“I don’t want to hurt you. Although I may not act like it, that’s the last thing I want to do. Will you be my girlfriend again?”
“What about your friends over there?” She nods towards the chicks I was with when she walked in. Their eyes are shooting daggers at Ainsley.
“They’re not my friends. And I’ll never let them within ten feet of me again. I swear it.”
“We’ve never been on a date, Zack. Plan a date for us, and if I like it, then maybe I’ll be your girlfriend again. You’re going to have to put out an effort so I know you’re really invested in trying to make this work.”
“I can do that. I already have another surprise for you, but I’ll plan an amazing date for you.”
“I’ll look forward to it. Goodnight, Zack.”
“Can I kiss you before you leave?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. You embarrassed me, and kissing you after that would be even more embarrassing.”
Damn it. “What about you? You said that guy means something to you.”
“He’s a friend. He was doing me a favor by playing along.”
“You have a lot of interesting and unexpected friends.”
“You have no idea.”
“I need to have my mouth on you, Ains. Please let me kiss you. You look so hot in this dress, I can barely stand it,” I tell her as I reach out and finger the material at her hip.
“People will think I’m just like them if I let you kiss me, Zack.”
“Not after they see the way I kiss you.”
She looks into my eyes for a minute and nods. I lean forward to cup her cheek with my hand. I kiss her other cheek and then place little kisses all over her face. When I get to her mouth, I kiss and nibble at every inch of it. I have my other hand on her back and I feel her skin heating as I worship her mouth. When I lick across her lips, she opens for me on a moan. I don’t attack her like I want to, though. I continue taking it slow until she grabs the jacket of my tux and pulls me to her, attacking my mouth.
She pulls back after a couple of minutes, and I hug her tight. “Sorry about that. I know you were taking it slow for me.”
“I’m not complaining.”
“Does it make me weak if I want you to ask me to go home with you?”
I lean back and look her in the eye. “You want to go home with me?”
She nods. “Yes, but I feel like I shouldn’t. We aren’t even officially back together yet.”
“How about you come over, and we make out for a little while. If you still feel weird about taking it further, you can sleep in one of the guest rooms.”
“That sounds really good. I’ll go home and change. Just give me your address, and I’ll meet you at your place.”
“No? You just said yes.”
“I meant, no don’t change. Please. I want my hands inside this dress.”
“The shoes, too?” she asks me with a twinkle in her eyes, motioning to her strappy heels. Fuck me heels indeed.
“Oh yeah, those definitely need to stay on.”
“I had a feeling you’d say that.”
“You know me so well.”
She turns serious. “I want to, Zack.”
“You know me better than anyone, babe. Except Sierra, of course.”
She mumbles something that sounds like “I hope so.” Before I can ask her about it, she kisses my cheek and walks away. I watch her say goodbye to everyone, as I leave. I’ve never been one for goodbyes.
Chapter 11
I’m parked in Zach’s driveway, trying to will myself to do something. I just can’t decide if that something should be going inside or leaving. Most of the girls voted for me leaving, or not coming here at all. Tegan, Jade, and Stella told me to just come and use him for his body. As if I could keep my emotions out of it. I love them, but I can’t detach like they do. Maybe it’s a good thing that I won’t be able to do a full mission again. I function much better behind a computer screen.
A knock on my window startles me. I look over to see Zack smiling at me from the other side of the door. He makes a motion for me to roll down my window. I do, biting my lip as I look at him. His tux is still on, minus the tie. He’s also untucked his shirt and unbuttoned a few of the buttons. Holy hotness.
“Trying to decide if you want to come inside?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’ll go back in there and leave you to it. There’s no pressure, Ains. Out here, or when you get in there. I hope you know that about me.”
“I do.” How could I not? He’s never pressured me. Yeah, he wanted me to get on my knees and acted like an ass when I wouldn’t, but that was after I’d told him I wanted to be with him.
“See you soon, or not. Either way, I’ve got our date for tomorrow planned.”
“You inspire me.”
He starts to walk away, but I call out to him. “Wait. I’m coming inside.”
“Why yes you are,” he says with a smirk, taking my words in a different way than I intended.
“Wipe that smirk off your face, or I’ll be the only one coming.”
“No you won’t. I’ll just jerk myself off like I’ve been doing the last few nights, thinking about you.”
I walk up to him and run a hand over his shirt. “If that’s an acceptable substitute for me, then by all means keep up the cocky asshole attitude.”
He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. I’ve rendered him speechless. Never thought that would happen, but I have to admit that I’m a little proud of myself. He shakes his head, and when he speaks, I realize I just lost this round after all.
“No person or thing could ever be an acceptable substitute for you. Let’s go inside so I can romance you and make you come all night.”
He holds my hand as he walks me inside. I take in the beautiful architecture of his house, but notice there’s almost nothing in here. He really did intend to leave. The living room has a large couch that would be wide enough to sleep on comfortably, a few tables, and a TV. He tugs me to the couch, and I sit next to him.
We kiss for over an hour. Just kissing, but it’s so hot I think I may implode. It’s a mix of little kisses, hot passionate kisses, and melt my panties tongue kisses.
When Zack pushes the pieces of my halter top aside, I’m more than ready to take things further.
“Fuck. I love your tits. But what are these?”
He’s talking about the little nipple covers Stella gave me. “They’re so no one could see my nipples harden when I was near you.”
“Your nipples get hard when you’re near me?” he asks as he pulls the covers off. “Oh, I guess they do. A part of me gets hard when I’m near you, too. But mine’s a lot harder.”
So it’s a competition then, huh? I can play, too. “I get wet, too.”
His eyes flash and then his smirk is back. “So do I.”
“Seriously? You get wet?”
He takes off his pants and boxer briefs so I can see the pre-cum glistening at the top of his perfect cock. “Yeah, baby, I’m wet.”
I can’t resist. Before I can even think about what I’m doing, I lean over and lick it off. “Yum.”
I’m instantly on my back, and he’s got his mouth on me, sucking a nipple into it. Instead of playing with the other one, his free hand pushes the material of my dress up and plunges two fingers into me. He lifts his head to look at me as I arch my back. “You’ve been without panties all night?”
I nod, and now I’m the one smirking. “I was hoping I wouldn’t need them.”
“You don’t.”
He continues lavishing attention on my breasts as he works his fingers in and out. I’m close. Really close, and he can feel it. He releases my nipple with a pop and moves down my body. My dress is around my waist as he watches his fingers pump in an out for a few seconds before his mouth descends on me.
He’s licking and sucking me, and my ha
nds move to my breasts. They’re wet from his mouth and tongue, and I can’t help but play with them. I never knew I could be so bold. Neither did Zack. His eyes widen when he looks up at me. Then I feel him smile against my clit as he ramps up his efforts. The triple sensations have me going over in a matter of seconds. “Zack!” I scream as I come hard, bucking against his mouth and fingers.
He doesn’t stop, though. He slowed down as I came, but he starts pumping his fingers and working me over with his mouth again. “I need at least one more before I’m inside you, Ains. Play with your tits again for me. I want to watch you while I lick you.”
Oh God. Yes, I want that too. I can’t say it though. I’ve lost all ability to speak as I help him bring me over again. It’s even more intense the second time. He kisses the inside of my thighs for a few minutes as I writhe beneath him.
“Please, Zack. I need you.”
“I’ve got you. I just need to grab a condom.”
“No you don’t. I’m clean and on the pill. I know you’re clean, too.”
He stiffens. “I don’t do that. Birth control isn’t one hundred percent. Even if it was, what if you forgot?”
Now I’m the one freezing. “Forgot? You mean on purpose. I see it in your eyes. You really think I’d try to trap you with a baby?”
“I’ve got to protect myself.”
“Fuck you, Zack. Or actually, don’t.”
I push him away from me as I get up. I pull my top back over my breasts as I head for the door. I don’t make it there, though.
“Wait. Don’t go,” Zack says as he gets in front of me. “I’m sorry. I know you wouldn’t do that.”
“You’re saying the words, but I can still see in your eyes that you are worried.”
He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again. “I’m trying, Ains. Really trying to get past my fears. I know you wouldn’t ever try to trap me. I’m sorry I reacted the way I did. Can we just go back to the couch and start again? Even at the beginning with just the kissing?”
“I just want to go to sleep.”
He picks up my bag from where I’d left it in the foyer when we walked in earlier. “You don’t need to drive home to do that. I’ll show you to the guest room.”
I follow him up the stairs. He stops at the first door on the right and opens it. I see a pretty, feminine room. “This is Sierra’s room?”
“Yes. It’s the only room besides mine that has furniture in it. I’m at the end of the hall if you need me.”
“I won’t, but thanks,” I tell him as I squeeze by him and into the room. I turn and hold out my hand for my bag. He hands it to me and I close the door on him. I won’t pretend that he didn’t hurt me downstairs. That wouldn’t be fair to either one of us.
* * *
Damn it. I just can’t stop opening my fucking mouth and saying the wrong things. I know Ainsley would never try to trap me, but I said it anyway. And now I’m in bed alone. Instead of being bare for the first time in my life inside of the woman I love. “Dumbass” doesn’t even begin to describe me.
I need to talk to someone so I dial Sierra’s number. It’s late, but I know she’ll answer for me. It rings about fifteen times before she does, though. “What’s wrong, Zack?” she asks sounding out of breath.
“Are you okay? You sound out of breath.”
“I was busy. But you wouldn’t call this late unless it’s an emergency, so I had to answer.”
“Busy? You’re with a guy? Does he know who I am and what I would do to him if he hurt you?”
“Did you call to discuss my sexcapades, or because you actually needed something?”
“I screwed up again.”
“With Ainsley?”
“Something else since I talked to you after the game?”
“Seriously?” I don’t answer her. “Go ahead. Hit me with it.”
“I pretty much accused her of trying to trap me by getting pregnant.”
“What? She’s pregnant?”
“No. She’s not pregnant. She said she was on the pill and clean, so we didn’t need a condom.”
“And you accused her of wanting to trap you? Are you insane? Her saying that meant she trusted you.”
“I think I am insane. I know what it meant, but I fucked up and now I just don’t know how to fix it.”
“I’m guessing she left and said she never wanted to talk to you again.”
“No. She’s actually in my guest room. I’m sure she plans to leave first thing in the morning.”
“Then you need to make her want to stay.”
“I got her off twice before we fought. If that’s not enough, I don’t know what is.”
“You need to stop thinking with your dick. She needs more than sex. Wow her.”
“You need to figure that out. And I need to go back to my date. Talk to you soon.”
I hang up, and think about how to wow Ainsley. Whatever I’m going to do is going to have to come from this house. Which means I don’t have much to work with. But if I leave, with my luck, she’ll go home the second I step outside.
I walk around, and when I’m in my living room, it hits me. I know what I can do. She has to walk past this room to leave, so she won’t be able to miss it. I run to my home office to get started. When I head to my bedroom hours later, I think I may actually have a chance.
* * *
I tossed and turned most of the night. Knowing that Zack’s so close was killing me. I wasn’t going to give in, though. I need him to trust me. I know I haven’t been totally honest with him, but in every way that matters I’ve told him the truth.
Now I’m sitting on this bed trying to figure out what to do. I know I should leave, but it feels like it really will be the end if I do that. I don’t want it to be the end. I want us to work this out. I’m just at a loss as to how to make that happen. Maybe we just need some more space.
I get dressed and walk out into the hall. I can smell breakfast and hear Zack cooking. Is he cooking for me? I almost feel bad enough to detour to the kitchen. Almost. I keep walking and nearly fall over when I see what’s on the wall over the fireplace in the living room.
Where it was blank yesterday, today there’s a giant collage with words, binary code, and me. It takes me a minute to decode the group of binary code in my head. The big group in the middle says “you’re every minute of my every day” and then there’s “love,” “beautiful,” “brilliant,” and “sexy,” in both binary and English. The pictures of me are mostly from the games and parties. Some feature Zack and me when we’re kissing or dancing. He must’ve gotten them from press sites. There are some selfies we took together, and I notice he also took some covert pics of me as well. I smile as I see he put some clip art pics of computers all around. Then I’m crying. Happy tears this time. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and hands down the most wonderful thing anyone’s ever done for me.
“You don’t like it? Fuck. I thought you’d like it.”
“I love it Zack,” I tell him as I launch myself into his arms. “Thank you.”
“I love you, Ains. I wanted you to know that I realize how much I keep screwing up, but you do own my heart even if it may not seem like it sometimes.”
“Just your heart now, huh?” I tease him as I run my hands over his bare chest.
“No. You still own all of me. I thought you’d want to hear about my heart the most.”
“I do. But I also like knowing I can have the rest of you anytime,” I tell him as I slide my hand inside his briefs to stroke him.
He surprises me by pulling my hand out and stepping away. “Not yet. I mean, we can if you want. I definitely want. But I’m trying to woo you here, and I made breakfast. Then we have our date.”
“I smelled breakfast. You can feed me first, but I’m going to need at least a quickie before our date.”
/> “Quickie? Seriously. Have I ever been quick with you?”
“No. But you can do it. You can even come without me. I came twice last night, you just had your hand.”
“Let’s eat before all my food goes to waste, little vixen.”
I get an idea, so I go along with this whole food thing. Vixen is right. I don’t know what’s made me as bold as I plan to be, but I’m going with it. I let him lead me into the kitchen, where I see two plates with food on the table in the little breakfast nook.
“Why are there two plates?”
“I didn’t want to assume.”
I walk over and scrape all the food onto one plate. “Sit, please,” I say, motioning to the bench seat along the wall.
He smiles as he sits, and then his eyes darken as I push the table a little further away from him. When I reach under my dress and pull off my thong, I see his jaw clench.
“What’re you doing, babe.”
“Having a ride with my breakfast,” I tell him as I place the plate next to him and climb onto his lap.
“Fuck, this is going to be hot.”
I reach down and free his cock. “That’s the plan.” I realize I don’t have a condom, so I start to get off of him.
“Where are you going?”
“I forgot to grab a condom.”
“I thought we didn’t need one.”
“We don’t, but only if you’re sure.”
“I’m sure.”
I kiss him as I slide down onto him, not stopping until I’m seated comfortably on his lap. We both groan, but neither of us move. I break the kiss to grab a piece of bacon. I feed it to him one little piece at a time. I start to slowly move as I grab a mini pancake. I hold it up to his mouth, but he shakes his head.
“I need syrup.”
“I know,” I tell him as I grab the bottle.
I open it and pour some on my fingers. Then I rub it over my lips. He finally takes his bite and then licks my lips and fingers. I move a little faster on him, but not enough to get us done too fast. We continue for several minutes, as we feed each other breakfast. I can feel myself starting to build from the slow torture I’m inflicting on both of us.
Fielding Her SECRET (Corrigan & Co. Book 1) Page 10