Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series)

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Teach Me (The Gems & Gents Series) Page 18

by Bolling, Iris

  “He’s not here?” the woman huffed with hands on hips and all.

  Diamond almost frowned at the dramatics. The woman reminded her of her little sister Phire. No, that was an insult to Phire. “No. According to our security director he has a meeting at our headquarters building this morning. Is it possible that’s where you should be?”

  Still holding the telephone, Diamond heard Reese speaking. She put the telephone back to her ear. “I’m sorry Reese what did you say?”

  “Is the woman there Celeste Blanchard?”

  “I don’t know. Are you Celeste Blanchard?” she asked the woman.

  “I am.” The woman replied smiling with a look as if she had scored points.

  And she had. Diamond recognized the name from Samuel’s story about Zack and his situation surrounding him leaving school. “Yes it is,” Diamond said into the telephone but never took her eyes off the woman.

  “I’ll call Zack,” Reese said as he hung up the telephone.

  Diamond hung up the telephone. “Our security Director will contact him. In the meantime you are welcome to have a cup of coffee and wait in the kitchen for a return call.”

  “I think I’ll stay here and keep you company while we wait.”

  Not wanting to be in the woman’s presence for long Diamond smiled and replied. “I’m afraid I have quite a bit of work to do before my next appointment and will not make for good company.”

  “That isn’t very hospitable. You’re the spokesperson that represents Davenport Estates, I would think you should know how to treat guests. I’ll speak with Zack about that when we talk.”

  No she didn’t just threaten her job. “Well, you can speak to whomever you like, but do it from another room. I’m working in this one.”

  Celeste gave the most devious smile. “I noticed the shocked look in your eyes last night when you saw Zack and me get onto the elevator. Were you involved with Zack before?”

  The word before lingered long enough for Diamond to get the impression that something was happening between Celeste and Zack now. “I’m going to get a cup of coffee. Would you like any?” Diamond asked not willing to acknowledge the dig.

  “No thank you. But I would like an answer to my question.”

  Before Diamond could reply Reese walked through the door. “Ms. Blanchard, Mr. Davenport is on the line.” Reese gave the cell phone to Celeste who walked into the other room to talk. Reese turned to Diamond, “Are you okay?”

  “Of course I’m fine.” She replied and sat back down at her desk and began reading, rather just looking, at papers on her desk.

  Reese looked at the woman in the living room and then back at Diamond and whispered, “What in the hell are you doing Zack?”

  “Here’s your cell phone. Thank you both for your kindness. Ms.—I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”

  The phony air was sickening. But Diamond knew how to play the game, “Diamond Lassiter.” She replied.

  “What a beautiful name. I bet you are a Diamond in the rough. Well, thank both of you for your help. As it turns out Ms. Lassiter you were correct. Our meeting was scheduled for his headquarters office. But just like always Zack forgave me and is waiting for me there. I have to go. Have a wonderful day.” And with that she walked out of the door. Satisfied she had put some doubt in the woman’s head regarding Zack, Celeste smiled as she got into her car.


  Certain the delay had been orchestrated by Celeste, Zack rescheduled the testing with his doctor for that afternoon. Sitting with his back to his desk looking out the window, he wondered what Diamond was doing at that moment. It seemed since he decided to allow her into his life she had played prominently in his mind. He wished he had handled things on Saturday differently. The way things were left was a little too final. That was what he thought he wanted at the time, but now things were a little different.

  JoEllen walked through the door and noticed Zack’s suit jacket was thrown across the chair near the door. She picked it up and hung it on the rack. “Since when do you throw expensive clothes around? And why am I making an appointment with your doctor? Are you okay?”

  Without turning around Zack replied, “Sorry about the jacket. The doctor’s appointment is for a DNA test and yes I’m okay.”

  JoEllen walked around the desk to stand next to him as he continued to look out the window. “DNA test for whom?” She looked at him with a surprised, motherly scolding stare. “I know you well enough to know you are not having unprotected sex. Are you? You know better than that. Hell I taught you better. Life is too crazy out there to be doing something so stupid. How could you?”

  He exhaled and looked at her wondering when she would give him a moment to respond to any of the allegations she was throwing out. When she finally finished with her hands on her hips and approaching him as if he was a child she was about to chastise, he replied, “Celeste.”

  “Who in the hell is Celeste?” she all but yelled.

  “I’m Celeste,” the voice came from the doorway.

  Both turned towards the door with frowns. “My question remains the same. Who in the hell are you and why would Zack need a DNA test done?” JoEllen looked from the woman in the doorway to Zack waiting for an answer.

  Celeste stood watching the woman, who she knew was not Zack’s mother, but seemed to have the wrath of God waiting to strike if the wrong thing was said. She then looked to Zack. This was his responsibility to explain, but since it didn’t appear he was going to take the initiative, she would. Stepping forward and extending her hand, “Hello, I’m Celeste Blanchard. Zackary and I were involved during college and I have a daughter. We are taking steps to determine if Zack may be her father.”

  “You were sleeping around with more than one man without protection?” JoEllen walked towards the woman but did not extend her hand. “I would think your mother would have taught you better.”

  “Are you going to jump in here?” Celeste looked over at Zack who had not moved from his desk.

  “I didn’t plan to.”

  It took her a moment to take in his response. This was a different Zack, it was not going to be easy to manipulate him. But she had to give it her best shot, her livelihood depended on it. “I’m not here to cause anyone any problems.” She displayed the most sincere face of a caring mother. “But I have to do this for my daughter. During my college days, I was a young, silly, materialistic girl that only cared about what could be done for me. Now I’m a mother and my number one priority is my daughter.” She then turned to face Zack. “I’m sorry about the mix up this morning. Any place and time you say, I’ll have Chanté ready. Once we get the results I’ll be out of your life. I don’t personally want anything from you. Only what my child needs.”

  JoEllen stared at the woman now. She hated deceitful women and this one looked and smelled the part. “Zack, I’m glad to see your taste in women has improved.” She looked from Zack back to the woman known as Celeste. “I need a little fresh air. I have a feeling you are going to be knee deep in some bull.” It appeared to JoEllen that Celeste was about to say something. “You have something you want to say to me?” she raised an eyebrow to Celeste.

  If it weren’t for the bigger picture, Celeste would have taken the old broad on. But Zack was the target here, the old bat could wait. “I understand your need to protect Zack. In fact, I’m glad to know someone is looking out for him.”

  “Un huh,” JoEllen replied. She looked back at Zack, “I’ll see if I can find a bucket and a shovel—you are going to need it,” then walked out of the room.

  The scene was so funny Zack could not resist and smothered a chuckle. JoEllen was worse than a protective mother hen. She was armed and ready to pluck out Celeste’s eyes at the first wrong move.

  “Well, I guess I deserved that.” She then looked at Zack. “And I did mean what I said to your—protector. I’m glad you have her.” She then flashed that million dollar smile at Zack.

  For a moment—only a moment he could almos
t forget who he was dealing with. “Fortunately, I’m immune to you and your ways Celeste. I’ve scheduled the DNA test for this afternoon at two o’clock. If you miss that appointment, there will be no other. We will meet here.”

  Looking at her watch, “You know that gives us a few hours. It would be a great opportunity for you to meet Chanté. She is so adorable Zack. From the moment she took her first breath she stole my heart.”

  “Since I wasn’t given the opportunity to be there during her birth, I can wait. You may wait outside my office until time for the appointment.” He gave her a look letting her know she had been dismissed.

  Not wanting to waste an opportunity, she simply smiled, “All right Zack, I understand.” She reached into her purse and placed a picture of Chanté on his desk. “This is the child that may be your daughter. I thought you might like to have that.” Zack did not look up or acknowledge the picture on the desk. Celeste walked over to the door, “I’ll meet you back here at two.”

  “We will meet in the lobby at the front door. There is no reason for you to invade my space here.”

  Celeste walked out of the office. You may be immune to me, but let’s see if you can resist Chanté. The thought had just processed in her mind when JoEllen appeared in front of her.

  “I don’t know what you are after. But if you bring a moment of sadness into that man’s life, I will make you my special project from here until eternity.” JoEllen walked behind her desk and took a seat.

  Celeste had been dismissed yet again. Not one to take being ignored she stepped over to JoEllen’s desk and said, “Start looking for another job, you old bat. When I finish with Zack, you won’t be needed.” She smirked and walked away.


  Still frustrated by the visitor this morning, Diamond was doing all she could to mask the woman’s affect, but she wasn’t succeeding. Walking out to her car, she pulled the files collected on Saturday night from the front seat. Reading over the files, she wasn’t looking where she was walking and tripped over the cement walkway. The heel of her shoe broke, her ankle twisted and the files went flying into the air. Just when she expected her behind to hit the ground, an arm grabbed her around the waist. Once she realized she did not hit the ground, she looked up into the smiling eyes of Grant Hutchison.

  “You know, there really is a better way to get me to hold you close.”

  Once her heart stopped racing from the near fall, she closed her eyes and exhaled. “You can put me down now Mr. Hutchison. I promise not to fall all over your feet again.”

  He looked down at her and grinned, “Are sure you can manage without me holding you?”

  She couldn’t help but laugh, “I’m pretty sure.”

  He slowly sat her back on her feet. She reached down to pick up the files. “I seem to lose my balance when I’m around you.”

  Bending, he helped her to gather the files. “I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.” He put the files in her arms. “But it does tell me I have an effect on you. And that can’t be all bad.”

  Diamond glared at him for a second then frowned. “Are you flirting with me Mr. Hutchison?”

  “Apparently not very well.”

  Diamond smiled, “Why don’t you come inside? The very least I could do for you after you’ve saved my life yet again is offer you some refreshments,” she asked as she turned to walk into the house. “What are you doing here?”

  “You mean besides failing miserably at charming you?”

  “Yes, other than that.”

  “I want to talk to you about a project,” he said as he held the door open for her.

  Diamond placed the files on the desk, then turned to Grant. “May I offer you a drink or some blackberry cobbler?”

  “I was wondering if that was an air freshener or real.”

  “It’s homemade real.” She smiled as she walked over to the kitchen, “Would you like some?”

  He followed her into the kitchen and took a seat at the breakfast bar. “Some of the cobbler?”

  She looked over her shoulder at him, “Yes, the cobbler.”

  “If that’s all you are offering, I’ll take some cobbler.”

  “I’m charmed Mr. Hutchison but I’m not interested at the moment. Why don’t you tell me about your project,” she stated as she prepared the cobbler.

  “I can’t be that bad. Is it possible it’s not my game just the wrong woman.”

  Placing the cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream on top Diamond laughed, “You are charming, but,”

  “Your mind is on Davenport. The question is, which one?”

  She grabbed a spoon and began eating her cobbler. “Tell me about your project.”

  “Well since you asked,” he smiled. “I’m in the midst of a project on the north side of the city. We’ve taken several rundown buildings and renovated them into affordable apartments and condominiums. We are in the second phase of the project and I think you could be quite helpful to us.”

  Diamond sat back in the seat and crossed her legs. “Me? How could I help you?”

  “I was very impressed with the way you presented Davenport Estates and I’m hoping you could do the same for Regenerations.”

  “Um, Mr. Hutchison, I have a job.”

  “I’m not offering you a job. This is a non-profit organization that helps people with credit or income challenges to obtain affordable housing in a clean, safe environment. What I’m asking you to do is possibly volunteer your skills to assist us in obtaining residents.” He sat forward, “You see, the area was once infested with gangs, drug dealers and prostitutes. The kind of residents we want may not find the area attractive. However, with the changes we have planned I’m certain the area is going to be considered prime family living within a year or two. It’s imperative to the project that the correct tenants are selected to help the area reach its full potential.”

  The more he talked the more recognizable he became. Grant Hutchison was the grandson of the patriarch Richard Hutchison of Hutchison Plantations. Deemed to be some of the most beautiful landscape that ran a good length of the James River, Hutchison Plantations continued to be family owned. Twice a year the family allowed the riverboat to dock and curiosity seekers to tour the estates that once housed a number of the slaves sold in the Virginia area. The exclusive family opened the doors to others during the Fourth of July cookout and fireworks, then again with dinner and dancing during the Christmas holidays. After that the doors to the estate close down and the family is rarely seen. Grant was one of four grandchildren; two lived on the West coast while he and his younger brother lived on the compound. It had been rumored that Grant was thinking of running for a local political office. If the news coverage was any indication of his intentions, then the rumors were probably true.

  Diamond sat up, “Would you be so kind as to clarify your stand on characteristics of the ‘correct’ tenants.” She was tired of seeing politicians come out to supposedly benefit the under privileged only to have those that are not in need take over the community to make it an acceptable place to live. She sat back and watched it happen to the East end of the city.

  “That’s just it Diamond, I don’t know and I’m not going to try to pretend that I do. I’ve had a privileged life. To this day, I’ve never wanted for anything I can’t have. I would not be the best person to recognize those in need. From what I’ve been told and what I’ve witnessed for myself, I believe you can identify and help those in need. If they see me involved in the selection process, most of those that truly need would not step forward, assuming they would be turned away. With you making those decisions, maybe, just maybe we can do something for those families that really need our help.”

  Okay, he was thoughtful, kind and generous. She sighed, “I’m not sure how I can help.”

  “Are you busy this evening?”

  Thinking about going home and crying her eyes out again tonight over Zackary was not appealing at all. “No.”

  “Good,” he smiled. “Mee
t me at this address so I can show you what we are offering and for your trouble I’ll take you to dinner.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ll meet with you and take a look at your complex. Maybe I could suggest a promo to get you started or something.”

  He stood and extended his hand, “I look forward to seeing you. Let’s say around six.”

  Shaking his hand she replied, “Six will be fine. I’ll see you then.”

  As Grant walked out the door, Diamond watched his six-two frame get into his car and thought, he really wasn’t a bad looking brother.

  Chapter 22

  As Zack assumed, Celeste pulled out the big guns. Standing in the lobby at the receptionist desk was a miniature vision of Celeste by the name of Chanté. Try as he might, he could not contain the smile that was emerging. The pre-teen was beautiful, with her reddish brown hair hanging across her shoulders as she stood with her arms curved in front of her like she was holding an invisible beach ball, then she gracefully spread her arms out wide to the side.

  “It’s called first position, then she moved into second position.” Zack looked over to see LaFonde manning the front desk. “She wants to be a ballerina and from the looks of it she may succeed. Do you know her?”

  “No, but I’m sure her mother is about to change that.” Just then the child laughed out as she took a leap across the lobby and the people standing around clapped. She gave a curtsy any mother would be proud of. “She’s an attention hound just like her mother.”

  LaFonde frowned, “Do you ever have anything positive to say.”

  Zack glared at her. “I did once, when I told Diamond you could stay. Look how that turned out.” He walked towards Celeste and her daughter. The girl turned just as he reached them.

  “Hello,” her smile beamed up at him. “You must be Mr. Davenport.” She extended her hand to him. “Wow, I can see why my Dad doesn’t want you around my Mom. You are fire, whew!”

  “Chanté,” Celeste warned. “Zackary, this is my daughter Chanté.”

  Zackary took her hand, “It’s nice to meet you Chanté.”


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