Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection

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Gathering Darkness: A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 101

by Anna Zaires

  Tanner made a circle with his thumb and forefinger. “About this big. And I didn’t notice anything else. It was dark.”

  “Dark.” Melixa quirked an eyebrow. “And a necklace…that was around a female’s neck, I assume?”


  She walked to different table with a computer and sat. Wiggling the mouse, she tapped out a quick series of codes and a screen of different black stones popped up. She looked over her shoulder at Tanner. “You do know that it could simply be a stone, right?”

  “Yeah.” He joined her at the desk, leaning closer, examining the screen. “I just think something is going on with her, but I have shit to go on. Just a hunch.”

  “Well, hunches are worth looking into, especially in Watcher work.” Melixa scrolled down the page. “Problem is, a stone can be used for almost anything. We can hide a drop of liquid inside, or crushed herbs, like the valerian I was just working with. We can burn or carve words or symbols into it, adding magical qualities.” She half turned to Tanner. “Was there anything else about the stone, or maybe about the necklace, that you can remember?”

  He straightened and put his hands on his hips. “The whole thing looked sort of Goth. I met her at Hades. She had a leather thing going on. It was different, but not so unusual that it drew attention.”

  “Jewelry that doesn’t draw attention, on a female wearing leather on the very night of the solstice?” Melixa shook her head as she pulled up a screen of chokers with black stones. “Think harder.”

  Not the necklace, but Saige’s sweet smile popped into his head. The soft look in her eyes when she’d said goodbye in the dark hallway of private rooms, just before she’d sauntered back into the throng in the main part of the club. Her blond hair was tousled from their time together, cascading past her neck to the tops of her breasts. The necklace had reflected slivers of green light, sliding along the thin bars…

  Wait. That hall had been dark.

  No colored flashing lights.

  Nothing to reflect.

  Shit, had it done that in their room too? He ground his molars in frustration. So many details that he could have picked up on, if he hadn’t been so lost to lust.

  But he hadn’t been on a mission. He’d only wanted to get laid and so did she.

  “What?” Melixa tossed a wadded up piece of paper at him. “That teeth grinding is about to turn all growly, if I know you.”

  “The necklace had green light within it.” He shoved a hand through his hair, remembering. “Small pulses along the various sections of silver.”

  “Well, that makes things a hundred percent more interesting,” Melixa said. “Green or blue light can indicate dark magic.”

  “I know. Goddamn it, I thought it was just the flashing lights in the club.”

  “That would be a very clever ruse. Hiding in plain sight.” Her fingers flew across the keys. “Did it look something like this?”

  Tanner peered at the new images on the screen. “Motherfucker. Yeah, that’s a lot like what she had.” On display were several chokers, some with delicate, twisting sections like Saige’s, some with thick chain links. Some silver, some gold, some iron. Different stone options were listed along the side. He scanned the text, and what he read made his blood boil.

  Species-specific metals for maximum control, amulets spelled according to your requirements. Servitude, tracking, obedience. What the ever-loving fuck? A growl escaped his lips. “This shit is just out there, online, for sale?”

  “Yes and no,” Melixa murmured. “It’s available, but it’s insanely expensive and only done through custom order. And not everyone in the realm can conduct a search like I just did. Wolfe has permanent worms in the worst black magic sites, so we can both keep tabs on what they’re selling. Or pretending to sell.”

  He blew out a breath. Logically, he knew this crap existed. He faced assholes on a regular basis who would be all too happy to enslave others and use other weaker creatures for their personal gain.

  But he was used to taking them down in a good hard brawl. Not this sneaky manipulative shit. Magic and spells drove him nuts. He’d take a sword fight or bruising hand-to-hand combat session any time. And Saige was wearing one of these?

  “Fuck!” He clenched his fists. Words wouldn’t form in his mind, pushed out by worry for her and anger at himself.

  “Did she seem wary or nervous, or like she was being watched?” Melixa asked.

  “No. She just seemed like a regular Lash female, out at Hades for the same reason everyone else was.”

  “Can you call her?”

  “I didn’t get her number.” He cast a dark glance at the floor, where a white cat eyed him cautiously before darting across the room. “Can you contact the seller and find out who their clients are?”

  “I can try, but the witches and mages who make these have layer upon layer of red tape before you get to them. Then when you find them, they’re notoriously secretive about their clientele. That’s partly why they charge so much.” She swiveled her chair around to face him. “I will try though. I’ll talk to Wolfe, too, see how well he can hack the sites.”

  “Thank you.” He managed a small smile for his witchy friend. “I may just need to track her down the old fashioned way. I saw her in a shitty part of Halice this morning.”

  “That works too. And it’s probably faster.”

  “Agreed.” Because he would find her. And when he did, he wasn’t letting her walk away. Sweet girl or tough chick? Friendly one night, ignoring him the next day? One and one weren’t adding up to two, and his instincts roared to unravel the mystery of Saige.


  Tanner and his squad landed on the outskirts of Halice in the morning sun. Thank the gods their mission wasn’t complete and their orders were to continue combing the city. In addition to finding the Lash males, he needed to look for Saige.

  And now, armed with the information that she may be in danger, he had reason to break off and pursue her if he saw her. He hoped. He turned to Aleksai as they walked through the city’s arched gate. “Sir, the female I saw yesterday may be in a coercive situation.”

  Aleksai turned skeptical eyes on him. “Explain.”

  “When I met her she was wearing a necklace that may contain dark magic. I spoke to Melix—”

  “How do you know she’s not the one using the dark magic?” Aleksai growled. “You could be walking into a trap.”

  Tanner clasped his hands behind his back, fists balled. “After consulting with Melixa about details of the necklace, I have reason to believe it’s a device used to control. I believe she may be in danger. I request permission to pursue her if we see her.”

  Aleksai stopped, and the team stopped with him. He stared at Tanner, eyes narrowed, assessing. Tanner knew the male was a strict, toe-the-line type, who relished a completed, successful assignment. He didn’t like to go renegade. But he also wouldn’t stand for a weaker creature, especially a female, being used for nefarious purposes.

  “Agreed, Tanner.” Aleksai finally spoke. “But only if we see her, or if you pick up her scent. You will not leave the city without telling me. And you’ll keep me updated of what you find.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you,” Tanner said. Instantly his head cleared, ready to find Saige.

  Raul shot him a quizzical look. “Like a slave collar?”

  “A much more subtle one,” Tanner said. “Mel showed me a bunch for sale online. They look like regular jewelry, not a huge-ass rusty metal thing around your neck.”

  His teammate nodded. “Never seen you obsess over a female. I want to find her too, just to see who’s got your shorts in a wad.”

  Tanner scowled. “She could be in trouble. I’m not obsessed.” No, he’d only thought about her nonstop since he’d met her. And a sudden, unfamiliar anger flared at the thought of Raul checking Saige out. What the hell? Since when did Tanner care who his friend ogled or even slept with?

  He pushed the wayward emotion aside. Find her first. Then de
al with the rest…whatever that may be. Images of the controlling chokers flipped through his mind, and the urgency to ensure her safety surged in his heart.

  The team headed to another decrepit area of the city, having decided to pursue more drug dealers in search of Bach, and hopefully Snake. Crumbling buildings loomed as they approached, and low groans echoed from behind stone walls. The scent of unwashed bodies and the desperation of addiction hung in the air.

  Building by dilapidated building they searched, finding only glassy eyed fae creatures. There was no sign of Snake. No one knew where Bach was though, like yesterday, some were eager to get their hands on him.

  Aleksai shook his head as they exited the last building. “I fucking hate coming up empty-handed. Let’s go back to the areas where we know these boys frequented. Maybe we missed something yesterday, or maybe there’ll be new faces to question today.”

  They walked back toward the nicer part of town. The sidewalks became neater, accented with flowers popping up from the grass instead of scruffy, determined weeds. The green expanse of a park stretched out ahead. Tanner scanned it but didn’t detect any of the scents that accompanied addicts and dealers. No, just college students, some baby sitters—

  He inhaled sharply. Saige.

  “She’s here.” Feet frozen, he stopped and drew another breath, taking in her scent deeply like he couldn’t live without it. Eyes darting left to right, he scanned the trees.

  “You sure?” Aleksai asked.

  Tanner nodded. “I’ll get back to you.” He took off at a jog, toward a cluster of assorted demons and fae talking under a big oak.

  Saige’s scent grew stronger, but then seemed to dissipate. She’d been here, very recently. She couldn’t be far. He slowed, eyes roving the group. No one paid him any attention.

  He rounded the tree and found himself looking down a double row of tall moss draped trees. They lined a lengthy stone path that led to some of the campus buildings.

  And standing in the middle of the path, down a hundred feet, with a Lash male, was Saige.

  Gods, she was beautiful. She looked sleek and tough somehow, but her vulnerability spilled through her scent.

  “Saige!” He bellowed.

  She whirled, eyes wide with shock. The male turned too, looking wholly unperturbed. He said something to her and she shook her head.

  Tanner took off at full speed, determined not to let her slip away. She took the other demon’s hand and started to walk down the path, but Tanner was there in an instant. “Saige.” Fury and concern beat a pounding rhythm in his heart. “Wait.”

  “Go away, Tanner,” she hissed, and turned.

  What? He laid a hand on her slender shoulder, her smooth skin bared by her black tank top. A bunch of metal bracelets jangled on her arms, and leather pants completed her look. “No. Not without you telling me why.” He shot a dark glance to the other male, who finally looked scared as he stared up at Tanner. “You don’t need to stick around.”

  The male had a blank expression on his face, like he wasn’t firing on all cylinders.

  “You can’t be around me, Tanner. Go away before this gets ugly.” Her voice was hard, but he could hear her heart racing, could sense her panic.

  “Just tell me why. I need to make sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be?” She glared at him. “Now, just g—”

  A twig snapped behind her and she jumped, turning so fast Tanner thought she’d fall. Two giggling students, a male and female Lash, emerged from the trees.

  Saige heaved out a breath. “Just go.”

  Tanner eyed her. Her nervousness and her relief were obvious. Who did she think she was fooling? “Think you and I need to have a talk.”

  “We can’t talk. We can’t do anything, okay?” she whispered. “We had one night. It was fun, but that’s it. You have to go.”

  “No, Saige. Tell your friend goodbye, and then talk to me.”


  Oh gods. Why wouldn’t he listen? Saige fought panic as Tanner towered over her, muscular and handsome, and definitely not leaving. They’d been standing here too long. If she’d been followed, the Vipers now knew about him. Shit, shit, shit.

  How had he found her? She’d avoided the places she’d seen him before. Damn it. Determination radiated from him, green eyes assessing her in an unnerving way. Like he knew more about her than he should, given their virtual lack of conversation the other night.

  Her stomach clenched and her options flashed before her eyes. Oh, gods, she was going to have to reveal her ability. There was no way she could walk away from this, and no way she’d use her power on Tanner. But she had to assume the Vipers were watching and if she didn’t do something, Logan would suffer.

  Turning to the college-age male she’d been about to take, she laid a hand on his arm. “You’re done giving us directions to the museum. Now you need to get to class.”

  Blinking, he nodded his head. “I need to get to class.” He smiled at Saige, then paled as he took in Tanner’s glare. “Uh, yeah, have fun at the museum.” He took off down the path.

  Tanner’s big hand surrounded hers, warm, but all-encompassing and not about to let go. “What the fuck was that?”

  “Tanner.” She turned to him, ready to drown in his eyes. They flared with palpable emotion. He radiated safety and goodness, and she wanted to melt into his arms. But that could spell his death. Her breath was erratic as her heart stumbled over itself. “You want to talk, fine. But you need to come with me and listen closely.”

  He raised a brow. She bet no one told him what to do, ever, except maybe his superior officers.

  “Your life depends on doing what I say. Come with me, but don’t speak unless I speak first. Walk a little bit behind me. And don’t take out any weapons. Please.” Her last word was whispered, begging. She didn’t want him to die. She didn’t want anyone to die.

  His gorgeous green eyes studied her for a second. “I’ll agree, but if we come under attack, all bets are off. And I expect a full explanation of everything you just said and did.”

  “Okay.” A huge sigh of relief escaped her. “Let’s go.” She kept hold of his hand, drawing strength from their connection and somehow filled with the sense that he wanted to help her. Then again, he may be planning to interrogate her. She bit her lip, wondering how in the world he was making her feel reassured and afraid at the same time. But she had already shown what she was capable of, so there was no going back. She just hoped he’d listen to her with an open mind.

  She walked quickly down the path under trees hanging with sweet smelling moss, and turned down a side path. It led to the one place in the city she could go to escape vigilance and threats.

  The Halice library.

  Huge gray stone walls rose from well-kept lawns. Gargoyles were carved into the elaborate façade, and perched on the turrets as well. Rumor was that they were simply stone, but Saige wasn’t so sure. Libraries contained such a wealth of information, and most were so old that the realm was in universal agreement that they were worthy of the strongest wards. After all, the knowledge in the ancient tomes needed to be protected. And even though more and more information was now stored online, the strong library wards remained in place.

  Saige walked up the steps and led Tanner through the glass doors. No one with malicious intent could enter. The wards were so strong they identified the deepest wishes of the beating hearts that sought entrance.

  “Interesting.” Tanner’s deep voice rumbled at her back.

  Saige shot him a glance. Nerves still churned her stomach. Though they were away from prying Viper eyes, they weren’t totally safe yet. Farther back she led him, to the center of the huge building. Another set of doors, these made of beautifully carved wood, loomed before them. Above the entrance, in ancient Demonish, two words were elegantly chiseled into the wall. “Rare Books.”

  Saige led him into the room, where they were welcomed by soaring mahogany shelves and the delicious smell of ol
d paper and leather. Skylights high above allowed rays to pierce through tall bookcases and filter onto tables where only a few creatures pored over open volumes. Dust motes floated in the quiet rays of sun, lending a peaceful quality to the venerable space.

  Her shoulders sagged in relief. Safe. They were in. On top of the library’s already strong wards, this room contained even more powerful ones. No one with evil in his heart, who sought the destruction of innocents, would be able to enter and glean any knowledge from these special books.

  Tanner’s hand slid to the small of her back. “I’m guessing the pretense is over?”

  She nodded. “Yes. There’s a spot over there where we won’t bother anyone.” She walked past row upon row of books, to a nook in a corner. The shelves near it essentially walled it off from library patrons, unless someone was searching specifically for a book in this section. Alone at last, she leaned against one wall and dropped her eyes to his boots. “I’m sorry about all this.”

  “Hey.” His strong fingers cupped her jaw, lifting her head up. “Look at me.”

  She complied, and the softness of his voice, coupled with the concern in his eyes, slayed her. He hadn’t judged her—yet. He didn’t know the full extent of what she could do, what she had already done.

  “Tell me what’s going on.”

  She bit her lip. Once she spilled her story, told him about her ability, he might be angry. Maybe even bring her in to the Lash Commander for some kind of punishment. But she’d promised him answers. “I’m afraid.”

  To her surprise, a low chuckle escaped him. “That’s obvious.” He gave her a small smile that faded quickly as his fingers traced her collar. “This...” He shook his head. “This isn’t what it seems. It’s not just a necklace. Am I right, Saige?”

  Oh gods. She had to tell him. Didn’t want to lie to him. “Yes.”

  “Who put this on you?” His voice was low and full of coiled anger.

  “Tanner,” she whispered. “Promise me you won’t leave until I get a chance to explain everything.”


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