And Then They Were Dead

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And Then They Were Dead Page 11

by Michael Martin

  “Do you want me to let you go Billy? Do you want to leave me now?”

  When the boys stops sobbing he looks Adam in the face.

  “No master I don’t want you to let me go, I never want to leave you.”

  “Are you being truthful Billy? Will you ever try to escape?”

  “No master I will never try to leave you.”

  “What do you think of the human race Billy?”

  “I think they are a bacteria master, they are a bacteria who breed, spread and destroy, nothing more.”

  “You’re learning Billy, you’re learning fast. Do you know why they will make a film about me killing you and your family Billy?”

  “No master I don’t, why will they?”

  “Because the human race doesn’t care about you Billy, they don’t care about anybody, they are intrigued by people like me, they worship people like me, they will watch films about me killing your family and they will read books about me killing you and your family. The whole world will study in great detail what I have done to your family and they will not care for you or your family, they will not care what pain you have suffered. They will name the book, the film and any documents they print after me, me, me.”

  Trembling Billy sits listening to his teacher. He knows that what he is saying is true. He knows who the Yorkshire ripper is, he even knows his name is Peter Sutcliffe but he doesn’t know the name of a single victim. He knows lots of killers’ names, he knows lots of things about lots of killers but he doesn’t know the name of a single victim, not one.

  “I will live on in eternity Billy, I will remain in the history books forever, but not you, you will die trembling in agony on this cold cellar floor and you will never be thought about again.”

  Billy stops crying, he is staring straight into Adams face, he looks emotionless and unscarred, he smiles at Adam. This time Adam notices.

  “You are right master, I don’t want to die on this cold cellar floor, I want to be like you.”

  Adam smiles back at the boy.

  Repeat after me Billy.

  “I hate the human race.”

  “I hate the human race.”

  “I am not one of the bacteria that infest this planet.”

  “I am not one of the bacteria that infest this planet.”

  “I will not breed, spread and destroy.”

  “I will not breed, spread and destroy.”

  “I will only destroy.”

  “I will only destroy.”

  “The world does not love me and I do not love the world.”

  “The world does not love me and I do not love the world.”

  “I will have my name in the history books and not die on this cold cellar floor.”

  “I will have my name in the history books and not die on this cold cellar floor.”

  “Good boy Billy, I will write this down for you to read everyday of your life.”

  “Thank you master.”

  “When they write the books about me Billy people will buy it, people will buy it in their millions, they will do this because they want to read about what happened to your family, they like to read about pain, they like to read about other peoples misery, they want to cause misery themselves but will not act, people do not care about people. Society teaches you that they do so they can keep control of you Billy but they don’t, nobody cares for you, they will write about me, and if you listen to me, then they will write about you too.”

  “I want them to write about me too master.”

  “Go to sleep you worthless piece of shit!”

  Adam spits at the boy in his cage and stands up to leave the cellar.


  He flicks the switch on the wall and the cellar goes dark, the cellar door shuts above and there is nothing left, nothing but silence and black.


  Everyone is Smiling

  Chapter 37 Everyone is Smiling

  Small pulls into the driveway of the country cottage he has come to know so very well. There is no need to knock on the door this time, the door is wide open and several marked police cars sit in the driveway, their rotating lights illuminating the whole garden. Small climbs from his car and walks towards the front door.

  As he approaches there are officers standing about in the living room talking, and ruining his crime scene.

  “Get out you idiots forensics haven’t been in yet!”

  All the unformed officers silently leave the building and wait outside.

  “Where are the bodies?”

  “The lady is upstairs in the boys room sir” Cole replies.

  “And where is the boy?”

  “He isn’t here sir, we think he’s been taken.”

  “What about the husband?”

  “He’s upstairs with his wife’s body sir, it was him who called the police.”

  Small knows the man is evolving fast and his crimes are getting worse every time. He could have this boy locked away somewhere, he could be eating him right now, or he could have just hidden the body for them to find later. Whatever it is Small knows it will be bad, it will be worse than all the others.

  The stairs of the house are steep; family photo’s cover every wall on the way up. In the photos everyone is smiling. This will never happen again, this family’s life has been ruined forever, this family and two others.

  He reaches the top of the stairs and sees an officer standing at a bedroom door. The officer waves him over and points to Mr Richards still holding onto his wife’s headless corpse sobbing.

  “Mr Richards,”

  “Mr Richards,”

  Derek Richards turns around recognising the voice and quickly jumps to his feet and throws himself at Small.

  “This is your fucking fault, you caused this by not doing your fucking job properly.”

  Derek Richards hits Small on the temple, he goes down immediately and Derek jumps on him pounding him into the bedroom floor where his wife has died only hours before.


  Comes from the officer standing in the room as he tries to pull Derek off Small. Within seconds the room is overrun with officers and Derek is face down on the carpet, his mouth pressed into his dead wife’s blood.

  Small brushes himself off and slowly climbs to his feet.

  “Are you ok sir?”

  “I’m fine Cole thanks. Let him up lads he’s just lost his wife.”

  The officers allow Derek to his feet but do not let go of his arms.

  “I’m sorry Derek I really am, I have been working on this case non stop and I’m very close to catching somebody. I know you must hate me and I don’t blame you but I’m not the bad guy here.”

  “Where is my fucking son then, where is he?”

  “I don’t know Derek but I am going to use every single man that I have at my disposal to find him.”

  “You better find him, he’s all I have left. Without him I have nothing left.”

  “Derek you need to go clean yourself up.”

  Derek shrugs the officers off him and walks from the room silently, head hung and tears in his eyes.

  “Right boys out of this room we need it sealing off for forensics.”

  All of the officers leave the room and go downstairs. Small takes his phone from his pocket and presses speed dial one.

  “DI Falls” he has definitely just woken up.

  “Get your arse to the Richards house now, we have to arrest that Adam.”

  “Why sir what’s happened?”

  “He’s killed Denise.”

  “He hasn’t has he? She was bit of all right her as well!”

  “Not funny Falls, he’s taken Billy so get your arse here now, we’re going to get him out of bed.”

  “You sure we’re not jumping the gun sir?”

  “To be honest I don’t give a shit if we are, I’m going to have to start breaking some eggs to catch
this bastard or he isn’t going to stop.”

  “I’m with you sir. I’ll be there in half an hour.”

  “Half an hour?”

  “Yes sir I have to put some clothes on first!”

  “OK just meet me at Adams I’m heading over there now.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Small descends down the staircase and onto the front where the officers stand like bollards. It brings back the memory of poor Veronica’s home just a few days before.

  “WHO HAS THE RAM?” Small shouts.

  A big guy sticks his hand up.

  “Me sir.”

  “Right leave two officers here the rest of you follow me.”

  All the officers quickly jump in the cars glad to get out of the cold. Only Cole and a large ginger officer remain.

  Small drives like a maniac desperate to get there.


  Check Mate

  Chapter 38 Check Mate

  Small pulls into Adams Street and Falls is already waiting for him. He parks outside the house and waits for all the officers to assemble. Two are sent round the back and seven are ready to go in the front door. Two large bangs later and the officers are inside.

  Small and Falls side by side quickly make for the stairs closely followed by several uniformed officers. They enter two rooms before finally finding Adams bedroom. Adam is sat up in bed squinting through the light.

  “Don’t move Adam, you’re under arrest.”

  “It’s a bit late for our chat don’t you think Small?” Adam says smugly.

  “Adam, I am arresting you on suspicion of murder, you do not have to say anything, but anything you do say can and will be used against you as evidence. Do you understand your rights?”

  “No not really can you run me through that again?”

  “Cuff him lads.”

  Adam is dragged from his bed naked, he is given a pair of underpants to put on, then cuffed and taken out to the car.

  Billy hears a loud bang coming from the house above him, then another. He remains silent. Next comes a lot of banging on the ceiling above him. It sounds like a herd of animals running through the house. This goes on for several moments. Billy is worried that Mr Craven is going crazy in the house above and soon he will be down there taking his anger out on him. Suddenly the sounds stop as abruptly as they had started. Again there is nothing left but silence and black.

  Small jumps into his car after instructing two officers to remain on the door at Adam’s house. He speeds to the station feeling happy that he has arrested the man who has committed the most horrendous crimes that anyone has seen in the twenty years he has been on the force.

  He pulls into the station and walks into reception where he waits for Adam to arrive. Shortly after the marked police car pulls into the station and stops outside the doors. The two officers step from the car and pull Adam from the back seat.

  Adams body is ripped like that of a man twenty years his youth he has scars across his lower abdomen and what appear to be whip marks on his back. There are burn marks on his inner thighs that look like cigarettes burns. Even naked this man looks fearsome and dangerous. Even naked he does not appear to have any frailties, not one.

  Adam throws a paper jump suit to the officers as they walk him through the door.

  “Put this on him.”

  Adam smiles at Small as he walks through the reception area. Even now he still has that cockiness about him that riles Small up massively.

  “Is this what you meant by chat Small?”

  Small looks him in the face but does not speak, he has him here at last and has no intention of letting him go.

  Small and Falls walk towards the cell where Adam is being held, both men have worried looks on their faces.

  “Lets do this sir, lets nail this bastard!”

  Small winks at his partner and they move on in silence. The door opens with a load squeak. Adam is stood in his cell naked and smiling at the officers.

  “Come for me have you boys?” he looks ready for a fight.

  “Put your clothes on Adam we want a chat.”

  “I’m comfortable like this, does it offend you?”

  “Yes it bloody does now put your fucking clothes on or we’ll send someone in there to dress you.”

  Adam picks his underpants from the cell floor and slowly puts them on. The whole time he stares straight into Small’s eyes unblinking, facial expressions unmoving. They finally lose eye contact as Adam pulls the paper suit over his head. Small immediately looks in a different direction. He is uncomfortable staring this man in the face. This man is pure evil.

  “Do you need a solicitor present?”

  “Why would I need a solicitor? I haven’t committed a crime.”

  “Come with us then.”

  Small leads the way to the interview room followed by Adam. Falls walks closely behind Adam in case he tries anything.

  Small enters the interview room first, this is the same interview room they questioned Mr Capel in just two weeks earlier. This was the room he thought no comment would get him out of, but instead it killed him.

  Adam sits facing the officers. His eyes do not leave the eyes of Small. He has to beat this man and he believes he can.

  Small flicks the record switch on the machine situated on the table to his left and the red light comes on.

  “So Adam, what do you have to say for yourself?”

  “You woke me up from a good nights sleep Small I thought you was the one who had something to say?”

  “Adam you have been arrested on suspicion of murdering 9 people and young Billy Richards, who might be the 10th, is still missing. Would you like to tell us where he is?”

  “How would I know where he is?”

  “Because you took him and we know you did.”

  “Do you officer? And what proof do you have of that?”

  Small goes silent, he has no proof, but he is sure this is his man. Who else had been at Teresa’s the day after the murder? Who else had returned a few days after Andrew’s death and killed his mother? Him, that’s who.

  “We’re not here to answer your questions Craven, what have you done with Billy?”

  “I really don’t know what your on about, but I do have a question for you and whilst we’re having such a nice little question and answer session you can answer my questions too if I’m expected to answer your bloody questions. What evidence do you have for arresting me? What reason has been put in your little book for locking up an innocent man? What crime are you trying to invent by twisting my words to lock me? In fact what the fuck am I even doing here?”

  Small does not respond.

  “Come on officer Small tell me what your reasons are, I’ll answer your questions if you answer mine, come on Small. In fact have you got a problem with fucking teachers, I hear poor innocent Mr Capel died in prison because of your incompetent policing. Is that what you have planned for me too?”

  “Who said Capel was innocent Adam?”

  “The newspaper idiot can you not read either. The whole world knows you locked up an innocent man and had him killed, now you’re trying to twist my words so you can do the same to me, so you can lock me up for nothing. Come on Small you answer my questions and I’ll answer yours. What evidence have you got linking me to anything? Why am I sitting in this room wearing a paper suit answering no questions at all? I know why because you and your mute little friend here want to twist my words to invent a crime against me so you can lock me up like you did Capel, well it won’t work. You answer my questions, and I’ll answers your stupid, inappropriate questions which are backed by no evidence whatsoever.”

  “We have an eye witness who has seen you, who has described you and who has also named you Mr Craven so what do you have to say about that?”

  “What I have to say to that is bullshit, that’s what I have to say absolute bullshit, how can you have an eye witness when I didn’t do the crime idiot? So stop talking rubbish and release me.”
r />   “Do you think we’re talking bullshit Mr Craven?”

  “Bullshit is exactly what I think you are talking, you’re trying to make me say anything so that you can twist my words and invent a crime against me, that I never committed, well unless you have something I guess this interview is over?”

  “If it’s bullshit Mr Craven, and you didn’t commit any crime then I guess you won’t have any objections to standing in a line up tomorrow will you?”

  The look on Mr Cravens face drops, his arrogant cocky attitude changes immediately, he knows he has walked into this one and if they have got an eye witness there is no way he can say no to an ID Parade now.

  “If you have an eye witness then obviously I do not have a problem with standing in an ID Parade, because I never committed any bloody crime, but you don’t have a bloody eye witness do you stupid so stop talking rubbish.”

  Small looks across the table straight into Adam’s face and smiles, then winks.

  “For the benefit of the tape Adam Craven has agreed to stand in an ID Parade tomorrow. Interview terminated.”

  Small reaches across the table and flicks off the machine, he sits back in his seat and just stares at Adam.

  “Check mate” he grins.

  Adams face turns white, this is the first time they’ve seen any emotion from the man in front of them, other than anger and arrogance.

  The two officers escort the man back to his cell hopeful that the boy tomorrow will pick him out in the ID Parade.

  “You like it here Craven? You better it’s going to be your new home.”

  Small leaves the room and flicks through his phone book, then presses call on Betty Green.

  “Hello” comes over the phone in a husky, tired voice.

  “Hello Betty its DCI Small sorry to wake you at this time of night, but we have a man in custody who we believe committed the murders at Teresa Bennett’s home. Is it possible for you to bring Billy down to the station first thing tomorrow for an ID Parade?”

  “Don’t you worry about it officer, anything to help the police. What time do you want me to have him at the station for?”

  “Shall we say 10:00am?”


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