And Then They Were Dead

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And Then They Were Dead Page 5

by Michael Martin

  “OK Small I’ll see you Monday.”

  Small turns to DI Falls with a reassuring smile.

  “It’s been done mate.”

  “What has?”

  “They cut that child murdering piece of shit to ribbons, that’s last time he’ll be bother anymore defenceless kids.”

  Both men look at each other with smiles like they have just won the lottery.

  “Shall we tell the families sir?”

  “Tomorrow Falls, lets go celebrate, we got the bastard!”

  “To The Crown Sir?”

  “Your round Falls.”

  They drop the car at the station and head straight to the local pub. Most of the lads from the station are in the pub and are eager to find out anything Small and Falls can tell them regarding the case that has given every parent in Manchester nightmares.

  They had someone in custody for a start, but the better news was, he’s been topped inside. The officers couldn’t brag enough, some low life in prison has taken the sick bastard out. Nothing to do with them, that means their work is over. Time to celebrate.

  It was Friday morning before Small and Falls got the chance to call round and see the families because of all the paperwork they had to get through whilst they were still hung over the day before.

  Small knocks on the door of the luxurious cottage still feeling poorly from the celebrations two nights before. “Hello Mrs Richards we need to talk to you about the case, do you have a few minutes?”

  “Yes but Mr Richards isn’t here I haven’t seen him much lately, its ruined him.”

  “Well the man we had in custody has been killed in prison, we will still be getting a search warrant for his home on Monday, however it looks like justice has been served to the best of its ability.”

  Mrs Richards seems to sink further with the news that Capel has been killed in prison.

  “Mrs Richards I know this won’t bring your little girl back, nothing will. We understand the grieving will never end, but he got what he deserved and at least this will save you the pain of going through the court case and sitting in the same room as that evil bastard.”

  “Thank you both for coming to tell me officers, at least this gives us some closure, it’s just nothing really makes it feel better. I suppose at least we now know he won’t ruin another family like he has ours.”

  Mrs Richards gently ushers the officers to the door and bids them good day.

  “Mrs Redgrave’s then sir?”

  “Yes Falls, I just hadn’t realised that nothing can be good news for the poor families in this situation, they will never get over this.”

  “I know sir, I’m just glad we took care of him, we did the right thing.”

  The officers arrive at Mrs Redgraves house. They can see the post protruding from the letterbox and the house looks like no one’s been here in ages. The officers walk up the garden path and knock on the door. They wait a moment then knock again, still no answer.

  Falls looks to Small. “Sir the press are all over the station, they’re not going to wait until Monday. I think we should give them their interview today before they write the tittle tattle to compensate for the truth. It’d be better coming from us sir.”

  “Bloody media; let’s call a press conference for late tomorrow afternoon then.”

  “Ok sir, I’ll sort it.”

  “Right then Falls I guess its back to the station, let’s go through what we want to tell them.”


  Who’s A Clever Boy

  Chapter 17 Who’s A Clever Boy

  Teresa hasn’t seen or spoken to Adam all week, she hopes everything is ok and he isn’t going to stand her up. She could never face him in work again if he did that. He wouldn’t do that, would he? Stop it Teresa she tells herself, you’re putting things in your own head.

  Adam sits in his cellar alone, just him and his toys. He’s taken this week off work to take care of some loose ends whilst waiting for Friday to arrive. He can’t wait to get a partner for his first human head, a partner of the same age. They will be his modern day Adam and Eve.

  He hasn’t phoned Teresa all week, he couldn’t be arsed with all that fucking god forsaken small talk. Who wants to speak to some desperate whore? He didn’t need the fucking headache; last week was enough for him. This week will be worth it though, more than worth it.

  It is 7:00pm and Adam is dressed and ready for his night. He better call Teresa now just to make sure she has gone to the station and is on her way to Leeds to meet him.

  Adam picks up his phone and dials the number, “Hi Adam, I was starting to think you wasn’t going to call me.”

  “Ha ha don’t be silly I had a lovely time last week, I’ve just been busy this week. I’m just ringing to make sure your going to make it to the station on time?”

  “I’m already here and my train is due to come in at 7:45pm, it’s running a little bit late.”

  “That’s fine Teresa, I’m still over in Sheffield, I should be there no later than 9:30pm. Do you have the hotel address?”

  “Yes in my purse, I’ll jump in a taxi from the station and meet you there.”

  “OK, see you there. I have us booked in at a beautiful restaurant in Leeds centre, then we can paint the town red if you’re up for it?”

  “Oh you have it all planned Adam, I hope you don’t plan on taking advantage of me.” Teresa giggles like a school girl down the phone.

  “Me? Never” Adam replies with a fake laugh.

  “Speak soon then Adam.”

  “See you tonight Teresa.”

  Adam hangs up the phone smiling to himself but inside his blood is boiling, she’s so fucking irritating.

  Adam quickly pulls on his long Leather Coat, grabs his denim rap and jumps into his dark blue Vauxhall Astra. He looks at himself in the rear view mirror smoothing his thick dark hair.

  “Who’s a clever boy, who’s a clever little boy?”

  On his way over to Teresa’s house he can feel the excitement building up inside of him. He knows he is getting better at this, especially after the practice he’s had this week.

  Tonight he has to be quick to get over to Leeds on time. He knows he can get there in 30 minutes, but has to get showered at home before he can set off. All his clothes are set out and ironed ready for when he gets back, so 20 minutes should be more than enough time to get ready.

  Adam pulls into the street where Teresa lives. It is just like where he lives, rows of terraced houses, mainly occupied by council residents. He knows she lives here because she can’t afford any better.

  He lives where he is because the neighbours never notice anything he gets up to. They hate the police and don’t grass on each other. They are usually all too busy worrying about money and when they do have money, they’re usually getting drunk.

  Adam parks a few doors away from Teresa’s house just in case his car is spotted outside, then goes to the boot of his car and takes out his tools. He can’t see anyone in the street and it is starting to get dark, this is all making him feel much more confident about knocking on the front door.

  As he approaches the front door a small teenage boy rounds the corner at the end of the street, he begins to panic but thinks it will be best to just look away and hope he does the same.

  Taking the hook from his rap and concealing it in his coat pocket as he walks he knocks on the front door and stands waiting for an answer. A small plump teenage girl answers the door, she has a freckled face, strawberry blonde hair and is wearing her night gown. She smiles at Adam.

  “Hey Mr how can I help you?”

  “Hi, I’m Adam, I’m here to pick Teresa up we are going to Leeds on a date tonight.”

  He uses Teresa’s name and tells the girl where they are going to gain her confidence, clever me he thinks to himself.

  “Teresa has already left to get the train, she said she was meeting you there”

  “Damn, she mustn’t have got my message, I said I’d pick her up. Can I please
come in and use the phone to call her and let her know I’m on the way? My mobile’s flat.”

  “Of course you can, nice to meet you Adam.”

  “You too young lady. What’s your name?”

  “I’m Sandy.”

  “What a lovely name. Where’s her son? Is he in?”

  “He went to bed before Teresa left to see you, he has football practice in the morni..”

  Before the girl finishes her sentence, Adam swipes upwards with the hook catching the bottom of the girl’s chin. The hook goes straight through the soft skin beneath her jaw line and protrudes through her mouth like a metal tongue. Adam tugs at the hook hard knocking some of her bottom teeth out. The hook is securely clasped around her jaw bone. He lifts his right foot up high and stamps against the girl’s chest hard, this movement sends the girl flying across the living room into the television cabinet ripping her jaw bone clean away from her face in the process.

  Adam then walks across the living room and picks the girl up by her throat, his long strong fingers gripping her windpipe tightly squeeze until the last gasp of air has left the gaping hole in her face, dropping her body to the floor he begins to stamp on her face repeatedly. He places the jawbone into a small plastic bag as another memento then walks towards the stairs.

  Adam isn’t here for the girl, he just wants her out of the way, he is here for the 11 year old boy still sleeping peacefully in his bed upstairs. He has plans for this boy, he has plans for his head and he is going to get it. Adam enters the foot of the staircase and can see a small shadow standing at the top. He smiles.

  “Hi there son, I’m Adam, a very good friend of your mothers.”

  “What is all the banging?” comes from the child in the middle of a sleepy yawn.

  “That’s nothing you have to worry about son. Where is the bathroom?”

  The boy points to the door directly to his left. Adam slowly walks up the narrow staircase looking directly into the boy’s face. The whole time he can see the child is nervous but not afraid. No doubt his slut of a mother has told him all about Adam, probably as his new daddy.

  As Adam reaches the top of the stairs the boy has already turned and is walking back towards his room. Adam grips the boy by his windpipe from behind. Holding him close he quickly puts the hook up to the Childs eyeball.

  “Make a fucking sound and I’ll gut you where you stand cunt.”

  He can feel the Childs body shaking as warm urine soaks through his pyjamas, he knows this kid is terrified, he wishes he could spend more time with him. He wants this one to suffer.


  Paint The Town Red

  Chapter 18 Paint The Town Red

  Adam arrives at the hotel and walks straight into the bar area where he find Teresa chatting with the bar man and sipping wine.

  “Hi Teresa, sorry I’m late, I got held up with work but it was very important and I had to get it right. You ready to go for something to eat?”

  “Don’t worry about it Adam, Steve has kept me nattering (nodding to the barman), and I’ve drunk almost a bottle of wine to loosen me up” She says flirtatiously laughing.

  Adam look’s at her with a grin.

  “You’re such a sweet girl Teresa” he says pulling up a stool.

  Adam couldn’t wait till the next morning; he has to make tonight extra special. He wants her to feel on top of the world when they get back to hers in the morning.

  They go for food in a beautiful restaurant. The whole time Adam laugh’s at her shit jokes and pretends he is having the time of his life. She is falling for him. He can see it in her smile, her gestures, the way she strokes his hand over the table. He knows it.

  Back at the hotel they polish off another two bottles of wine at the bar, this gets them both very drunk, her more than him. He has other things on his mind, things that are keeping his mind straight tonight.

  “Shall we go up to bed soon Teresa?”

  “Are you trying to get me back to your room Adam?” with a loving smile.

  “No no of course not, but I have to drive tomorrow morning and I think I’ve had my fill of wine for the evening.”

  “Well let’s be off then, don’t you be falling to sleep on me though Adam.”

  She smiles at Adam, a cheeky smile to let him no he is going to get lucky tonight. Adam has no interest in sleeping with this woman tonight, but he thinks to himself, kill the kid and fuck the mother in the same night, it has to be one for the record books. Adam chuckles to himself.

  “What’s so funny?” Teresa asks.

  “I’m just having the time of my life Teresa, who would have ever thought I could meet a girl like you at my age. Whoever said all the good ones are gone was talking rubbish.”

  Teresa doesn’t say a word she just smiles at Adam and grabs his arm tighter. Walking from the hotel bar through the lobby toward the lift they do not speak, it isn’t an awkward silence, more of a content one because they are both having such a good night. Teresa isn’t happy that the night is almost over, but she really can’t wait to get Adam up to the room and strip him naked.

  At the car in the morning Adam seems quiet and a little distant.

  “Is everything ok Adam? I had a lovely time last night.”

  “Everything is fine Teresa; I just have a bad head from last night. I had a nice time though, in fact better than nice.”

  “Me too, so I guess we’ll be doing it again sometime?”

  “You try and stop us Teresa, we’ll be spending a lot more time together if it’s anything to do with me.”

  Adam pulls his car into Teresa’s street and parks right outside the house.

  “Are you coming in for a cup of tea Adam?”

  Adam looks at Teresa and smiles.

  “What about your son, you ready for me to meet him?”

  “Why not? I’ll tell him we’re just friends for now, I mean he has to like you too you know” she giggles.

  Adam smiles and steps from his car. As they walk toward the front door together, he can feel the excitement building inside him again, he can not wait to see how she reacts when she sees the babysitter lying bloodied on the living room floor with the bottom half of her face ripped off.

  What a clever boy, what a very clever boy. Then there is her son, he can’t wait to see her reaction when she sees what he has done to him, oh that will be special, that will be his greatest triumph so far.


  You Fucked Me Up The Arse

  Chapter 19 You Fucked Me Up The Arse

  Ring ring, ring ring, “DCI Small.”

  “Sir there’s been another!”

  “Don’t take the piss Falls it’s not funny.”

  “Sir, there has been another!”


  “I know sir, and we did a press release which will be out today.”

  “I’m on my way in now, meet me at the station.”

  Small puts his head in his hands and sits for about 15 minutes unmoving in his car. He might be guilty of causing the death of an innocent man. What about his job, his life, his career, he might even end up in prison.

  Shit he realises he has laughed at the press release about the fact that the killer has been killed in jail. He even said that at least it has saved our tax payers money, them not having to pay for a trial. Fuck, what has he done?

  Small walks into the station feeling like he has been shot, he isn’t even sure if Falls is taking the piss. No he wouldn’t do that, or would he, he is a joker, he better bloody not be he thinks.

  “Small, in my office.”

  The commissioner had been sitting in reception waiting for Small to arrive at the station.

  “Sir, look.”

  The commissionaire pays no attention and continues walking towards his office. Small follows closely staring intently at the commissionaire’s heels but not actually seeing anything. The whole time he is in his own head, he has made a fatal mistake, a mistake which has made the last twenty years on the
force meaningless.

  “Shut the door behind you.”

  Small turns and pushes the door gently shut.

  “Sit down.”

  Small pulls the chair out from in front of the commissionaire’s desk and sits silently. The commissionaire stands back up from his seat, hands sprawled across the desk.

  “What the fuck has just happened?”

  Small looks up at the commissionaire, he can see the red veins in his steel grey eyes, the repeated flair of his nostrils and his chest pounding back and forth.


  Small wants to apologise, he wants to speak but nothing will come out.

  “Shall I tell you what’s just happened Small? You have just bent me over this desk and fucked me senseless, you have just fucked the whole department up the fucking arse, that’s what you’ve just done.”

  Small looks up from his chair, “I’m sorry sir, we made a mistake.”

  “There is no ‘WE’ in this Small, you’re my senior officer, your the man on the floor, you run this station for me.”

  “So what next sir?”

  “Get your arse out of my office and catch this bastard, I’ll deal with you later.”

  “Sir we still believe he’s involved. There is a lot of evidence against him and he lied to us in the interview. He has something to hide.”

  “Just get out Small and catch the Bastard, OK?”

  “Yes Sir, thank you sir.”

  “Don’t thank me, just catch him, get out there and redeem yourself, or no one will ever forgive you or trust you ever again.”

  Small steps from the commissionaire’s office, again closing the door gently behind him. He can feel his heart pounding in his chest. It is as though he is not in his body, like a walking daydream, numbness fills his whole body, and rage. Rage at himself for being so sloppy and lazy, Rage at his partner who had stood by and said nothing, but most of all rage at this piece of shit that has killed a third child, a third innocent child.

  Small finds Falls standing in the toilets staring straight into the mirror, he does not flinch or move when his superior enters the room.

  “Falls get your arse in gear we got to catch this guy.”


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