Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 51

by Anna Zaires

  Here is Luther’s phone number if you need to go anywhere. Also the key to your new place.

  Last night was amazing. Can’t wait for tonight.


  She put the money in the drawer. She needed to resign herself that the only way they would want her is to pay for sex. She hoped one day though that they would want her even without having to pay for it. Walking to the shower she turned on the water. Stepping inside she sighed as the water came down on her. Showering with four shower heads was almost orgasmic.

  She walked into the bedroom that she shared with Stefani and Hawke, looking for the bag Stefani had packed for her. Taking out a pair of sweats and a tank top she quickly got dressed. The apartment seemed so big and empty without them. After fixing something to eat she sat on the couch the apartment seemed so empty without Stefani and Hawke there. She wished she knew someone to hang out with. She didn’t have any real close girlfriends. Most of them worked like she did and didn’t have time to hang out or party or just go shopping.

  She picked her cellphone off the table and saw a few texts from Bryan asking her to call him. Pressing his number she waited for him to answer. “Hi Bryan, what’s up?”

  “Did everything go ok last night?” Bryan asked.

  “With who?” She knew she was dodging the question.

  “Stefani and Hawke. I swear as soon as they got there the first thing they did was come to me and ask where you were. They said that you were supposed to stay in their suite but when they arrived you were gone.”

  “First off they didn’t tell me I had to stay put. Their exact words were, we will see you tonight. Second why did you give them my address? I told you I needed to think things through.” Becky asked.

  “Becky, if you had seen the look on their faces you would understand. I think they really do care about you. But be careful. Mercedes tried to intervene again. She came up and tried to get them to take her to the suite. They told her that if she didn’t stop trying to push herself on them, than she would have to go.” Bryan warned.

  “If Stefani and Hawke wanted Mercedes they would be with her.” Becky shivered just thinking of how they stormed in her apartment. “Bryan? I don’t think I can keep accepting money for having sex with them.”

  “Why? They didn’t hurt you anything?” Bryan sounded worried.

  “No, they didn’t hurt me. I had the most erotic night of my life.” She blushed just telling him. “That is why. I am starting to develop feelings for them. It scares me. You and I both have first-hand experience that love does not last. At the most it lasts a few years, before they leave and I am replaced by someone younger, prettier. Hotter. I don’t know what I am going to do.”

  “I get it, Becky.” Bryan admitted. “I think that is why I love this escort thing, for the same reasons. No time for developing any feelings. Well certainly in my case. Just be careful. I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  “Thanks. Bryan? Can you drive me to my apartment? I have to get a few things.” Becky needed more clothes and her laptop. She didn’t need Luther to drive her anywhere.

  “Where are you?”

  Becky told him the name of the apartment building. “I am on the top floor.”

  “Holy shit. You are only a few floors below you. I think you are the first person I know that has been brought to their penthouse. I will be right up.”

  “Ok, thanks.” Becky trying not to let Bryan’s comment mean anything. He said he didn’t know of anyone that they brought here before. That didn’t mean they hadn’t in the past.

  Hearing a knock on the door she opened it, and almost shut it again when she saw Mercedes on the other side of the door. “Mercedes? What are you doing here?”

  “I see the rumors are true. You’re good I will give you that. But you are in over your head.” Mercedes told her.

  “What do you want Mercedes?” Becky demanded.

  “Just don’t get too comfortable here. They will get bored with you, just like the others.” Mercedes predicted.

  “Even if they do get bored with me, it doesn’t mean they will go to you. If they wanted you, they would have you here so fast your head will spin. Now if you don’t mind, leave. I am expecting someone.”

  “What your pathetic, loser stepbrother?” scoffed Mercedes.

  “Yes, her pathetic loser stepbrother.” Bryan said from behind her. “Hi Mercedes. Becky, I brought a few of the others up here. They didn’t get a chance to meet you the other night and they wanted to get to know you better.”

  Becky saw that he had brought three other girls up with him and a guy. “Hi.” She suddenly felt self-conscious. They had on nice clothes and she had sweats and a tank top. She needed to get some clothes.

  “Hi, no wonder Stefani and Hawke spirited you away so quickly. Hi, my name is Tina.” Said the tiny, curvy blonde. There was something about her that Becky immediately liked.

  “Hi, nice to meet you. Would you guys like to come in?” Becky opened the door wider.

  “Thanks.” Tina walked in. “This is Hazel Daniels, Krista Sherman and the other guy is Luke Lambert.” She introduced everyone that came in.

  “Nice to meet you.” Luke hugged her. “I had to meet the woman that not only snagged the bosses, but something far up Mercedes ass that next time she shits it just might come out diamonds.”

  Becky started cracking up. “I like you.” She said wiping the tears from her face.

  “Good, cause since we are going to be together a lot.” Luke winked at her. “This place is fabulous.”

  “Luke is one of our more popular escorts. Especially with the not so straight vampires.” Hazel told her. “I like most of the staff are bisexual. There are a few of us though that only do hetero or gay or lesbian clients.”

  “Makes sense.” Becky sat on the couch.

  “How so?” Tina asked sitting next to her.

  “Well most of society is made up of those sexual types. It only stands to reason that vampires are in the same type of categories. How did you get the job working for Dark Cravings?” Becky asked them. “Bryan you never told me how you found out about it?”

  “Well I met Tina and Luke at a bar right after Dad cut me off. I was feeling sorry for myself, desperately trying to think of how I was going to get a job when they suggested I come for a recruiting session. I admit I felt exactly like you did. But they convinced me to stay and hang out. I ended up going to the hotel with a vamp and a hybrid. When I got up there was five grand on the table. It was easy money and whoever said sex isn’t fun isn’t doing it right.”

  “I’m a hybrid.” Tina said. “In my case it was become an escort or end up dead. I was turned and then abandoned. They never did find the son of a bitch who turned me either. I never took drugs in my life, but when I woke up I felt almost some of the same symptoms. When I got up, I couldn’t eat enough. I was starved as if I had been on a hunger strike or something. One look at my body and you will know that I have never willingly missed a meal. By the time it got dark my arms started to itch. My heart was racing and I felt like I was going crazy. I met Luke at a coffee shop. He immediately knew what was wrong with me and brought me to meet Hawke and Stefani. They helped ease the pain, then offered me a job.”

  “Did you sleep with them?” Becky was more curious than jealous. Truth was that if she had to share a bed occasionally with someone else to help supplying blood to Stefani and Hawke, she would prefer if she knew the person. She liked Tina and wouldn’t have a problem being with her.

  “No.” Tina shook her head. “I wish. They just helped by drinking my blood from my wrist. At the time they were with Mercedes and she was a bit territorial. If they so much as looked at someone else she would make their lives miserable.”

  “I can see that. I didn’t know Mercedes was with them.” Becky remarked.

  “For about a week.” Krista spoke up. She was quiet and Becky had almost forgotten she was there. “But they couldn’t handle her brand of crazy. The only reason why they keep her around is
that she threatens to tell everyone about Dark Cravings. Most people wouldn’t believe her, but there are always those fringe types who will and would try to destroy us. Truth is Hawke and Stefani are the best bosses I have ever had. The money is great, plus I get health and a pension. It sure as hell beats fast food. Believe me, I know.”

  “Yeah, hate working fast food.” Becky agreed. “So what do you guys do during the day?”

  “Me? I am going to law school.” Tina grinned. “I have one more year before I am finished. I took today off to check you out. I am glad I did. I like you.”

  “I like you too.” Becky really did. “Krista and Luke are you two hybrids?”

  “I am not a hybrid, but I love sex.” Krista said unashamedly. “Why not get paid to do something that I would be doing at night anyway? This way the environment is controlled. I used to do modeling during the day. I accidentally walked into a recruiting session. I was immediately intrigued. The vamps are hot. Now I work for Stefani and Hawke shooting sex videos.”

  Becky could see that. Krista was thin, but not feed me a sandwich thin. “Sex videos?”

  “Yeah you know like those video clips you find on the Internet. The X-rated versions of YouTube? Those are fun. I could do them all day. I have slowly pulled away from the escort side. I would rather shoot the videos.”

  “I fell in love with someone who I thought was the one.” Luke explained. “But turned out the guy was a vampire. He turned me into a hybrid. Promised me forever. But he had gone out one night and never came back. I was going from bar to bar, looking for him when I ran into Hawke. Hawke offered me a job. I made it known that I won’t do women. I love them don’t get me wrong, just don’t to sleep with them.”

  “Understandable.” Becky assured him. “I am sorry he abandoned you. Did you ever find him?”

  “No.” Luke sighed. “If I did, I would kick his ass.”

  “Anyone want lunch?” Becky stood up and went to the refrigerator and opened it up. There was some basic food items but nothing that screamed lunch. She opened the freezer and cupboards and like the refrigerator there were a few basics but nothing else. “Let’s all go.” Tina stood up. “I need a few things too.”

  “I am not exactly dressed to go out and I don’t have shoes.” Becky reminded them. “That’s why I called Bryan.”

  “Why don’t you have shoes?” Krista asked.

  Becky struggled not to blush. “Well. They sort of carried me here.”

  “Ooh Hawke went all caveman on you?” Luke smiled.

  “What size shoe do you wear?” Tina asked.

  “An eight.”

  “I wear the same size.” Tina jumped up and headed to the door. “I will be right back if you don’t mind borrowing them?”

  “That would be great. Do you have a sweatshirt or something that I can borrow? Maybe I can stop by my apartment and grab a few more things. Stefani packed my bag but she just brought some underwear and shirts.”

  “Sure. I will be right back.”

  “I have to admit that even though what Bryan did to you was wrong, I am glad he did it.” Luke said. “We need more cool people to hang out with. You will see that some of the escorts can be bitches or dicks.”

  “Is that supposed to be a compliment?” Krista asked Luke.

  “As backhanded that was, I think it was kind of sweet.” Becky laughed.

  “We could really use someone to take the escorts in hand, hopefully Stefani and Hawke will be smart enough to keep you.” Hazel told her.

  “How so?” Becky smiled in relief as Tina came back with shies and a sweatshirt.

  “Anita tries, but she is busy at the hotel. I think we need some kind of organization.” Hazel explained.

  “Yea, Mercedes and her friends try to boss everyone around and they only send themselves to the regular clients.” Tina added.

  “How does this agency work? It makes sense that you would have regular vampires as clients. But from what I saw the other night recruiting is sort of like bring a friend to work day. How do you find regular clients?”

  “A lot of it is parties. The times one of us would bring a vampire in as a client they are quickly grabbed by Mercedes and her friends. Especially the wealthy vamps because they pay more. A lot of the members of her group are hybrids, which I always suspected was done on purpose.”

  “What do you mean on purpose? From what Hawke said it is against the rules to turn someone into a hybrid. Once a vamp does it they are committed to that hybrid until they become a vamp themselves.”

  “We aren’t sure how so many are turning into hybrids. We cant prove anything, and Stefani and Hawke are so busy with their businesses they don’t have the resources to investigate.” Bryan informed her.

  “And you guys want me in charge? You just met me. You don’t even know if I am going to be around next week, let alone forever.” Oh but she wished more and more this relationship was permanent.

  “You underestimate yourself, sweetie,” Luke said. “I have a feeling they are going to keep you.”

  Becky felt nervous as they started to look at her. They thought she could oust Mercedes out power? Her? She hated confrontations. Even now her head was throbbing a bit from what happened with Mercedes. She never really got mad. She was used to keeping her feelings to herself. She didn’t have a migraine yet but wanted to avoid it if she could.

  “Do you guys mind stopping of at my apartment first? I need to get my mess.” Becky asked them.

  “What kind of mess?” Krista asked suspiciously.

  “Migraine.” Becky told her.

  “Oh your poor baby.” Hazel said sympathetically. “I have known people that have had them.”

  “I used to have them.” Tina confessed.

  “Used to? How did you get rid of them?”

  “I became a hybrid.” Tina explained. “At the time I didn’t make the connection. But then I realized after a month that I hadn’t had to take anything.”

  “That is definitely a plus for becoming one.” Becky told her.

  “Yeah. But the biggest plus is the sex. I liked it ok before, but now I cant get enough of it.” Tina grinned. “The orgasms? They feel as if they come from the toes.”

  “No kidding.” Hazel confirmed. “I have to say I like sex with guys, but females? I could fuck them all night and when I get up start all over again. Girls can go on for hours. How many girls have you been with?”

  “Including Stefani? One. But I started to wonder why I never did before. I could make out with her for hours.” Becky admitted.

  “Welcome to the club.” Krista hugged her.


  “Yeah the bisexual club. Although we need a fancier name for it.” Krista explained as they headed out the door. “That’s another thing in your favor. Mercedes wont have sex with women unless she can get something out of it. I heard that was one of the reasons they told her to leave. She wouldn’t do more than kiss Stefani a little.”

  “How can you not want to be with Stefani?” questioned Becky. Just thinking of the sexy vampire had her wishing that it would get dark sooner.

  “That’s what I said.” Tina agreed. “If you ever need another in bed with you guys I will gladly volunteer.”

  “My poor ears.” Complained Bryan this us my sister you are talking about.”

  “Hey its your fault.” Becky reminded him. If you didn’t bring me here you wouldn’t have to listen to people who want to have sex with me.”

  “She is right.” Luke agreed. “Crap how are we all going to fit in the car? Take two?”

  “I have idea.” Becky called Luther and asked him if he could drive them to the store.

  “Good idea.” Approved Krista.

  “Where are you losers going?” said a sarcastic voice.

  Turning around, Becky had to stop herself from punching Mercedes in the face. She had two others with her. “We are going to flash our goodies to shifters.”

  She heard Tina snort. “Yea, we are curious to find out wh
at the fuzzy set is like.”

  “Maybe we will meet a dragon shifters. They can do interesting things with their forked tongues.” Luke spoke up. “Oh look Luther is here.”

  “Ms. Summers. I am so pleased that you called me.” Luther said when he got out of the car. Casting a mean look at Mercedes, “please tell me that Mercedes and her friends are not coming?”

  “Nope, myself, Bryan, Luke, Tina, Krista and Hazel.” Becky confirmed.

  “Excellent. Where are we going?”

  “I need to go to my apartment and get some items that they forgot to grab. Then we are going to grocery store.” Erika replied.

  “Why not use the money they gave you and buy yourself some new clothes?” suggested Hazel. “Treat yourself.”

  “I am saving that money.” Confessed Erika.

  “For what?”

  “A bookstore.” Becky said quietly.

  “A bookstore? Really?” Krista sounded excited. “I love bookstores, there was one that I liked to go to but they never had anything I wanted. Some woman with a sour look on her face, would tell me that she doesn’t sell smut.”

  “Sounds like my old boss Joy.” Erika commented. “What bookstore was it?”

  “Books Galore.” Krista told her.

  “Oh my god, I worked there until yesterday.”

  “How come I never saw you?” Krista wondered.

  “I either may not have been there or in the back going through the new arrivals. We took used books and she would have me go through and sort them. I tried to sneak some of the steamier category romances but she made me put them away if she found out. She said she didn’t want porn in her store.”

  “Oh please give me porn. We could so help you open up the store.” Hazel said excitedly. “Why did she fire you?”

  “Business was slow. And part of the reason why Bryan brought me to the restaurant that night is because he had a feeling that I wasn’t going to be there much longer. I tried to get her to update it but she wouldn’t. I wanted to bring in authors to sign and have a little area for refreshments. Nothing heavy, just coffees, teas. Lemonade that sort of thing. I had it pictured in my head.” Explained Erika.

  “Oh please let us help.” Pleaded Tina. “We would help you. We make enough money with the escort service so you don’t need to pay us. We love books and I think that you can give your old boss a run for her money.”


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