The Visitor - The Bell Tower 1873 - 1875

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The Visitor - The Bell Tower 1873 - 1875 Page 17

by Barbara Svetlick

  They had always been very cavalier, very rogue and very popular but they had also been single. After discussing the problems, they had decided it was time to become as powerful as they were good looking because they had the clout, the money, the connections and the ability to persuade the devil to come to church and put money in the offering plate. By the end of the week, it was clear to everyone that they were going to protect Mirisa and the children at the expense of anyone who so much as whispered something malicious. She was now off limits.

  James finally relinquished her to her father. “Mirisa, I have to tell you that you become more beautiful by the day and I do so miss seeing you.”

  “Then you need to come by the house for dinner tomorrow night. The children will be so excited to see you.”

  “Do you mind if I bring Mecinda with me?”

  “You know I don’t.”

  “We need to have a serious talk if we can find a few minutes sometime.”

  “We can talk tomorrow or if you prefer lunch during the week. But I don’t know why you always call them serious talks when they never are.”

  “That’s because you always disarm me and I totally forget why I need to talk to you.”

  “Father, have I done something wrong?” Mirisa smiled and he just shook his head.

  “See, that’s what you do. No, I want to talk to you about getting married again.”

  “Father, I don’t plan on getting married again.” Mirisa knew it was difficult for him to tell her.

  “You frustrate me because you know what I want to say and yet you tease me unmercifully. It’s no wonder you live with so many men since it takes a whole houseful to corral you and I won’t even address the rumors I have been hearing regarding your good right cut.”

  “Father, we don’t need to talk. If you want to remarry, I will be there. You have always given me the world so there is nothing you could do that I wouldn’t understand or support.”

  “Your oldest brother will not be happy at all. The others could care less since they can’t keep their minds on a single subject more than five minutes.”

  “How are my brothers? I really wish they would visit more often than they do. I received a letter from Christie last week about the third baby. I can’t believe she has had only boys so far.”

  “I can’t believe you have had so many daughters. Are you planning on more children?”

  “I’ll have my last child next year.”

  “Well, you know I love the boys but I absolutely cherish your daughters, especially Sara.”

  “That’s because she looks just like me and you are prejudice.”

  “That’s true but they are all beautiful girls.”

  “Thank you.” The dance ended and Dr. Eppes took her back to Meeks who was in conversation with Mirisa’s doctor and his wife. Meeks asked her if she wanted to get some fresh air and they excused themselves and walked out onto the back porch where a lot of men were smoking and in deep discussions.

  “Mrs. Meeks.” She turned to find Mr. Clancey walking out behind them. He thanked her profusely for everything she had done. Not only was he so busy that he was working non-stop but he was now getting invitations to certain events and the entire art district was alive with shoppers looking for original artwork for Christmas. He also told her he had an exhibit coming up in April at the museum and he hoped they would attend. He didn’t mention her paintings but just told her he would be in touch before Christmas and she thanked him.

  “Well, you two definitely need to work on how to carry off a covert operation since it is obvious that you are up to something.” Meeks bent down and kissed the tip of her nose.

  “I have no idea what you could be talking about.” Mirisa batted her eyes.

  “I’m sure you don’t.” They joined in a few more conversations mostly with Meeks talking to other men and her just holding onto his arm sweetly. They finally turned to go back into the ballroom.

  “Alexander is this what James calls working the books?”

  “I have no idea what you could be talking about Mirisa.” She loved when Meeks turned her words back on her. As they walked through the door Garnett took her hand and took her out on the floor for a very slow waltz. She ran her fingers across his chin as they danced and told him if he became any better looking she would not be able to resist him even in public.

  “Is that what you are doing now?”

  “Actually, if we were anywhere except where we are I would have to find an empty library.”

  “You’re being an awfully bad girl. Have I told you how absolutely beautiful you are tonight?”

  “Your eyes told me when I came down the stairs. They are always truthful even when the truth has been bad or hurtful.” Mirisa closed her eyes and looked back at Garnett as the danced ended. He whirled her into Dominic’s arms who tried not to hold her close but after a few minutes she felt him give in to his feelings. Mirisa allowed her love for Dominic to wash over them both for as she moved he responded. It was like a slow burning combustion that you knew would flare without warning. Dominic caught Meeks eye as he walked out on the floor and Dominic twirled her into his arms.

  “Are you ready to go out for a nightcap at a less obvious place?”

  “Yes.” Mirisa’s voice was low and filled with the desire that made her eyes dark. Meeks took her off the floor and nodded to the boys who started working toward the door. Louis watched them as Meeks put her cape on her talking to her as he buttoned the top.

  They headed uptown through the park and spent the rest of the evening in a small lounge. They weren’t there more than twenty minutes when a couple dozen people from the gala showed up and soon the entire establishment was packed. It felt more like Washington because the boys were engaged in very serious conversations and the majority of the people in the lounge were men.

  Mirisa sat in the back booth with her husband and drank wine as she slowly cooled down. Men would come over and sit and talk to Meeks but he didn’t get up often. Mirisa didn’t know what they were up to but she knew they were definitely doing something because they were very serious and charged. She found both traits extremely attractive. They didn’t get home until late and whatever was on their mind seemed to have their full attention. Mirisa kissed her husband and told him she would be in bed when he wound down enough to join her.

  James raided the kitchen bringing it into the library and setting the tray on the table. They started going over all the changes they were going to make and what they needed to do during the week. They were closing up the books and putting them away when Mirisa walked into the room with a fresh pot of coffee. She was wearing a long silk gown and duster in dark red. Meeks asked her what she was doing still up.

  “I was reading and decided if no one wanted to come up I’d come down and see if I could entice someone.”

  “Are you being ignored tonight?”

  “I think so but it might be that I am just very needy tonight.” Mirisa closed her eyes as she put her head in the middle of his chest. “Or maybe it’s just because I don’t like sleeping alone.”

  “Well, I think that is an invitation that I can’t pass up.” Meeks said goodnight and took her upstairs closing the door.

  James was putting the basket of biscuits on the table when everyone came downstairs. Dominic woke up to the smell of coffee and came down in jeans with his shirt tail out and barefoot. Mirisa looked at him and ached at wanting to just stop being so drawn to the things she used to love about him. She went into the kitchen and started the grits as James made the sausage gravy. She carried everything out to the table and Garnett picked her up from behind and kissed her neck. “Must have been a very interesting night.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because you still have bite marks on you and he’s the only one I know who loves to bite that hard.”

  “You know you don’t have to phrase things in that content so that I am aware that I am not the first or only woman he has slept with.”

p; “Mirisa, you aren’t even in the first 1,000 women.”

  She put her lip out and Meeks shook his head. “Don’t let them tease you. You are probably the only one any one of them have slept with more than twice.”

  “No, that girl in Houston was used for over a month. Remember her. Big, big tits and a little...”

  “Garnett, shut up.”

  Mirisa didn’t know half the time if they were serious or just teasing her. “Well, at least I can count on one hand how many men I have slept with and I can remember all their names.

  Dominic looked up from his coffee. “Would that be today or all together?”

  James had to turn away because the look on her face was priceless.


  “Yes Mirisa.”

  “I love that it drives you crazy.”

  He looked at her and smiled. “As long as you are happy, darling.”

  “I thought everyone had moved to the apartment and how come I have never been invited over?”

  “We are trying to minimize the rumors and there is no need for you to see it unless you are with your husband.”

  “Has he seen it?”


  James went into the kitchen to get the jam. He bent over and said something to her. Mirisa looked up at James as he put the jam in front of her and walked back into the kitchen. Mirisa started to reach for the jam when Meeks picked it up and she looked at him then back at James. Meeks started to spoon some out as she opened her biscuit never taking her eyes off of James. “Mirisa, would you like to pay attention or do we have so much jam that you don’t care that you just dropped it all over the table?”

  She reached down with her finger and scooped it up putting it in her mouth as she got up and walked toward the kitchen totally ignoring everyone. James was pulling the second pan of biscuits out of the oven and she waited until he put it down before she put her arms around him. Mirisa felt James pull in his breath slightly but she didn’t care. James turned to face her and she put her arms around his neck. “Thank you.”

  “Mirisa, I can’t promise you anything.” Mirisa was crying and nothing he did stopped her. “Mirisa, please stop crying before I have to explain this.”

  Meeks pulled out Mirisa’s chair and bent over and kissed her cheek before sitting down. The waiter brought over a bottle of red wine for him to taste then poured her a glass before pouring everyone a glass.

  “Mirisa, you look tired today.” She looked up at Dominic and just nodded. Dominic looked at Meeks who indicated that he didn’t have an answer. “Do you need more help with the children?”

  “No, I think I have just been doing too much this month. The children pretty much take care of each other except for Elizabeth and she’s so good that sometimes you don’t know she’s around.” Dominic could tell by her eyes that she was either hiding something or not being truthful.

  They had all noticed that she had become very quiet and withdrawn during the week. No matter who approached her or how they approached her, she always said she was fine. “Did you finish your shopping?”

  “I think so.” She sipped her wine instead of carrying on a conversation.

  They talked about business through most of lunch and she appeared to be listening though her mind kept wandering through her lists and the things she had to do to be ready for Christmas. They had been so busy all week that she rarely got to see them.

  “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”

  They all looked at her simultaneously. It had been over an hour since Dominic had asked her though they should have known she was processing something. Garnett poured a shot of whisky and sipped it before responding. “Do you need more help with the children?”

  She looked up. “No.”

  James looked at Meeks who wasn’t going to step in as they waited for her to continue. “I don’t understand why you have to change our lives because people can’t stay out of our business. I have to endure endless stories about your escapades with married women and in the meantime you spend hours behind closed doors making decisions without even asking me how I feel.”

  Meeks wondered which one was going to be stupid enough to respond to that because he sure as hell wasn’t going to touch it. James lit a cigar and sat back and Dominic just watched her. That left it to Garnett and Meeks just knew he was going to try.

  “Well, that certainly came from left field.” He took the shot and poured another. “What part about the women of New York bothers you?”

  “The fact that they are all cheating on their wealthy husbands while their husbands are cheating on them with these same women. They act superior because they have a place in society and treat me like I don’t. They brag about you like you are some sort of trophy of the season. And now you are about to punish me and I don’t think it’s fair when I haven’t done anything to anyone.”

  Garnett realized that this was a conversation that was soon going to get out of control. Meeks raised his glass saluting him on being so dumb as to step up for the Unit. James smiled because it was rare that she ever showed jealousy.

  Dominic had his hands folded in front of him. “Would you like us to give up the socialites or the floor girls or all of them?”

  “I would like you to be a little less engaging so that they don’t brag so much knowing that I am standing there or continuously ask me if I am sleeping with all of you. They do it to be mean and if you would just not be so damn good they wouldn’t brag.”

  Dominic raised his eyebrows and James had to suppress a smile. They had been so busy this week that she was being ignored and no matter how many times they did this they just didn’t seem to remember that the one thing you could not do is ignore her for too long.

  "You want us to enjoy it less or for them not to get any enjoyment out of us? What about our reputations?"

  You could see her thinking. "What about my feelings?"

  "You want us to give up enjoying something we truly enjoy a lot because of your feelings?"

  Meeks wanted to leave the table at that moment and Dominic realized what he had said too late. The look on her face was one they all knew well. She took in her breath and bit her lip. She deserved that one so she couldn’t get angry at him for stating the one thing that had driven them apart.

  "You're right Dominic." Mirisa excused herself and went into the powder room sitting down in front of the mirror. There were small circles under her eyes and she felt washed out. Maybe they were right that she was just doing too much when she should be spending time enjoying the holidays and her family. Mirisa took in her breath leaning forward so she could powder her nose. Mirisa wondered if the years and the children were starting to make her less attractive or maybe it was just because they no longer saw her.

  They all stood when she approached the table and even though she knew they wanted to talk Mirisa turned the conversation to the upcoming brunch that she had planned for their close family and friends. Meeks had met his sister for lunch and had a long conversation on the toll that the gossip was having on Mirisa. Meeks felt that she was allowing too many people pull her in different directions.

  James and Garnett set up the card table and decided it was a damn good night to get drunk. Meeks came up after a while to join them.

  "Where's Mirisa?"

  "She's wrapping the last of the presents."

  James put down his cards, picked up the whisky and left the room. "He never could handle her depressions."

  "Nope but I think tonight he's going to bite off more than he can handle."

  When James walked in she was sitting up against the bed with a package in front of her and she was measuring the ribbon. The bottle of whisky was next to her. He put his glass on the table and sat down. When Mirisa tied the ribbon he put his finger on it to hold the tension for the bow. He was trying to think back to figure out what had happened to cause this reaction and the only thing significant was the brawl and then her reaction to Louis.

  They sat for over an hour wrappin
g presents and not talking at all. Mirisa was well on her way to getting drunk and he instinctively knew to just wait until she was ready to talk. She wrapped the ribbon around the last present and he put his finger on the package as she tied it and made the bow. James closed his eyes and began talking to Mirisa.

  "I try not to think too much and especially not thinking about the past. Sometimes what is in your life molds you and sometimes what is missing does. My family was very wealthy and influential before they moved to Natchez after I was born. When I was about five my father abandoned the family and returned to New York where he divorced my mother and went on with life. I really couldn’t tell you if my mother was crazy before he left and that’s why he left or if his leaving made her that way but she was definitely crazy." James sipped on his whisky and Mirisa just listened.

  "Everything with her was important from the way the books were lined up in the bookcases to the order in which you made the beds. I can remember her sitting in front of the fire at night counting the stitches on her knitting needle doing it over and over before she would start to knit the next row. Dominic and I lived on opposite sides of town and I actually met his family in church. My mother never missed a church service and his father thought without a mother that it was his responsibility to make the children go even though he refused to attend." James watched the fire flicker as his mind went back in time. “Looking back, I think Dominic was a lot like Matthew.”


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