Ezra threw back his head and laughed. ‘And she calls herself a doctor. Oh, Jess, this is the icing on the cake—the cherry on top of the pie—all my birthdays in one!’
‘You don’t mind?’ she said uncertainly. ‘I know it isn’t what we planned—’
‘To hell with what we planned,’ he exclaimed. ‘We’re going to have a baby. My beautiful, wonderful, adorable wife is going to have a baby!’
And the whole island is going to know about it in ten minutes flat, Jess thought ruefully, seeing Wattie Hope shoot back into the village hall as quickly as he’d come out, having clearly heard Ezra’s every word.
‘I don’t care.’ Ezra beamed when she told him. ‘I want the whole island to know. I want the entire world to know. Oh, Jess, have I told you lately how much I love you?’
‘You have.’ She chuckled.
‘And I’m never going to stop saying it,’ he said softly, gathering her into his arms. ‘Not to you, and not to our baby, because you and this island have given me everything I’ve ever wanted.’
ISBN: 978-1-4603-5703-3
First North American Publication 2002
Copyright © 2002 by Maggie Kingsley
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