the final gift of the courting ritual, which was comfort and home. Since they already had a house, Kian came up with the suggestion of a nursery, which Mason agreed was an excellent idea. A nursery could represent comfort and home to their future child. He figured that would be close enough to fulfill the requirement of the courting ritual.

  Mason, Blake, and Kian had gathered all of their parents ten days after they mated for a cookout in the backyard. They also invited James and Anthony, who were responsible for them being able to meet and eventually mate. One or more of them must have been carrying a virus because Blake had started vomiting on and off three or four days after that day.

  He and Kian were terrified and worried about their omega. Moreover, they were both busy with work and trying to complete the nursery in secret. It didn’t help Mason’s temper that Blake was being stubborn, insisting on continuing with designing the websites for his clients or finishing some translation jobs, even though Mason and Kian kept telling him to rest. Blake seemed so exhausted and pale that Mason couldn’t stop hovering over the omega, preferring to leave most of the operational and financial stuff at the diner to the managers.

  He and Kian were stressed to their limits at the moment, so the two of them couldn’t stop snapping at each other inside the locked extra bedroom while they put the final touches on the nursery. He glared at Kian when the other alpha thought it would be better to change the color on the walls. Again. He liked the current one just fine. Moreover, he was exhausted, so he refused to compromise. He thought the two of them should concentrate more on Blake to make sure their omega could regain his health as soon as possible.

  “Kee, for fuck’s sake. Enough!” Mason hissed.

  “The yellow is too bright. Maybe we should use a dimmer shade.”

  He closed his eyes and counted to ten. He didn’t want to turn into one of those alphas who ended
up in a fistfight with his alpha mate. He waited until he could control his anger before opening his eyes. He glared at Kian. It didn’t help that Kian was just as much of an alpha as he was. He could tell they were seconds away from blowing their tops. He decided to walk out of the bedroom before he did something that he would regret for the rest of his life. He and Kian would do that every time they argued in the past.

  However, Mason was shocked when Kian grabbed his collar and pushed his face against the door. He turned to face the left side of the bedroom and snarled. He struggled to break free, but Kian managed to hold him in place despite the disparity in their physical sizes. He could sense his canines and claws were about ready to pop out, especially when his vision grew redder by the second. Kian growled at him. The still sane part of Mason knew a bloody fight was inevitable now, but he was still doing his best to hold back. Then, he and Kian smelled the distressed scent of their omega coming in through the crack of the door.


  In an instant, Mason felt Kian’s hold on him loosening, and his vision cleared. He turned around and yanked Kian close to him. “We’re mates. I’ll forget this ever happened. Do that again, and I’ll snap your neck off.”

  Kian sneered at him. “Bring it on.”

  “Alphas!” Blake called again, more frantic this time.

  He and Kian stared daggers at each other for a few more seconds before they unlocked and opened the door together. Blake rushed in and eyed them back and forth.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Mason greeted, trying to calm himself down.

  “Hey, babe. Are you okay?” Kian asked.

  “Are you?” Blake scoffed at the two of them with barely concealed anger. “I could smell your fury throughout the house, not to mention the bonds among us. Both of you still have a little bit of redness in your eyes. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing,” Mason and Kian replied at the same time.

  It was obvious Blake didn’t believe them because the man reached up and placed a hand behind each of their heads before tugging them forward until they rested their heads on Blake’s shoulders. The calming omega scent worked immediately. All of Mason’s tension disappeared. He sagged against Blake and nuzzled into the crook between the omega’s neck and shoulder, breathing in the sweet scent of his mate. He was startled when Kian put an arm around his waist, so he returned the gesture. Then their other hands met at the back of Blake’s waist.

  As the minutes passed, he could smell less anger in the room. It was being replaced by the contented scent from the three of them. There were some other unfamiliar aromas coming from Blake, but the omega wasn’t feeling well. Mason had a strong feeling Blake’s scent would return to normal once the omega was healthy again. Regardless, Blake’s omega scent was potent enough to calm him and Kian down. He remained in his position for a moment longer before pulling away slightly.

  Blake raised his left eyebrow. “Better now?”

  Mason nodded. “Sorry. Kian and I are frustrated with work, the nursery, and your health. We—”

  “Nursery?” Blake cut him off midsentence.

  Kian stepped away and pointed at the room in general. “It’s going to be our final gift for you for the courting ritual.”

  “Comfort and home,” Blake muttered while gazing around the room. After a while, Blake beamed at Mason and Kian. “Thank you, alphas. It’s perfect timing.”

  Mason probably appeared just as astounded as Kian. “What did you mean by that?”

  Blake smirked at the two of them before walking out of the bedroom. Mason and Kian raced after the omega. Mason’s heart pounded hard and fast as he attempted not to get his hopes up, but if it was true, it would account for the new scents coming from Blake. Mason rubbed his palms against his jeans as he took larger steps. Blake smelled so much sweeter. It had to be real, but Mason didn’t want to believe it until he had the proof in front of him.

  When Blake entered their bedroom and headed toward the bathroom, Mason and Kian waited with bated breath for the omega to come out. Seconds later, Mason’s eyes teared up when Blake placed three sticks on his palms and two on Kian’s. They were positive. He and Kian exchanged sticks to confirm the news. All five were positive. Mason gaped at Kian before turning to Blake, who was nodding and crying while grinning at the two of them.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  Mason screamed in joy and lifted his omega into the air and twirled Blake around the room. He was going to be a father! When he was satisfied, he put Blake down and kissed the omega. Kian gave Blake a brief kiss, as well. Mason then grabbed Kian. The two smiled at each other as they pressed their lips together. The kiss lasted a long time. Mason wanted to convey his apology to his alpha mate for losing his temper earlier.

  “I’m sorry, Kee.”

  “I’m sorry, too. I was being an asshole.”

  “Same here. I was frustrated and worried about Blake’s health, but I shouldn’t lash out at you.”

  “Glad that we’re all okay now,” Blake piped up.

  Mason nodded at Blake. “When did you get all those pregnancy test kits?”

  “Earlier this morning when I went out to buy breakfast for us,” Blake answered. “I had my suspicions late last night. That was the reason why it was so difficult for me to fall asleep.”

  “I was terrified, babe,” Kian spoke up. “I thought you were too ill to sleep.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Kian shook his head. “You don’t have to apologize. We’re pregnant. We’re going to have a child soon. You should have tested as soon as you got home, though.”

  Blake shrugged. “I wanted to have breakfast with you both first. After that, the test slipped from my mind because I was too focused on my work. Besides, I was going to check on my own because I couldn’t bear to see your disappointed expressions if the result turned out to be negative.”

  Mason embraced Blake tightly from the front. “I’ll never feel like that. Not when it comes to you and Kian.”

  Kian bobbed his head up and down before hugging Blake from behind and sniffing at the omega’s neck. “I agree with Mason. Fuck. You smell so much sweeter now.”

  “We have to find a doctor for you, Blake,” Mason said seconds later. “You need to have one for the duration of your pregnancy.”

  “Indeed,” Kian concurred.

  “In the meantime, you should rest up.”

  Blake snorted. “Later. It’s almost twelve noon now, and I’m starving. I’ll take a nap after lunch. “

  Mason had a sudden urge to stuff Blake’s stomach with a ton of food. Judging by Kian’s expression, he could tell the other alpha felt the same way, too. He was certain his and Kian’s alpha instincts would go through the roof over the next nine months or so. They might even get worse after the child was born. Only time would tell. In the meantime, Mason had a more important duty of keeping his omega well-fed. Everything else could take a backseat.

  Chapter 11

  Blake heaved a huge sigh of relief. It was a beautiful Thursday morning. Kian was at school. Mason had to take care of things at the diner. He could sit and relax in the backyard while sipping on orange juice and eating cookies with James, who was snickering at him.


  James shook his head. “You have that pregnancy glow.”

  Blake snorted. “I look like a whale.”

  “I’ve witnessed the way Kee and Mase behaved around you whenever you guys invited Tony and me over for dinner. Even with my less sensitive beta-nose, I could smell the stench of their arousal. I’m not a prude, but holy cow! It always felt as though they were seconds away from pouncing on you and fucking you.”

  He grimaced. “Can we not talk about sex? You’re like my brother. I don’t want to talk about sex with you.”

  James rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Anyway, how does it feel being eighteen weeks pregnant?”

  “Tired all the damn, fucking time. First pregnancy is usually the most difficult for a male omega. Or so I read online. I have
to adjust to the pregnancy more than women do because of the differences in our hormones and stuff. I can’t recall exactly. I’m always sleepy when I do my research. I don’t know why my stomach is so gigantic, though. Then again, I’m a huge omega. My baby will be a little giant.”

  James laughed. “Little giant. I like that nickname.”

  Blake chuckled. “Don’t tease the baby in front of Kee and Mase. They will murder you. To be honest, the increase in their level of protectiveness is suffocating me. I can’t even lift a piece of paper without them jumping down my throat and telling me to put it down. And don’t even get me started on the other things that bug me. I can’t go to the toilet on my own because they’re terrified I’ll slip and fall. I’m also not allowed to reach the top part of the pantry because I may topple forward and bump my head or stomach. I’m pregnant, not an invalid.”

  James chortled. “Alphas are like that, though. You just have to get used to them.”

  “I know, but I’m this close to killing them.” Blake lifted his hand, pointer finger and thumb almost touching.

  “As if,” James scoffed, the disbelief apparent in his tone. “You love them so damn much.”

  “I do,” Blake admitted. “It doesn’t mean that I don’t think about doing it.”

  “Let’s change the subject. When’s your next checkup with the doctor?”

  “Saturday. We will have an ultrasound to determine the gender of the baby.”

  “First ultrasound?”

  “Second, but the first one is used to determine my due date. The baby’s heartbeat was a bit off, but it was loud and strong. The doctor claimed he or she is healthy. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “Tony and I are delighted for you.”

  “Thank you. Anyway, have you guys talked about adding another mate?”

  James nodded. “We’ve just gone on our third date with Alan last night.”


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