Theon Untamed_First Contact

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Theon Untamed_First Contact Page 16

by Hannah Davenport

  She stares at the sky, letting the sun warm her skin as she floats on the cool water. Her arms slowly move back and forth.

  A twig breaks in the distance, and she immerses herself, hiding from the shoulders down under the water. The last time this happened, someone knocked her over the head, so she stays away from the bank as a trickle of fear skirts down her spine.

  “Who’s there?” Not that she expects anyone to answer; they never do.

  A splash behind her has her quickly turning around.


  Slowly turning in small circles in the water, she screams when she comes face to face with Theon. He grins when she swats his shoulder and chastises, “You scared the shit out of me!”

  “Sorry,” he says with his face stretched wide.

  She shakes her head as her heart races from the fright. “What are you doing here?”

  “Looking for you.”


  “Because I have missed you. I do not want to spend another night with this distance between us.”

  Catalina’s heart races with excitement instead of fear. This is what she wants too. She doesn’t like the distance either. Tears try to fill her eyes, but she tamps them down. She will not spoil this moment.

  “What do you propose?” She cocks her head to the side and tries to play it cool.

  “How about a compromise?”

  A smile teases her lips. It feels like déjà vu… again. She’ll play along.

  “What do you suggest?” Her mind drifts back to that first time in the lake, the first time he touched her.

  “How about you stay with me?”

  She grins because she already stays with him. Trying to rekindle something she thought they had lost, she steps back in a dramatic flair, and says in the most proper voice, “Theon, I have just met you, and I am not that kind of girl.”

  “What?” he asks as his eyes light with happiness. She knows he remembers the conversation.

  “Nothing,” she waves away her attempt to be funny, just as she had the time before. “It means that I’m not having sex with you.”

  “Sex…” he raises his eyebrows, “you mean bed sport?”


  His face lights with a smile, and he crosses his arms. “I wasn’t asking.”

  The two of them laugh before Theon snakes his arm around her waist, and with a jerk, he pulls her body against his. She can feel his erection as it presses against her stomach.

  His eyes search hers before he says, “I am sorry I didn’t come for you. I am sorry for what happened to you. Know this, if someone tells me again that you have left, I will storm the female Commons until I find you.”

  Tears gloss her eyes. “I would never leave you.” Her eyes are so full, tears stain her cheeks as they fall one after another. “I waited for you to come for me. You didn’t.”

  “I am sorry, and it will never happen again. I cannot even imagine how scared you must have felt.” Theon lets out a slow deep breath before continuing. “I am not leaving you again to go on patrol. Next time, you can come with me.” He tenderly kisses her lips before saying, “I love you, Catalina.”

  In one quick motion, Catalina launches herself from the water. Her arms fly around his neck while her legs wrap around his waist. “I love you too.”

  With his hands cupping her ass and her middle pressing on his length, a fire ignites inside her. It has been too long since she’s felt him inside her.

  Leaning back so she can look into his eyes, her finger traces each ridge on his forehead. A slow moan escapes his luscious lips before his eyes open wide to stare into her own.

  Desire floods his eyes with a fierceness that both scares and invigorates Catalina. Without breaking contact, he carries her over to the shore and lays her on her back.

  He kisses her lips, his tongue swirling with her own before slowly moving to her jaw and skimming down her neck.

  He rises up, and Catalina watches as his strong hands spread her thighs, and he stares at her core. They’ve had sex plenty of times, but this feels different. Primal.

  His eyes drift from her core and lock gazes with her just as he slips his finger inside. Her eyes close in pleasure, lips slightly parted, as he slowly pumps his finger in and out. She is close, if he’d just move a little faster… she wiggles her hips a little, and he stops. What the hell? She wants to yell in protest, but she doesn’t. She wants everything, she needs it all.

  Frustrated, she sits up with determination and orders, “Lie on your back.”

  Theon raises a curious eyebrow at her demand but does as she orders. The air is thick with desire as the sun beats down on them. No sounds are heard. It is as though time stands still just for them.

  When Theon lies on his back, Catalina doesn’t break eye contact as she crawls seductively up his body. “I’ve missed you,” she says right before her mouth crashes down on his, her tongue swirling deep inside, mating with his own.

  His hand snakes around her neck, tugging her hair. He arches up, taking control. Just as Theon starts to dominate, she breaks the kiss and shakes her head no, wanting to take back control. As she stares into his lust-filled eyes, a grin teases her lips right before she turns and lowers herself, her core open for him right above his face.

  His arms wrap around her thighs, spreading her wider as he laps at her core with his strong tongue before plunging deep inside.

  “Theon,” she moans while bracing her hands on his knees. Licking her lips, she stares at his cock before opening her mouth wide and sucking him in.

  He arches his hips. She relaxes her throat, but there is no way to take the entire length of him.

  When his finger draws tight circles on her sensitive nub and he plunges his tongue deep inside her, her orgasm races forward. She arches, throwing her head back, and screams out his name as her entire body jerks in pleasure.

  In one quick movement, Theon has her on her hands and knees as he presses inside. He holds her hips in place as his whole length digs in, sparing her nothing. He thrusts with no restraint.

  When another orgasm hits like a tidal wave, Catalina drops her head as her core grips him tight. It’s all-consuming as she pants for breath, Theon still pumping behind her. With one last thrust of his hips, he holds her in place as he roars out his own release. She can feel his warm seed flood her insides before they both collapse on the ground.

  When Catalina can finally breathe—some—she glances over her shoulder at Theon and smiles. “That was…”

  “Unbelievable,” he finishes before he rolls over and lies with his arms sprawled out on the ground, still heaving for breath.

  Catalina crawls over and lays her head on his chest. “Unbelievable,” she agrees.

  After a few moments of rest, Catalina slowly stands before jumping back into the water. The dirt and leaves that are plastered to her body float away.

  Theon rolls onto his stomach and watches with a smile on his face.

  “Aren’t you going to wash off?” Catalina asks.

  Theon’s face splits wide. He stands before taking a big leap and splashing in the water next to Catalina. She turns her head, trying not to get splashed in the face.

  When he pops up, she giggles as he grabs her around the waist and lifts her into the air, throwing her backwards. They play in the water for a little while before climbing out.

  After they dress, the two of them head back toward the Commons. There is still so much that needs to be said, but right now, she will enjoy the moment.

  That night, the two of them lie naked on Theon’s pallet. He’s just made love to her once again, and for the first time in her entire life, Catalina feels like she has a real home. She loves Theon, and she loves Curaz, even though she misses the easy familiarity of Earth. Things like cars, cell phones, television. But she wouldn’t trade her life with Theon for any of those things.

  Another storm has just passed, and all is quiet. No sounds can be heard, and the only light in the room is from a small ca
ndle that sits nearby and the light that shines from the moons through the window. As she lies on her side, her head on Theon’s shoulder, he draws small circles on her lower back.

  “Tell me what happened while you were in the Northern Clan.”

  She tenses. Can she tell him she killed those males? Will he understand? She relaxes her shoulders and knows if he truly loves her, then yes, he will understand.

  “Hasan was a mean, sadistic son of a bitch.” She lets out a big, slow breath before she continues. “He would choose a girl from the Commons, and his two goons would drag her away.”


  “I think they were his two younger brothers. He called them protectors, but they literally enforced every order Hasan gave them.” She licks her lips while she thinks about Tabia. “One of my friends, Tabia, she was young. When she came back, she had marks around her wrist and ankles, even her neck. Bruises everywhere. It was then I knew you wouldn’t be coming for me, and I could at least help those females.”

  She feels him tense, but he never tries to rebut her words.

  “What happened?”

  “I found out about this herb that would kill him if he was exposed to it. When I went on a walk with Cara, I snatched some without anyone knowing, and then I waited for Hasan to come to the Commons. I knew that if I goaded him enough, he would take me. The only thing I hadn’t worked out was how to get the herb in my hand before he raped and killed me. He got in a couple of good licks, but I got the last one.”

  “He didn’t violate you?”

  “No.” But he almost had. He was at her entrance when she killed him. Not that she will tell Theon any of that. Her thoughts turn to Tabia and Cara. “And he will not violate anyone else ever again,” she murmurs.

  They lie in the glimmer of the light, neither one talking until Theon breaks the silence. “Jove met me at the boundary, and I tried to kill him.”

  She straightens up so she can see his expression. “Really?”

  “Yes. Instead, he told me what had happened and invited us to visit the Northern Clan territory. He said that now that Hasan is dead, we could draw up a treaty. What do you think?”

  Catalina drops her head to his chest and lets out a long, slow breath as she considers the offer. “To be honest, I’m not ready to face them. I would love to see Tabia and Cara, but I don’t think I can go back there just yet.”

  Theon kisses the top of her head. “Then we shall not go.”

  “Thank you.”

  He rolls over top of her, his elbows supporting his weight. One hand brushes the hair away from her face before tenderly cupping her cheek in the palm of his hand and kissing her lips. The kisses remain soft and tender, even when he slips his cock inside her. A gentle rocking of his hips, combined with the tender kisses, lets Catalina know exactly how he feels about her.

  In the candlelit room, the moonlight shines through the open window as they share a very emotional, intimate moment.

  Breaking the kiss, Theon gazes softly into her eyes. “I love you, Catalina.”

  She smiles up at him. “I love you, Theon.”

  With a gentle rocking of his hips, he makes love to her in the moonlight.

  The next morning, she wakes up next to Theon and smiles, knowing that last night wasn’t a dream. She rolls over, and Theon smiles down at her, tenderly planting a kiss on the top of her head.

  “G’morn,” he says while hugging her tight.

  “Good morning.” Her heart fills with happiness as she lies in Theon’s arms. “What are your plans today?”

  He holds her gaze, and with a soft, loving smile, he says, “I am all yours. We can stay here, or visit the training fields. I will even take you to the underground market if you wish.”

  She shakes her head. “No. After what Jeat and Tarra tried to pull, I don’t want either of us down there.”

  “Thank you. I hate visiting down below.”

  “I still wonder why the two of them conspired against us.”

  “I have thought about it. If Jeat has something wrong and is unable to conceive, he will still want to continue the line with the royal family blood. They may have planned to kill me after Tarra conceived.”

  “Maybe. I guess we will never know.” In the back of Catalina’s mind, a thought rushes forward. She’s positive her implant has expired and now nothing keeps her from conceiving. If it is even a possibility. She pushes that thought aside, knowing that she will be happy to have a child with Theon. “How about we find Shena so I can make amends? She has tried so hard to apologize, and I’ve brushed her off. After that, we can head back to the lake?” She raises an eyebrow in question.

  “That sounds like a great plan.” He kisses her lips. “I love you, Catalina.”

  “And I love you, Theon.”



  “Hi Shena!” Catalina throws up her hand up and waves as she heads to the training field. Shena looks up at Catalina and smiles. Her belly has swelled with her first child, and it won’t be long until the first young will run around the topside.

  Catalina suspects she is also with child but hasn’t told anyone. She will know soon enough. And if she is, at least her baby will have a friend.

  “Hi,” Shena grins as her gaze roam the length of Catalina. “You look nice. Where are you headed?”

  “Would you believe me if I said that Theon and I are visiting the Northern Clan?”


  The look of surprise mixed with horror makes Catalina giggle. “Yes. I’m excited to see my friends again.”

  Shena shakes her head. “You are not afraid?”

  “I’m not really afraid, but I am nervous.”

  Theon walks over, looking royal in his official attire, a green, form-fitting top with white jewels sewn down the shirt in three rows. Black crystals circle each cuff. He wears the formal white pants with black, ankle-length boots. He looks elegant and formal, except for his flowing untamed hair and fierce eyes.

  With one hand behind his back, he holds out the other. “Ready?”

  Catalina smiles and gently places her hand in his. “Yes.” Glancing at Shena, she absently says, “I’ll see you later.”

  As the two of them walk toward the stable, Theon smiles down at Catalina. “I cannot believe my eyes. You are wearing something other than trousers.”

  “Don’t get used to it,” she warns. “And what about you?”

  Theon tugs at the collar of his shirt. He wears the outfit of the Royal Clan of the South, and Catalina wears a long, flowing green dress. From the waist up, it hugs every curve and offers little room to breathe.

  She runs her hand down the length of the garment. It is beautiful with the white, black, and clear jewels and crystals that line the neckline, the waistline, and run in rows down the length. The dress also designates her as part of the Royal Clan of the South.

  Theon sits Catalina sideways on Coliea and then mounts the gamel behind her. They take their time as they head North. It is early, and it will take the entire day to reach the Northern Clan.

  “Are you nervous?” Theon asks as they ride toward the mountains.

  “A little. How about you?” She knows he will never admit it, but she still asks.

  “I am…mindful. The others went ahead to make sure there is no ambush. They will join us near the boundary.”

  She knows Theon still doesn’t trust Jove or his intentions. She doesn’t blame him.

  “Have you ever visited before?”

  “No. I have never seen the way they live.”

  “It is a lot different there. In some ways better, but in some ways, it’s worse.”

  Theon grunts but remains quiet.

  When they reach the boundary, Kaid and three others wait for them. Not wanting to take Odias away from Shena while she is expecting, Theon hasn’t asked him to join them.

  When they near, Catalina’s face splits wide. “Kaia!” she waves. He may not have been very friendly, but he wa
sn’t mean, and he is Cara’s mate.

  His lips twitch as he fights a smile. Whatever, she grins. Seeing a familiar face makes her feel better.

  “I am Kaia of the Northern Clan, and I am here to escort you.”

  “I am Theon,” he glances down, “and this is Catalina.”

  Kaia nods and turns his gamel around as he leads them into unfamiliar territory.

  When they reach the Commons, Theon leans over and whispers, “Domes.”

  She grins. “I told you that.”

  “You did, but it is hard to imagine such large structures.”

  As soon as they enter the gate, Catalina spots Cara and Tabia, both grinning. She yells their names as she jumps unladylike from the gamel and rushes over.

  “I’ve missed you two…” Catalina throws one arm around Tabia and the other around Cara. Looking down, she says to Cara, “You’re not pregnant anymore.”

  “No,” she smiles. “I had a male child. I would have brought him, but he is sleeping.”

  “That’s okay.” Turning toward Tabia, Catalina needs to know. “How are you?”

  “I am well. Really well.” Happiness lights her face.

  “She and Jove are sharing a room,” Cara teases.

  “You and Jove?” Catalina asks in surprise.

  “He is nice. And caring, and…” she sighs dreamily.

  Cara laughs, “I think she is in love.”

  Catalina nods her head as tears fill her eyes. “So things are better?”

  Cara grasp her hand. “Things are wonderful. They have never been this good before.”

  “Catalina,” Theon calls out.

  Catalina glances briefly at him over her shoulder, turns back, and sighs. “I need to go. I’ll find you before I leave, though.”

  “Actually, I am coming with you,” Tabia adds and then gives a little wave. “Bye, Cara.”

  Tabia and Catalina walk over to where Jove and Theon wait. Theon holds out his hand, and Catalina happily places her hand in his. She catches Jove staring at her and knows that the day she decided to save a stranger changed everything. And he knows it as well.


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